

 Session Start: Sun Nov 12 07:09:55 2023

[07:10.15] <wptmj> hi shane, whatsupwitchu?

[07:11.42] <Armorall> mad

[07:13.04] <wptmj> why be sad?

[07:13.07] <Armorall> I am pooping black and green. I cannot eat very much at all because my stomach literally takes 24 hours to even digest half a plate of food, my throat has a huge hole in the left side, went to 15 different doctors now...2 of the doctors told me it was normal to wake up screaming in the morning....literally told me the ER 3 times. 1st time gave me antibiotics, 2nd time sat me 

[07:13.07] <Armorall> in an 

[07:13.07] <Armorall> <Armorall> empty room with 1 chair for 4 hours, asked what room this is...nurses ppe changing room (and the er was basically empty)....3rd time they said I didn't HAVE a doctor, that military doctors at the VA were not doctors. 

[07:13.08] <wptmj> +

[07:13.08] <Armorall> <Armorall> I am done

[07:13.10] <Armorall> <Armorall> next time one of them talks to me like that, they get beat up, end discussion

[07:13.17] <wptmj> oh, thats why

[07:13.55] <Armorall> I am pissed off to the max at those people here

[07:14.11] <Armorall> I have literally been to 15 diff doctors

[07:14.15] <wptmj> you are in the ER now?

[07:14.15] <Armorall> 3 ER visits

[07:14.18] <Armorall> Nope

[07:14.21] <Armorall> I ain't goin

[07:14.25] <Armorall> I die and be happy

[07:14.38] <Armorall> fuck this world and all the lie cheating stealing people and companies

[07:14.55] <wptmj> thats fucked up. goes to show how worthlesss doctors are

[07:15.28] <wptmj> whats the hole in your throat from? smoking?

[07:17.42] <wptmj> when was the last time you got out of kansas?

[07:18.42] <Armorall> those stupid bastards. it started hurting about a year ago, even saw an ent...ctscan, swabs, blah blah, they said nothing wrong...just mucous, yet on my tonsils at that time had 1/4" blisters on no just mucous, well now there's a giant hole on the side of my throat down the side of my tongue that hurts like a mofo since it's even into the bone

[07:19.04] <Armorall> fucking bastards

[07:19.16] <Armorall> next time I punch them, so they know how it feels to wake up screaming

[07:20.31] <wptmj> do you drink lots of water?

[07:20.54] <Armorall> Yes

[07:21.07] <Armorall> 7x32oz a day

[07:21.19] <wptmj> great for you!

[07:21.21] <Armorall> literally thirsty all the time no matter what

[07:21.37] <Armorall> I told them I think it's a fungal infection...15 doctors refused to test

[07:21.44] <Armorall> 15!!!

[07:22.07] <Armorall> 2 of them got reprimanded by admin for not testing me when I asked and they said they would, yet did not

[07:22.12] <Armorall> even got some money back

[07:22.15] <Armorall> 150.00

[07:22.23] <wptmj> keep going over their head, maybe?

[07:22.28] <Armorall> that's how shitty things are here

[07:22.50] <Armorall> OH the admin said not to come to ANY local clinic, or hospital, said we have bad doctors here

[07:22.57] <Armorall> literally said that to me

[07:28.13] <wptmj> you've seen how i document my stuff, right?  i think if anyone were to document their lives like I do, when LOVE, or the universe or whatever you call it, sees that you are converting your life into an easily-shared will make cool shit happen for you, it will line up your blessings and lessons for you, to get you out of your rut

[07:28.46] <wptmj> at least that's what i firmly believe happened with me

[07:29.00] <wptmj> after i started keeping daily logs

[07:29.37] <wptmj> if life sucks where you live, then just simply move!

[07:30.26] <wptmj> here's what i wrote about being homeless.  maybe you can get something from it.  

[07:30.32] <wptmj> +

[07:34.59] <Armorall> trust me, I would have rather been homeless than work in an underground fucking mine with explosives, 17 hours a day 6 days a week, then have 2 ex wives steal it all from me.

[07:35.09] <Armorall> for 17 fucking years

[07:35.52] <wptmj> make your own blog and vent your angst!

[07:36.08] <wptmj> let's start a trend!

[07:36.55] <wptmj> then all us bloggers will connect our blogs!

[07:37.42] <wptmj> it will be great therapy for you!  trust me!

[07:40.21] <wptmj> get a cheap voice recorder and just start randomly making entries with time stamps and get into the habit of making time every night to sit there and transcribe it.  a new text file for each day

[07:42.50] <wptmj> after weeks, months or years  go by of your doing this, when you re-read your loggings, you will be AMAZED at how much detail your memory "forgets" 

[07:44.53] <wptmj> and then when you have your thoughts logged like that, not only will you have a perfect reference you can read whenever you want, that you can easily search, but you will be making room for new, fresh thoughts 

[07:45.01] <wptmj> if that makes any sense

[07:45.21] <wptmj> it's kinda like backing up your hard drive

[07:45.31] <wptmj> and formatting

[07:48.03] <wptmj> it's JUST LIKE how IRC logs all our text

[07:51.11] <wptmj> maybe go hitchhiking and set your intentions to find a native american healer

[07:51.23] <wptmj> seek and ye shall find

[07:51.52] <wptmj> i dunno, i'm all dabbed out and trying to think of anything that might help

[07:51.57] <wptmj> :]

[07:53.11] <Armorall> LOL

[07:55.13] <Armorall> No, great therapy for me would be beating the shit out of a doctor for treating me like crap, then going into normal court (pleading not guilty etc etc) then wait for sentencing, and then stab my court appointed lawyer in the eye with an ink pen taking his eye out and grabbing a chair and beating the bailiff with it until they kill me, then I will be free from all their crap, lying 

[07:55.13] <Armorall> cheating stealing motherfuckers all over the goddamn world

[07:55.44] <wptmj> lol!

[07:56.05] <wptmj> no, they want you to get mad!  

[07:56.10] <Armorall> I am serious!

[07:56.19] <wptmj> laugh it off!

[07:56.23] <Armorall> Nope

[07:56.27] <Armorall> done laughing

[07:56.33] <Armorall> time for action

[07:56.39] <wptmj> even better!

[07:56.56] <wptmj> but dont stoop to their violence 

[07:57.05] <wptmj> rat em out!

[07:57.33] <wptmj> make a damning blog about them, and spam them with it nonstop!

[07:57.40] <wptmj> lie if you want!

[07:57.43] <Armorall> you know if I really wanted to fuck things up, I'd drive a tanker trunk semi full of anfo with some black powder at the bottom to set it off into the macy's day parade with a kill switch and blow em all to kingdom come

[07:58.00] <Armorall> truck not trunk

[07:58.19] <Armorall> I don't have to lie about all the shit that everyones done to me

[07:58.21] <Armorall> it's all true

[07:58.24] <Armorall> and i am sick of it

[07:59.44] <wptmj> dont play into their trap.  "Great spirits have always received violent opposition from mediocre minds!"

[07:59.49] <wptmj> einstein

[08:00.48] <wptmj> don't fight fire with fire.  expose them!

[08:01.23] <wptmj> write your story!

[08:01.53] <Armorall> okay, maybe a good idea

[08:03.01] <wptmj> "I have tried prudent planning long enough.  From now on I'll be mad!" - RUMI

[08:03.33] <Armorall> like even now, I went by the mine literally has NO rebar inside it because the salt and water rusted it gone...I saw the building....covered in FOAM, you know the yellow spray foam? and over that that's gonna stop a building from collapsing...(and when I worked there part of it did, on a railcar) and bent the whole damn thing in). I was soooo lucky I was not 

[08:03.33] <Armorall> walking across that bridge

[08:03.43] <wptmj> get baked, happy thoughts :]

[08:04.11] <wptmj> damned, risky business

[08:04.23] <Armorall> they told the Feds it was blocked off...(It wasn't)

[08:05.03] <Armorall> forklifts and front end loaders with no brakes....feds come in to inspect, they put out of service for repair tags on them...Feds leave, signs come off, use em

[08:05.59] <wptmj> that's their MO, order abdo chaos

[08:06.09] <wptmj> all done on purpose

[08:06.40] <Armorall> One time I ended up in a POND with a forklift. I was moving up a hill, engine stopped, no brakes backwards it went. no steering, I just held on, into the pond it went. I waded out, hooked front end loader up and a chain to it, yanked it out, good to go...keep using it

[08:07.42] <wptmj> geez

[08:08.44] <wptmj> after much pressure from the wife, i finally wrote up a PLUG, asking for money thru paypal

[08:09.16] <wptmj> but i cant trust blogger stats, so who knows if itll be fruitful

[08:09.29] <wptmj> my balance is still $25 :]

[08:09.33] <wptmj> ty, btw

[08:09.37] <Armorall> LOL

[08:09.43] <Armorall> I pay for things I get

[08:10.11] <Armorall> unfortunately amazon and walmart and many electronics makers don't fullfill what they say

[08:10.22] <Armorall> and THAT pisses me off

[08:10.30] <wptmj> right, they steal from us

[08:10.34] <Armorall> what happened to false advertising lawsuits?

[08:10.38] <Armorall> what happened to them?

[08:10.50] <Armorall> it's like a flip switched in about 1990's or so

[08:11.19] <Armorall> I have emails where samsung and MSI BOTH blatently lied to me

[08:11.23] <Armorall> Blatently!

[08:11.50] <wptmj> "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legislation."

[08:11.53] <wptmj> - Thomas Brackett Reed

[08:11.58] <Armorall> One was a 450.00 soundbar from samsung!

[08:12.23] <Armorall> the other is still about a 150.00 motherboard from MSI

[08:12.34] <Armorall> OH and both companies BLAMED ME!

[08:12.45] <Armorall> the soundbar went to be repaired...5 times in one year

[08:13.04] <Armorall> it would come back, work 15 min (correctly with dolby) then dolby would stop!

[08:13.56] <Armorall> MSI blamed bios problems with the CPU on the memory I bought, because it's not "on their list"!

[08:14.11] <Armorall> then told me blatent lies about my own motherboard's default settings!

[08:14.32] <Armorall> like they were just making up shit, they knew nothing about!

[08:15.05] <Armorall> samsung even went as far to tell me, samsung soundbars will only work with samsung blue ray players and samsung tv's!

[08:15.19] <Armorall> LOL

[08:15.33] <Armorall> I have ALL of this shit documented...even videos of the soundbar!

[08:15.55] <Armorall> and there are like 1000 people pissed off they even bought this model because of it

[08:16.10] <Armorall> one guy said I just threw it in the trash after 3 months and gave up

[08:16.14] <Armorall> !!!!!

[08:16.55] <wptmj> it seems to me like you have the making of an aewsome plug.  have plenty of evidence and a fan base even

[08:17.19] <wptmj> get the word out!

[08:17.40] <wptmj> awesome blog *

[08:20.56] <Armorall> I'd do it on youtube if anything, that's the biggest platform

[08:23.02] * Armorall ( Quit (Quit)

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