

 * Now talking in #amsterdam
<dammit> hello
<dreammer_> Ola
<dammit> anyone have an AOL setup file they could send me
* wox has joined #amsterdam
<dreammer_> In Holland?
* wox has left #amsterdam
<dammit> im sure someone has a cd laying around
<dammit> aol is global, no?
<dreammer_> Me not even sure if you can do aol in holland..
<dreammer_> I think its still linked 2 compuserve here.. but me not sure
<dammit> hey dreamer, guess what im going to do..
<dreammer_> What? install compuserve?
<dammit> im going to eliminate money..
<dammit> which would, in turn, bring world peace
<dammit> and one of the repurcussions of my actions will be
<dammit> the legalization of marijuana..
<dreammer_> Eh dude..
<dreammer_> Mary jane is legal :-)
<dammit> not in the US
<dreammer_> hehehe.. yar right there..
<dammit> it soon will be though
<dammit> all because of me
<dammit> and the internet
<dreammer_> But we all can be 420-247 here.. :-)
<dammit> lucky-fucks
<dammit> :P
<dreammer_> I know :-)
<dreammer_> We can do that here legally 2 :-)))))
<dreammer_> hhahahahahahahaha
<dammit> ya dont have to rub it in yo
<dammit> :[
<dreammer_> But seriously.. how do you wanna get maryjane legal in the states by sending allot of spam into the world?
<dammit> well check it one time girl
<dammit> whats the problems one encounters when trying to get a new idea out?
<dreammer_> hehe If you recieve this email... light up a spliffie and send it you all your friends... Legalize MaryJane
<dammit> hehe
<dreammer_> We can make a theme song..
<dreammer_> MaryJane.. shes in my head.. Shes in my head.. but the police wants it to go away..
<dammit> well, one of the biggest problems is, if youre trying to share your idea orally, you always run into that pesky problem of sometimes forgetting it
<dammit> and not telling the whole story
<dammit> thus, not being as effective as you mean to
<dammit> then
<dreammer_> hehehe.. So you wanna send out a manifesto ??
<dammit> IGNORANCE
<dammit> these old fashioned fucks who are in power
<dammit> set in their traditional, customary ways
<dammit> are scared of change
<dammit> well
<dammit> teehee
<dammit> with my method
<dreammer_> I like the world To be FRee.. To be able to choose the plant of life, I think That All of my brothers and sisters should be able to wake up and smokem the pipe of peace... love and hapiness.. and Thiz is my manifesto :)
<dammit> i would run an FTP server from my computer
<DexAway> legalize gunja!
<DexAway> =)
<dreammer_> :-)
<dreammer_> Why ftp ?
<dammit> where i would give anyone in the world access to my hard drive
<dreammer_> Just do a w3
<dammit> only the files and directories i want them to access
<dammit> and on my hard drive i would have my text files and
<dreammer_> Hmmmm.. so you are hidding parts of the truth
<dammit> containing my ideas
<dreammer_> Dude.. u should use a w3 for that
<dreammer_> not an ftp
<dammit> which people could then read
<dammit> at
<dammit> their
<dammit> discretion
<dammit> finish em when they want
<dammit> but the whole story could be told
<dammit> and i will use ftp damnit
<dreammer_> Hmmm. share it with FastTrack :-)
<dreammer_> More people would be able 2 read..
<dammit> im going to keep things as simple as possible
<dammit> ill use .txt's
<dammit> windows notepad
<dreammer_> And its harder to knock out your speeches.. cause everybody would spread the word literly :)
<dammit> here, let me show you the beginnings of my site
<dreammer_> Hmm.. dammit. I dont think you thought enough about your idea's
<dreammer_> Cause all I heared now Is that you have ideas you wanna share. so maryjane would be freed..
<dammit> ive found that theres genius in impulse sometimes..
<dammit> and sometimes its better not to have a plan
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<dammit> and play it by ear
* Erycka_ has left #amsterdam
* sexx-girl is now known as pic2000
<dreammer_> Free Maryjane.. and take away my pain.. Cause I have cancer in my head.. And I wish the pain is dead.. free maryjane maryjane maryjane.... U gotta free mary jane... Mary Jane Mary jane..
<dreammer_> U should release songs dude...
<dreammer_> And your speech..
<dreammer_> But not with Ftp
<dreammer_> Do a w3 and via kazaa or something
<dreammer_> You will get 2 more people then with FTP
<SabrAWAY> heb je kanker?
<dreammer_> cause not allot of people in the world know REALLY how 2 use it..
<dreammer_> not the masses
<dreammer_> Nee sabrina..
<SabrAWAY> hou dan effe op met je wijze praat tegen jezelf
<dreammer_> Maar hij zoekt manieren om wiet legaal te krijgen in america
<SabrAWAY> oh
<dammit> dreamer..msg
<dreammer_> En Als je daadwerkelijk chemo heb gehad.. Dan ben je minder misselijk na het roken van een joint..
<dreammer_> En dat heb ik zelf niet getest.. maar dat heb ik van meerdere mensen gehoord
<dammit> you see that link, it would come up as a clickable
 hyperlink anywhere else..
<dreammer_> ook goed voor mensen met staar
<dreammer_> bijvoorbeeld
<dammit> and all these mouse-dependant people could just click to their hearts content
<dreammer_> hehehe
<dreammer_> Dus niet gelijk boos worden sabrina..
* SabrAWAY has quit IRC
<dammit> ching chong chow
<dammit> im logging my life
<dammit> documenting it all
* stifler hath returned
<dreammer_> Hee Stifler
* stifler is away -- not here -- messages will be saved.
<dammit> dreamer, do you have an ftp program/know how to use one?
<dreammer_> Yes I do dammit..
* Ca_No_- has joined #amsterdam
<dreammer_> But like I said.. the masses.. if you wanna share information.. use a way that people understand
<dammit> then you know how to take that link apart and log in through your client right
<dreammer_> Yes dude.. but thats not what I mean..
<dammit> just download all those txts and read em when you got time
<dreammer_> But dude.. most people dont understand that
* pic2000 has quit IRC
<dreammer_> not the people u wanna make yourself heard 2
<dreammer_> There are more effecient wayz
<dammit> dude, everyone understands hyperlinks
<dammit> that they can click on easily
<dammit> and i could make a text file with step by step instructions on using an ftp client
<dreammer_> Dude.. u say it yourself.. you need to give instructions..
<dreammer_> But dude also.. you dont try to think my way..
<dreammer_> So unless you attempt to think other peoples way.. you will never find out what you wanna know
<dreammer_> And your stuff will not be heard..
<dreammer_> Just ask 20 people and ask what they prefer as a means of information
<dreammer_> most people will say W3 cause thats the only think they know about the internet
<dreammer_> Email is a seccond
<dreammer_> So set up forums so people can discuss about it
<dammit> ok
<dreammer_> dont use newsgroups for that..
<dreammer_> Its more efficient.. but people will not understand
<dammit> i also plan to unleash the healthiest chain letter on america online
<dammit> packed with my ideas and such
<dreammer_> Like u said.. people know how 2 use hyperlinks.. but Not ftp.. hyperlinks is more w3
<dammit> in the subject of the email ill have: THIS IS JUNK MAIL, DELETE
<dammit> everyone will open it
<dreammer_> hmm.. dude.. spam suxx
<dammit> reverse-psychology
<dreammer_> hehehe.. well maybe your right about the reverse-pschyc stuff
<dreammer_> but still..
<dreammer_> Email addy's arent free
<dreammer_> So how do you wanna get them ?
<dreammer_> hehehe
<dammit> umm, you can view an ftp through any browser, with a hyperlink
<dammit> like the one i gave you
<dammit> and email addresses are free
<dreammer_> Eh dude ... Its still not a good option...
<dreammer_> People want more then just a dirlisting
<dammit> my free one, that i check all the time is:
<dammit> like i said, i want to keep it simple
<dammit> im a minamilist
<dreammer_> Okey u say it yourself.. kiss (keep it simple stupid)
<dreammer_> And with kiss.. you dont need a txtfile that explains how to ftp
<dreammer_> They want an interface they can find with google..
<dreammer_> they wanna klick and read..
<dreammer_> not search download and read
<dammit> dreamer, i want you to do me a favor, and it seems like you already started
<dammit> i want you to doubt me
<dammit> i want everyone to
<dammit> itll make my victory sooo much sweeter
<dammit> :]
<dreammer_> :-) hey.. I am not doubting there is a movement that wants free and legal mary jane
<dammit> im going to expedite everything
<dreammer_> But I am sure there are better wayz of doing this then an ftp
<dammit> when you think of one, let me know please
<dammit> theyre not better to me
<dammit> let me send you the rules i live by
<dammit> my name is victor, by the way
<dammit> come 2004, unless i have president bush impeached before then
<dammit> i plan to run for president
<dammit> im 24 years old, puerto rican/german/panamanian/italian
<dammit> im going to run with my first name only
<dammit> im going to live up to my name damnit
<dammit> so mark my words
<dammit> take comfort in the fact that the world wont end..
<dreammer_> hello victor
<dreammer_> Why all the quotes?\
<dammit> hi dreammer_ :]
<dammit> if you run across one you dont agree with, let me know
<dreammer_> Oh.. dreammer is my real name..
<dreammer_> I had hippie parents
<dammit> thats sooo cool
<dammit> i got the hots for ya
<dammit> :P
<dreammer_> :-)
<dammit> how old is jew?
<dreammer_> Me is 24
<Petteroes> dammit... that mix, is that a result of heavy innbreeding or just a working accident on behalve of your mother.
<dammit> ohhhhhh..
<dreammer_> and me is getting my last coffee just a sec
* tows3r has quit IRC (Quit:
<dammit> petter, you idiot, if it were inbreeding there would be only one nationality
<dammit> fucking duh
<dammit> i have the best of all those worlds
<dammit> ok im going to go catch a bus
<dammit> ill check your black asses later
<dreammer_> Yeah I got coffee
<dreammer_> Dammit.. why did you yell at pett?
<dreammer_> Shame on you :)
<dammit> because he is ignorant
<dreammer_> No he isnt.. he is one of the most free minds I know
<dammit> then he should know the definition of inbreeding
<dammit> no?
<dreammer_> Neh :)
<Petteroes> dammit, regarding innbreeding and nationalities...ever seen an american?
<dreammer_> hahahahahahaha
<dammit> i am an american
<Petteroes> So, there you have it
<Ca_No_-> hi
<dammit> an american that is about to go utilize the public-transportation system
<dreammer_> Hee Ca_no
<dammit> so, i must depart
<Ca_No_-> ý fakyou
<dammit> by everyone
<dreammer_> Byebye dammit
<dammit> shmoke weeed
<Petteroes> Hehe, go in peace dammit
<Petteroes> have fun
<dammit> peace brother

* Now talking in #amsterdam
<dammit> hallo
<Petteroes> and how was the public transport dammit?
<dammit> i forgot, it doesnt run on saturdays..
<dammit> yet
<dammit> im going to change all that
<Petteroes> ic
<dammit> ill have the buses running 24-7, anywhere there is a residence..
<dammit> every 10 minutes
* Marie_Sin has joined #amsterdam
<dammit> i, alone
<Petteroes> then get me a bike-driven carriage with some nice women in charge of it:-P
<dammit> hah
<dammit> check that link out
<dammit> read em in this order: mouhon.txt, return.txt, portpart.txt
<dammit> actually, truths.txt first
<dammit> the rules i live by
<dammit> do you have an ftp client?
<dammit> if you do, then you should know how to take apart that hyperlink and log onto my hard drive with the program
<dammit> download everything, if thats the case
<dammit> and read them at your discretion

* Now talking in #sanantonio
* Topic is 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEFANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
* Set by Alex81 on Fri Aug 30 17:41:11
<dammit> hallo
<dammit> happy belated birthday steffy
<dammit> shes not even here
<dammit> change the topic dammit
<dammit> ::note to self::
<dammit> !topic fuck da police
<dammit> wups
<dammit> thats not how to do it
<dammit> its been a while
<dammit> this channel sucks, someone kick me

* Now talking in #sanantonio
* Topic is 'HAPPY BIRTHDAY STEFANIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'
* Set by Alex81 on Fri Aug 30 17:41:11
<dammit> word up g-monies
<dammit> im gonna save the world
<dammit> im gonna save the world
<dammit> :P
<dammit> ayeeeee ayeeee ayeeee
<dammit> ill show you all exactly how crazy i really am
<Alex81> no one thinks your crazy
<Alex81> just eccentric
<dammit> everyone thinks im crazy
<dammit> almost
<dammit> thank you for not thinking im crazy
<Alex81> np
<dammit> i have been diagnosed bi-polar with psychotic features..
<dammit> and that i have great delusions of grandeur
<dammit> some of the greatest minds in history have been bi-polar
<dammit> but it doesnt take genius to recognize genius
<dammit> just an open eye, ears and heart
<dammit> theres nothing to it
<dammit> but to do it
<dammit> and i will
<dammit> do it
<dammit> monday is labor day
<dammit> it will be my day
<Alex81> what is it exactly that you are going to do?
<dammit> i will own it to the bone
<comp23> heh
<dammit> get heard
<Alex81> hey comp
<comp23> hey
<dammit> through the almighty internet
<Alex81> long time no see
<dammit> im gonna run an ftp server off my computer..
<comp23> yeah, got back from Portland, OR last night
<Alex81> cool
<dammit> and give everyone in the world access to my documents
<dammit> so that they can read them
<dammit> at their discretion
<dammit> finish them when they want
<dammit> but the whole story will be told
<dammit> im gonna visit portland
<dammit> how are the fires burning?
<dammit> forest fires are essential to the growth of the forests

* Now talking in #amsterdam
* Kobayasky has joined #amsterdam
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<Dr_JoiNt> so long
<Dr_JoiNt> ..
<Dr_JoiNt> by
* Dr_JoiNt was kicked by bjorn28 (lame nick)
* Dr_JoiNt has joined #amsterdam
<bjorn28> !rules
<prutser>   bjorn28 wants you to know that:
<prutser>  1 Only use dutch or english language
<prutser>  2 Don't ask for ops
<Kobayasky> heloo
<prutser>  3 Most of us hate privates
<prutser>  4 DON'T ask or talk about drugs! Thank you!
<prutser>  5 Use a NORMAL nick or you'll get kicked.
<Kobayasky> COCAINA
* bjorn28 sets mode: +b *!*
* Kobayasky was kicked by bjorn28 (doei)
<dammit> fucking duh
<Dr_JoiNt> budale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Dr_JoiNt> budale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
<Dr_JoiNt> Morons
* bjorn28 sets mode: +b *!*@
* X sets mode: +b *!*BotNet@212.118.88.*
* Dr_JoiNt was kicked by X ((Scooty) No Reason)
<bjorn28> :)
<^Scooty^> opsouten
<bjorn28> idd  
<^Scooty^> 1 klik op de knop
<bjorn28> ja? oww
<^Scooty^> zie jet verschil tussen de ban van jou en die van X?
<bjorn28> yep
<dammit> ¿why did you kick joint for saying morons but not me for saying fucking duh?
<^Scooty^> flooding
<dammit> ah i see
<^Scooty^> and otherwise will kick them self
<^Scooty^> X
<dammit> i gotcha
<^Scooty^> and otherwise X will kick them self
<bjorn28> :D
<^Scooty^> floodpro-detection
<^Scooty^> hmmzz
<dammit> i hear ya loud and clear
<dammit> no need for further elaboration
<^Scooty^> ff kijken wat de massdeoppro is
<^Scooty^> oki staat goed;)

* Now talking in #amsterdam
<dammit> sorry
<dammit> sorry
* MontAnAh has joined #amsterdam
<MontAnAh> halloooooooooooooo
<dammit> hey, does anyone have an aol cd lying around? i need the setup file
* Shoaib23 has joined #amsterdam
<WTmastaH> aol? ewwww
<dammit> its not like i pay for it
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<WTmastaH> still yucky
<dammit> im gonna start the healthiest chain letter on aol
<dammit> im gonna go to every big city chatroom and send it out
<dammit> in the subject of the email itll say: THIS IS JUNK MAIL, DELETE
<dammit> everyone will open it
<WTmastaH> ok...
<dammit> reverse-psychology
<WTmastaH> lol whatever
<WTmastaH> my email addy is set to exclusive ne way
<WTmastaH> everything i get is junk mail
<WTmastaH> except a few addy's in my safe list
<dammit> just watch
<dammit> actually, i want you to do me a favor
<dammit> doubt me
<dammit> itll make my victory soooo much sweeter
<WTmastaH> why the heck would I want to do YOU a favor?
<dammit> ok then dont doubt me
* Shoaib23 has left #amsterdam
<dreammer_> I will have it my way :)
<bjorn28> watch you caps please
<dreammer_> I alwayz have it my way
<dammit> im so sorry
<dreammer_> Cause if it aint my way.. its no way at all :)
<WTmastaH> whats ur way dreammer_? :p
<dreammer_> My way is the right way :)
<dammit> the way that makes sense right
<dammit> just like mine
* jelal has joined #amsterdam
<WTmastaH> hehe
* vidoco has joined #amsterdam
<dreammer_> Neh.. if the way would make sense.. it will be something else
* vidoco is now known as radu69
<dammit> yeah, and that something else will be my way
<dreammer_> Life doesnt supose to make sense.. cause if it would make sence.. we have nothing 2 complain about..
<dreammer_> and that would be boring
* radu69 has quit IRC ( l o o k s h a r p  3.0    IRC/IRCX Security engine for mIRC   )
<dammit> pretty soon, when im through with this world, well have very little to complain about
<dammit> cuz in the end
<dammit> complaining wont do shit
* senzor` has joined #amsterdam
<dreammer_> Well.. dammit.. dont know about your end..
<senzor`> wassup?
<dammit> my end will be the beginning
<dammit> to world peace
* riro has joined #amsterdam
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<dammit> im going to make generosity our common-currency
<dreammer_> but all I do know about death is.. when ya think your dying.. and your smilling.. you didnt do it bad

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