

 From :    
A T <>  
To :    
Vic <>  
Subject :    
Mi queridísimo Hijo,  
Date :    
Fri, 3 Jan 2003 00:00:47 -0800 (PST)  
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Mi queridísimo Hijo,

Dios quiera que te encuentres bien y que la vida te esté tratando igual.  He notado que llamaste esta noche otra vez.  Había salido con Luisito.  Ya llamé para lo del 1-800 # pero las computadoras estaban "down".  Sin embargo me dijeron que las llamadas, si son de pay phones salen a 25 centavos por hacer la llamada y 15 centavos por minuto.  Lo que quiere decir, que una llamada de 2 min. sale solamente en 45 centavos.  Si llams de un tel. que no sea público, entonces no cargan los .25.  (Eso está mucho mejor que los $3/min. de la llamada "collect".

Tengo una idea en lo que me aprueban el 800 solamente llamas para dejarme saber que estás bien, cuando la operadora te pida el nombre, di "VICTORBIEN" y no acepto los cargos.  Si es que necesitas hablar conmigo o tienes alguna emergencia, entonces di, "VICTORMAL" y enseguida lo acepto.  Si no estoy aquí, sigue llamando.  Voy a chequear los mensajes con frecuencia.  Además, en una emergencia, pídele a alguien que te deje usar su celular y me llamas al mío.

Sé que comprendes que no es que quiero ser "stingy" por gusto.  Tengo muchos gastos y además quiero tener algunos ahorritos por si se te ofrece que te mande algo.  Trata de escribirme desde una biblioteca para que me cuentes con detalle.  POR FAVOR, aliméntate bien y no pases frío extremo.  Pregunta dónde quedan las "soup kitchens" y lugares como el Salvation Army o Iglesias.

Ya no sigo escribiendo porque se me hace un nudo en la garganta pensando en lo lejos que estás y si te está yendo bien o mal.  Déjame saber también dónde te bañas, te afeitas, etc.




From :    
"Jonny ..." <>  
To :  
Subject :    
I seen you outside ameba...tell me more.  
Date :    
Thu, 09 Jan 2003 15:07:53 -0800  
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Tell me about your idea.

Rock'n Roll,

From :    
A T <>  
To :    
Vic <>  
Subject :    
Estoy preocupada.  
Date :    
Thu, 9 Jan 2003 15:59:12 -0800 (PST)  
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Estoy preocupada. Déjame saber cómo estás................

¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ESCRIBEME O LLAMAME POR FAVOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  

 ¡Te quiero mucho!



From :  
To :  
Subject :    
i saw you on telegraph  
Date :    
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 23:01:49 EST  
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hello, i saw you on telegraph today, I was wondering if you could tell me more about that philosophy of yours, thanks!  

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
I met you in Berkeley. ((Website))  
Date :    
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 01:26:18 -0500  
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Hi, I never told you my name, I'm Vea. I need you to send me some information on
what you want for your website and I can set things up for you. The reason that
I'm doing this for free is because I need to build a portfolio anyhow. Hope to
hear from you soon.


From :    
"Angela" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
....well i fact, i pinky swore......  
Date :    
Sat, 11 Jan 2003 23:53:12 -0600  
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i'd like to hear about your theory....:i saw you sitting on the sidewalk
and i wanted to hear your theory then.....but i was in a bit of a
rush......will you tell me about your theory now? i am so
interested......well, i hope you get this........whoever you are:)
name is angela......later!!
oh yeah!! i also have a theory....its about individuals in society.....its
sort of complicated....but if you would like to hear it i would like to
tell it :) but you tell yours first.....


From :    
A T <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Re: Estoy preocupada.  
Date :    
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 09:16:52 -0800 (PST)  
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Mi Vic- Vic,

Gracias por tu notita.  El saber que estás bien hace una diferencia enorme en mi estado de ánimo.  He sufrido mucho al ver que te ibas y si no sé de ti empiezo a preocuparme.  Gracias a dios, aunque tus pies estén cansados, te estás alimentando bien en esa iglesia luterana.  Se me ha ocurrido algo: ¿Crees que si hablas con la gente de allí y lo aceptan, podrías mandarme la dirección de la iglesia y el nombre de la persona encargada?  Así, te mandaría un dinero para que puedas comprar detergente de lavar y tener para las máquinas de algun laundromat.  (Me imagino cuán difícil será el tener que usar ropa interior y medias sucias.  Por favor, escríbeme pronto con esa dirección.  ¿Dónde duermes?  ¿Cómo está la temperatura?  ¿Has conocido personas buenas?

Sé que parezco la Mamá de un niñito de seis años pero no puedo evitar el querer saber cómo te va todo.  Mucho cuidado, trata de reducir los hábitos de fumar, pues eso no te lleva a nada positivo.  Ahora que estás tan al descubierto, tienes que proteger tus pulmones más que nunca.  Espero ya pronto recibir el 1-800# para que me llames por lo menos todas las semanas.  ¡TE QUIERO MUCHO!  ¡QUE DIOS TE SIGA PROTEGIENDO DE TODO MAL!



joe mama <> wrote:

hola mama, im sorry i havent written you. ive been very busy typing up chapters i have recorded. things are going pretty good. berkeley is the best place i could be to be homeless. i eat every day. they have breakfast and dinner at a lutheran church here, so i dont go hungry. i got your email and ive been meaning to leave you a victorbien message, its just slipped my mind. i was able to hook my hard drive up at this computer place in oakland, so i have all my documents. im gonna make some flyers and put them up all around berkeley soon. once i have inundated this town with my stuff, i plan to keep moving. i have much exploring to do in california. i am homesick though. id really like to do my laundry somewhere, but i need to get some money together. i have internet acccess here at the university of
california. i can get online all day if i want. my feet are so sore, but you know what they say, "that which does not kill you makes you stronger.
well, i have to type up some chapters so i can record over my cassettes and log more of my days. when i have my book ready, ill be sure to send it you so you can read my detailed journey. ok mom, im gonna get to work typing.
i love you and i hope everythings ok in san antonio.

- victor

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 17:51:43 EST  
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Thanks for the information.. but.. i need to know how you want your website to look and such.

Facilis, insons, solus

From :    
"Angela" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
hello there.....please read this.....:)  
Date :    
Mon, 13 Jan 2003 19:22:31 -0600  
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well i've been reading your emails....and man are they interesting...its so
weird but before i saw you in berkeley i was beginning to think many
similar thoughts.........i sort of thought of something....and it really
applies to you i think....see, i was thinking about how in
our society...... so many individuals are suffocated and stifled by school
and work and many individuals have lost their individualism
and become part of the machine......even though everyone has the potential
to be a great individual, so many become lost that the only true
individuals are the people that can separate themselves from
society....(our society, but not social interaction).......and society's
ideals.....i think that individuals can not exist in society......but
everything that individuals think and create (poetry, works of art, music,
etc.) is emulated by society because it is something that our society can
never attain as it is, since our society does not create individuals...(i
guess you could say society is jealous of the individual)...and the great
individuals that create these works are also emulated.....some of them
(such as jesus, ghandi and mother teresa) become icons.......i believe
these are the most truly individual people....and others unfortunately,
fall victim to   the vices of society (many poets and musicians).....this
happens to many people who have truly individual ideas but do not separate
themselves from society's thinking.........i think that your ideas indicate
that you are fulfilling your individual potential....i appreciate your
ideas so much........and i would like to hear any thoughts that you have
about any of my strange well as anything else that you
think of.......i hope you don't think im like some kind of crazy
anti-establishment weirdo or something.....i just love to think......about
all kinds of things......have you ever read fyodor dostoevsky? he got me
thinking........anyway sorry this is so long.......hope to hear from you
sort of soon.......-Angela
oh and i have another you appreciate spirituality?


From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 23:21:09 EST  
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HEY i want to join the party! I also greatly support public transportation, except i use BART more often than buses. There will an anti-war demonstration on saturday at civic center in San Francisco at 1:00, i really think that you could get a whole lot of people there interested in your theory. It would be perfect too because many of these people come from all around Northern california and even Oregon and washington.  

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: hey..  
Date :    
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:54:08 EST  
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heh.. good luck in your travels, buddy. I was actually going to tie all your text files into a nice friendly... viewer friendly website. The main thing is.. that the public doesn't like to just view text.. they like it organized and fun to click on... that's what i do.. i add a color scheme and links that do something when you mouse over them and presto.. your messege is strung out to more people because they didn't lose interest. Sadly, you have to treat the mass of society like overgrown monkeys: "ooo ooo! shiney!" (heh just kidding) and the extra pizazz is just a formality. But I like to do stuff like that.. have a little opening.. put up a few pictures. I have a digital camera and a scanner so if there are pictures you already have.. I can put them up there... Or we can wait and meet somewhere one of these days and I can take pictures of things and/or you. But yeah.. catch you later.

Facilis, insons, solus

From :    
A T <>  
To :    
victor gruber <>,  
Subject :    
Re: hi mom  
Date :    
Tue, 14 Jan 2003 20:56:22 -0800 (PST)  
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Hi Mi'jo,

Da la casualidad que hoy estaba pensando en eso.  Tengo que hablar con Eddie y después llamar a Chasity y ponernos de acuerdo.  Esa cama es muy valiosa para que la pierdas.  La pondré en el cuarto de la computadora para que la tengas ahí cuando regreses.  Gracias por la carta de ayer; me alegro que a pesar de no tener una camita cómoda donde descansar tu cuerpo, te esté yendo bien.  Si quieres, puedo imprimirte business cards en la escuela.  Dime qué información quieres en ellas y te las mando a la dirección que me digas tan pronto pueda. También te puedo mandar un set de thermal underwear.  Déjame saber.

Recuerda que te quiero "más que ayer pero menos que mañana".  Besos y abrazos y que Dios te bendiga y te cuide mucho.


(Oye...¿tienes "right protect" ahora?  ¿Todavía tienes "write protect?)

victor gruber <> wrote:

hello mom,
i was just wondering what happened with my bed. let me know. i love

- victor

From :    
sherice ceco <>  
Reply-To :  
To :  
Subject :    
where are you?  
Date :    
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 14:34:28 -0800 (PST)  
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where are you?

i'm so curious.

i was just in california this weekend.  but in so. cal. for just 3 days and was
rather busy while i was there.  the weather was awesome.

write me back, you didn't write me back last time.
hope all is well.
how's the book coming along?



From :    
A T <>  
To :    
Vic <>  
Subject :    
Por favor escribe o llama...  
Date :    
Mon, 20 Jan 2003 19:26:48 -0800 (PST)  
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Por favor escribe o llama...ya me estoy desesperando pues me dijiste que tienes acceso a computadoras todo el tiempo en  la universidad.  Sufro mucho cuando no sé de ti pues pienso que las cosas no andarán bien.

Que dios te bendiga...¡TE QUIERO MUCHO!



From :    
A T <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Re: Estoy preocupada.  
Date :    
Tue, 21 Jan 2003 17:08:52 -0800 (PST)  
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Mi Vic-Vic,

Hoy tampoco recibí noticias tuyas.  ¿Será porque no te contesté tu carta larga?  No creo que sea por eso pues sabes que aunque sea una llamada o unas palabritas en el e-mail me conforman.  No te contesté esta carta porque francamente no he tenido la paz mental para absorber todo lo que me ha pasado en los últimos tiempos.  El 2002 fue un año bien fuerte para mí y ahora que te tengo tan lejos y pensando en todo lo que estás haciendo y pasando, me llena de una preocupación tremenda.  Le pido a Dios que siga cuidando tus pasos, tu cuerpo y tu alma y que cada día te sientas más feliz con tu jornada.  Sin embargo, para una madre ésto es muy duro de tragar.

No sabes cómo me siento al pensar que mientras pongo mi espalda en una cama cómoda, mi hijo está durmiendo en las calles...mientras me acuesto en sábanas limpias y me arropo con una buena frisa, sabrá Dios con qué te proteges del frío.  ¡Y pensar que aquí tienes todo eso!  Respeto tu decisión y te reitero que cuando quieras puedes regresar a tu casa, a tu familia y a tus pertenencias.  Te pedí de favor que si en algun momento (Dios quiera que más nunca) te diera una depresión como la tuviste en el 2001, me llames enseguida para ayudarte, si así lo deseas.  no te quiero andando por allá lleno de tristeza y desesperación cuando sabes que tienes un hombro donde poner tu cabeza y unas manos que te ayuden a secar tus lágrimas.  ¡Te quiero tanto!

No puedo seguir escribiendo...sólo me resta decirte que "te quiero más que ayer, pero mucho menos que mañana".  POR FAVOR, déjame saber cómo estás.  Que dios te bendiga SIEMPRE.  Muchos besos y abrazos,


joe mama <> wrote:

hi mom,
sorry i havent written all weekend. the library here at UC is closed
on the weekends. its open monday through friday, 9-5, so ill be checking my
email every day during the week. the lutheran church isnt the only place
they have free food in this town. its just everywhere. i swear, if i didnt
walk so much i would probably be gaining weight. when im hungry, food
always appears. this town is the closest thing to my "perfect communism"
that i want for the world.

From :    
Isaac Harry David <>  
To :    
Victor <>  
Subject :    
Date :    
Sat, 15 Feb 2003 15:26:37 -0800  
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Hello Victor,

Pleased to have met you (and Tony) today, at the march for peace. ("Isn't that somewhat militaristic?")

I wish you luck in your effort at getting back to Saint Anthony, Taxes.


I am, & c.,
I. Harry David

P.S. Remember the Alamo.

From :    
To :  
Subject :    
hey !  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 02:12:23 +0000  
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Dear Victor ,
it was good to see you back in berkeley I hope you stay safe . At times it can get crazy here. I would say more but don't know you at all, really.Maybe that will change.
good luck with your mission.
L L .

From :    
"Angela" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
hi! you are back!  
Date :    
Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:55:39 -0600  
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hey i was wondering if you ever came back :) was arcada? wow it
would be really sweet to hear about your adventures, id love to come hang
out..... when did you come back? did you get a chance to go to the peace
rally in SF? there were so many interesting people there. i was overwhelmed
but it was so awesome. i love peace :) well i'd totally like to come hang
out some weekend.... we can eat fruit :) haha i like i so
wish i was free like you to just...go somewhere.... you know? i want to
meet people and see cool places too :) well hope you are ok and
everything..... later!

>hello angela,
>     i just wanted to drop you a line to let you know i was back in
>berkeley.  i have gone on many great adventures.  ive been sure to log it
>all on my cassette recorder.  my book is gonna kick so much ass.  well,
>sunday and im bored so i came over here to UC and am using the computers
>the mlk bldg(it resets like every 15 minutes so if i dont finish this
>ill send another).
>     well anyway, its sunday and i dont have much to do.  theres not
>people on telegraph to fly my sign.  i kinda wanna go back to texas
>and type my book up.  ill unleash it on the internet(for free), chill out
>and talk with my friends for a couple weeks, then plan for a sequel-trip.  
>im thinking east coast this time.  ill go visit my exgirlfriend and dog
>stuart in florida.  ill go to key west and any other vortexes out there.
>     well anyway again, i would love to tell you all about my travels, so
>you wanna come hang out on telegraph with me sometime that would be great.

>while in  berkeley ill be checking my email every day so just let me know.
>     with my impulsivity i might take off back down to texas at any time.  
>berkeley has a way of holding you here for a while though.  im just so
>comfortable in this town and with my sign, i even have a paying job, hehe.
>well angela, let me know,
>- victor

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:27:58 EST  
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i would like to hear about you trip very much, i could bring friut!  

From :    
"Jonny ..." <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: I seen you outside ameba...tell me more.  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 10:30:46 -0800  
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Right on i'll stop by later today maybe.

Rock'n Roll,
----Original Message Follows----
From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: I seen you outside ameba...tell me more.
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 10:50:22 -0800
MIME-Version: 1.0
X-Originating-IP: []
Received: from by with HTTP;Sun, 23 Feb 2003 18:50:22 GMT
hey jonny,
whats up man. hey, i have been on this awesome(and free) adventure in nortnern california/oregon. i have it all recorded on my cassette recorder. my book is gonna kick so much ass. if you want, stop by my corner on telegraph and ill tell you my story. im not sure how much longer ill stay in berkeley. soon, ill be returning to san antonio to type up my book. anyway, stay in touch.
peace brother
- victor
>From: "Jonny ..."
>Subject: I seen you outside ameba...tell me more.
>Date: Thu, 09 Jan 2003 15:07:53 -0800
<< message3.txt >> 

From :    
"Rebecca Kahlenberg" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
i read your sign  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 17:11:43 +0000  
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and what is your plan to create peace through the internet?  

From :    
rowan steele <>  
To :  
Subject :    
what's up  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 16:58:50 -0800 (PST)  
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Hey Victor, this is Rowan. I met you on the Greyhound heading south from Arcata. I just wanted to say what's up and let you know I agree with your "mission". What did you think of Garberville? It's a pretty interesting place in the sense that you have a lot of O.G. hippies growing dope in a really small community. After you got off the bus that redneck guy you were talking to (or trying to at least) told me that you were a pretty cool guy, but you needed to open your mind. I thought that was pretty funny coming from him. Any ways, you have my email so keep me informed with your travels and your welcome to drop by and hang with me next time you're in the Humboldt area. Best of luck. Later.



From :    
"Shalimar Johnson" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
wuss up victor!!  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:15:32 +0000  
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hey vic, its shalimar. . . that girl you met monday morning in berkeley - yeah, you remember!
well, i told you i was goin to email you, so here you go! im just on my way to work, and i thought id stop in the library before and send you a little note  : )
i think its really cool what youre doing. . .berkeley is a good place to get support and meet lots of people who are into the same thing.  how long are you going to be in town for? ill give you my #, so if you ever want to meet up, smoke a little, chill, whatever, just give me a ring! you can always send me emails as well, although i dont have a computer so its a little tricky for me to check it and whatnot, but i find my ways : )  !
anyway, ive got to mosy, but have a good day (although its raining - maybe you can find somebody to help you with your poncho!!) just kidding! ha ha! i hope to see ya soon

From :   
"Angela" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
angela again :)  
Date :    
Mon, 24 Feb 2003 19:43:24 -0600  
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hello again! you have got to stay until the next SF peace rally...its this
saturday, march first, and its gonna be really awesome ... yeah you should
really try to go, you totally won't regret it  :)......well, hope you are
happy! Later - Angela (waiting to be free)


From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Re: oh yeah..  
Date :    
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:15:29 -0800 (PST)  
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i hate telegraph. you should hang out on Haight street
in SF., if you're looking for something fun to do.
--- joe mama <> wrote:
> so you gonna come hang out?
> - victor

--- joe mama <> wrote:
>      oh yeah, come look for me if you want.  ill be
> flying my sign on the
> corner of telegraph and haste.  im not exactly
> spanging with my sign.  come
> check it out.  its a great gimmick.  its sunday and
> im fucking bored dude,
> come hang out, so i can tell you all the cool shit
> thats happened to me so
> far.
> later on brian james,
> - victor

From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Re: oh yeah..  
Date :    
Tue, 25 Feb 2003 01:24:11 -0800 (PST)  
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berkeley is great. telegraph is pretty cool.


From :    
"Chasity Rafferty" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: hallo chasty rafty :]  
Date :    
Wed, 26 Feb 2003 13:53:14 +0000  
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hey Victor-

I'm always really glad to hear from you when I do.  Thanks for keeping in touch.  I worry about you sometimes and I feel better when i know that you are not dead or in jail.  I'm really, really glad that things have turned out so well for you out there.  Why are you going back to SA?
As for me here in Florida, its great!!  I transfered to a store called Burdine's, it's part of Federated Department stores which owns Macy's also.  So I kept all my perks from being with Macy's.  I absolutely love it here, the people are really nice and there are loads of things to do.  The weather is SO pretty, too.  I called my mom and she said SA was shut down for an ice storm, and I was laying in the backyard getting a tan in sunny Florida. Hell Yeah!
I know you mentioned that Laura was still in Houston, where is Diana?  I went to Houston quite a bit before I left and I always wanted to get in touch with her but I never did.  That's a cool city, we went there and hung out with Luis' friend Nadia and got all crazy up there.  I like it.
Well I have to work now, I'll write you again soon.  Take care of yourself and be really careful Victor.  oh yeah, Stuart is doing great.  He has a big backyard to run in and we have a big field down the street that he can go crazy in.  The only thing is that there are tons of little ponds and lakes here and I have to keep him from jumping in.  He is as spoiled as ever.  ok, bye!
From: "joe mama" <>
Subject: hallo chasty rafty :]
Date: Sun, 23 Feb 2003 11:32:48 -0800

    hallo, how goes it in florida?  im back in berkeley now.  im not sure how much longer ill stay, but im heading back to san antonio soon.  i hope both you and stuart and doing good in florida.  as for me, things just couldnt be better.  every day is better than the last one.  oh yeah, did you get your movie i left for you on your balcony right before i left?
    i wont be in san antonio that long, maybe a month or two.  im gonna head east and come visit you and stuart.  i can stop in houston and visit laura and in florida i can go to key west and all the other vortexes around there.  itll be a blast.  ill be sure to record it all too.  oh yeah, how is your book coming?  did you ever start writing it?  well, ima gonna goa.

peace sister,

- victor

From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Re: oh yeah..  
Date :    
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 18:49:28 -0800 (PST)  
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Why the fuck would you leave? You were here. You said
it yourself, you fit in. Cali would be a perfect place
to start getting people to understand your ideas. Not
Texas. I say you come back, make the connections you
need to make and start over here. Texas is bullshit.
You may be having a fit with insanity, but I'm sure
you can understand how much better it is here.
--- joe mama <> wrote:
> fuck it dude.  im going back to sa tomorrow.  today
> this dude joel hooked me
> up with $130 for a bus ticket home.
> peace
> - victor

> >From: brian <>
> >To: joe mama <>
> >Subject: Re: oh yeah..
> >Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:15:29 -0800 (PST)
> >
> >i hate telegraph. you should hang out on Haight
> street
> >in SF., if you're looking for something fun to do.
> >--- joe mama <> wrote:
> > > so you gonna come hang out?
> > >
> > > - victor

From :    
"andrew falzone" <>  
To :  
Date :    
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 00:31:21 +0000  
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p.s.- i was hopping to forward your story to some appreciative friends if thats OK


the west coast is a lovely place and im glad your sharring that with everyone and yes i agree that everywhere could be just like it and better. i appreciate the effert you have been putting in to help our world become a better place, and their is only light in your future for doing so. i am here by your side along your journey and dont be afraid to call on it, you are apart of my future more then you know it. one love, one heart, one human, one community.keep a strong mind frame and look into the eyes of man because it is there where the truth lies.

ANDY-berkeley cali
when i mean everywhere i mean it, and those exact type of people who would love to help.



"Schancer, Aaron Charles" <>  
To :    
"joe mama" <>  
Subject :    
RE: Clinton's email  
Date :    
Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:52:08 -0600  
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Sounds pretty cool.  I've thought about that myself since I read A Walk Acrsoss America by  Peter Horton (the last name might not be right.  It's been about ten years since I read the book)
Let me know if you find Clintons email.  The reason I need to contact him is that I have a friend who is being railroaded on some drug charges and I was hoping he could help since he has pardoned women in the past with conspiracy charges.  I'll include a copy of the letter I'm sending out.
Take care man and thanks.
-A.C. Schancer


From :    
"andrew falzone" <>  
To :  
Date :    
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 23:34:57 +0000  
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no worries, i would only imagen youve meet enough people over these past months that my face blends with the rest. however i spoke with you briefly before you left in front of Ameba about your sign. i am a taller "white" guy, shaved head that used to play water polo for Cal (UC Berkeley), i also said whats as i passed by, days prior before i feel you may have departed. i mentioned that i too strongly agree with your desires. we talked briefly about society and such, marx, communism/ community. our ideas were very similar. i told you about my parents involvement with IPM (inner peace movement) and my their free beliefs in giving me an open, well rounded up brining.


good luck, i wish we would have had time to have more indepth conversation. it was wierd i recognized, had a feeling right away that your vibe was off the streets of telegraph.


From :    
"Maureen Purcell" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: hello maureen :]  
Date :    
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 22:57:42 -0600  
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ohh i called mama  a little while ago and she was like tape? i know i set it down somewhere... i'll tell you the conditions on the tape tomorrow. that didn't sound too good. she never told me u came over. i gotta go to bed. nite
From: "joe mama"
Subject: Re: hello maureen :]
Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 19:02:49 -0800
hallo maureen,
its really cool that i was able to get a hold of you. those couple days we had a while back were very memorable. didnt i promise to make you a weezer tape(cassette)? im pretty sure thats what i had made. it sucks your mom never gave it to you, im thinking it was a great tape. did she even tell you i had come over that night?
man, san antonio sucks like it's always sucked. people just dont leave me alone. i dont bother anyone, but everyone is always bitching at me. i miss california and oregon so much. but, now that i know what can be, i can help it be here.
whoa, let me tell you about the weird thing fate did last night. i was home alone bored on the computer. i didnt have any weed and i wanted to get stoned, so i got on aol and messaged every person in there with "got any bud?". if they said yes i asked them if they could spare a hit and smoke me out. i know all my keyboard shortcuts so i can do it real quick. its all a numbers game, somebody will smoke me out eventally. doesnt hurt to ask right. well anyway, i asked this one girl and she said to come over. she lived by jackson keller/410 and im way over here by braun station past leon valley. she told me to go to the HEB on jackson keller and call her from there. she wouldnt give me her apartment number because shes paranoid and shit.
well, i was on the vance jackson bus, right where it hits jackson keller(not too far from your place, so you probably know where). now, at first i thought id get off at vj/410 and walk to the HEB on jack-kel on the other side of the highway. well, someone else had signaled to stop in front of that gas station and i asked the driver what he would recommend as a shorter walk to the HEB. he said he didnt know and i just impulsively got off in front of the gas station.
i walked up to the gas station and used the payphone to call that girl. she didnt answer, so i was kinda bummed. well, this dude that was there asked me if i had a cigarette. i didnt and started talking to him. his name is eric. i tell him about my trip to california and he can tell, from my aura he says, that i just came from the west coast. i tell him my story and my mission and he totally agrees with me. he believes in all that native american stuff and we hit it off great.
since i didnt get a hold of that chick, i didnt know what i was gonna do. eric invites me over to hang out at his house, over by callaghan/vj. well, we go to his house and he calls his friend stephanie. after he gets off, i get the idea to call this girl sabrina i met before i took off in the uhaul.
let me tell you how i met sabrina. one night, a long time ago when i still had an apartment on vj/huebner, i had walked all the way out to lockhill selma/blanco. this was back when i would go into bars and get marlboro miles off of people. well, i had just left this bar and i walked across the street. i was like 3 miles away from home or something. for some reason, i didnt feel like walking, so when i saw this cute girl at the payphone i asked her, "hey, i dont live too far, think i can get a lift?" she was cool and said sure. in the car she asked me if i had any weed and i told her no, but at my apartment i did. she was all, "oh we're going to your apartment then."
so we went and hung out at my apartment all night on my computer. she was impressed with all the stuff i had on it. she was really cool. she stayed up all night playing on aol and left the next day. she gave me her number, but i could never get a hold of her on her cellphone. to put it short, i never saw her again.
well, remember how i said that i gave all my stuff away before i left walking. well, at my little garage-give, i was bored and started looking through my pocket-calender. i saw sabrina's number and called it, just because i had nothing better to do. surprisingly, she answers. well, she tells me she has to go and if i could call her back so she could get my number on her caller id, since she had picked up on the first ring. i ask her why dont i just give her my number and she says because she doesnt have a pen. she said shed call me back in a couple hours. well, i did but never heard from her again.
i know you probably dont care about any of this crap, but its kinda cool what happened yesterday and ill show you how everything fell together.
after eric calls his friend stephanie, i get the impulse to try calling sabrina again. i did and she answered again. i asked sabrina what she was doing and she said hanging out with her friend stephanie . i asked her who stephanie was and eric asked me, "stephanie? stephanie shields?" i ask sabrina what her friends last name is. man, it turns out that its the same stephanie. isnt that the weirdest shit in the world? talk about synchronicity.
if anything had happened differently last night, if that girl who offered to smoke me out had been home, if i had gotten off by 410, if eric would have never asked me for a cigarette, none of this shit would have ever happened. small world huh.
man, sometimes i get in these crazy descriptive modes where i have to describe every little detail, no matter who im communicating with. i hope this didnt annoy you, im killing time. actually, sabrina and eric are supposed to come over tonight.
once again, sorry for the long missive. i guess i really am an open book. oh yeah, its so awesome i got to "talk" to you again.
- victor
>From: "Maureen Purcell"
>Subject: Re: hello maureen :]
>Date: Thu, 06 Mar 2003 18:32:12 -0600
<< message3.txt >>



From :    
"Maureen Purcell" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: hello maureen :]  
Date :    
Thu, 06 Mar 2003 18:32:12 -0600  
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hey victor, no my mom never gave me any tape (what kind was it by the way? cassette? VHS?) and i'm gonna call her in about 15 minutes when she gets to work and ask why and if she doesn't give it to me i'm gonna take all her bills. i freakin HATE when she takes my shit and won't give it to me. anyways, it sounds like you had a great trip! i would have gone, but i didn't (obviously, haha). but i've got like almost all A's in school and i've somewhat/kinda/not really but getting there/ fixed my relationship with my mom (at least she doesn't hit me anymore). but my friend chris invited me to go to austin this weekend. if he can, we're gonna take his car just coz i don't have money for a bus from here to austin. but we're gonna go around and just hang out with people especially the homeless coz they tend to be better people than those that have what they don't need. but he's a great musician and he's in the process of getting a record deal in san antonio, but he met the guy that owns like the place (it's up in austin where the guy lives though) so we were gonna see bout all that.... and yea you got the right email addy heh. yea i would love to have a copy of your book when you publish it, that'll be awesome! but i gotta go coz i have physics and algebra2 homework... i'm still working on furthering my education what fun. so i'll catch you later!


From :    
The prince of darkness <>  
To :  
Subject :    
ur wirtings  
Date :    
Fri, 7 Mar 2003 22:51:36 -0800 (PST)  
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a freind of mine gave me a copy of one of your writings. i was wondering about the aol accounts if i steal an account how do i use it do i sign on guest mode? and use it? i enjoyed your collection of quotes also and didn't finish reading your story yet. get back -jason


From :    
donovan venuto <>  
To :  
Subject :    
i got your msg  
Date :    
Sun, 12 May 2002 16:41:54 -0700 (PDT)  
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hey dude,  i got your msg.  give me a call and give me
your phone #.

did you get spiderman?

i've been using this email




From :    
"Bodo" <>  
To :    
Subject :    
hey man i got your turnbeutel  
Date :    
Wed, 15 May 2002 20:53:34 +0200  
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but i dont have your address
so contact me please

From :    
"Ada Torres" <>  
To :,,,,  
Subject :    
Mis queridísimos hijos,  
Date :    
Wed, 15 May 2002 23:48:06 -0500  
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Mis queridísimos hijos,

Un e-mail inesperado e inusual, pero quiero comunicarles los últimos acontecimientos de mi vida. Da la casualidad que cuando cambió mi plan médico me dio una infección de sinusitis y me atendió un doctor puertorriqueño, muy lindo y comprensivo y al tomar mi historial le mencioné lo de la fibromialgia y la sarcoidosis.  Me preguntó si dormía bien y le dije que despertaba muchas veces.  Me sugirió el estudio del sueño y el plan se lo rechazó dos veces.  El doctor (Rodríguez) me refirió a un neumólogo porque también pensó que hacía ya varios años que no me chequeaban bien los pulmones.  El neumólogo (colombianoy también bien amable) es también especialista en "critical care" y su oficina es la que maneja el "sleep lab". Bueno, como rutina en la oficina de un especialista del pulmón, la técnica me hizo una función pulmonar y una radiografía.  Cuando el doctor entró, me preguntó por qué me habían referido para estudio de sueño y  le dije que el doctor Rodríguez quería saber si mis dolores de cabeza eran producto de migraña debido a lo del REM.  También le mencioné lo de la fibromialgia y las bronquitis que me habían dado en los últimos años.  (Les juro que se me olvidó mencionarle lo de la sarcoidosis...tal vez porque gracias a Dios no había tenido complicaciones desde el ' me acordé que había sangrado por la boca cuando fui a ver a Mami en marzo del año pasado.) El doctor me dijo, "¿Hay algo más en su historial médico?" (y todavía no me acordé de la sarco), porque no me gustó lo que vi en sus pulmones...Ahí fue que caí en cuenta.  Me dijo, 'Yo sabía que de algún sitio tenía que venir las manchas y su insuficiencia pulmonar.  La prueba resultó en que su capacidad pulmomar es de solamente 67.5%; lo que quiere decir, que no puede usar 32."  Fue como si me hubiera tirado un balde de agua fría.  Enseguida me habló de una nueva droga que está ayudando mucho a los pulmones y que pudiera hacer una diferencia grandísima en mi capacidad para respirar.  Eso sí, puede afectar el hígado y que de empezar a usarla tenían que monitorear(?) el hígado cada 6 semanas.  Le dije que estaba dispuesta a probarla.  También me ordenó una tomografía detallada (CT scan) de los pulmones, que todavía  el plan no me la ha aprobado, y el sleep study.

Diana, ni siquiera me acuerdo si te mencioné que me iban a hacer ese estudio, a Lauri se lo dije hace poco y a vic, después de que me lo hicieran.  Luigi, por supuesto lo sabía.  El 1ro de mayo dormí en un laboratorio donde me hicieron los exámenes.  Bueno, lo que me ha hecho escribirles es que, aunque no es el fin del mundo, desde ayer mi mundo se paró un poquito debido a las circunstancias y todavía estoy medio 'anestesiada". .   Ustedes estarán pensando, "¿Qué diablos le pasa a Mamá?  Me dieron los resultados del sleep study:  tengo sleep apnea, comprobaron que dejo de respirar 17 veces cada hora que estoy dormida. ¡Con razón despierto tantas veces y siempre estoy cansada!  Sólo Dios sabe desde cuándo tengo eso.  Siento sonar como una "llorona" pero no es fácil lo que hoy estoy sintiendo por dentro... es más bien medio falta de aceptación.  No le voy a negar que por un momento pasó por mi mente un poco de "¡Otra cosa! y "¿Por qué a mí? No les voy a negar que lloré y que me hizo falta un "hombrito" donde recostarme o un abrazo, ?", pero me consoló el pensar que pudo haber sido algo peor. los doctores siempre me han dicho que no se explican de dónde saco tanta energía para funcionar.  Una vez más he tenido que confrontar lo de reducir las situaciones que me provoquen stress...como si fuera fácil.  Voy a seguir los tratamientos que me manden.  Imagínense...como Dios ha obrado...fui para una cosa y me descubrieron otra.  De haber seguido así me hubiera fallado el corazón y era candidata prematura para un "stroke".

¿Qué va a pasar?  Que tendré que acostumbrarme a dormir "enchufada" a una máquina echándome aire en las fosas nasales y la boca todas las noches.  Ya hoy llamé y creo que irá alguien a mi escuela a enseñarme cómo usarla. Tengo que usarla por un mes y cuando regrese de Puerto Rico tendré que dormir en el laboratorio otra vez (esta vez con la máquina) para que ellos sepan si esa es la máquina adecuada o si necesito otro modelo. aparaentemente hay dos tipos de apnea, 'obtrusive", que es cuando hay algo como tejidos o cosas en la garganta que obstruyen el aire (esa es la que tiene la mayoría de los que roncan horriblemente) y la de debilidad pulmonar y del diafragma, que es la que tengo.

Con la ayuda de Dios y el amor de mi familia, mi vida va a cambiar; voy a dormir y descansar mejor y podré ser más productiva y feliz.  Otra gente no entendería; como siempre me ven 'corriendo", sonriendo y haciendo, no tienen una noción de lo que realmente llevo por dentro.  Ya lo he dicho muchas veces que tal vez si hubiera tenido un esposo que me 'chiflara" y me dijera "quédate acostada que yo me preocupo de todo", estaría tal vez en silla de rueda o en una esquina sintiendo constante auto-lástima.

Cambiando el 'mood', ahora Carlitos va a tener una abuela "alien" y voy a ser la envidia de miles de mujeres.  Van a tener una mamá que recibe "BJs" toda la noche, uno detrás de otro.     

Siento haberlos hecho leer tanto pero estoy segura de que no les hubiera gustado que les ocultara lo que me está pasando. Pídanle a Dios que nos de muchos años de vida y que la calidad de nuestras vidas mejore.  Cuídense mucho y recuerden que aunque muy lejos de perfecta, lo que siente mi corazón por ustedes, sí lo es.  Que Dios los bendiga siempre.

Mamá  .


From :    
"leslie garza" <>  
To :  
Date :    
Sat, 01 Jun 2002 23:13:53 +0000  
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hey are things? how's your bus idea going? this is the chick from the bus last night the one with that guy.i was wearing black clothes and lip-stick and he had his hair all spiked up um i wounder if you remember when does this bus idea start because the both of us are in.By the way whats your name?


From :    
"leslie garza" <>  
To :  
Date :    
Mon, 03 Jun 2002 02:04:07 +0000  
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    hey what's up' i'm cool with meeting up to brain strom about the bus idea.But i'm not sure when hopefully next weekend. wait what day is it today? I'm not usually home most of the day and i don't know juan's cell phone number but my number is 6734393 and i don't wake up till about 2 in the afternoon some days. talk to you laterz bye


From :    
"Clint Nelson" <>  
To :    
Subject :    
RE: Identify yourself.  
Date :    
Sun, 9 Jun 2002 00:15:48 -0500 (Central Daylight Time)  
Attachment :   image5.jpg (3k), image6.gif (6k), Image7.gif (3k)    
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I looked for you this week. You told me I could get some great programs like Microsoft Office XP. Blackhawk down. Anything I wanted. I guess you are full of hot air or you just forgot. Do you have a web site I can visit? Don't forget I gave you two empty cd's and I expect hopefully that will deliver in my hot hands some great programs like partition magic, office XP. Perhaps you could e mail me a list of some of the programs you have. I promise I wouldn't turn you into the feds. Ha! Ha! Just kidding. But I was disappointed I didn't see you this week. I work from Wed to Friday.
-------Original Message-------
From: victor
Date: Thursday, June 06, 2002 1:05:32 PM
To: 'Clint Nelson'
Subject: RE: Identify yourself.
Yes it’s me Victor, I just got my roadrunner hooked up at my new apartment, so I’m online again.

-----Original Message-----
From: Clint Nelson []
Sent: Wednesday, June 05, 2002 1:16 PM
Subject: Identify yourself.


Hey I found this e mail address and I am trying to place a face with it. Are you the guy that rides the 96 bus. Is so please let me know. I missed you last Friday.

Where were you?


numbers reference file:

From :    
"joe mama" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Sat, 08 Jun 2002 20:29:28 -0700  
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expect bag around the 9th


arroyo, mike:                 771-1763
bui, kim(dental school):      567-4518
condez, vidal(west):        c:710-8480
dental clinic:                567-4518
diana:                      h:011-39-040-496749
donovan:                      736-6404
easter seals:                 614-3911
galindo, ramiro:              432-1166
garza, leslie:                673-4393
jason:                        692-9157
jewels:                       843-9274
kieth - work:                 694-4114
keith - home:                 333-9835
kristian:                     684-3460
lamkin, harlon(bus):          377-1581, 729-8959
laura:                    713-877-0653
linda rafferty:             c:949-3613
martinez, gilbert:          c:260-4942
nemo:                         809-4029
norbert from west:            379(6)-8294
richard from calcuttas:       690-4935
ricky(from e/s):              657-3690
ola:                          614-9253
oscar:                        615-9295
phone bill #:           1-800-345-6528
saeed, fatima:                675-7934
thundercloud:                 614-9212
trc:                          509-6568
waylon from west:           h:561-2550

jacques hot video virgins
atsim ren n stimpy
subber star wars

true freedom, even on irc, no trading, take what you want, say what you wish, no
ops, no bullshit, no segregation, trouble-makers just get ignored



if you like what you see..msg 'dammit' or upload a txt file with your nick to my
upload directory, using login:pw upload:upload..and ill make you a private
account(nick/nick)..i rather know exactly who is downloading from me..ok
like invader zim, zu warriors, boba fett cartoon, dangermouse episodes, forte
agent, and this game for my girl called puzzle trouble..

Skyzyx, SkyWerkN

aim names:
Booch = OverRide
Void133 = ]do5e

110-96550650   21bmy6

Mike30341: server     /pub/Linux/distributions/mandrake/iso/

Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}

<Pofeck> george
(FinalDay): josh
(FinalDay): my email is

i got tired of stupid reality-check-needing ops who think irc is their whole
life..kicking and banning at will
so i started a channel where everyone is equal..
they think theyre all badass.
just cuz of that @
if you ask me, theyre just compensating for either being ugly..overweight..or
having a small weewee
the way i see it..irc-warez is less evolved than the real im gonna try
to "americanize" my channel..


As Mark Twain said about alcohol, "Prohibition only drives drunkenness behind
doors and into dark places and does not cure or even diminish it."

'Suppose you were an idiot and suppose you were a member of Congress. But I
repeat myself. - Mark Twain'

From :    
donovan venuto <>  
To :    
victor <>  
Subject :    
whats up  
Date :    
Wed, 12 Jun 2002 12:34:56 -0700 (PDT)  
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hey dude i want to check out your new appartment.  got
any new movies?


From :  
To :,  
CC :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Mon, 17 Jun 2002 09:54:10 -0500  
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Victor, We were surprised to find your "dissertation" in our office
this morning.  This note is to remind you that since you chose to
discontinue your participation in our Program, you are no longer a
registered client here.  As the Team discussed with you previously,
there are liability issues involved in your being on these premises.  
Entering our private office and using our private computer could be
considered trespassing, which is a serious violation.  Thank you for
your cooperation.  If you need to contact us in the future, please
email us at this address.
This E-Mail was sent with MailMax/WEB.

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 15:41:19 EDT  
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Hey thanks for the call to acknowledge that you missed the appointment. I did come by and left your cigarette package on your door. I don't know if you still want to work but call me on my cell if you do.


From :    
"Laura Gruber-Torres" <>  
To :,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,  
Subject :    
My phone line is back up!!!  
Date :    
Tue, 18 Jun 2002 10:46:34 -0500  
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My dear friends and family!

My phone lines have finally been fixed (someone had cut them outside)! I finally have a home phone again! You can call me at 713.961.5251. It will be on by Wednesday evening!!! Yeah!!!



From :    
"dan go" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:54:22 -0500  
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Hello there, my name is daniel, a friend of sams from work,he said you would know how i could burn downloaded movies from the internet to cdr cds and i would be very happy if you let me in on the secret or what program i can pirate to do so. i have an hp pavilion with a 12x cd r
i have windows player and divx player,..please help me if you can....


hi man
i sent it to this adress
Victor A. Gruber

11707 Vance Jackson Apt.114

San Antonio, TX


1-4weeks delivery time could be possible
i hope it didnt get lost or maybe the cia found it a terrorturnbeutel hehe
tell me when you got it


----- Original Message -----
From: "joe mama" <>
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2002 7:38 PM
Subject: Re: hey man i got your turnbeutel

> hi bodo, hey i just wanted to verify what address you sent the turnbeutel
> because i have yet to receive it.
> oh yes i also wanted you to read my disseration on an idea that i have.
> feel free to copy it into a text file, pring it out and show everyone you
> know.  i plan to save the planet. :]
> thanks again,
> - victor
> p.s. let me know how much i owe you for this favor man, ill even pay you
> interest. i really appreciate it dude
> >From: "Bodo" <>
> >To: <>
> >Subject: hey man i got your turnbeutel
> >Date: Wed, 15 May 2002 20:53:34 +0200
> >
> >but i dont have your address
> >so contact me please
> >
> >Bodo

From :    
"dan go" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: SAM  
Date :    
Sat, 22 Jun 2002 17:34:47 -0500  
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thanx for being of service, i'm sure i can scramble up a little something, for your time and expertise, i'm off today (sat),sun i work from 3:30-5p,then i'm off till thursday. let me know what time is good for you.. thanx again in advance..........................daniel

    From: "joe mama" <>
Subject: Re: SAM
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:44:22 -0700

hello daniel, sure thing man, youre more than welcome to come hang out one of these days and leech off all my free shit.  itd be cool if you brought some party favors(some ganja) but you dont have to in order to be welcome in my apartment.  if you do, consider it being cool and returning the hookup, not a trade.  ok man, im sure youll talk to sam at work and yall can coordinate a time to come over after work or whenever

- victor

    From: "dan go" <>
Subject: SAM
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:54:22 -0500

Hello there, my name is daniel, a friend of sams from work,he said you would know how i could burn downloaded movies from the internet to cdr cds and i would be very happy if you let me in on the secret or what program i can pirate to do so. i have an hp pavilion with a 12x cd r
i have windows player and divx player,..please help me if you can....


From :    
"dan go" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: SAM  
Date :    
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 18:05:12 -0500  
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hey there today is sunday let me know when i can swing by i dont have your address or know how to get to your crib so let me know when is good for you ....daniel

    From: "joe mama" <>
Subject: Re: SAM
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 21:44:37 -0700

whenever dude, my schedule is ultra-flexible..

    From: "dan go" <>
Subject: Re: SAM
Date: Sat, 22 Jun 2002 17:34:47 -0500

thanx for being of service, i'm sure i can scramble up a little something, for your time and expertise, i'm off today (sat),sun i work from 3:30-5p,then i'm off till thursday. let me know what time is good for you.. thanx again in advance..........................daniel

    From: "joe mama" <>
Subject: Re: SAM
Date: Fri, 21 Jun 2002 23:44:22 -0700

hello daniel, sure thing man, youre more than welcome to come hang out one of these days and leech off all my free shit.  itd be cool if you brought some party favors(some ganja) but you dont have to in order to be welcome in my apartment.  if you do, consider it being cool and returning the hookup, not a trade.  ok man, im sure youll talk to sam at work and yall can coordinate a time to come over after work or whenever

- victor

    From: "dan go" <>
Subject: SAM
Date: Thu, 20 Jun 2002 20:54:22 -0500

Hello there, my name is daniel, a friend of sams from work,he said you would know how i could burn downloaded movies from the internet to cdr cds and i would be very happy if you let me in on the secret or what program i can pirate to do so. i have an hp pavilion with a 12x cd r
i have windows player and divx player,..please help me if you can....



From :    
olivia oconnor <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 15:20:34 -0700 (PDT)  
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So,tell me how you'r going to save the world.

 P.S. How's the copyer, Slim


From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Hello and Thank you  
Date :    
Sat, 29 Jun 2002 14:23:26 -0500  
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Hi Victor:

Thanks for the message. Thanks for helping me with my computer. I enjoyed meeting you although I am kind of tired today as I did not get enough rest. I will read the things you left on my computer tommorrow when I have more time and give you some feedback. I hope you have a wonderful time with your friend.

I think we could merge our visions from what you have told me. It might take some time before we are ready for intimacy.  It would be necessary for you to quit cigarettes. I don't mind a little marajuana. Getting into a class with a support group is the most effective way to quit. My friend Greg used to get people off all the time with herbal protocols. If we can reach him the advice would be inexpensive and excellent.

In the meantime, if you want to hang out and work in my gardens and help with my computer and learn how I do the Nikken business you are welcome.  

I think you are a beautiful soul on a magnificent journey with a very important mission.  If you don't want to partner in my business or help me with it that is ok. It is only right for me if it is right for you.  I urge you to let me take you through an information process before you make a decision about it. Next time we meet I will give you a product demo if you wish.



PS I have so much more to share with you, as I am sure you have with me.  Especially the yoga if it appeals to you. Have you heard of tantra yoga? Have you heard of cosmic consciousness, a state of bliss in a perpetual orgasm throughout the whole body, union with oneself that never ends? this is the goal of all forms of yoga. Union. I have no idea which type of yoga is your path. I can share what I have learned and you can look for a teacher more developed beyond me after you master what I know. What did you think of Seven Breaths to A Better Life? I need to demo the techniques for you to practice. It will help to get the pattern established and bring faster experiences.

Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266

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