


San Antonio, TX

Monday December 27, 2004

     11:04am  I just woke up.

     8:02pm  I spent all day again typing. Well, not so much typing. I went through all the pictures I have and inserted the links to them in the story. Let me see how many pictures I've already put in. I'm going to stop for the day. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and play Tetrinet for the rest of the night.

                   102 pictures so far. I've got hundreds more to develop.

     10:00pm  I've just decided I'm going to walk all the way to Walmart and buy some blank CD's. I've done so much work I have to back it up. Wups, forgot my bag. I need to go back to the house.

                      I'm outside walking again. Guess how I'm going to get to the Walmart. I'm going to take the nature hike through the woods. I'm not going to walk the street straight there.

                      I just walked in the park and there's a cop in the parking lot. I should tell him, "Hey man, this park it closed to vehicular traffic after sundown. Get out of here."

                      That cop was all driving by the soccer field shining his light looking for people or something. He started turning the car around to leave and I walked right in front of him. His headlights were on me and I just turned around and gave him the peace sign and just kept walking. I was meant to come to the park right now. So that cop could see me and go talk about me at the station and tell all the cops at the base, "He's back, he's back."

                      It's really cool that I get to stay home and type so much until the end of the year. I'll be sure not to have another head injury this year. Remember, I'm due for one.

     10:50pm  Passing the Legalize Herb thing and Snarlwood. Oh man, I miss this walk.

     11:05pm  I'm at the Walmart now. I sped walked the whole way from home. I didn't stop to rest one time.

     11:34pm  I went to Walmart and bought my stuff. Then I decided, "Screw it, I'm going to walk to Taco Cabana, I'm hungry." Then I'll walk home. I've got my CD's. Well, as I was walking through the parking lot I saw these young dudes walking out of the lot. Jacob and Drew. I went up to them and asked them, "You guys want to smoke some weed?" I had brought the very little bit I had left. Jacob said, "Yeah!" Well, it turns out that they were on there way to smoke some weed on the other side of the fence themselves. I only had enough for like a bowl and Jacob told me not to worry about it. That we would smoke their stuff. Jacob just gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, bro.

     11:42pm  Drew is going to give me his email address.

                     Did you have one?

                     Jacob: "I'm Jacob. My email address is"

                     I'll send you guys some really interesting non-fiction.

     12:05am  Just behold what happened tonight. I had been cooped up at home. I had spent over a whole month not doing anything besides typing. I didn't walk straight to the Walmart. I took my nature trail all the way back there. I bought my CD's and went and looked around the food section for a bit. I thought I was going to get some cereal. I said, "Screw it, I still have some Total cereal at home." Then I leave the Walmart and start walking towards the Taco Cabana so I could eat for the walk home. All of a sudden I see these two kids. It seemed like they were going out to a car. I walked up to them and said, "Hey, you guys want to smoke some weed?" They ended up smoking me out. I got to unleash my presentation on them and in the end Drew gave me a ten dollar gift card to Best Buy.

                     Oh yeah, and Drew offered to give me a ride to my mom's house. Right now we're going to the Taco Cabana. Oh yeah! I was telling Drew about my webpage. I told him, "I haven't released it yet, but if you have a computer I can put it on your computer." He told me he had a laptop. Then he asked me, "Would you want to do it right now?" I said, "Well, I would have to go to my mom's and burn a CD, then go over and put it on your computer because I can't spare the CD." He said, "That's Okay, I have nothing to do."

                      I'm all stoned.

     1:14am  Man, I just got home. The most magical shit happened tonight. I was just tired of being cooped up in the house all day. All I had been doing was just staying home on the computer. Then I got the urge to walk to the Walmart to buy some blank CD's so I could make backups. After I bought them I contemplated buying cereal and I walked to the food side. I changed my mind about the cereal. I was walking through the Walmart parking lot headed towards the Taco Cabana. All of a sudden I see these two kids walking by. I still had a tiny bit of weed left from the stuff I bought off Teo a long time ago. This Jacob dude ended up having some weed of his own. Actually, that's what they were on their way to do, smoke weed. We smoked and I told them my story in the woods right next to the Walmart. I had told them, "I've done so much work on it, and it's awesome the way it is now. Do any of you guys have a computer?" Drew told me, "Yeah, my mom just gave me a new laptop. We can go do that right now if you want to." He brought me back to my mom's house and I burned a CD. We smoked some weed on the back porch. Then we went to his house and I put my webpage on his laptop. Pictures and everything.

                     See how things happen? See how it works? If any minute detail of tonight had been different, if I would have not decided to go the way I did. Hell, even if I would have gone out the Walmart out the other door or anything else, none of this would have happened.

                     Oh yeah, Drew ended being from Colorado. He said he was from the Garden of the Gods. I told him, "Hmm, Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs, right?" He told me yeah.

                     I'm tired. I'm going to go to bed. I'm worried. I should really stop smoking.

                     Please Love, help me quit smoking and heal me up.

                     Oh yeah, I bought some soap at the Walmart too.

Next day..

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