

040123  April Fool's Day


     I woke up pretty early like at eight thirty.  I crashed out around 12:30am last night.  I just added a link to the Janet Joplin song where I say, "You know what that's another word for, right?"  I started playing Bobby Mcgee and actually started crying uncontrollably.  Tears of pure joy though.  What a release(I got a different release this morning too, hehe)Crying feels great.  I should do it more often. 

     I love Janice.  She really knows how to penetrate you with her music.  She's a welcome infection.  

     Anyway, this morning I compiled and added the rest of my East Coast trip, after Florida.  <y girl has been glued to it for three days.  Check it out.  I also made sure to take all of that massive text off of the main page, it was slowing everything down, but I'm hoping that if my site got automatically archived, it would have that whole month trip archived for sure being on the main page.  So for safe keeping.  But this morning I was getting tired of the lag so I just made a whole other page for it.  At the end I put a link to the rest of the story in case people were interested when they got to the end.  

     I also ordered a external cd drive from Amazon which I will need to add pictures with soon.  To read my backups.

     My girl stayed up all night and "came to bed" when I woke up.  I wasn't about to go back to sleep afterwards, hehe.

6:20pm  I got assaulted today flying my sign!  This tweaker who was at the corner.  Wait, let me rewind.  

     Today we were supposed to go to the farmer's market, but my girl lagged getting ready and it got too late.  I was looking forward to the crowd and I diligently cut out like three sheet's worth of little papers.  I had them in two little weed tins.  I told her my girl to get ready, that I wanted to fly my sign today and spread my word.  We drove to the restaurant parking lot next to the light at the busiest intersection in town, where I worked it last time.

     I had a great reaction to my sign and my shirt today.  These two different black dudes pulled over after seeing my sign and let me hit their blunt!  It happened twice!  One was named Dexter, I think.  Also I noticed these girls yelling at me about my sign when the light turned green and I yelled, "Come back!"  They eventually did and hooked me up with some dank nuggets!  I forget their names but I think one was named, oh forget it, I forgot.  I got hooked up rowdy with weed and cash.

     When I first got there I noticed some dude hanging out at the corner, I was going to ask him if he had dibs on the spot, but when I walked closer I noticed he was just trying to change the tire on his bike.

     I went out and started doing my thing to traffic and got hooked up and smoked out.  I guess the tweaker guy noticed I was yelling at the people who would refuse my blog offer,  I would yell at them, "Man, NOBODY wants world peace, poor kids!  Good little slave!"  You know how I do.  

     Well, he tried to take a swing at me and lunged at me all of a sudden.  I quickly side-stepped him and he stumbled missing his punch.  He popped me in the nose a bit and blood gushed out.  I tried real hard not to get any on my shirt.  I was standing there yelling at him with my bloody nose, "What did I do to you!?  I'm trying to help everyone!  Don't you want things to change???"  He just kept mumbling fuck you.  He tried to rush me again, but by that time I had remembered I had my trusty marine knife in my pocket, I always have it on me when I fly my sign, exactly for moments like this.  

     I quickly pulled it out and flicked it open.  That made him change his tune and he backed off.   Then I started talking shit, "Man, why does everyone always have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?  What kind of drugs are you on?  Shouldn't you be wishing me luck instead of hitting me?"  

     He was Mexican so I even talked Spanish to him.  I told him how I was Victor Antonio from San Antonio, que yo soy San Antonio."  He just kept mumbling and calling me not a man for having a knife.  

     I calmed down and even told him, still with a bloody nose, "Come on, let's talk about this. I forgive you."  Still holding the knife at him.  He just muttered fuck you some more.  He was all, "But you're yelling at people!"  I told him I had to because they were ignoring me, duh.  Regardless, this is a free country and I can yell anything I want to anybody.  I have that right.

     He never got his flat fixed so he started walking away pushing his bike.  When he popped me in the mouth it was right in front of traffic and I was telling everyone to call the cops.  One guy was all saying, "Well, you're the one with the knife."  I told him I had paid sales tax on the knife, that I bought it fair and square.

     Anyway, the tweaker started walking off with his bike, so I started following him, still with my knife raised above my head.  I wasn't about to lose him.  I was hoping to make a spectacle and have the cops there soon like that.  I had left my phone in the car.  If I had remembered it I would've been taking lots of pictures, not to mention call the police.  But since I didn't have a phone I figured I could call the police another way, hehe.

     I was following the fucker while he pushed his bike down the street, always staying about thirty feet behind him with my knife brandished.  As I was walking I was pointing the knife at him yelling at people to call the cops, that I had just been assaulted and that the dude was getting away, so please call the cops.  I ended up walking like seven or eight blocks before the boys in blue showed up.  

     They pulled over right next to the tweaker pushing his bike, but they ignored him because I had the knife, even though I was yelling at them not to let him get away.   

     It was the sergeant, the boss of the cops.  As I was getting closer he shouted at me to drop the knife.  I dropped it and quickly went for my wallet and ID.  I also had my letter for police that I had printed out.   I handed it to him telling him I wanted it back.  I asked him if he would read it and he pretended to, I think because he handed it back real quick.  I told him I was a peace activist and had been all over the country.  I hope he at least read the part where I say my story has helped suicidal people.  

     After hearing my side of the story and seeing my punched nose he asked me if I wanted to have him arrested and I quickly said yes.  Then I thought for a second.  I asked the sergeant, "How long can we drag it out to make him think he's going to jail for?  I just want to scare him real good."  He insisted I make a decision and not waste their time,  He then told me that they had lost him anyway, ugh.

     I figured the last thing I needed was to make an enemy in the town I lived in because I didn't plan to stop flying my sign there.  I told the cops to just forget about it.  They said since he had gotten away that the options were pretty slim anyway.   

     I walked all the way back to the restaurant parking lot where my girl was still waiting for me, being none-the-wiser of what just transpired.  Totally oblivious because she had been in the car in the shade out of view.  A whole hour had passed.  I sat down and showed her my face and she worriedly apologize for not being next to me.  I told her I was grateful she came out with me and was my support vehicle.  After like five minutes I decided to go back out to traffic with my sign, bloody face and all.  I still had a world to save.  No fear.  

     I was kind of hoping the tweaker would show up so I could talk to him, tell him how I chose not to press charges.  I would even offer him some of the weed I just got hooked up with.  I'd try to be the bigger man and smoke a peace pipe with him.  

     I eventually got bored and decided to call it quits after about half an hour with more hookups and smokeouts.  I amazingly made like forty bucks in about the hour total I flew today.  And LOTS of nuggets!   A lot of people accepted my blog too, I had even offered one to the tweaker, lol.  Of course he didn't accept it, but there's tons of my little papers littered around that corner.

     I had my girl take a couple pictures of me, after I used a snotrag to clean up.

     Afterwards I noticed my ID was missing.  I hope I didn't drop it when I grabbed my sign and knife.  I'm going to call the police and see if the sergeant still has it.  Then I can ask him for that signed permission slip that I want.  


     I just called the police station and asked the nice girl, "I am sure there are lots off cctv cameras all around that corner.   Is there any way I can get that footage?  She said there was a form I could fill out to request it.  That would be awesome to have on my blog.  

     So Monday I'm going to go to the cop shop and try and get that footage, as well as my permission slip.  




     Okay I woke up about half an hour ago.  I looked and I had a voicemail I missed last night from the sergeant.  He said, "Victor, this is the sergeant with the police department.  Hey, I thought I handed your ID back when we were out there on Main Street, but I'm going to take a look at my body cam video and see exactly what happened.  I'll have to take a look at that in the morning, and then we'll call and let you know.  Alright, bye bye."

      Awesome!  The message came from "anonymous" with no return number, so I can't text him or anything.  I wish I could.

     The nice sergeant took a picture of my bloody face(which I also want to see if I can get a copy of for this chapter).  

    The tweaker had grabbed my Bubba Mug and threw it in the street where it got run over, so after I walked back and explained it all to my girl I said, "We're going to Walmart to get a new one."  So we drove to Walmart.  They didn't sell the same type of mug I had before, so I bought a different one.  I went up to the cashiers and went to a self checkout with my new mug.  Stupid me, I guess I was still high or something, I put my ATM card where the dollar bills go in.  Duh.  It sucked it in and I notified someone working there.  

     While we were waiting for the manager I tried offering the employee who was working my free blog, but she automatically denied it telling me, "I don't accept anything from anybody."  She walked off and when she came back into earshot again I asked her, "What exactly are you afraid of?"  She totally ignored me, hehe.  I made sure she saw me drop a couple little papers on the floor.

     The manager showed up and opened the register and returned my card.  I asked her how often this happens and she told me about once a week.  The slot for the money shouldn't be the exact same size as an ATM card turned lengthwise.  Bad design.

     We were going to eat at some Pho place next to the Walmart, but I remembered I had lost or the police kept my ID and I wanted to go back to where they confronted me and look around.  I remembered they had put my sign and knife on top of some red drainage pipes, but I wasn't exactly sure.   I thought we were getting close when we got to a different Chinese retaurant that we usually frequent.  I parked the car and told my girl I would be right back.  I walked past the restaurant scanning up ahead to see if I could spot those red drainpipes.  I ended up walking almost a whole mile, but didn't see the pipes anywhere.  I gave up and started walking the opposite direction.

     Which reminds me I forgot to mention.  Back when the sergeant was done with me he told me that my knife and sign were right over there(on the red drainpipe) and that I was free to go.  I started walking and passed up where he told me.  Him and his officers yelled at me and I laughed, telling them sorry, I was practicing what I preached earlier.  They laughed.

     I kept looking behind me to see if a bus was coming.  When I walked to the next bus stop there was some dude waiting there.  I asked him when the next bus was due and he told me just a couple of minutes more.  This guy seemed obviously gay or trans.  I was pretty sure it was a dude because he had chin-stubble.  I thanked him and handed him one of my blog papers and smiled at him.  He smiled back and volunteered me a card of his own.  

     I hope this person doesn't get offended when he reads on my blog that I don't support the normalization of transgenders.

     I and a lot of other people still think it's wrong and unnatural.  Best of luck becoming mayor.

     You will most definitely need it.

    Don't mean to be the bearer, but who's going to want a person who can't even decide what gender they are, to run a whole city?  The credentials you would have to show everyone to trust you enough to vote for you to be mayor, I don't think are in existence.  

     And if you are elected mayor, it's only because the position was selected for you by evil people to further their agenda of trying to confuse humanity so we will be easy to subdue.  Do you really think election-theft only happens with presidents.

In the words of Worf's son Alexander, 


Just go by what's naturally in between your legs, please.  There's no need for any confusion.

I used Android Photohop to remove his/her name.  I don't want to make it that easy to triangulate what town I am in, hehe.

Voting is a farce!

     Whoa, he/she is running for mayor.  I googled It.  :)  If the other images that came up are really him/her, you can't tell at all.  Beautiful girl(if that's really him).

     What strange synchronicity.

     When the bus came everyone got on first and I asked the driver if she could give me a courtesy ride to the Chinese restaurant about half a mile way.  She said sure thing and let me hop on!  How perfect!  She let me off right in front of the restaurant.  

      I guess I'll call the police in the morning and see if they can locate it.  

     What an exciting couple of days!  I can't wait to type it up!

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