


RE: Trip
franklin gruber <>
franklin gruber
Mon 4/11/2011 3:28 AM
Dear Frank, I am sending you this link because it can't be a coincidence that you wrote this morning of Sirius and if you read the article on the linked website called message from Salusa, it is from the people of Sirius... think we are headed for a combination of an ascension-galactic rescue of some-tectonic pole shift within the next few years. I have done some extensive research on tectonics and Central and South America, and if our goal is to survive as opposed to trying to ascend, it seems that there is a large probability that Panama will be subducted under the S American plate as the Atlantic rift opens. Basically, Panama will be ground up or crumbled under Colombia. My best guess for survival in S America is Bolivia-N Argentina-W Paraguay, due to it's elevation and solid rock anchoring. I guess it depends on what you are trying to accomplish at the pivotal moment, survival or ascension. Decisions to be made, but there should be more clarity as we see if the Elenin-Planet X-brown dwarf approaches and begins to become impossible to ignore. Cynthia
Cynthia Henrich, CHHC, AADP
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From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Mon, 11 Apr 2011 03:20:36 -0500Victor, the test you should take if you have not is called STRONG INTEREST VOCATIONAL TEST.  Check it out.  It compares your interests with the interests of people in all the major professions.  It also projects your eventual achievement level.  At a time in which I did not appear to have much interest in any specific business, the test of interest patterns  predicted an eventual phd in business should I follow higher education.  My economic situation and poor math grades probably prevented that but with perserverance could and can overcome shortcomings.  Below is a message from the constellation of Sirius!  I had an encounter with one of these folks back in El Valle about 6years ago.

Comet YU55 Passes right after Elenin Sunday, Apr 10 2011 

Fireballs / Meteors / Comets and Video Cllips Brown Dwarf / Nibiru / Comet Elenin Update March 31 2011, Dark Star, nemesis, planet x ascendingstarseed 8:32 pm

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There are quite a few comets and asteroid’s sipping around the solar system right now, fortunately most don’t  appear to pose any threat to earth. Here’s one called “YU55″ coming close later this year. at the same time Earth’s passing through the debris field left from Elenin in October.

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Elenin Brown Dwarf Earthquakes Sunday, Apr 10 2011 

Earth Changes and Earthquakes and Forecasts and Predictions and Updates brown dwarf elenin earthquakes, nemesis, nibiru, planet x, wormwood ascendingstarseed 2:42 pm

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Here’s data Mark presented before the USGS manipulated the numbers to make it appear there hasn’t been a marked increase in earthquakes…

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USGS is Lying about Earthquakes, More PROOF Sunday, Apr 10 2011 

Earthquakes and Forecasts and Predictions and News and Politics and Updates and Video Cllips data manipulation, earthquake monitoring, earthquakes, usgs lies ascendingstarseed 2:38 pm

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Here’s another example of  “tax dollar abuse” from the government…what little they bring in off the backs off the middle class is wasted on agencies like the USGS that do nothing but mislead the public into believing in the false reality they’ve constructed. Many people who are waking up to the fact they need to prepare, will look at this and think there’s nothing to be concerned about.They are leading the masses into genocide knowing there’s an inbound dwarf sun that’s about to wreak havoc upon the planet and not giving people a chance to prepare for their own survival. Gee, you think someone would want to profit from  “doomsday” preparation items they manufacture.

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Salusa Message for April 8, 2011 Sunday, Apr 10 2011 

2012 and Spirituality and Acsension and Transcendence and Earth & Humanity's Hidden History and ET's / Contactees spirituality, ascension, higher consciousness, mike quinsey galactic federation, salusa april 8 2011, c ascendingstarseed 2:16 am

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Friday, 8 April 2011


We of the Galactic Federation are here to perform our duties, but they are meant to be in supported and aided by you. However, each of you according to your own ability can be part of a greater team of Lightworkers.One important aspect concerns spreading the truth about what is going on, and supporting us where people have been fooled by deliberate attempts to depict us as fearful. Once we can be seen for what we really are, we know our presence will be accepted and a giant step forward will take place. Together we can take on all of the needs of Mankind, to set the scene for the final changes that will be the close of the cycle of duality. Then we can all concentrate on establishing the basis for a new society and civilization, founded on what is best for all. SaLuSa 8-April-2011 1.Do not give up at this late stage on your onward thrust towards Ascension. The chaos has a purpose and is all part of the extensive cleansing that is well in hand. Is it not interesting that out of the attempts of the dark Ones to stall your advancement, they are actually giving the opportunity to do exactly the opposite? They are unwittingly providing the very conditions that call for a thorough cleansing of Earth. Knowing as we do of their plans, we are always looking for ways in which we can turn it to our advantage. Sometimes their actions serve no purpose other than to illustrate that unless their progress is stopped, you are heading for greater calamities. They are a wake-up call to Humanity, to use their power to change the course of their future. If you are in a position to influence what is happening, you are being spurred on to take action. Some of you are here for exactly that purpose, and you will be inspired to use your skills accordingly. 2.We of the Galactic Federation are here to perform our duties, but they are meant to be in supported and aided by you. It was never intended that we should act as a lone rescue team, but of course we do have our allies who work exceptionally hard to manifest the plan for your Ascension. However, each of you according to your own ability can be part of a greater team of Lightworkers. One important aspect concerns spreading the truth about what is going on, and supporting us where people have been fooled by deliberate attempts to depict us as fearful. Once we can be seen for what we really are, we know our presence will be accepted and a giant step forward will take place. Together we can take on all of the needs of Mankind, to set the scene for the final changes that will be the close of the cycle of duality. Then we can all concentrate on establishing the basis for a new society and civilization, founded on what is best for all. 3.We feel that a very good job has been done by our friends on Earth. and they have offered another voice of support for us. Many are concerned with pushing forward with disclosure, as continual reports of our sightings occur on a daily basis. It is no longer possible to deny our existence, as the evidence is mounting for it and more of you have had direct contact. This will most likely happen where you have incarnated upon Earth from one of the civilizations directly involved with you. Such souls invariably feel a strong connection with us, and easily accept the role we are playing in your evolution. We are the way forward by your invitation and also the divine edict that calls for the end of duality. So you will see that nothing will prolong the current experiences for much longer, and as the Light descends upon Earth the changes will be accelerated. 4.The God of All That Is planned your release from duality; from the time you first entered the lower vibrations. Subconsciously you have always known it to be so, and it has helped you to have total faith in the outcome. This subject has since been spoken of quite frequently, and for at least the last century you have had numerous souls from the higher dimensions take on teaching roles for that reason. With the coming of your own Space Age, your minds have expanded to allow for a belief in other life forms beyond your Earth. Also with the knowledge that we are able to travel inter-dimensionally, you have found the answer to those who still believe that we are unable to reach you. NASA has absolute proof of life on some planets in your solar system, but still goes to great lengths to cover it up. Their expeditions to Mars and your Moon revealed so much evidence of previous civilizations, but they hide photographic proof or alter them to keep such secrets to themselves. You have a right to know about such activity, and we will reveal these hidden truths when open contact has been made. 5.Through various sources and for many years you have been given messages from the Galactic Federation. It has taken a long time for there to be a general acceptance that such contacts are genuine, and through them a whole stream of information has been passed on to you. It has been ignored or brushed aside by those who have other beliefs, who cannot contemplate the fact that some of them have been held in error. However, there is a time coming in the very near future when the truth must be made known. Each of you will then have every opportunity to re-consider your cherished beliefs. There is no forcing of opinions onto any of you, but simply a presentation of what is truth where you and your history are concerned. 6.Have we not stated that We Are All One, in which event you may accept that at some time it would be quite natural for us to come together. You have been isolated to ensure that no outsiders interfered with you experiences on Earth, that is unless you first invited them. Our offers of help to bring peace to the planet were turned down by your government, in favor of making a pact with the Grey’s in return for advanced technology and bases upon Earth. That was not in your interests, but to build a power base that would enable world domination. Because of the dramatic increase in levels of consciousness, that plan was foiled as the Light has grown exponentially and continues to do so. The lower energies are no longer the power they were, and spell the demise of the dark Ones. 7.It has never been plain sailing where duality is concerned, but soon you will be in a position to realize that the end is clearly in sight. All of the major changes needed will forge ahead, and the last vestiges of the Illuminati’s control will disappear. So once again we will reiterate that all is well, because your victory is assured. It is a time for celebration because it will be the first time your civilization has won through the challenges presented to it, and brought the Light to Earth. Not only that, but Ascension with Mother Earth is a unique occasion that you are privileged to take part in. 8.I am SaLuSa from Sirius, and absolutely admire your dedication to defeating the dark Ones, and your belief in the power of the Light. You will be truly able to say that you took on a powerful dark force, and you won. Thank you SaLuSa.Mike Quinsey.
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: TripDate: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 20:59:51 -0500Franklin,     Well, I have a neuropsyche evaluation tomorrow, which would help me get a job here in the states.  I had one done two years ago which showed my IQ to be 116.  It has probably gone down some with all my weed smoking and not practicing any intellectual activities besides recitiong the same story over and over.  But I think I might scrap that plan.  No, I'll go.       Ugh, it's really frustrating not knowing what to do.  I checked and airfare from Panama City to David is about a hundred dollars.  I think I would prefer the bus ride so I'll get to see the countryside.  I'm sure there's a bus that will take me to Albrook from Tocumen and it should be cheaper than a taxi.  I think it's only a 5 minute ride anyway.  Ada is having health problems, so I don't know about leaving so soon.  She might need my help.  I might leave, not this Wednesday, but the next Wednesday, the 13th.       I will still have to make a final decision to remain in Panama once I check it out for a bit.  I would then have to notify social security to stop my pension.  I don't know, it's a huge decision.  I wish I knew for sure the shit was going to hit the fan here.  All signs are pointing to that conclusion.  Just not sure if it would be safer in Panama.  Especially with my memory deficits.  I don't want to dissapoint you.   I had, after all, been living the easy life traveling around here free as a bird.  It's going to be difficult for me to turn full circle.  If anything I'll be able to visit my father before the apocolypse, at least. Ok, peace out,  - Victor Antonio  p.s.  do you realize we have been emailing each other for nine years now? 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: TripDate: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 15:14:15 -0500Yes Albrook bus terminal is the National bus terminal.  Have not been to the air port in 21 years so can't tell you what taxis charge.  If you want to fly from Panama city to David takes only 15 minutes do not know how much they charge.  It can be deadly for anyone to get hit in the head, I did so not long ago by running into a buffalo, my helmut saved my head.  When do you travel?  Frank

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