


Date:  2006-10-12 20:24:44
Name:  Ed
Number:  5
Why don't we all just get lobotomies and then the world will be really peaceful? - The old guy in the red hat at Surfer's Point.

Date:  2006-10-22 13:37:25
Name:  me
Number:  7
wow, lots of intelligent visitors here. between the kids and the old potheads, you guys could form a political party.

PS: and when I said intelligent, I meant illiterate.

Date:  2006-11-02 22:56:32
Name:  Erica
Number:  14
please stop calling people ignorant. it doesn't help.

Date:  2006-11-03 09:01:03
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  15
I define 'ignorance' as the act of ignoring. Ignore being the root word. So when people automatically turn their ears off to me, I tend to give them something to think about. By pointing it out. When I ask people to listen to my story and they tell me, "No, I'm sorry. I don't have time," I don't call them ignorant. At least they acknowledged my presence. I tell those people, "Thanks anyway. That's why I ask." On the other hand, if someone just walks by me and blatantly pretends I don't exist, judging me from the very start, assuming I'm asking for money, then I just ask them, "Damn, have you always been that ignorant?" Why should they care what I ask them or even think? Aren't they already ignoring me? I am in the habit of making people think. I am obsessed with it. Sometimes the truth hurts, but you can't just keep ignoring it, unless YOU choose to. So in the end I will continue calling people ignorant. Nobody else is pointing it out to them. I think it does help, even if it's just a little.

Date:  2007-01-15 19:33:42
Name:  michael murphy
Number:  40
Well interesting... A little nieve I would say.... and your not the first to come up with an Idea such as this or have you not read your history about the 60's??....

I dont want to be the only wet blanket here or maybe im not and you're editing out all those who are ignorant and disagree????

but you talk about doing away with money and that everyone would do what they like to keep our society going..... obviously you havent been in the work force.... people dont like to work when they get paid to go... so what makes you think they would go and do it when they dont want to???? And everyone gets tired of carying the load for the lazy and if I didnt have to go to work (even with me being a work aholic) you can bet your ass I wouldnt and I like what I do....

as for your pirating why would anyone come up with better games and programs if they werent going to get paid??? you are trying to change human nature... sure we can all be compassionate and giving but its also in our nature to be barbaric.

I mean you have two ways of going in your belief... either you believe in god or you dont if you do then praying for peace is the wrong thing to pray for..... the bible states that there will be an armagedon and after that we will have a thousand years of peace so why fight it?? the other way would make you an athiast and that you believe we evolved in which case we are barbaric at our core and will always try to conqure and or rule over someone or something.....

Date:  2007-01-16 15:42:06
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  42
Okay, let me respond to Michael.
I have said this a hundred times, but it is not that my ideas are new. Just my delivery-method.
I will retain every logging posted on my guestbook. It will remain uncensored. I have absolutely nothing to hide. Michael is the first to post such a debate.
I have too been in the workforce. How do you think I was shown all it's wrongs? Go ahead, work for money, waste your life away.
Umm, I didn't quite understand that third paragraph, Michael. "people dont like to work when they get paid to go" Huh?
People should care more that their talents are being recognized and praised by others. Money should not be the only motivation in one's work. If it is that person needs to find a different job. It should be something that person enjoys doing. Something that is fun and benefits others. Money doesn't help people. People help people.
I am not trying to change human-nature. I believe, without a doubt, that it's human nature to be generous and to love. Not the other way around. I could never try and change human nature. Who the hell am I to do that? But, saying that it's human nature to be barbaric sounds like a cop-out. Just another excuse to not try to have peace. Lazy asses. Oh no, it can't be the individual barbarians fault. It's a genetic human fault. My ass!
Michael, you must not have read much of my site. I clearly explain my beliefs on god and Love. The bible says this, the bible says that. Do you believe everything you read, Michael. The bible is an ages old story. TIMES CHANGE! We need an update, badly. Wasn't the new testament of the bible written like three hundred, or three thousand years after everything supposedely happened? How in the hell are you going to rely on anything that's been passed down by word-of-mouth that long? Duh. Ever play that phone game in school, where you whisper something to someone and tell them to pass it on? By the end of the class it's NEVER the same. Catch my drift? So what? All religion is, is a way to control masses. If there were truly one real faith, then why are there so many religions in this world. Who the hell is right? Is everyone who doesn't believe in what you believe automatically damned to hell? For believing in the wrong thing? What make you think yours is right? Oh well, until next time. I just want to make people think.

Anything is possible. You have to start somewhere.

- Victor Antonio

Date:  2007-06-28 07:36:58
Name:  Raymond Moore
Number:  74
I found this site through an idiot spammer channel hopping on irc channels and posting the link to this pathetic site all over. It is NOT appreciated and any subsequent spamming will result in retaliation

Date:  2007-09-11 18:19:25
Name:  GKFC
Number:  90
Your site makes absolutely no sense.

The "ASK ME HOW" section is a rambling brainfart of a page, with no real structure or solution. You don't explain HOW you are going to do anything you claim. Especially relating to marijuana and it's ability to bring about world peace.

Which given that it's the point of the site, is a bit of a failure on your part.

The internet can indeed be a powerful tool in the right hands, but it's clear you have no idea how to use it.

Oh, and good luck keeping an FTP site on your own PC. My guess is it'll be hacked in a few hours. If you're lucky enough to have anyone go to it.

Date:  2007-09-11 20:45:39
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  91
Let me respond. My site may not make sense to you, but who are you? It sure makes a lot of sense to a lot of other people. Maybe you just haven't read enough of it. Don't be so quick to judge. I clearly state how we could be doing things better. Maybe you should read it again. Plus, there's a whole lot more to my site than just the ASK ME HOW part. You can't judge a book by its cover. And I just say "I'll run an FTP server.." in my dialogue instead of saying, "I'll post a normal website.." You should know you can't "read simple text files with any web-browser." Without the HTML it would be one long line of text. An HTML file is, in essence a simple text file so it's not like I am lying. There's a method to my madness. I've been going out and telling this same story to thousands of random strangers for six years straight almost. Not one person has corrected me on the FTP shit, so whatever works. And what? You don't think people are visiting my site? Like I said, read it again. Remember, yours isn't the only entry in this guestbook. In fact you're #91. Since you are attempting to belittle my efforts so much, do you have a better idea? I'm all ears. I mean, don't you want world peace too? Oh yeah, thanks for making my guestbook so interesting. Peace.

Date:  2007-10-07 20:19:37
Name:  GKFC
Number:  101
Oh sure, world peace would be great, but I've read your site and seen a lot of words with no real plan.

A stoner's braindump.

So, how EXACTLY is Marijuana going to bring about world peace? Point me at the section that explains what you're going to do, and what you think will happen.

How will you address deep seeded conflicts in the Middle East for example? Get everyone stoned? I hope you aren't suggesting it's that simple...

And giving people direct access to your PC is just asking for trouble. I don't think you really understand the implications of what you're suggesting.

Date:  2007-10-12 09:36:48
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  104
Let me respond to GKFC. Marijuana is a peaceful enhancement. It helps make people peaceful. That's EXACTLY how marijuana will bring world peace.
The fact that it makes people peaceful is EXACTLY why it's illegal. WAR IS BIG BUSINESS.
Getting everybody stoned WOULD solve the deep seeded conflict in the Middle East, for example.
Indeed, I AM suggesting it's that simple.
And if you had gone through the trouble of reading all the other guestbook entries you woule see where I mention I don't really give people access to my computer. I don't even have a computer. I've got a normal hosted webpage just like everybody else. It even claims to be Hacker-Proof. I, myself, wonder if that's true.


Date:  2007-10-17 20:09:26
Name:  GKFC
Number:  109
Wow. Victor, you're seriously deluded if you think that all world issues can be solved by everyone getting stoned.

To stay on my Middle East thread. Marijuana is haram (unlawful) in that culture, so it's highly likely (I'd even say impossible) that any Muslim would even contemplate taking the drug as it would contradict their faith. Let alone the entire Middle East region.

So. What are you planning to do to combat that? What are your strategies? Say that Allah's teachings are wrong? To the entire Muslim community?

Best of luck with it. And that's just one region. WORLD peace is a lot more complicated.

Next, from your Ask Me How section:

"What I will do is run an FTP server off my computer giving anyone in the world access to my hard-drive. Only the files and directories I want them to access."

I suggest you read a book about Internet security and you'll quickly realise that idea is ludicrous.

You claim others are being narrow-minded, I think you're the one who is closed off to logic.



Date:  2007-10-18 08:32:44
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  110
In the first reply I did to GKFC I said:

"And I just say "I'll run an FTP server.." in my dialogue instead of saying, "I'll post a normal website.." You should know you can't "read simple text files with any web-browser." Without the HTML it would be one long line of text. An HTML file is, in essence a simple text file so it's not like I am lying."

So what exactly am I doing? I am walking the walk. Talk is cheap. People may doubt what you say...but they will always believe what you do.

Are you actively doing anything to try and improve the world? Or are you just another critic? What? Do you think I am wasting my time? I think it's worth the effort. From the looks of my guestbook I am not the only one.


Date:  2007-10-23 18:48:43
Name:  GKFC
Number:  117
Running an FTP server off your PC is completely different to putting up a web site. Which is now what you seem to be talking about now.

If you gave direct access to your hard disk to anyone around the world it opens up a huge security risk on that PC. That's all I'm saying.

"So what exactly am I doing? I am walking the walk. Talk is cheap."

What is your strategy? What are you actually going to do? When?

All I've seen so far is confused talking. Walking around chatting to people isn't solving world peace. Your theories are incoherent, and your arguments thus far flawed.

"Are you actively doing anything to try and improve the world?"

Yes. Environmentally for example I do my bit.

"Do you think I am wasting my time?"

Oh absolutely. Because from what I've read so far you have absolutely no idea what you're doing.

Walking around saying "I'm going to bring about world peace!@#$%" simply isn't enough. Yet you cling to that to make yourself feel better.

Start achieving newsworthy results and then you can claim you're changing the world. At the moment you're not even close to making a difference.

But hey, whatever helps you sleep at night.

Date:  2007-10-23 20:20:03
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  118
I KNOW the difference in running an ftp server and website. I admitted to knowing that from the very beggining. It's pointless and I'm tired of this debate. It's just crowding up my guestbook now. If you want to communicate with me anymore, send me an email.

Date:  2007-10-25 16:30:38
Name:  GKFC
Number:  120
Haha, well, I'd argue you actually don't.

But hey, put your money where your mouth is and get your "plan" into action.

I'd very much like to see it all pan out.

Date:  2007-12-02 12:59:22
Name:  Your lord, lucifer
Number:  143
May you die from a disease of the blood and the bowels, may your children be plentiful and loud, may your chickens' eggs have yolks of shit. YOU ARE A SPAMMER!

Date:  2007-12-09 00:39:33
Name:  Matt Hostetler
Number:  148
Hey to be straight up and honest with u MAN. you are a moron. not a single thing i read made a dang bit of sense...u r a complete and utter retard... this might just seem like i am being "ignorant" and simply dont agree with you but the reality is you hippy freak, Your the biggest freakin idiot on the face of this earth... If anything you're the ignorant one for thinking you can change the world... i would really like to talk with you about this because i am genuinely interested in your thoughts (however much i dont agree)... Please call me As soon as you can bro at 512-809-9888 and if i dont answer just keep calling, ill pick up eventually :) ...and maybe once we become good enough friends we can chill sometime and toke on that good stuff... peace

Date:  2007-12-09 06:37:23
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  149
Haha, I love getting posts like that. It's not as funny as #143 though.
But just look. If you go through and read the over hundred other entries in my guestbook, it just shows, in black and white, the accurate contrast between people who want world peace and those who do not.
World peace is winning, big time.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. Why does everybody always have to mess with the guy trying to bring world peace? When will we ever learn?

Date:  2008-01-15 06:44:50
Name:  juped
Number:  168
uhm dont spam your site in my irc channel thanks next time i wont be so leiniant i will find you and kill you

Date:  2008-01-15 08:38:14
Number:  169
People like you are the reason marijuana is still illegal.

Date:  2008-01-15 13:08:54
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  170
"Great spirits have always received violent opposition from mediocre minds. "

I won't stop until I am done.

Date:  2008-02-21 17:30:28
Name:  GKFC
Number:  179
So what exactly have you achieved? Anything ground breaking yet? World peace?

Just curious.

Date:  2008-05-12 10:37:00
Name:  Unknown
Number:  217
if you ever touch my girl again i will hurt get out of town and dont come back. you are a piece of garbage and next time someone says i have a man back off...dont let me find you

Date:  2008-05-23 09:27:36
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  221
Oh yeah, let me respond to guestbook entry 217. John, I tried to help your dumbass see how you were being played. Echo was pursuing me, not the other way around.

Threaten me all you want, punk. Talk is cheap. "Great spirits have always received violent opposition from mediocre minds." - Albert Einstein

Dude, at first I felt sorry for you, but now I think you deserve it. You can't feel sorry for someone who acquires braindamage after repeatedly hitting himself in the head with a hammer. I hope Echo plays you for all you are worth.

Date:  2008-07-23 08:19:11
Name:  Caster
Number:  281
Pot only hides problems and does not sovle them once you come down from the high you still have the same problems plus it should not be legal considering we already have a legal substance that intoxicates the mind hence why it has not been legalized

pot head

caster troy out

Date:  2008-11-14 12:12:29
Name:  No Thanks
Number:  320
You are pathetic walking around Brigadoon to find roaches and ask people you don't even know for weed and cigarettes? You're a feind. Get a job you bum.

Date:  2008-11-14 12:41:46
Name:  neighborhood bicycle
Number:  321
suck it

Date:  2008-12-06 10:16:24
Name:  George
Number:  330
I'm sorry to take your illusions away but changing anything using the internet is difficult if not downright impossible. The intarwez is serious business.

I'm a little surprised that you don't mention Robert Anton Wilson anywhere on your site though. If you haven't already read his books check them out. On the other hand maybe you're too busy with IRL things to read books. :)

Date:  2008-12-06 16:48:18
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  331
George, anything is possible..and you have to start somewhere. I started over six years ago and have had much success to this day. No need to apologize. You're not taking anything away. You can't say I'm thinking small here. There's nothing like a dream to create the future! I do my share of reading. Those who don't read have no advantage over those who can't. IRL things?
As soon as I can I will add a link for Robert Anton Wilson. Thanks for helping me educate the masses. Intarwarez? People don't see the world as it is...but as they are! Peace!

Date:  2009-05-01 20:42:36
Name:  Maryanne deGoede
Number:  441
Hey victor,
That stuff about the rich is total bullshit. The rich are no different than you and me, they just have more money and troubles money won't solve. Some inherit it, some work their asses are. It is just an accident of karma or fate. God or Allah or the Universe decides it, don't blame them for being assholes, everyone is. You have to experience it, walk a mile in the shoes before you judge. You are young so you will learn. You might even get rich off this. There is no conspiracy rich against the poor except maybe by not paying living wages. All are greedy here in the us, maybe everywhere. We are all dying and should enjoy whatever we have and not begrudge another's whatever they have. WE should be happy they don't ask to borrow money from us. M

Date:  2009-05-27 12:59:50
Name:  Brian frickin Meehar!
Number:  457
I think you are in more service to your own ego than you are to mankind. Sure, you may be helping people out there in some way or some ways but bummin money to prove you dont need money? Come on! Where's your dignity? Contrary to what people say about marijuana being "natural and harmless" It damages your brain and your lungs man! Even with a vape! 3-D speck scans show the brain's synapses aren't working right. I cant believe you buy into that receptor crap.They say the same about opium. Go slam a needle brother! After all, the stuff's supposed to reach your receptors! Marijuana is not going to bring world peace. More kids and adults than you know of or are just "ignorant" of visit the emergency rooms in hospitals night and day after partaking in this so called "blessed sacrament." Wake from your slumber brother and your delusions of grandeur! Wal Mart rules! Nah, just kidding.

Date:  2009-05-28 09:27:00
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  458
Like I tell people, I know I might come off a bit self-aggrandizing and self-centered in my shpeel, but I do that on purpose. Consider it the world's healthiest ego trip. I just want people to know what I am doing. If it's up to be, it's up to me. The truth makes for a really interesting story, anyway.

My next update will be ready soon. I've been on a roller coaster lately. I even scored me a free white-water rafting trip. Over six hundred more pictures. Be on the lookout.

Date:  2009-07-08 10:28:18
Name:  Clarissa
Number:  491
You're an idiot. I like the whole peace thing but you're trying to get things to happen that will simply never happen. People will be ignorant. I am ignorant. And no one is going to listen and be willing to change enough for your ideas to come true.

Date:  2009-07-08 12:30:53
Name:  Simon from Caly
Number:  492
Heh Victor, don't mind Clarissa. like she says she's ingnorant, like all of us. The perfect society does not have money (creates a personal focus), An access society is better, the great achievers get better access. If a guy wants to drink beer and watch sports all his life I give him a place to do it. It will be a short life, but would not allow him to pee in the park of working people.

Date:  2009-07-08 12:36:43
Name:  Simon
Number:  493
Heh Clarissa, we will get there, out of neccessity. whose opinion is this. google synchros stories, if it seems likes he's trying to market, well he's been losing teeth lately. thanks Victor,

Date:  2009-10-11 19:45:58
Name:  jake
Number:  535
Hey smart guy, Zimbabwe is a country with no money, I bet they're loving life!! Money DOES NOT DEFINE US, but it lets us buy the shit that does. So me, I'll keep busting my ass day in and day out so I can take care of my family and have the freedoms to have a fulfilling life. I"ll check back in 6 months and see how your "walking around telling people to smoke pot and not work" works out. You have the right idea friend but the wrong message. If you want to change the world for the better, you have to beat 'em at their own game. Thats how you re-wright the rules

Date:  2009-10-16 21:05:30
Name:  Victor Antonio
Number:  536
Jake, I realize that people have things tying them down to the monetary system like kids and family, and not everyone can be as free as I am. That's exactly why I am doing this FOR you. I'm just proving a point. There is something wrong with mass-consumption. Why do we want what we don't need? And, you can't fucc the system with the system. There are safeguards in place.

Date:  2009-11-05 23:01:09
Name:  Bob
Number:  542
Dirty Hippy .. get a job

Date:  2010-01-22 22:13:19
Name:  shylee
Number:  554
you are a freak. People like you should be shot.

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