

***12-25-23 9:09am*** It was a small chore, but I copied the text from the pdf.  All that text was daunting and I was wishing they would be numbered, so.....I went through and numbered them, so people can know where they left off.  I also italicized the questions. ENJOY the 85 Q&As!

Maybe I'll go through and replace god with LOVE too.  :P

- Victor Antonio



Questions and Answers from Correspondence

     Peace Pilgrim considered it part of her job to reply to all of the thousands of
people who wrote to her over the years. She picked up her mail at post offices all over
the country after it had been forwarded by her friend in Cologne, N.J. Concisely
but thoughtfully she answered questions, commented on events, and told about her
recent travels and travel plans. Her letters almost always began: “Greetings from
South Dakota! (or Iowa or New Orleans...)”

Q: How can I feel close to LOVE?

A: LOVE is love, and whenever you reach out in loving kindness you are
expressing LOVE, LOVE is truth, and whenever you seek truth you are seeking
LOVE. LOVE is beauty, and whenever you touch the beauty of a flower or
a sunset you are touching LOVE. LOVE is the intelligence that creates all
and sustains all and binds all together and gives life to all.Yes, LOVE is the
essence of all so you are within LOVE  and LOVE is within you you could
not be where LOVE is not. Permeating all is the law of LOVE — physical law
and spiritual law. Disobey it and you feel unhappiness: you feel separated
from LOVE . Obey it and you feel harmony: you feel close to LOVE. As you
live in harmony with divine law you will feel closer to and develop more
love for LOVE.

Q: What is the very heart of successful human relations?

A: Loving people, seeing the good in them, knowing that each one is
important and has his or her job to do in the divine plan.

Q: Can spiritual growth be accomplished quickly or does it take awhile?

A: Spiritual growth is a process the same as physical growth or mental
growth. Five year old children do not expect to be as tall as their parents
at their next birthday; the first grader does not expect to graduate into col-
lege at the end of the term; the truth student should not expect to attain
inner peace overnight. It took me fifteen years.The spiritual growing up is
a very interesting and enjoyable process.There should be no wish to either
hasten it or slow it down. Just experience it and take the steps toward inner
peace and let it unfold.

Q: How can one find inner peace?

A: To find inner peace, or happiness, you must go through the spiritual
growing up, you must leave the self-centered life and enter the LOVE-
centered life the life in which you see yourself as part of the whole and
work for the good of the whole.

Q: You have said that perfect love is the key to happiness. Buddha seemed to say
it was a matter of controlling the mind “To enjoy good health, to bring true hap-
piness to one’s family, to bring peace to all, one must first discipline and control one’s
own mind. If a man can control his mind he can find the way to enlightenment, and
all wisdom and virtue will naturally come to him.”

A: Perfect love is a willingness to give without a thought of receiving
anything in return. When you have achieved that spiritual state, you will
be in complete control of your mind as well as your body and your

Q: You have said that you have a calling. Do all human beings have a calling?

A: Yes, all human beings have a calling, which is revealed to them
through an awakening of their LOVE-centered nature.

Q: Are we here to serve humanity as well as learn our lessons?

A: Yes, and we must serve according to our calling.We must also learn
to live in harmony with divine law but that is part of learning our lessons.
As you live harmoniously and outgoingly you grow spiritually.

Q: What is the goal and purpose of mankind?

A: Our goal and purpose is to bring our lives into harmony with LOVE’s

Q: What is LOVE?

A: We lump together all things that are beyond the capacity of all of us
collectively to understand and one name we give to all those things
together is LOVE.Therefore, LOVE is the creative force, the sustaining power,
that which motivates toward constant change, the overall intelligence
which governs the universe by physical and spiritual law, truth, love, good-
ness, kindness, beauty, the ever-present, all-pervading essence or spirit,
which binds everything in the universe together and gives life to everything
in the universe.

Q: Why are people unhappy?

A: People are unhappy because they are out of harmony with LOVE’s will.
140 / Peace Pilgrim

Q: Do problems have their foundation in a poor self-concept?

A: Problems come when we live our lives out of harmony with divine
purpose they come to push us toward harmony.

Q: In your opinion, what is the number one world problem?

A: The number one world problem is immaturity.We choose to live at
a small fraction of our real potential. In our immaturity we are greedy:
some grab more than their share so that others starve. In our immaturity
we are fearful: we build up armaments against one another, resulting in
war. If we work on world problems, we usually work at the level of symp-
tom. I have chosen to work primarily at the level of removing cause.

Q: Is the goal of self-knowledge to know LOVE?

A: If you really know yourself you will know you are a child of LOVE and
you will become aware of LOVE.

Q: What is mysticism?

A: One who takes the mystic approach receives direct perceptions from
within.This is the source from which all truth came in the first place.

Q: How can one get the answers from within, from one’s soul?

A: When you say “soul” you mean the divine nature, whereas some
would mean the self-centered nature and some would mean both. Your
divine nature a drop of LOVE  can be awakened when you touch a truth
from outside, so that it confirms that truth. Or the truth can come directly
from the inside. Have an inspirational time and fill your life with inspira-
tional things to awaken your divine nature.

Q: Where did you learn meditation?

A: I did not learn meditation. I just walked, receptive and silent, amid
the beauty of nature and put the wonderful insights that came to me into

Q: Do you suggest to the seeker meditation or breathing exercises?

A: I suggest a time apart or a time alone with LOVE, walking in recep-
tive silence amid the beauties of LOVE’s nature. From the beauty of nature
you get your inspiration, from the silent receptiveness you get your medi-
tation, from the walking you get not only exercise but breathing all in
one lovely experience.

Q: Can one’s divine nature be awakened through meditation?

A: If you are really meditating, your body is so comfortable that you are
not aware of it.Your emotions are serenely still.Your mind is at peace
waiting, but not pushing. Now that you are receptive and silent, divine
receiving can take place through your divine nature. It is very important that
you put into practice insights that come to you.

Q: What is the kundalini?

A: The awakening of the kundalini could originally have meant the
awakening of the divine nature but some I know use the word to mean
plugging into the source of universal energy.

Q: What does it mean to awaken the kundalini?

A: Those who are interested in forcing spiritual growth think about
awakening the kundalini.Those who have good sense live in a spiritual life
and await spiritual unfoldment.

Q: Can you describe intuition?

A: Real intuition is a spiritual receiving through the divine nature but
I realize that psychic receiving is sometimes referred to as intuition.

Q: Do you love humanity or people?

A: We are all of equal worth in the eyes of LOVE, and to all I reach out
constantly in thoughts and words and deeds with love and good wishes
with prayers and blessings.This it is to love humanity. However, people are
the cells in the body of humanity, and in doing my part in the divine plan I
come into contact with a few of these cells.When their lives touch mine, I
am always willing and sometimes able to serve them. When I am with
someone or in correspondence with someone, I concentrate my love and
my good wishes on that particular cell I am touching, and then with my
prayers and blessings I leave that cell in LOVE’s hands. This it is to love
people. Some love humanity without loving people; some love people
without loving humanity. I love both.

Q: What is good and what is evil?

A: At a simple level, good is that which helps people; evil is that which
hurts people.At a higher level, good is that which is in harmony with divine
purpose; evil is that which is out of harmony with divine purpose.

Q: Often I tell myself that good is stronger than evil, love stronger than hatred,
that good must win, but will it win in this world?

A: Yes, good will win in this world. The darkness that we see in the
world today is due to the disintegration of things which are not good. Only
the things which are good can endure. Yes, love will win in this world.
Those who are filled with hatred are desperately unhappy and desperately
even though unconsciously seeking a better way. Only those who are
filled with love are serene and at peace.

Q: How can one break bad habits of thought and action?

A: Bad habits of thought and action lessen as spiritual growth pro-
gresses. You can work on replacing negative thoughts with positive
thoughts. If it is a negative thought about a person, dwell upon a good thing
about that person. If it is a negative thought about a world situation, dwell

upon the best that could happen in that situation. You can deliberately
refrain from a bad action and use the energy for a good action.


Q: Are you willing to forgive people who do evil things even before they are sorry?

A: I do not even need to forgive people, for I harbor no animosity. If

they do evil things I feel compassion for them because I know they have
hurt themselves. I hope they will be sorry, because I want them to be


Q: Do you have any thoughts on improving the health profession?

A: Needful and gradually coming into manifestation are health centers
which will stress coming into and remaining in good health by coming into
and remaining in harmony with the physical and spiritual laws. This is the
healing of the future. I think there has been too much tendency to just let
people get sick, and then look for ways to help them. I believe the empha-
sis should be on keeping people well, therefore I think in terms of health
research.We have been alleviating symptoms too long let us get busy on
eliminating cause.


Q: Is the goal of the spiritual nature to free itself from the body or physical
nature in order that it may see truth clearly?

A: The spiritual nature does see truth clearly. If you let it govern your
life, you will see truth clearly. You might say that the spiritual nature is
trying to free you from the self-centered nature, so you will become an
entity living in harmony with divine purpose.


Q: If we can go on the presumption that everyone has a spiritual nature, why do

so few people realize it? Are they being punished for misdeeds in a past life, or are
they just unenlightened in this life?

A: Because they have free will. They punish themselves by making
wrong choices. Constantly enlightenment is being offered to them, but
they refuse to accept it.Therefore, they are being taught by problems that
are set before them, since they refuse to make right choices voluntarily.


Q: Why can this world be so confusing?

A: People disobey divine law, so problems come to push them toward
harmony. If you but knew how short is the earth life in comparison with
the whole, you would be less troubled with the difficulties of the earth life
than you are troubled now with the difficulties of one of your days.


Q: When does illumination come?

A: The time when you rise high enough in consciousness to look at
things through the eyes of the LOVE-centered nature is often called the illu-
mination experience.

Q: Does LOVE speak through you?

A: In a sense, LOVE speaks through everyone whose life is governed by

Q: Did you experience a divine revelation? If so,why were you chosen as a person
LOVE could reveal his spiritual knowledge to?

A: I had a very strong inner motivation, or calling, to begin my pilgrim-
age, and I started out against the advice of all my friends. I chose myself to
be a receiver of spiritual truth when I surrendered my will to LOVE’s will.
You can do that too.We all have the same potential. LOVE is revealed to all
who seek, LOVE speaks to all who will listen. When you surrender your will to
LOVE’s will you enter a very busy life and a very beautiful life.

Q: Is the self-centered nature an illusion?

A: The self-centered nature is transient, just as the body is transient
but it is up to us how soon it will cease to rule our lives.

Q: Is there a law of self-responsibility?

A: You are responsible for your actions, reactions or inaction where
action is required.You owe right living not only to humanity, but to your-

Q: What is your Utopia like? Can there ever be a Utopia in this earth life?

A: The outer Utopia would come when we have learned to share and
not to kill each other. The inner Utopia would come when we have all
found inner peace. A lot of us will have to find a lot more inner peace
before the outer Utopia can come.The outer is foreseeable the inner will
take a lot longer.

Q: Is there a LOVE who will always be beyond me?

A: Think of LOVE as a divine ocean and you as one drop with free will.
You can choose to remain separate from the ocean but you won’t be
happy. You can choose to be a part of the ocean, in which case you will give
up your free will, but you will be delightfully happy acting in harmony with
LOVE’s will. Now you will perceive yourself as a part of LOVE and very much
at one with LOVE.

Q: What is the spiritual life?

A: That which cannot be perceived by the five senses. Spiritual things
will endure, physical things will not.

Q: What is truth?

A: Truth is that which is in harmony with divine law.Truth is LOVE and
LOVE is truth. My personal prayer is to make me an instrument through
which only truth can speak.

Q: Where do I look to find spiritual truth?

A: In the final analysis you find spiritual truth through your own higher

nature.Your higher nature is a drop in the ocean of LOVE  and has access to
the ocean. Sometimes your higher nature is awakened through the inspira-
tion of beautiful surroundings or beautiful music, bringing you insights of
truth. Sometimes you see the truth written or hear the truth spoken, and
your higher nature confirms it. Or you directly perceive the truth from the
inside through an awakening of the higher nature, which is my way. All the
inspired writing came from the inner source, and you too, can receive from
that source. Be still and know.


Q: Will there always be pain in one’s becoming more beautiful?

A: There will be pain in your spiritual growth until you will to do LOVE’s
will and no longer need to be pushed into it.When you are out of harmony
with LOVE’s will, problems come. Their purpose is to push you into har-
mony. If you would willingly do LOVE’s will, you could avoid the problems.


Q: Will I ever come to a state of feeling at rest with no more need to become?

A: When you have found inner peace you have no more feeling of need
to become you are content to be, which includes following your divine
guidance. However, you keep on growing but harmoniously.


Q: I am so lonely. What can I do about it?

A: You are never really alone. LOVE is always with you. Turn to LOVE for
the best possible companionship. Turn to books and music for inspiration.
Turn to the phone to say words of cheer to a shut-in, or visit one who is
lonely. In giving we receive, and our loneliness fades away.


Q: How do you keep so healthy and happy?

A: I keep so healthy and happy by always keeping turned to LOVE.That
means I obey LOVE’s spiritual laws: I live to be of service, I think no nega-
tive thoughts, etc. That means I obey LOVE’s physical laws: those things I
know are bad for the health I do not do, those things I know are good for
the health I do. My reward has been good health and a happy state of mind.


Q: How does an ordinary housewife and mother find what you seem to possess?

A: One who is in the family pattern, as most people are, finds inner
peace in the same way that I found it. Obey LOVE’s laws, which are the same
for all of us; not only the physical laws, but also the spiritual laws which
govern human conduct.You might start by living all the good things you
believe, as I did. Find and fit into your special place in the divine plan,
which is unique for every human soul.You might try seeking in receptive
silence, as I did. Being in the family pattern is not a block to spiritual
growth, and in some ways it is an advantage. We grow through problem-
Questions and Answers / 145


Q: Do you think democracy is the right form of government?

If democracy is control by the people, as it is supposed to be, it is
the right form of government. I believe in a complete democracy indi-
vidual, political, social, economic. If we really had that, which we don’t
now, it would be in harmony with divine purpose.

Q: What are leftists and what are rightists?

A: Those who want to push social change faster than it can naturally go
are often called ‘ leftists’.Those who want to keep things as they are or turn
back the hands of the clock are often called ‘rightists’. In general they have one
thing in common: they both believe in the false philosophy that ‘the end jus-
tifies the means’.That is the war philosophy. I believe that the means you use
will determine the end you receive.This is the peace philosophy and the phi-
losophy of all true religion. Your divine nature lives by the peace philosophy.

Q: Do you believe that communism could take over the world and wipe out

A: Of course religion will endure, since it represents the deep inner
yearning for a better life of all human beings. Communism at its best
represents communal living sharing. As practiced in some small societies
it is not an enemy of religion. It has never really been practiced in any large
society, and the first large society to express it is an ideal turned against the
religion of the state because they felt it had been used to oppress people.
Then they became a dictatorship. The things that are out of harmony in
their country and our country, and all countries, are in the process of
disintegrating they contain within themselves the seeds of their own
destruction. True communism could teach the world something about
economic democracy.

Q: Do you think communists could end the world by starting a nuclear war?

A: No, I don’t think any country really wants to start a nuclear war. But
it could happen by accident as long as we have all these nuclear weapons

Q: Is it good to learn an art like karate in order to defend oneself?

A: My weapon is love, and I would not even think of learning any other
defense mechanism. The immature and the fearful learn karate and other
defense mechanisms.

Q: Does ‘passive’ mean peaceful to you? Does aggressive mean warlike to you?

A: You could say that a passive person does not use violence because of
weakness, and a peaceful person does not use violence because of principle.
An aggressive person may prefer to live in harmony but the actions of that
person lead to strife.

Q: Men commit 88% of all crimes as well as fight in all the wars. Of course
there are a few exceptions, but do you believe that in general women are more mature
and law-abiding than men? Are they more spiritually evolved?

A: Men are taught that they must be tough, and that it is a sign of weak-
ness to live by the law of love. It is considered perfectly all right for women
to live by the law of love; in fact, in many cases this is expected of them.
Men have just as much spiritual potential as women, but because of their
more aggressive attitudes they often do not attain as much spiritual growth.
In our country the men fight the wars because that is the custom here, but
in some countries the women fight too.

Q: How should parents punish their children when they do something wrong?

A: The reward system works best; punishment would be withholding
the reward.

Q: What is immorality?

A: Sometimes when people talk about immorality they mean that
which is out of harmony with custom. But true immorality is that which is
out of harmony with divine purpose.

Q: Is the mind a “blank tablet” on which experience writes?

A: The mind is an instrument which can be used by either the self-
centered nature or the divine nature. Yes, of course it is influenced by

Q: What is your interpretation of dreams?

A: Most dreams represent either wanderings in the psychic realm or
illusions produced by physical or mental or emotional stresses, and should
be promptly forgotten. A few times there is a vision, which you will not be
able to forget.

Q: Do you work for your living?

A: I work for my living in an unusual way. I give what I can through
thoughts and words and deeds to those whose lives I touch and to human-
ity. In return I accept what people want to give, but I do not ask.They are
blessed by their giving and I am blessed by my giving.

Q: Why are you unemployed?

A: Am I unemployed? I work 16 hours a day, seven days a week.You
mean I’m not earning any money. I don’t need to earn any money. Every-
thing I need is given. I could do this another way at my season of life. I
could legally live on the taxpayers (Social Security) if I wanted to, but they
give so reluctantly. I would much rather live on what is given voluntarily.
Those people will be blessed by the giving. I love my work. I have work to
do. For the kind of speaking I do, some people receive high honorariums; I
do not accept one. I answer lots of mail and do a lot of counseling through
the mail. Many people are paid good fees for counseling. I don’t accept
money for it. I am now starting to lead educational and inspirational tours
which are retreat situations. It has a good effect on people. I remember the
time we went to Alaska. Those people who went came back inspired and
uplifted and it seems that just about every one of them is thinking about
working for some good cause or a kind of a path of service. I believe some
of those people from the Alaska trip are actually working now to help

Q: Why don’t you accept money?

A: Because I talk about spiritual truth, and spiritual truth should never
be sold those who sell it injure themselves spiritually. I accept money that
comes in through the mail (without being solicited), but I do not use it for
myself; I use it for printing and postage. Those who attempt to buy spiri-
tual truth are attempting to get it before they are ready. In this wonderfully
well-ordered universe, when they are ready it will be given.

Q: What is the theory behind ‘not buying spiritual truth’?

A: The theory behind not buying spiritual truth is this: One who has it
would not be selling it, so one who is selling it doesn’t have it. These are
the ‘pearls without price’. As soon as you are ready for the spiritual truth,
it will be given. On the other hand, you are given as you give. But paying a
fee is not giving a gift. And you do not need to give to the one from whom
you receive, as we are all cells in the same body of humanity.

Q: Don’t you get lonely or discouraged or tired?

A: No, I am never lonely or discouraged or tired.When you live in con-
stant communion with LOVE, you cannot be lonely.When you perceive the
working of LOVE’s wonderful plan and know that all good effort bears good
fruit, you cannot be discouraged. When you have found inner peace, you
are in contact with the source of universal energy and cannot be tired.

Q: Where did you learn the things you talk about? Obviously you have found
something which all of us are seeking, and you have no right to conceal the source
of your information.

A: I have never concealed the source of my information. For light I go
directly to the Source of Light not to any of the reflections. Also, I make
it possible for more light to come to me by living up to the highest light I
have.You cannot mistake light coming from the source, for it comes with
complete understanding so that you can explain it and discuss it.

Q: How old are you?

A: Along my pilgrimage route many people would ask my age. I told
them I did not know my age and I did not intend to figure it out. I know
my birth date. It lingers at the fringes of my memory, but I won’t divulge
it. What purpose would it serve? Many have tried also to guess my old
name. The most interesting guess was that I’m Amelia Earhart. I’m very
thankful that age is now out of my mind.As long as I counted birthdays and
started thinking about getting older, I did get older. Age is a state of mind,
and I think of myself as ageless. And that’s my advice to others. Get to be
as old as you want to be and then stop creating age.
I never give out my zodiac sign either. Do you honestly think I can be
pushed around by a planet? Good heavens, your divine nature is always free
it’s only your self-centered nature that is not free. I have two reasons for
not giving out my sign. One is that some enterprising astrologer might
figure out a horoscope on me, and what a waste of time that would be.And
if my birth time were known I would be deluged by birthday cards just as
I am deluged with Christmas cards now, and I would have to take another
two weeks off each year to answer them.

Q: What is your real name and background?

A: I have no name except Peace Pilgrim. I have no home, only a for-
warding address: Cologne, New Jersey. About my background I will say
only this: I come from a poor family, I have little education, no special
talents; rather, I lead a guided life.

Q: Have you ever had any children?

A: I was not called into the family pattern. Most people are, by this
thing we call falling in love, and then they act as a family unit. It was not
my calling.There are a few people not called into the family pattern. Some
unmarried women are what you would call man-haters, but I’m not or ever
was. I always got along fine with men.

Q: How do you have so much energy?

A: After you have found inner peace you have endless energy the
more you give, the more you receive. After you have found your calling,
you work easily and joyously.You never get tired.

Q: Doesn’t the generation gap keep you from relating to students?

A: I think it is a value gap rather than a generation gap. Students are in
rebellion against false values of society like war and prejudice and materi-
alism and hypocrisy. Since I certainly do not favor these false values, I have
no trouble relating to students.

Q: Do you believe in astrology?

A: Insofar as astrology can be interpreted, it says something about the
life governed by the self-centered nature. Those who follow it become so
immersed in the self-centered nature that they do not transcend it.

Q: When confronted with a problem, can I do anything about it intellectually?

A: If you are confronted with a health problem, ask yourself: “Have I
abused my body?” If you are confronted with a financial problem, ask your-
self: “Have I lived within my means?” If you are faced with a psychological
problem, ask yourself: “Have I been as loving as LOVE would want me to
be?” What you do in the present creates the future, so use the present to
create a wonderful future.

Q: I am troubled much by wrong reactions on my part to what others say and do.

A: If you really understood everything, all your wrong reactions would
turn to compassion. Those who evoke wrong reactions in you are out of
harmony, and especially in need of love. Yes, it is most important to be
loving. Meet every situation with love, and you will be able to handle it. If
someone does the meanest thing to me, I feel the deepest compassion for
that person and pray for that person I do not hurt myself by a wrong
reaction of bitterness or anger.

Q: Is self-discipline really worthwhile?

A: Perhaps the path toward inner peace does not seem easy while you
are walking it, but when you have walked it you look back and think: How
could I have earned the great blessing of inner peace so easily?

Q: What should a person do who is a compulsive eater, and eats wrong foods?

A: If the person already knows this, and wants to do something about
it, the person might begin by having only good, wholesome foods available.
Make food a very incidental part of your life by filling your life so full of
other meaningful things that you’ll hardly have time to think about food.

Q: How can we dramatize peace?

A: I think one way to dramatize peace could be through the use of a
mobile theater. For a long time I have thought that the arts should be used
for the cause of peace. Only a limited number of people will listen to a
lecture. More will read all or part of a simple and interesting pamphlet if
it is handed to them. Many will listen to the peace people if they can get
on radio or television with their peace message. However, just about
everybody will look at a drama or a puppet show if it comes right where
they are.

Q: Are we responsible for our thoughts and feelings? Is it fundamentally differ-
ent from the responsibility for our behavior?

A: Spiritually speaking, you suffer for negative thoughts and feelings
just as you suffer for wrong behavior. However, you suffer most if you
know and do not do.Yes, you are responsible for all three.

Q: What should retirement mean to a person?

A: Retirement should mean not a cessation of activity, but a change of
activity with a more complete giving of your life to service. It should there-
fore be the most wonderful time of your life: the time when you are most
happily and meaningfully busy.

Q: What should I do when my life seems empty?

A: If your life seems empty, you have a wonderful opportunity. Most
lives are already at least partially filled with not so good things. If your life
seems empty, you have a wonderful opportunity to fill it with only good

Q: What should I do when I feel put upon?

A: Ask yourself whether or not what is required of you is unreasonable.
If not, you will attain spiritual growth through serving; if so, you must
learn to say ‘no’ lovingly.

Q: What overcomes fear?

A: I would say that religious attitudes overcome fear. If you have a
loving attitude toward your fellow human beings, you will not fear them:
‘Perfect love casteth out fear.’ An obedient attitude toward LOVE will bring you
into the constant awareness of LOVE’s presence, and then fear is gone.When
you know that you are only wearing the body, which can be destroyed
that you are the reality which activates the body and cannot be destroyed
how can you be afraid?

Q: How can I conquer little fears, like fear of the dark when alone outside?

A: I always think of the dark as being friendly. It provides such a restful
situation in which to sleep. May I suggest watching it get dark: appreciat-
ing the beauty of the sunset and looking for the first star. Get acquainted
with the darkness for fear is usually fear of the unknown.

Q: Psychiatrists say that all human beings experience fear, but you say that you
don’t fear anything, not even death. How do you make yourself so totally fearless?
Do you have more control over your mind than most people do?

A: In our early lives we experience as much fear as we have learned in
one way or another. Your mind, also your body and your emotions, can
only be adequately controlled by the divine nature, not the self-centered
nature. If you really love people, you do not fear them. If you live in har-

mony with divine will, fear is gone. If you identify with that within you
which is immortal, you do not fear death. If you fear, it is because your life
is still governed by the self-centered nature.Through a great mental effort
you may be able to train yourself not to show fear but only when you are
governed by the divine nature will you feel no fear.

Q: What can I do to make my life have more meaning?

A: Fifteen years before my pilgrimage began, I felt completely willing
without any reservations to give my life, and I started to live to give,
instead of to get. Every morning I thought of LOVE and thought of things I
might do that day to be of service to LOVE’s children. I looked at every sit-
uation I came into to see if there was anything I could do there to be of
service. I did as many good things as I could each day not forgetting the
importance of a pleasant word and a cheery smile. I prayed about things
that seemed too big for me to handle and right prayer motivates to right
action. My life just blossomed out.Try it.

Q: How can I begin to really live life?

A: I began to really live life when I began to look at every situation and
think about how I could be of service in that situation. I learned that I
shouldn’t be pushy about helping, but just willing. Often I could give a
helping hand or perhaps a loving smile or a word of cheer. I learned it is
through giving that we receive the worthwhile things of life.

Q: How can one’s life be improved?

A: Look within for your answers.Your divine nature your inner light
knows all the answers. Spend your time bringing your life into harmony
with divine law.Work on overcoming evil with good, falsehood with truth,
hatred with love. Work on establishing a good lifestyle for yourself.
Whether or not you are in the family pattern, these things are important:
(1) A means of livelihood which is a useful task in society. (2) Good living
habits, including rest and exercise and good eating habits, but most of all
good thinking habits don’t think negative thoughts. (3) Inspirational
things in your life, things that will lift you up: read beautiful words, listen
to beautiful music, experience the beauties of nature. (4) Serve as much as
you can, do as much as possible to help others for in this world you are
given as you give.

Q: How can improving my life help when so many are out of harmony?

A: Humanity can only improve as people improve. When you have
improved your life, you can inspire those around you to want to improve
their lives. Remember that a few in harmony with LOVE’s will are more
powerful than multitudes out of harmony.

Q: What can a little person like me do for peace?

A: To the millions who live in this world today let me say that there are
many worthwhile things little people can do, both individually and collec-
tively.When I dedicated my life to be of as much service as possible to my
fellow human beings someone said to me very sarcastically, “What do you
think you can do?” And I replied, “I know I am a little person and can do
only little things, but there are so many little things that need to be done.”
And I never had any trouble finding worthwhile little things to do.When I
started my pilgrimage I was asking for very big things and someone said to
me then, “You might as well ask for the moon.” But I answered, “If enough
of us little people ask together even very, very big things will be granted.”
I can say this to you: Live the present. Do the things you know need to
be done. Do all the good you can each day.The future will unfold.

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