

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Monday December 31, 2007

     6:58pm  I just bought a new tape recorder at the Walmart. My mom had given me the money a couple days ago, but I hadn't gone yet. I didn't really need one. I was writing stuff down in my composition book. I wasn't doing much at home, anyway. Man, I get so bored these days just sitting on the computer with nothing left to do. I wanted to leave already. I was thinking about leaving on the first. I was going to spraypaint the fence and everything. But, I've decided I'm going to wait until I get a package from Clea. She's got that peace shirt of mine that says war will never be the answer. It's from Puerto Rico and I wanted to have it when I went to New York. She's also got my indispensable Knork. So, I'm going to hold out for that.
                   I realized, hey, since I'm holding off, I can walk around the loop again! I'm thinking tomorrow I'll start, but I'm going to walk in the opposite direction as last time, counter-clockwise. I'll go South first. Bandera to Bandera again. Anyway, I'm glad I have a new tape recorder now and don't have to be writing stuff down. I skipped a couple days because nothing was happening. All I did was sit on the computer and spam for peace on IRC. I'm pissing so many people off. I don't care. I kind of want them to take me out already, so I can rest, hehe.
                   Today I was thinking, man, if I'm going to walk around the loop I need to score some weed somehow. Today I was on the computer all day and my mom sent me out in her car to the Sonic to buy some breakfast burritos. Even though it was past noon. I went for her and she let me keep the change, five or six bucks. So I decided to walk around the neighborhood and manifest me some. I walked to the Brigadoon park first, hoping stoners were there. There weren't any stoners, but I saw one car in the parking lot. Then I saw this guy and girl laying down on the concrete. I saw they had hoola-hoops and stuff. They looked like toys at first. I later found out they spin fire, poi.
                   The guy gave me his card. It says "Brothers of the Flame, Professional Fire Performers. "An ancient art with a modern spark!" On the back it says Insured FOr All Special Occasions. Lori and Manny/Vertigo are their names and it has their phone numbers. Email is,
                   They were just out there practicing. I walked up to them and asked them, "Have you guys ever seen me walking around before or heard about me?" They hadn't so I asked them if I could tell them my story. Man, they listened to my entire Odyssey! I was talking at them for a good thirty or forty five minutes. I took their picture in my presentation and everything. At the last minute Vertigo ran back and told me Lori didn't feel comfortable with me having her picture. I said I understood and was sure to delete it right in front of his face.
                   Oh yeah, Erica! I went and checked at the Perry house for a nickel sack, but no one seemed to be home. There might've been someone home and they were probably just ignoring me. I walked all the way over to Erica's. Erica was there and she called Freddy. She had twenty bucks to put in so we scored a half ounce and she gave me a nugget that was easily worth ten bucks. Once again I manifested some marijuana walking around the neighborhood. Erica and I smoked a joint in the ditch. I was singing to her all the funny Spanish songs I know. But, I think she has my one-hitter. It disappeared after my little meeting with her.
                   Erica told me she worked at IHOP tonight from five to five. So she says. She's a spinner of tall tales. I can tell. I borrowed my mom's car and before I went to the Walmart to buy a tape recorder I went to the IHOP to ask her about my pipe. She's a cook so she's always busy. When I first tried to get her attention she blatantly ignored me and pretended I wasn't there. She was all, "I'm at work!" I even stood there for about ten or fifteen waiting for her to get a chance, but she never did. Then one of the girls that works there told me she loved my hat, my rainbow beanie. I'm not even wearing a uniform shirt of anything. I'm just wearing my sweater. So I had meant to give that girl my website. I went and bought my recorder and I'm going to drive back to IHOP and see if I can follow through on that. Maybe I'll be able to talk to Erica. Even if she did take it she's going to deny it. I know she will. I don't know. Last time I saw it was when I loaded up a hit for her at her house, before we walked to the ditch and smoked a joint. My special cigarette just isn't in my pocket anymore. That sucks. I kind of need it to walk around the loop, but I can still use my bullet pipe. I'll smoke my weed faster though.
                   Wow, that was a good lengthy entry there. Let me see what time it is. It's 7:03. I wonder how long this entry was. Like five minutes.

                   Oh yeah, I helped clean my mom's house today. I don't know if I ever mentioned it, maybe when I was writing stuff down, yesterday I started cleaning out the junk room. I just transferred the mess and piled it up in the living room. My mom was going through the pile all day yesterday. Cleaning and sorting things out and throwing stuff away. I went through and cut up all the big boxes with my knife, put them in plastic bags and my mom took them to a recycling dumpster nearby. I did a lot of stuff.
                   Then, today I was sweeping and my punk ass nephew Carlos was all talking shit to me and trying to bug me. He, on purpose, walked over my pile of sweeping. That pissed me off, so I told him, "Alright, punk. You're going to finish sweeping. I'll show you a tattle-tell," and walked to my mom's room. She was on the phone and I went in and told her what had happened. She said she was going to make him sweep, ha.

                   I'm really glad I have a new tape recorder. I love you, mom. I really hope this one isn't cursed like my last one. I hadn't even dropped my last one. It just stopped working right.

                   It's like ten 'o clock or something. I'm going to go to bed. Happy New Year everybody!

Next day..

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