


Saturday July 8, 2023

7:53pm My mom is finally telling me about Franklin. Well, I'm sure she's told me this story before, but I forgot it. Sorry, I've had two head injuries (universal excuse). :P

Ada: "I couldn't take it anymore. He was always lying down all the time! He didn't want to work.  He wouldn't even go get us food-stamps. I was the one who had to do everything for you kids. He spent hours sleeping, he spent hours doing some calculations on a piece of paper. So there was no food for you. These were things that I swallowed.

I told him, "I am sorry. I don't love you anymore." And I even sold my car, my Volkswagen...."

Victor: "And what did he tell you after you told him that?"

Ada: "He was like, "Aye, cut this nonsense. You know I think you're my princess." Than this and the other. "How are you going to leave me alone?" I told him, "I am sorry, but you are leaving this house."

Ada: "Because we didn't have money I sold my Volkswagen, and I bought him the ticket for him to return to Panama. Later, about six months or something like that, he came back to marry me again!"

Victor: "How much did you sell the VW for?"

Ada: "I don't know. It was enough to buy him a plane ticket."

Victor: "Ok, just wondering. And what happened after that?"

Ada: "Months later he came to San Antonio to marry me again."

Victor: "How long after you sent him back did he return to try and reconcile?"

Ada: "I'm not sure, maybe six months, or something like that."

Victor: "Did he call you and let you know he was coming back? Or did he just surprise you?"

Ada: "No, he surprised me."

Victor: "He just showed up one day?"

Ada: "Yes, and when you met him you started jumping up and down. You were outside playing with a little friend, whose name was Travis."

Victor: "Where?"

Ada: "An Americanito. He found us when we lived in Windsor Park. You kids would play right outside. So when he arrived you were outside with Travis. (Maybe it was a year after, I don't know.) And then he told you, "I am Franklin Gruber . I am your dad." And you started jumping up and down and clapping your hands, telling Travis, "I have a dad! I have a dad!"

Victor: "Wow, I kind of remember that. Tell me more, please. Tell me more!"

Ada: "And then... wait a minute. But you're going to put it all on your blog."

Victor: "That's the point. I want you to squeal on him.  Please tell me more."

Ada: "He came to eat my brain. Do you understand? Telling me, "Well no, I came to marry you again."

Victor: "You had already gotten divorced?"

Ada: "Of course."

Victor: "How long did that take?"

Ada: "Look, I used to take you to the Mariachi mass at Saint Margaret Mary's. I already had pre-sliced carrots in a Ziploc baggie. We spent our walks going to the "Quadrangle" in Fort Sam Houston, where we gave carrots to the deer. "

Victor: "Yes, I remember feeding the deer."

Ada: "I remember that once a deer attacked Diana. Diana had the bag with the carrots and the deer jumped on top of her to take it."

Then he came to marry me. I told him, "No, no, no! Liar! You want to marry my parent's money, lazy ass!" ::chuckles:: My lawyer was very handsome. One time when he met with the lawyer, later he told me, "Surely, you're going to get together with your lawyer."

Victor: "HAHAH!"

Ada: "And then after that I told him no, no, no. Look, Victor. I say, my God, thank God that he saved me! Then he told me that we had to talk and we were drove off to  like Universal City. He drove the car. And I told him no, no, no. If he had been a criminal you would have been left without mom. He would have thrown a tantrum, I don't know. And then I told him no, no, no, no. And then we went back to the house."

Victor: "No, no, no, what?"

Ada: "That I didn't love him, that I wasn't going to marry him. That my life was already without him.

"In that Judith, my sister was visiting from Puerto Rico. She came to spend time with me, a week, or something like that. Then Judith ate him alive! She insulted him. She said, "You're a playboy! What you have done is take money from Don Tono Torres, from my father! And make Adita and her kids suffer, her children that YOU do not care for! Little man, you are!” He told Judith, “Shut up! This is not with you." Judith told him, "I won't shut up, fat-blood! You have to see the money that Papi gave you that you never gave him back!" Judith told him a lot of things.

At the moment it was like a demon possessed him and he tells me, "I want to take the kids to eat ice cream." Right away you and Laura jumped where he was! Diana told him, "I'm not going anywhere with you! I'm staying with my mom." He yelled at Diana, "Well, stay with her then! After all, you're just like her!"

Victor: "Wow, what an asshole."

Ada: "He takes you two and when he was leaving the door he told me, "Never in your life will you see the two twins again because I am going to take them with me." And in English he tells me, "There is no treaty of extradition between Panama and the United States. Have fun with your one daughter. You will never find them." Then he told me, "I can take them to Argentina or wherever I want, but you won't see them again. Never in your life you will see these two children." And he left and closed the door hard.

Victor: "What a dick."

Ada: "Mmmhmm.

You two were, "Mom! Ice cream! Ice cream!" But Diana, Diana was always very mature. Diana, at six years old, told me crying, "Mommy, please, divorce my dad. He is making us suffer a lot. "

Victor: "Wow!"

Ada: "What did a six-year-old girl know about that? About divorce?" Well, when he told her, "Come away, Diana-Maria," she told him, "No, I'm not going anywhere with you. I'm staying with my mom."

Victor: "Wow."

Ada: "And he took you two and I was all, "My children! My children! My children! What's going to happen?" Because he told me, "There's no treaty of extaditon so there's no way you will ever find them!"

I had a friend, I don't know if you remember, whose name was Ken. A good American. So right there I call Ken crying and I'm crying. Ken tells me, "Don't you worry at all. Right after we hang up I'm going to call the airport and all the departures will be screened for him. There is no way he's going to take your kids anywhere, because the police will be waiting for him at the airport."

Imagine, I was crying, and crying and crying. Judith telling me, "Don't worry, Ada. This will work out." Crying, I told her, "Imagine, Judith, that I never see my children again." That has been the biggest heartache of my life."

Victor: "OMG, I bet."

Ada: "Then, after a while, he shows up with the two of you, each sucking on a cone. And he tells me, "No, I took them to McDonald's and here, I brought them back."

Victor: "Wow."

Ada: "He did it on purpose. He did it to see me suffer. Because I rejected him and told him that I wasn't going to marry him again."

Victor: "Let me continue on what I've written about him."


Adam: "Okay."

Victor: "You assumed we were better off without you. That's probably the only thing you have been right about in your whole pathetic existence." ::chuckles:: You like that, mommy? I even told him, "I will only agree to such a conference if we can smoke cannabis during it, both of us." And I also added, "And you better inhale."

And check out that screen shot of what I tried posting on his youtube video. I say, "THIS MAN IS A FRAUD. MASTER OF NOTHING," and it has a link to my blog, haha."

Ada: "Yes, I read that."

Victor: "Well, I added, well that's where I am at and I want to proofread the rest with you. So I added an excerpt from an email from 2002:




Subject: Re: Apology/Disclaimer for my brother's e-mail....

Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 03:06:59 +0000

"The content of this

letter is being shared with Victor. He may not necessarily like

everything I say but I have no reason to say anything behind his

back. Although we do not know each other very well, I have a lot of

confidence in his future. In life everything happens for a reason

and there maybe a positive side to negative events. Victor is

looking for the positive side trying to add his own grain of sand to

make a better world. That I respect. It could be that his

contribution will be more than a grain of sand. We both have very

dominant characters. If he cannot respect me as his father, well

let us respect each other as human beings if we are going to relate.

There is one thing that is certain. I am now giving Victor the

benefit of the doubt as he may be giving me. But if there is no

respect as human beings, it would be best for us then not to

communicate. If he ever is disrespectful to me personally, I will

whip his butt! I do love him as a son but I tolerate disrespect

absolutely from no one. There where people in high positions which

disrespected me here in panama, Ministers of government. in four

days they lost their jobs, one of them was the minister of

government, the other of health. If you ever cdisome to Panama ask

what happened to these ministers of the Andara government. They

persecuted the Botanicos. Although it has not happened yet some

day, soon, I hope, my fortunes will change. That I am aware of I

have now the only really viable medication for arthritis in the

World, the World will come to me after it. The herbs I use to make

it with grow wild, there will be little problem with supply. Este

current government of Panama is allowing me to practice medicine.

Victor hope you do not take offense to my words of whipping your

butt. Just know its in your hands to be respectful to me as simply

I will be with you. From now on either we make it as friends or we

do not at all. I am of a very drastic character when you rub my

wrong side. If you are going to have anything at all to do with me,

please be respectful. Its the starting point. If I get any more

fowel language in your letters you surely will never hear from me

again. Nevertheless, I wish you the best in every way, in your

future. You see with me subtle tricks don't work. you will either

be with me or against me, I make it a policy never to relate to

insincere people. These are the people who will sneak up on you

make you believe they are your friends, learn everything about you

which is possible, then undermine you, especially where it hurts.

In all of Panama I only have two friends. I am not looking for

friends. I am busy trying to realize my mission in life. The

rewards of those accomplishments will be shared with those who are

worthy. After that I shall simply disappear, vanish...people

Everywhere will hear of me but not know me. I will be in the

jungles enjoying the environment I love. There I shall die to this

World. You may then write to me via my satellite computer. However, I

may never answer. You have made contact with your father. like it

or not, its a privilege, I do not relate to just anyone... now you

are getting to know me. Your inheritance can be the knowledge in my

brain. It is priceless but to obtain it you just need to have

Enough respect for the transfer to be possible. Your mother gave

you what you need when your where young, possibly I can give you

what you need today if I see you are truly worthy. From what I

already know of you, either you will not write back, or simply you

will send another letter full of fowel language telling me where to

go. My advice is think before you act. Laura believes your quite

harmless. She only sees part of you we are all capable of harming

each other. But that is not what we want to do, is it son? lets

all make an effort and walk on the positive side of each other, from

now on, alright! Franklin"

I told my mom about the addendums I added in between parentheses.

Ada: "But Victor, I don't like you calling him motherfucker and you know it."

Victor: "But mom, that's EXACTLY what he is. In all senses of that phrase. But please, let me finish. If you didn't like that, you are going to hate this, lol.

Then he says, "I do love him as a son." In parenthesis after that I say, "Bullshit! You are no father of mine!" He says, "I do love him as a son, but I tolerate disrespect from no one." Then I say, "Do something, you big pussy. I dare you to." I even tell him, "I wish your mother was still alive so I could fuck her like you did mine."

Ada: "Oh, my God! Victor! Don't put that on there!"

Victor: "No, that's EXACTLY what he needs to hear."

Ada: "But delete that! Delete that!"

That is exactly what I deserve to say and exactly what he deserves to read. The simple fact that I am finally free to yell at this deadbeat good-for-absolutely-nothing poor excuse of a man named Franklin Gruber Chiari, is going to SCREAM justice!

If he were in jail he most definitely would be wearing orange scrubs and be on suicide-watch, lol.

Franklin Pussy Chiari, you're going to wish you were dead soon YOU MOTHERFUCKING TITTY SUCKING NO BALLS BITCH, mark my words!

Just think, mother, of all the bastard kids in this world who's fathers have abandoned them, do you think they'd approve of my 100% factual smear campaign I am assaulting my absent "parent" with?

I will become their hero! Don't you think they'd want that kind of justice for me? for you? For Laura? For Diana?

My shit's going to be everywhere soon. The kids are taking over soon!

Systemically-Viral is the phrase I am coining. Franklin can lick my balls! LOL :]

He deserves respect from NOBODY. I'm telling the entire world how big of a fraud he is. I am GUARANTEEING his departure from a comfortable rest of his life.

Doesn't this sound right to you? For him to feel what it's like finally?"

Ada: "I don't like that you use those words."

Victor: "Don't you see, mom? That is yet another angle I am trying to educate people about. Like I ask on my blog, wouldn't you rather they normalize profanity than transgenderism?"

Adam: "No."

Victor: "You would rather them try and make it seem like being gay, bi, or trans is okay than to allow harmless cusswords? Profanity is only words. And words can only offend people if they let them. Sticks and stones, mom.

I want to INFURIATE Franklin. Because I am aware of his aversion to profanity, that is one way I plan to achieve my goal. One of many I have planned. I will have him nervous all the time wondering what else his bastard son might be capable of, lol.

I want him to be a man enough to come and face me. I challenge him. I will snap him lick a twig, like I said. He's an old man.

Hey pussy. Yeah, I'm talking to you. I challenge you to a blog war deathmatch. Come play on the cyber court with me if you have the balls (which I know you don't).

The only way you have any chance whatsoever of even making even a speck of difference in how I am about to make you feel my if you were to make your own blog with content more cleverly organized than mine in your defense.

If I am wrong, prove it. Back your shit up. That's all you have to do. Easy, right? Blogs are free.

Aren't you glad you went to school now? HAHAHAHAHAH.

So get to work, you lame fuck. I am taking you downtown. :P


And you have to do it ALL on your own because everyone thinks you're crazy! HAHAHAHA.

Maybe you should go back in the jungle and learn how to make soothing natural burn ointment. You're going to need a massive amount for the heat I'm about to bring on you.

Feel the burn, you shall.

I will personally see that you are shitting bricks until the day you die, which will be soon. You're old and expired. You've never been able to succeed in life AT ALL. If you leave shit unfinished and you don't atone and learn your lessons, the remainder of your life is damned, as yours has turned out to be, I'm sure.

How yours is about to become, I'M POSITIVE.

I have absolutely nothing to worry about by sealing your fate for you. I've never had more fun in my whole life! You've done it to yourself, but I am at the helm.  I'm aiming straight for your asshole.  You are so fucked.

May you rot in hell, you worthless piece of shit.

You're such a done deal for me. Finished business.

I will squash you like a bug and then all the bugs that your bullshit worse-than-DEET bug repellent killed will have their vengeance too, lol.

I doubt they were very many in number, though. Nothing you do has ever worked.

You are a born loser.

Don't you ever forget who I am and what you named me, motherfucker.

Ada: "Oh, is there any forgiveness in your heart for him?

Victor: "There had been! I reached out an olive branch back then, gave him a second chance, and he fudged it up by failing me yet again. So, when I talked to Laura and she had nothing nice to say about him, she showed me how he was exactly the same person and deserved every ounce of my accumulated spite! Yeah! I am having fun again! I am back on the scene! He thought he got off the hook with me. Let me keep going, please .

Anyway, he says, "There are people in high positions which

disrespected me here in panama, Ministers of government. in four

days they lost their jobs, one of them was the minister of

government, the other of health. If you ever come to Panama ask

what happened to these ministers of the Andara government."

So in parenthesis I put, "Oh no! I am shivering in fear! HAHA!" LOL, him and his threats from him.

Ada: "I didn't understand the last thing. Did it have to do with the law?"

Victor: "He's trying to tell Lauar that if I ever disrespected him personally he would whip my butt. I repeated what I just quoted."

Ada: "Ohhhh, oh I mean, did he cause them to lose their jobs?"

Victor: "Yes, that's what he's trying to imply."

He said, "Although it has not happened yet some

day, soon, I hope, my fortunes will change. That I am aware of I

have now the only really viable medication for arthritis in the

World, the World will come to me after it. The herbs I use to make

it with grow wild, there will be little problem with supply. Este

current government of Panama is allowing me to practice medicine."

Ada: "Look, he is telling a lie there, that the government lets him practice medicine. That the Panamanian government considers him a doctor. What a liar."

Victor: "Let me keep going.

"Victor hope you do not take offense to my words of whipping your

butt. Just know its in your hands to be respectful to me as simply

I will be with you. From now on either we make it as friends or we

do not at all. I am of a very drastic character when you rub my

wrong side. If you are going to have anything at all to do with me,

please be respectful. Its the starting point. If I get any more

fowel language in your letters you surely will never hear from me

again. Nevertheless, I wish you the best in every way, in your

future. You see with me subtle tricks don't work. you will either

be with me or against me, I make it a policy never to relate to

insincere people. These are the people who will sneak up on you

make you believe they are your friends, learn everything about you

which is possible, then undermine you, especially where it hurts."

Victor: "Mom, you have a masters in pyshotherapy. Doesn't that sound a little like projection to you?"

Ada: "Well then, was that a long letter that Franklin sent you?"

Victor: "Yes, He sent this to Laura and I back in 2002. Let me keep going, please."

"In all of Panama I only have two friends. I am not looking for

friends. I am busy trying to realize my mission in life. The

rewards of those accomplishments will be shared with those who are

worthy. After that I shall simply disappear, vanish...people

Everywhere will hear of me but not know me. I will be in the

jungles enjoying the environment I love. There I shall die to this

World. You may then write to me via my satellite computer. However, I

may never answer."

Ada: "I remember hearing a story that they found him lost in the jungle. Yes, he was missing. They couldn't find him and when he appeared he was very disoriented. I'm not sure but I think he was taken to a mental health hospital , Oh what."

Victor: "Anyway. let me keep going, please."

You have made contact with your father. like it

or not, its a privilege(bullshit), I do not relate to just you

are getting to know me. Your inheritance can be the knowledge in my

brain (like I need any of that). It is priceless but to obtain it you just need to have

Enough respect for the transfer to be possible. Your mother gave

you what you need when your where young, possibly I can give you

what you need today if I see you are truly worthy (OMG)."

Ada: "As he said? No, we had things because Papi sent us money."

Victor: "Right, he should've said, "Your grandfather gave you what you needed when you were young."

Ada: "I worked and I earned a thousand dollars a month, to support a family of four."

Victor: "Anyway."

From what I

already know of you, either you will not write back, or simply you

will send another letter full of fowel language telling me where to

go. My advice is think before you act. Laura believes your quite

harmless. She only sees part of you. we are all capable of harming

each other."

Victor: "In parenthesis I say, "Just because you are doesn't mean I am. You are bltantly projecting, fool." LOL You know what projection is, right, mom?"

Ada: "In that sense, no."

Victor: "No, the psychological term projection. When one blames others for what they are guilty of themselves."

Ada: "Yes, yes, yes."

Victor: "Wouldn't you say that that's what he's doing right here?

Ada: "I know that Lauri already sent him to fry potatoes."

Victor: "Yes, I can't wait to come home and have her let me read her recent emails with him."

Mom: "Lauri blocked him too."

Victor: "Yeah, that's what she told me."

Ada: "He has no access to Laura."

Victor: "Then he goes:

My advice is think before you act. Laura believes your quite

harmless. She only sees part of you we are all capable of harming

each other.

Victor: "After that I say, "Just because you are doesn't mean I am. You are blatantly projecting. Harm only comes when one deserves it, fool."

"But that is not what we want to do, is it son?"

Victor: "How dare he call me son."

Ada: "Hey, Victor. I'm afraid that this man is crazy and will come looking for you and hurt you."

Victor: "He can bring it on. I am ready for him. Finally he closes with:

"Lets all make an effort and walk on the positive side of each other, from

now on, alright! Franklin"

After that I comically put, HAHAHAHA, you lose! Good day, sir! Do you remember Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, mom?

Adam: "Aha."

Victor: "Let's see if you recognize this sound clip. "It's all there! Black and white! Clear as crystal! You stole Fizzy Lifting drinks. You bumped into the ceiling which now has to be washed and sterilized, so you get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!" I have a link to that video clip, lol,

Do you remember that, mom?

Ada: "No, I would have to see the movie again. Hey, and what does Juliet say about all this?"

Victor: "She loves it! She thinks it's funny AF. She thinks I am right in doing it. Anyway, let me keep going.

"Oh yes, before I forget. I am nowhere near done having this poor excuse for a man ruin himself.

Way back then, after my actions evoked many reactions in his life remotely, Frank even said that some of his enemies found him because of me (Great! Bullseye! Take that home to your mom, motherfucker!). I felt he had had enough and begrudgingly removed the FAILURE FRANKLIN section from my site, because I'm such a nice guy.


I didn't pay him any attention after that and ignored, deleted any emails he sent me.

Well, after all this time has passed and I have finally come back to my mission full-force, I called Laura the other day and asked her about our "father." She had still kept in contact all this time, but he recently pissed her off (great!). She had absolutely nothing good to say about him and stated she had blocked him a long time ago. I pressed her, "Why?" I don't remember exactly what she told me, but it was clear that Franklin was still a deadbeat and had learned nothing.

A huge grin came over my face. "He probably thought he was off the hook with me, ha. I'm going to follow through on something I started two decades ago. Justice will be done finally." I told Laura.

I bet Franklin was greatly relieved when he thought the secrets he disclosed in emails to me were safe again, after I removed the section from my website. But guess what, motherfucker.


And I have a link to my old FAILURE FRANKLIN section, but not from my blog, hehe. It's a link to my old website that is conveniently archived on the WayBackMachine. I AM BACK AND IT'S ON! LIKE DONKEY KONG!

Victor: "Mom, let me tell you about the Wayback Machine. It's a stored, a big database, an online archive of every website that's ever existed since the birth of the internet, essentially. With this machine I was able to see my old website again with my own two eyes! I got so much stuff back that I thought I had lost forever! Well, without all of the pictures, which I still need."

Ada: "Vic-vic. All this, are you going to send it to him?"

Victor: "Not at all, I won't have to for him to read it. It's on my blog for the whole world to see. He'll see it when he's meant to. I am going to go to every single Youtube video of his I can find and leave a link to my damning blog on the comments section of each and every single video of his. Hell, even on random videos that have nothing to do with him, teehee. On a daily basis, as much as I possibly can. Infamous, he shall become. :]

Victor: Rest assured, dear mother, he will find out about it. The whole world will find out about it. Justice for Frank Goober is coming.

You better run for cover, pencil-dick. Sleep with one eye open. Here's your cue to go into hiding with your tail between your legs. Even with the new asshole I am ripping you, you'll still be full of shit until the day you die. Expect that soon. You might as well end it yourself and save the universe the trouble. Your karma is fucked. Ten-fold, prick. You are sooooo screwed. Let's dance.



Victor: "Lol, I am having so much fun with this, mom."

Ada: "Are you going to put all that on Youtube?"

Victor: "No, it's already on my blog, permanently."

Ada: "Oh, I thought you mentioned YouTube."

Victor: "No, see, he has a handful of YouTube vidoes online trying to hawk his bullshit tintcures. So I am going to go to each one of his videos and post a comment on them with a link to my blog."

Ada: "Oh, okay, like that he's a fraud and stuff like that."

Victor: "Right, to my website where I have this big defaming expose that will surely ruin him. Just like he deserves."

Ada: "Oh, and what are his YouTubes called? Master Franklin, or something like that."

Victor: "Master Herbalist he calls himself. He's more a Master Baiter, lol. Look how he baited you.  Just Google Franklin Gruber Chiari. It's that easy. The truth about the biggest motherfucker in the world is coming out, mom.

Victor: "If anything, I had hoped you'd be proud of your head-injured son."

Ada: "Wow. But, I just don't like bad words."

Victor: "I know and I apologize, but that's one of the angles I am working with. Profanity is one of the most effective stones I have for my sling, if you understand, which I am sure you do.'

Victor: "Just please wish me luck. Mamita, I know I am aggressive in my tactics but just try to consider me as Jesus with cohones."

Ada: "Oh, my god, don't say that."

Victor: "In the end, mine is an aggressive peaceful protest. It's totally possible. I am only communicating harmless words, simple text. I think I would make Jesus proud for standing up for my rights and everybody else'. Don't you think so?

I think Jesus would want to smoke a bowl with me, lol."

Ada: "I don't think so, because Jesus was all about forgiveness. He preached about forgiveness and love."

Victor: "I preach about forgiveness and love too. But I also preach about the need to earn forgiveness before it is just handed to you. I forgave Franklin already and he didn't change. In fact, he got worse. He's not getting a second chance unless he deserves it.

When the time comes(I'm going to have heaps of fun doing things to him like..ahh, don't feel like finishing the sentence), I'll have a checklist of demands that will illustrate EXACTLY what he needs to DO to earn my forgiveness, but I doubt he'll ever comply. He doesn't seem to know much of anything, let alone when to do what's right and wrong and how to tell the difference between the two.

He's going to commit suicide, most likely. That's what people do when they have a shitty life and can never get their shit together. I would've a long time ago, if I were him (which I am glad I am not).

Remember Frank, always be respectful to your superiors, if you have any.

You are below me. Face me and I'll prove to you evolution exists. You are no match for the new and improved version of you. The smart version of you which you will never even come close to. Thanks for showing me how not to treat others. You have the devil in you.

You need to take after your son or always stay wayyyyy behind him. Your son has lessons for you, not the other way around. You suck and I rule. You are destined to suck.

You can't FIGHT FATE!

I have half the mind to make you beg. Bark like a dog, bitch! Squeal like a pig! Louder, boy! REEEEEEE!!! REEEEEEEE!!!!!

You've got absolutely nothing on me! Not even room to talk or defend your stance in ANY way. You're going to pay. This I decree.

Note to Franklin's enemies who read this: "Will you do me a huge solid? Fuck with Frank for me. Steal from him. Slash the tires on his motorcycle. Just play with him.

Hurt him for me, please, but don't kill him. Just tease the hell out of him. Laugh heartily at him while you point and sneer, lol. "We know all about you, little man!" I want him to feel like the total shit he is.

Bloody noses and black eyes would be just fine (send me pics, please!), but I want him to die when he's meant to, not at your hands. Please respect my wishes.

Here's an idea. Confront him in a back alley or something and force him however you want, to smoke marijuana! HAHAHA, suck it down, bitch! Be sure to tell him Victor sent you, hahaha.

I didn't pay him any attention after that and ignored, deleted any emails he sent me.

Well, after all this time has passed and I have finally come back to my mission full-force, I called Laura the other day and asked her about our "father." She had still kept in contact all this time, but he recently pissed her off (great!). She had absolutely nothing good to say about him and stated she had blocked him a long time ago. I pressed her, "Why?" I don't remember exactly what she told me, but it was clear that Franklin was still a deadbeat and had learned nothing.

A huge grin came over my face. "He probably thought he was off the hook with me, ha. I'm going to follow through on something I started two decades ago. Justice will be done." I told Laura.

I bet Franklin was greatly relieved when he thought the secrets he disclosed in emails to me were safe again, after I removed the section from my website. But guess what, motherfucker.



Me and the Way Back Machine, we go wayyyyy back, lol.

Victor: "Hey mama, when I get rough with people and yell at them when they ignore me, ask them if they've always been that ignorant, yell, NOBODY wants world peace! Poor Kids! When I call them good little slaves, I am implanting myself in their minds that way when my stuff circles the globe they will remember me. I've been memorable for twenty years now, mother. I am being an actual meme.

See, there's this whole concept, this whole dream that was talked about in the dawn of computers. They referred to it as an internet worm or something and postulated it would work along the same lines as a computer virus, but in reverse, sort of. An idea so great that it would spread by itself! With the internet word-of-mouth can reach the whole world! 

They theorized that if there was an idea so good and interesting and beneficial to humanity, that just the mention of it would spread it via "word-of-mouth," which became "word-of-keyboard" when computers came around. An unstoppable idea that had the potential to reach more souls than ever before.

Talk about it fizzled out, forcedly, I presume, but I've recently realized that I might be able to make this concept a reality, and definitely in my lifetime. Sooner than anyone could possibly imagine.

So I started having all these crazy ideas around the year 2000 and started vocalizing them to strangers. LOVE, the primal force of our world saw what my intentions were, quickly picked up on my level of surrender to just letting things happen and leaving things up to chance, and LOVE wrote out a fruitful path for me that to stay on I just have to keep spreading my words, which I do every single moment I can.

I hope you are following me, mom. Love had me meet the right people, tell the right people my story, instill hope in people, get people to change their minds about suicide, and all I have to do is simply just keep track of it all with my little recorder and eventually type it up."

Ada: "I imagine that in Franklin's mind he says, "Well, I've tried to call, I did my best, I went back to see if she would marry me again." In his mind he probably thinks it was all Ada's fault. Ada took my children from me."

Victor: "Little-man!"

Ada: The therapist herself told me, "You can't stay with that man. If you stay with that man, he's going to hurt your children."

Victor: "You both went to couple's therapy? How did that go? Did you find out about it first? Did you two go together?"

Ada: "I took you to the mariachi mass at the Catholic church. And then it turns out that in the church bulletin they announced that the archdiocese had a therapist, a marriage counselor. I remember that I grabbed a piece of paper and that Monday I called and she answered me. And I said, "Do you speak Spanish? "She says, "No dear, but your English is fine."

So, that day, I guess it was Tuesday, she told me that she wanted to see me. Well, I went and told him what was happening. She told me, "I would like to do a joint session with Franklin." I told Franklin at home and then, you see, I already told Franklin that we were going to get divorced and that I didn't want anything with him anymore. When he decided to come he told the therapist, "No, she's the crazy one."

Later, we had another joint session, and when I finally got to talk to her alone, she told me, she sat in the corner of the chair and held both my hands and said, "You must get a divorce."

I yelled at her "No! I can't do that!" I told her, "No, the lord doesn't want me to get a divorce. He's going to be mad at me." And she grabs my hands and says, "The lord is going to be angry at you if you subject your kids to that kind of situation and do not get away."

It was like they took I don't know how many pounds off my shoulders! And I came in the car on the road very happy! When I get home he was not there. So I call my parents. 

Victor: "Where were we? Where were the kids?"

Ada: "At the daycare. With all the black kids."

Victor: "Do you remember when I told you like a black kid, "I ain't fo no mo, I five!" LOL

Ada: "I got home and called my parents. I told them, 'I'm going to get a divorce.' They said, 'No, mija! No! No! No! Remember that you are married for life." Mami told me, "We cried for you, we knew of your suffering, but in the church they teach us that marriage is sacred and it is for life. Keep putting up with it and maybe things will get better."

And I told them, "No, the Catholic Church is ordering me to divorce."

As soon as I said that, Papi told me, "Mija! How much do you need for the lawyer?"

Victor: "Wow! Hahahahah! That's all it took! ::clapping:: Oh mom, what a joy to hear that story!"

Ada: "I imagine how my two parents hugged each other crying. So, my marriage was annulled. You see, I was already studying for my master's. That counselor was my inspiration to get a master's in marriage and family therapy."

Victor: Wow.

Ada: "So, when I told her. Her name was Doctor Maria Liddy. I told her, "Maria, I am going back to graduate school." She said, "Oh! That's great!" I told her, "I am planning to get a masters in marriage and family therapy." She said, "I knew that." I asked her how and she said, "Because of the kinds of questions you have been asking me." I said, "Yes, you have been my inspiration."

So when I told Franklin that the marriage was going to be annulled, he said, "Does that mean my kids are bastards?" I told him, "No, they're not because we were legally married at the time, but the thing is you never honored what you promised on the altar, so our marriage is going to be annulled by the Catholic church."

So, in my Marriage and Family I class I befriended a priest. One of my classmates was a priest Gene Hanky. He did EVERYTHING for me! An annulment cost like a thousand dollars. He told me not to worry about it, that he would do everything for me. He did all of the paperwork. I went to the Ecclesial Tribunal."

Victor: "What's that?"

Ada: "A court of the Catholic Church. It was just three of us. The judge priest and the lawyer priest. When I told them about everything that had happened with Franklin, the judge told the lawyer, "Do you think she has grounds for annulment?" The lawyer says, "Yes! That, she has!"

At that time, the queen of Monaco Grace Kelly she was trying to get an annulment for her daughter and she never could. The annulments usually took years until  the church accepted it. I went to the court in October. By February I already had my annulment. In four months."

Victor: "Wow! How insulting that must've been to him. Failed once again! Failure is the story of his life. He lied to God!"

Ada: "And he didn't work for nothing."

Victor: "So he never had a job in San Antonio?"

Adam: "No!"

Victor: "How many years was he there?"

Ada: "Well, since we sold the house in Puerto Rico that's how we came here with, with that."

Victor: "Okay, so you came to San Antonio in 1980, right? July?"

Ada: "43 years ago."

Victor: "And when did he go back to Panama?"

Ada: "I sent him to his mom, we were not even here two years. Yes, because when we arrived we lived on the South Side."

Victor: "I have no memory of the South Side home."

Ada: "An apartment. My God, that was horrible. I have the photos and everything."

Victor: "I would love for you to send them to me."

Ada: "My parents later came and bought new beds for you children. I didn't even have a chest of drawers for you. The clothes were in cardboard boxes. After that we decided to live in a different neighborhood, and then I was able to celebrate your first Christmas for you kids. With actual gifts, because Dad always gave me enough to buy you presents. 

After that we moved to the Northeast, by Walzem, I think. I remember that when we moved, he still hadn't done the lighting arrangements, and we had to, the temperature was about ten degrees and we were all in the bathroom. The five of us slept in the bathroom, warming each other."

Victor: "Wow, that's pathetic."

Ada: "Aye, no, no, no. That was a horrible thing. So from there he didn't want to work and that was the time when I told him he had to leave."

Victor: "He never even put in one application?"

Ada: "Not one. He thought he was too good to earn little money, and wouldn't even consider working for minimum wage."

Victor: "What kinds of promises did he make to you before you moved to San Antonio? What kinds of dreams was he planning?"

Ada: "Nothing he told me about."

Victor: "Did he help decide to move to San Antonio?"

Ada: "No, he had nothing to do with that decision."

Victor: "Where did he suggest you'd move to?"

Ada: "I don't know, but he didn't like Vega Baja, he thought I was a spoiled brat. He sometimes spoke badly to me about my parents. I told him, "Okay, let's go there with your gringos."

So that's when I met a teacher, I worked in Vega Baja as a home economics teacher. There I met my health supervisor. Later I ran into him in the supermarket and he told me that he lived in San Antonio.

Aye, what I told Franklin when we were deciding where to raise them, I told him, "Let's go with your gringos, but not to New York, not to Denver, not to Chicago, I want to go to a place where my children, they are well connected to the Latino culture."

So by chance I met that teacher who had moved to the United States and lived in San Antonio. And he gave me his address.

This nice man opened the door to San Antonio for us. When we arrived he already had a separate room in his home for us. On the South Side.

Victor: "How lucky we had such a soft landing. It definitely seems like we came where we needed to be, the right, perfect place. What an angel, this man."

Ada: "He picked us up from the airport, he took us to an HEB. I asked him, "What is that?" He told me, "It's HEB, a very large supermarket in San Antonio."

Victor: "Wow, what a loving welcome they gave us."

Ada: "I didn't even want to go to Nebraska, where Franklin spent time before. I didn't want anywhere else. Just San Antonio."

Victor: "Wow, that was an awesome story. What was that story about the big box of food, again?"

Ada: "Once you were watching the cartoons, the television and at the moment you start to yell, "Mama! Mother! The TV is damaged! The television was damaged!" I already knew what it was. They had cut off our power.

Then, a few days later, it turned out that there was no food in the house. Not even a gallon of milk. All the food had run out. I was always telling Franklin to go apply for food stamps, but he never would."

Victor: "Why wouldn't he go?"

Ada: "I don't even remember."

Victor: "But what would he do all day then? Just lay in the hammock all day?"

Ada: "I don't know. What happened is that that day he had left. I don't know where he went. I don't know why I didn't ask him. He left. And what happened? You were hungry, and there wasn't even cereal to give you.  I started looking in the kitchen for food. You kids were yelling that you were hungry.

I left you kids watching television in the living room and went to the kitchen alone. I had me a crying fit. I fell on my knees, in the kitchen. I extend my arms and begin to pray. "God, my children have no food. God, I don't know what to do." I started crying and crying and crying, kneeled and crying with my hands up. When at the moment, tuktuktuk, a knock on the door.

There I dry my tears so you kids don't see me cry. Then when I open the door it was the postman with a HUGE box!

So that you can see how God has protected us. For me, that was a miracle.

Also, my mom in Puerto Rico felt every time that Franklin raised his voice at me. Every time Mami called me."

Victor: "What time did the package arrive?"

Ada: "At eleven or something.  Almost noon."

Victor: "What did we have for dinner that night?"

Ada: "Excuse me, let me tell you everything that came in the box. Powdered milk, evaporated milk, meat, beef, cans of food. They gave me llautia, calabasa, rice, Ciento En Bocas for you. 

At that time Papi at least spent more than a hundred dollars to send it. Right there I sit you guys in the dining room, I give you cereal, I give you everything they sent. So I started cooking. What did I cook? I don't remember. Rice, beans, meat that they sent."

Look, when Franklin walked into the house the house smelled of food and he says, "Whooo!! Yummy!"

Victor: "Where did he go? Where had he been?"

Ada: "I don't know, because I didn't care.   The good thing was that he left!"

Victor: "HAHAHAHA!"

Ada: "He comes in and says how delicious, and opens pots. And he served himself before I could serve you kids."

Victor: "OMG! What a dick! What an entitled motherfucker!

Ada: "And he said, "Well, where did the food come from?" And I yelled at him, "Your in-laws, my parents, who have to swallow their pride so their grandchildren can eat!" He said, "Oh, well," and he served himself and sat down."

Victor: "Gosh, the fucking nerve of that "man." You should have kicked him out right then and there."

Ada: "There were many things."

Victor: "Okay mom, thank you for yet another great chapter. I have this nifty little recorder that the USB thing sticks out of it and I can transfer voice files easily. I usually just type everything up. Do you mind if I have this call as a voice recording on my blog?

Ada: "No, not my voice, please."

Victor: "I can type it up still though, right?"

Ada: "Mmmhmm."

Victor: "Great! Thanks for helping me educate the masses, mom. I love you! I want to make you proud, mother. I am doing this for you!

Ada: "It's eleven a clock almost over here."

Victor: "Sweet dreams, sweet mommy. I love you!"

Ada: "Okay, bye bye."

Victor: "Bye mom, muah."

Ada: "I love you, I love you!"

Victor: "Ok, bye mom, I love you!"

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