


San Francisco to Oakland, CA

Tuesday December 31, 2002

                   The time is now 5:35am. I just caught the bus to Beach and Powell. Man, the city is dead. Someone told me to catch the 15 somewhere. Ahh, I'm going to ride the bus around all day I guess. I'll rest my feet.

                   It's been a better morning so far. I was on the bus earlier this morning, not knowing what I was going to do. Then I realized, "Oh shit! I don't have my Gilligan-hat." I remembered that I had it last night when I slept in the rain because I remembered I had to put it over my face so rain wouldn't fall in my eyes. I probably left it up there when I got up at 3am. So now I have to go back to Golden Gate park and get it, because I can't lose that hat. It's my trademark hat.

                   That's where I am right now. Oh yeah, when I came to Golden Gate Park the bathroom was empty. Badasss, I got a little privacy. I took a shit and my boots off. One of these homeless guys I hung out with recently gave me an extra pair of socks. I was on the my last pair which I had been wearing for like 2 days and they were all wet and nasty. I went in the bathroom and sat down on the toilet. Oh yeah, and my rainsuit pants ripped real bad. I them off. It almost ripped all the way around the leg. I took both pieces of my rainsuit off. I came back where I slept and there was my hat! Badass. It's all wet though. Okay, that's enough waste of tape for now. I'll walk around and let my hat dry.

                   Okay, well today has kind of been a sad day for me. I don't know what I'm going to do. Being homeless ain't that bad. 

                   Right now it's about 9:14am, I'm walking down South Street. Wow, this place is just like they show on TV. All the houses all close together. It's awesome. I'm glad I got to walk this at least. Well shit, I got plenty of time here.

                   Time is about 9:24am. I just walked up Masonic to Haight. Wow, it's really nice out here.

                   I'm standing outside the civic center with Erica and Alex. It's about noon on the 31st, New Year's Eve. I am just telling them how I'm going to save the world and they think I can do it.

                   The time is now 12:23pm. I walked into the San Francisco Public Library. I'm trying to find a place to go type up my book. Lemme see if they'll let me use a computer.

                   Library is at 24th and Mission. It's on 24th, between Mission and Valencia.

                   Damnit, I came up here and asked the lady. She asked me if I had a library card. I told her no, but she let me use a computer anyway. That's where I am right now.

                   At the fist library by the civic center I was told I needed a library card. She informed me that the library on Mission didn't require a card. I walked over to Mission Street and explained my whole story to this girl who worked there. She didn't have the authority to make such a decision. I hope they let me type up my stuff.

                   I got off on the first floor. I was on the lower level before. I went and talked to the children's librarian and told him my story. He told me if I wanted to use the computer, that I would have to go up to the third floor to get an access number then go all the way back down to the lower level entrance.

                   I'm in the elevator on the way to get my number. Then I'll go all the way back down to the lower level and use the computer, hopefully. Man, what a bitch. In San Antonio, it's a lot easier. You just walk in and jump on a computer.

                   I got off the elevator on the third floor and walked up to a desk. The lady asked me if I wanted to use a computer and I told her she read my mind. I asked her if they had called her from downstairs and told her I was coming. She said yes.

                   Anyway, I am riding the elevator all the way back down to the lower level. I'm going to use the computer since I have my number now. Argh, this bag is killing me.

                   I started typing up my thing. First I had to listen to all my tapes and organize them in order. I took like ten minutes and I started typing. Soon afterwards, I got really tired. Man, I need to go take a nap. Damnit, I don't have a home, hehe. Hmmm, where can I go? Maybe I'll go find a place in the woods. I got all ready and left. I get to the door and it's raining outside. That sucks, now I can't go sleep anywhere. Man, I wish I had some friends in this town. This sucks.

                   Oh yeah, I finally got a hold of Chasity on someone else's cellphone. I told her to guess where I was. I told her that not only did I get to California in two days, but that I was already in San Francisco. She freaked. I asked her if she had her friends Elizabeth's phone number because I wanted to meet her. She said she didn't know her number. I think she was lying. God damnit. This girl Elizabeth was the only contact I had in San Francisco(well, not really, but from how Chasity described her she seemed cool). Before I had left San Antonio, I had told Chasity that I wanted to meet her friend Elizabeth and Chasity said she would probably agree with me. She should have told me she didn't have her number then. Unless she's lying and doesn't want me to meet her. She probably didn't take me seriously when I told her I was going to California.

                   Cool, I'm on the bus now and I just read a sign that says the subway is free on New Years Eve, so I'm going to ride it sometime today. That will be cool.

                   Badass, back right after I left the library, I caught some bus to this crazy ass neighborhood in the hills where it looked just like the show Full House on TV. I got off at the top and decided to go exploring. I went to some restaurant and asked for a cup of water. I sat down inside and had some of my Muscle Blast 2000. Afterwards, I wanted a cigarette. I walked outside and sat down on a big wooden bench and just then some guy walked by smoking and I was actually able to bum one off him. Badass. Right now I'm just walking around San Francisco recording myself and everything's cool. Badass.

                   When I turned some corner, I made eye-contact with this black lady. She yelled happy new year at me and I yelled it back. She opens her arms and yells, "Where's my hug?" I told her it was coming and walked over and gave her a great big hug. When I let go she asked me "Do you have fifty cents??" I told her I was broke just like her. I told her I was traveling without money. She said if I needed a place to crash that I could at a nearby church. I told her thanks and started walking towards the church. I can always use a nap.

                   Okay, the church is located at 3rd and Oakdale, I think. Wow, this town is awesome. Everything's so hilly. Hmm, I think I'm in South San Francisco right now. I just saw a sign.

                   I am just amazed at this city. I never thought any place could be so cool. This is my current favorite place right now. It's just so interesting. It's all so up and down. It's not like anywhere else. It's awesome. I'm really glad I came on this bus. I just kind of ended up on it.

                   This city is just immense. It's awesome. Okay, the time is about 5pm. I'm just roaming around downtown now. I rode the bus out of that neighborhood. I saw a pretty hot girl on the bus just right now. She's pretty, not hot. I had overheard her and her friend talking about how a part we had just passed was from that show Full House. I leaned over and said, "Yeah, you're right. Are you guys from San Francisco?" They said yes and I told them I had left walking from San Antonio, Texas. They gave me a strange look and said that was amazing. I told them I didn't walk all the way, but I would have. They got off at the next stop and didn't seem too interested. Oil well. I made them think I was crazy, but that's cool. Pretty soon I'm going to show everybody exactly how crazy I really am.

                   Okay, I'm walking down Fillmore, just passed Pacific. I see this lady over there smoking a cigarette. Lemme go check if she has a spare one. Actually, I think that's a guy, not a lady. This is San Francisco, after all. It walked off when it saw me coming, so it probably knew what I was up to.

                   Wow, these buildings are awesome! I want to move to San Francisco now.

                   Okay, the time right now is about 5:05pm, not too long since I recorded the last entry. I'm at the intersection of Broadway and Fillmore. Man, these streets are all hilly. It's so steep here, they had to put stairs instead of regular sidewalk. This place is awesome. Must be the rich part of town. You can see all the water in the bay from here. Wow, this is beautiful. Best vacation I've ever had. Not to mention, the cheapest.

                   I'm walking up Buchanan Road. Just about to pass the Pacific. I'm going uphill now, so I'm tired. I got this big weight on my back too.

                   Whoa, I just came to the California Pacific Medical Center. All these doctors work in this big skyscraper on top of the hill. I bet these dumb doctors feel on-top-of-the-world because they have so much money. I wonder if I can crash in this neighborhood tonight. Nah, they'll probably call the cops on me. Hehe, maybe I should go to jail in San Francisco, it'll be an excellent learning experience.

                   Now I'm at the corner of Sacramento and Buchanan. There's no big view at the top of the hill, it just goes down. Damn, there is just so much to explore.

                   Okay, now I'm at the corner of Laguna and California. Turning left and hiking up the hill.

                   Man, this town is amazing. Oh, there's a park right there. Maybe I'll go walk through the park.

                   I just met this guy named George and he told me the name of this neighborhood. It's called Pacific Heights. George is really cool. He told me all the secrets to this hood. Badass, I'm going to have fun here. George even gave me this big bag of dried candy, salted fruit. It was yummy. That guy was cool. San Francisco rocks.

                   I'm waiting for the bus now. It's about 6:36pm. I'm at the corner of Gough and Sacramento.

                   I passed a hardware store on the bus and decided to get out. All I need to fix my rain-pants is some duct-tape. When I walked up I saw the guy locking the door. I asked him if they were closed already and he said they closed at 5:30pm. So bummer. Oh yeah, I forgot it was New Year's Eve. That's right, I wanted to ride the subway tonight since it's free.

                   The coolest shit just happened. I was walking down Polk and I passed this place called Victor's Pizza. Man, that pizza's got my name on it. So I went in there to see if they would hook me up. Sure enough, the dude gave me a big slice. Mmmm, it was good. Alright.

                   Now I'm walking towards, umm I'll wait for a bus to come and I'll go to the subway.

                   I'm going down into the subway finally. The time is now 9:11pm. Cool.

                   Okay, I'm riding the subway. I'm catching the MUNI subway. I don't know where. I'll just go wherever I end up.

                   Whoa, there's this big shindig going on downtown. Embarcadero, I think the train stop was. Man, my shoulders hurt. My feet hurt. Fuck it, it's new years. I'm going to party like it's 1999!

                   Okay, I'm at the place. Man, this place is jumping. I can see a big Coca Cola blimp coming over here. There's spotlights in the sky. Wow, this is going to be fun, I think. Man, I wanna get stoned.

                   Oh yeah, that was a Saturn blimp, not a Coca Cola blimp. I saw it from far away and it was red and white.

                   Damn, I hate crowds. The time is about 11:20pm and I am tempted to leave. I really am. There's like nothing to do here. People are just standing around bullshitting. It doesn't help that I came alone and I'm traveling cross-country by myself. Crazy.

                   The fireworks show better be worth all this hoopla. It sucks, because these people I was sitting next to, I smelled them smoking weed. I was like, "Hey, what's that good smelling stuff?" The dude said, "What?!" He thought I was talking shit to him. I told him I just wanted to know what that good stuff I smelled was(like I didn't know). He asked me if I wanted some and I told him yeah, just one hit. Then he said, "Oh, I'll sell you some."  Eventually, he gave me a couple hits so I guess he's cool. I guess. Anyway, they probably think I'm a lamer for coming here by myself. Fuck it, man. I'm traveling. I'm in San Francisco. I should be having some fun. Screw it, I'm going to get everything I can out of this. Like I said, I take advantage of every opportunity I get(or make for myself). Advantages are better than disadvantages. I got to ride on the subway to get here. Something I had never done before. Now, I'm going to see the fireworks show.
                   Oh shit, here come the cops. I can hear sirens. Hmm, I got a bad feeling about this. I was thinking I should've gone and just crashed in the park for the night, because this place might get bombed or something. There's a huge mob of people. Shit, maybe it's just a stunt. I don't know. Damn, it would be crazy if they told everyone to evacuate. There are people as far as the eye can see. Crazy. Well Okay, I'm wasting too much tape here. Man, I wish I had a girlfriend. A girlfriend would be really nice right now. This would actually be fun with a girlfriend. Okay, that's enough talk. I'm glad I at least got to smoke a little weed. Tonight would have been totally shitty if I hadn't at least gotten stoned on New Years Eve 2003 in San Francisco. Later on. This is going to be a damn good book.

                   Damnit, my tremor in my arm is acting up. It's cold. I was going to look through my army bag and get another shirt, but I'll look like a homeless person putting on clothes at this party. Oh well. Screw it. I'm cold.

                   I cannot for the life of me, with a crowd this big, believe that there is not an advertisement anywhere trying to sell something for money. It's amazing. I can't believe it. I would totally expect it.

                   Well, something is happening. I hear some speakers or something. Oh yeah, this is lame. This is all they're going to do before the show. This is the only entertainment there is, just other people? Well, I guess that's all you need. Yuck, everyone's all holidayed up. Just so they can say they came here on New Years 2003. Shit, it's kind of a cool day, but not that cool. Oh yeah, I just remembered I had some of that dried fruit that George gave me. Badass.

                   I think this is going to be a awesome fireworks show and I am right underneath it. Awesome.

                   I think people are giving me funny looks because I am talking into my tape recorder. Fuck it. If I'm alone I have to entertain myself, don't I? At least I got stoned. That was cool.

                   Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that today I figured out a new way to wear my soccer shoe bag. usually, when I wore my Adidas bag on my chest with my army bag on my back, it would always slip down my arms. Ahh, it's hard to explain. It just doesn't anymore and it works better. Oh yeah, and this big army bag that's always on my back acts as a portable recliner. I can just sit down on the ground and lean back on it. I am going to enjoy this fireworks show. 

                   Hmm, I have to enhance this experience a little. I'm going to put my CD player on. Why not? I'm by myself. I don't have anyone to talk to. I'm going to jam out and watch fireworks. Shweet. Man, I'm stoned.

                   Okay, the time now is about 11:47pm. 13 minutes until the end of the year.

                   Ahh, I finally saw the big marketing plug that they have been saving. Before now, there were no advertisements. Now they have this big plane flying over with this lit-up sign. It has nothing to do with celebrating. It says, "MEET JOE MILLIONAIRE" or something like that. Who the fuck is Joe Millionaire?

                   Okay, five minutes until midnight. Man, I can't believe I came all the way to California now. I didn't plan anything. I took off walking to California, scored a ride for free and I end up at the biggest party in the world. Okay, there's that advertisement plane again. I'm going to read what it says. Let's see, it says, "Don't miss Joe Millionaire Monday at 9pm." Weird, it doesn't say a channel or anything.

                   Everyone is wowing and yelling. I don't see anything though. There's no big fireworks. It's almost time, unless my watch is off or something.

                   Hmm, my watch says 12 now, but there aren't any fireworks.

                   Wow, that was totally not fun at all. Like I've said, I celebrate every day. I don't need holidays. Today is no different. This year is no different than any other one we have had. They're all 365 24 hour days. Oh well, I'm going to go and find a place to sleep.

                   Damn, this shit is crazy. Man, I should've left a good ten minutes before midnight. Hell, I should never have came. I'm in the middle of one huge mob now. Everyone is heading for the subway. Ah ha, that's why the subway was free tonight. That's the only reason. So they could get all these people here to see the advertisements to make money. Damned money.

                   I was walking alongside the barrier containing the crowd and I noticed it was low enough for me to step over, because I'm so tall. These cops were there and I yelled to one of them, "Sir, do you mind if I step over?" He said ok so I hopped the barrier. Badass.

                   I was walking down the sidewalk and these girls saw me talking into my recorder and asked me if I was writing a book. I asked them for their names and they said Stevie and Dana.

                   Okay, I am in San Francisco. This is New Year's 2003. I met these girls who told me I looked like I needed some pussy. They said I had to make some changes though. Stevie told me to get some pussy, I would have to shave my goatee, wear baggy jeans and 3 T-shirts.

                   I was walking up the street past the mob. I went up to a cop and asked him where I could get some water. He told me there was a store three blocks away. I could've sworn I already walked three blocks. I got to this other fat Chinese cop. I asked him if he knew where I could get some water and he said he didn't know. I told him the other cop told me there was a gas station nearby. He went, "Oh yeah, the gas station is right there." I told him, "Well, now you know," and just walked off.

                   Whoa, I just got this big impulse to explore. I'm going to go check out Oakland. Hmm, I'm going to hop on the BART. It comes at 3am, which is like half an hour away. Hmm, BJ lives in Oakland, last I heard. Maybe I'll run into him. If not, I'll learn a new town. I'm going exploring. These boots are made for walking. Hmm, I could use a shower. Maybe I'll find BJ(yeah right) and he'll let me take a shower.

                   The time now is 1:37am. This night has taken such a turn. I walked to Market Street and rode the elevator down to the subway part below. I asked people how much fare was and they told me $1.50. Cool thing that my friend George hooked me up with change. I didn't even ask him for it. Earlier, he had asked me if I had ridden the BART yet and I told him no, that I would bum some change for that, since I probably couldn't score a courtesy ride. He immediately reached into his pocket and pulled out some change. I told him, "Dude, I wasn't implying anything, go ahead and keep your change." He told me he wanted me to have it and I thanked him. He gave me those good Chinese candies earlier too. To the victor go the spoils, I guess. I'll probably overuse that phrase throughout my entire trip.

                   Oh yeah, with that money I was able to buy a bottle of water at the gas station. At the gas station I had some of my Muscle Blast 2000 and walked to the subway terminal on Market Street. I walked up to the lady behind the glass. She told me I had to buy tickets from the machines on the wall. I counted the remaining change I had, 75 cents. So I went back to the lady and told her, "I only have this change, will you let it slide? The fare is $1.50 right?" She told me it was $1.10. I reached into my other pocket, making it seem like I had more money. I guess she was in the holiday spirit because she told me not to worry about it. I thanked her and held out my hand with the 75 cents. She refused it and told me to have a happy new year. Another free ride.
                   I'm on my way to Oakland now. I'm going to hunt BJ down. I don't even know if he still lives there. He'll hear about me eventually. Later on.

Next day..

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