


San Antonio, TX

Sunday December 28, 2003

     5:44am  The next day. The 28th. Sunday.

     7:00am  I woke up again. Man, I woke up at the butt-crack of dawn this morning. I woke up like at 5:30am. I crashed out last night early. I was exhausted from all the walking I did. My feet feel so much better. I rested good. There's nothing like a good night's sleep to rest aching feet.

                   It's like everybody else's lives, all these Babylonians, are so monotonous. It's the same shit every day. Over and over and over. They are not experiencing change. They're not evolving. They're not learning. They're stuck. I mean, anybody can have this free life like I have. It's awesome. I am taken care of. The universe provides. It's like . . . why not?

     7:09am  Ms. Gallegos was nice enough to give me a courtesy ride on the 92. I appreciate it, Ms. Gallegos.

                   And just like that, I'm off.

     7:24am  I'm still on the bus. See, people need to understand that I don't think I know it all. I don't know the answers to everything. But, the leaps I am taking are certainly in the right direction.

     7:37am  I got off the 92 at Travis Park. I don't know what I'm going to do. I'm going to go walk on The Riverwalk and talk to tourists.

                   Downtown San Antonio is just magical, man. All these old, tall buildings. It's like stuck it time. It's just awesome. I wish I had like a camera in my eye, so everyone could see the stuff I saw.

     7:42am  I'm in front of the Travis Park Church. This big breeze came through, so I'm going to put on my army pants. I'm going to take my shorts off right here on the sidewalk. Haha, I got my Sponge Bob boxers on.

     7:49am  After I layered up I walked down the sidewalk a little bit and realized that I should probably go to the Greyhound station and take a piss. Then go to the riverwalk.

     8:08am  I saw some hip looking kid walking back and forth on the other side of the river. I went to under this bridge I'd passed and I saw the kid again. I yelled across the river, "Hey, wanna smoke a bowl?" He said, "Yeah, sure!" He's going to come over on my side of the river. Cool. Welcome to San Antonio.

     8:45am  I told Richard I would show him around and give him a tour of San Antonio. It turns out he's on the streets, too. We walked up to Travis Park and we're going to wait for the 91.

     8:55am  Richard was all, "I don't have any money." I told him not to worry about it, we'd try and get courtesy rides on the bus. He was all uncomfortable about it, but when the 92 came up I hit the lady driver up and she smiled and let us both on. He was all surprised.

     9:40am  I'm on the elevator going up to the hospital. going to go see if I can snag me some liquid nutrition. I brought Richard to the hospital. When we got off the bus I told him, "Hey, I'm going to go see if I can score us some food. I'll be right back."

     9:44am  Sweet, I just scammed four Boosts! I filled up my cargo pant pockets. Awesome.

                   I came back down to the buses and handed Richard a Boost telling him, "The universe provides." He looked all astonished and gulped down the nutrients.

     10:05am  Good 'ol Mr. Rendon. Hooking it up with a courtesy ride. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Dude, that was awesome. When I first got on the bus I told the driver, "I'm trying to show my friend how much love this city has." He told me no at first, then I told him what I was doing. I told him I was a long-distance walker and he said, "Yeah, you look like a Rastafarian." I threw some scripts at him and he hooked it up in the end.

                     Cool, and Mr. Rendon is giving me a couple transfers for the cause.

     10:45am  We walked down Fredericksburg to the plasma place and went behind it. That ditch I smoked that guy out at yesterday.

     11:05am  Now, we're walking the trail that goes into these woods back here. I always wondered where they led. I used to see people back here walking their dogs years ago. I just passed an old campsite with all these tarps. Some homeless people crash here.

     11:47am  We're back on the bus. I asked this dude if he could spare thirty cents for a transfer and he handed me a dollar. I told him, "Nah, that's cool. I just need thirty cents. I don't want to sacrifice a whole dollar for a couple transfers." This dude Ivan said, "It's cool, keep it."

     11:48am  The 91 bus driver ended up being one I asked for a courtesy ride the other day. I went up to him and told him, "Hey sir, all I have is a dollar here. I only need a couple transfers. Are you going to make me sacrifice this whole dollar to the farebox? It's all I have." He tells me, "You asked me for a free ride yesterday and now you want some transfers?" I told him, "Well, that's cool. Thanks anyway. I'll pay with the dollar," and proceeded to insert the dollar. He said, "Nah, don't do it, man. I'll hook you up." Hehe, he knows he's in the book.

     12:17pm  It's so cool that the bus driver hooked me up with two transfers and I didn't have to break that dollar. Now, I'm going to show Richard around.

     12:35pm  I was showing Richard that trail I had cleared behind the apartments at West. I came out and I saw this dude. I saw him smoking so I asked him if he could spare a cigarette. He said, "I don't have one, but do you want to hit this joint?" Lupe smoked me out. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:47pm  Man, that was badass that I walked out of the trail and that dude smoked me out. Richard walked off to catch the bus, I think.

                     Oh yeah, starting today I am getting these sharp jolts of pain in one of my teeth. Before it was just sore, but now they're little sharp jabs. This sucks. I have to go to the dentist. I gotta go to the UT Health Science Center and have the students check me out. For a lot cheaper.

                      I don't want people to follow me. I want you to choose your own path. Just choose wisely.

     1:52pm  I caught a 91 and got off on Datapoint/Fredericksburg  Road. I walked over down to Gardendale and Nick, at Smitty's Pub hooked me up with a cigarette.

                    I should go to that guy's apartment over by Fairhaven, by the end of Horizon Hill. A long ass time ago, during Fiesta, I walked by one night and asked him if he wanted to hit the peace pipe. I ended up hanging out with them all night. They were all barbequing and everything. I told them all my stories and smoked them out. He even let me crash in his car that night. I'm going to go say hi to him again. Let's see if he remembers me. I think he told me his name was Tony Montana, or something.

                    He recognized me right when he opened the door. He said, "What's going on, man?" I'm going to smoke a bowl with him now. Awesome.

                    His name isn't Tony Montana. I forgot what he told me. Oh yeah, I told him, "Yeah, just let me tell you cities I went through, so I won't have to tell you the whole story. He told me, "Hey man, you walk a lot, right?" I told him I walked for a living. He told me he had a jacket that was perfect for me. It is a bit chilly.

                    Badass, he gave me a bigass thick jacket. It's comfy. It's all warm. He said, "Yeah, it's a four hundred dollar jacket but I got it for free."

     2:20pm  How badass. It's a big reversible thick jacket. It's perfect! And, it's blue and black just like the rest of my uniform.

                   Cool, Robert(his name) is going to smoke a fat joint with me.

     3:10pm  I jumped on the 91. I had a transfer. I'm going back downtown.

     3:20pm  The 91 stopped by the Jack in the Box on Fredericksburg/410. I was hungry, so I told the driver next stop. But he had already passed it and was stuck in traffic in front of the Jack in the Box. Since the 91 is a Limited Stop route the next one was far away. I asked the driver if he could let me out. He thought about it for a minute and then opened the door. Cool.

     3:37pm  I went and ate and when the 92 came up, the driver gave me a courtesy ride . . . again.

     3:57pm  I'm at Travis Park. Cool, that 92 let me on. She said, "Oh, I've given you rides before. Get on." Anyway, I'm going to drink a Boost. I snagged five of those things earlier. I gave two to Richard. I keep getting those pains in my teeth and I'm going to stop smoking cigarettes, again. Let's see how long this lasts.

     4:28pm  I'm going to ask the North Star Bus, the #4 for a ride. The #4 told me no. She said, "That's eighty cents, sir."

Next day..

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