



     Primarily, Aquarians are simple, unassuming persons.  They absorb knowledge readily and show a frank and friendly attitude that makes them popular.  They often like to be alone, but not for morbid reasons.  They use solitude to concentrate on new ideas and to make important decisions.  Also, much of their real work is done when they are by themselves.  

     Aquarians who develop the honesty and kindly sentiments of this sign will achieve great heights.  They have mild dispositions and can curb their tempers.  They are both active and volatile and once their ambitions are aroused, they can scale to unprecedented heights.  Their greatest fault is indolence, for if they delay or treat life lazily, they will never get anywhere.  They must also maintain their natural, quiet dignity; for without it, they may become boastful and surly, losing the popularity which may carry them far.  

     Most famous persons have come from this sign than any other and in the majority of cases they have risen from obscurity or have made up for earlier failures, sometimes succeeding despite insurmountable odds.  Invariably they have done this on their own, through the full application of all that they have learned and usually more.  Self-reliance, confidence, and the believe that they are right are the qualities that spell their success.  

     The humanitarian urge is very apparent in the careers of scientists, musicians, reformers, poets, pioneers, and explorers born under this sign.  These are the "real water carriers" who supply the human race.  Others have risen to high and commanding positions, so that rather than water carriers they have become standard bearers around whom many people rally.  Still, their devotion to humanity is strong, even though they may be spurred by self-interest and criticized as being self-important. 

     All Aquarians should uphold the credo that right makes might, as the few who have taken the opposite attitude have done great damage.  In short, the Aquarian nature, once given to arrogance and bombast will brook no opposition.  Fortunately, few such Aquarians attain great heights.  Instead, they pass up opportunities, ask advice, but never follow it, and seldom emerge from obscurity.  The undeveloped Aquarius promises much but does little, except in a confused and sometimes fanatical way that defeats its own ends.

     In business, Aquarians are good bargainers, keen buyers, and make capable auctioneers, as they know how to rouse interest.  They are great promoters and do well in law and especially politics.  They have great mechanical skill and noted scientists as well as famous inventory have been born under this sign.   

     Business partnerships are valuable to Aquarians, who seldom press their opportunities themselves, but require the cooperation of others.  They guide Aries people to opportunities and rouse the latent force of Pisces.  Aquarians have  steadying effect on Gemini or Libra, which can prove of mutual advantage.  

      In marriage, Aquarius does well with most signs, for the Aquarian has an understanding nature.  Gemini, Leo and Libra are especially good as they respond kindly to the sympathies of Aquarius.   

     Second Deacon; January 31 - February 9

     Planet; Mercury

    Here, quick thought and lively manner add impulse to the Aquarian nature.  People born in this period make many friends, because they show interest in other persons and apply good common sense.  Deep-set ambition is brought to the fore through self-expression.  But contacts are important to success.  Persons born in this period should never become self-centered, or they will lose their greatest asset.  

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