

 Session Start: Sun Feb 04 01:57:27 2024

[13:57.27] ->> Armorall is ~Armorall@ (...)

[13:57.27] ->> Armorall is on: #LA +#RebelYell #Gulag #deeppeace 

[13:57.27] ->> Armorall using * (The Undernet Underworld)

[13:57.27] ->> Armorall 45 secs seconds idle, signon time 9:37 PM 2/4/2024

[13:57.27] ->> Armorall :End of /WHOIS list.

[13:57.30] <levity> Bro!

[13:57.45] <Armorall> Hello

[13:57.54] <levity> awesome reply, i knew i could count on you to keep it real with me

[13:58.08] <Armorall> NP

[13:58.16] <levity> have you seen any of my recent updates?  theyre so cherrrrrry

[13:58.29] <levity> its my dumb mom's turn!

[13:58.33] <levity> teehee

[13:58.41] <levity> +,

[13:58.46] <Armorall> No, I am sorry, I can't keep up with all the shit going on in the world

[13:58.48] <Armorall> brb man

[14:02.07] <levity> check out my BOHEMIAN TRAVESTY song

[14:02.11] <levity> +,

[14:02.42] <levity> +,

[14:03.20] <levity> ╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮FUCK YOU, MOM AND DAD!╭∩╮( •̀_•́ )╭∩╮

[14:05.12] <Armorall> LOL

[14:08.19] <Armorall> Well, if I actually did RAT my parents out. (One is dead btw, and the whole family was happier), but she would go to prison, same with my ex.

[14:15.01] <levity> as they say in texas then 

[14:15.05] <levity> GET'R DONE!

[14:15.10] <levity> :P

[14:15.14] <Armorall> LOL

[14:15.15] <Armorall> Yes

[14:15.46] <Armorall> The texas Convoy of trucks at the border...Looks like a Texas Drive by at the border to me, send em all to Taco Hell!

[14:16.01] <Armorall> LOL

[14:26.46] <levity> here's a funny chapter.  an argument with my wife, i was totally just ignoring her and trying to computer so she stars taping up notes in front of my face instead

[14:27.00] <levity> trying to compute*

[14:27.04] <levity> +,

[14:27.05] <Armorall> ROFLMAO

[14:27.07] <Armorall> OMG

[14:27.13] <levity> its hilarious

[15:00.29] <Armorall> OMFG your wife

[15:01.05] <Armorall> It is bad that you think or want to be with old flames though

[15:01.07] <Armorall> that's bad

[15:01.14] <Armorall> the rest is all bad for her though

[15:01.23] <Armorall> is she uhmm.....not smart?

[15:01.51] <levity> i dont want to be with old flames at all

[15:02.00] <levity> i just want views

[15:02.02] <Armorall> OH

[15:02.09] <Armorall> views????

[15:02.16] <levity> blogviews

[15:02.28] <Armorall> I can make you a Star. but you'll have to learn to play guitar and sing

[15:02.42] <Armorall> not even that well sing

[15:02.43] <levity> who better to tell their friends than people who know me and my mission intamately?

[15:02.59] <Armorall> I understand your mission

[15:03.08] <Armorall> You are driven by it

[15:03.16] <Armorall> and also Wanderlust

[15:03.16] <levity> its what i was born to do

[15:03.26] <Armorall> it's okay, you're just an old cowboy :)

[15:03.30] <levity> my name aint what it is on accident

[15:03.33] <levity> :P

[15:04.50] <Armorall> I cannot help you sir. Your mission is physical, and I already paid that price by saving live with salt on the roads in the winter, and also making tunnels that people neaby can go to in a holocaust

[15:05.13] <Armorall> My mission has always been, mental/spiritual/metaphysical

[15:05.25] <levity> you can still help

[15:05.29] <levity> "Seems like spam could be used to actually get a message out in a very quick and widespread way about injustice, working for peace, and other political issues. Why hasn't this happened yet? Spamming is so easy and inexpensive - seems like a perfect tool for subversion."

[15:05.32] <levity> :P

[15:05.42] <Armorall> Spam is only good fried with mustard

[15:05.48] <levity> lol!

[15:05.57] <Armorall> :)

[15:06.38] <Armorall> I think I showed you, I do not know...Driving smoking marijuana in my car?

[15:07.05] <levity> i mean, just behold the blessings i have gotten in my life when i abandonded our fake reality

[15:07.14] <levity> and started trusting in love instead of god

[15:07.17] <Armorall> What I would like to do, is re-write songs on youtube for someone to sing

[15:07.27] <Armorall> UHHH

[15:07.37] <levity> did you watch my bohemian travesty song?

[15:07.57] <Armorall> there is a problem with "God"...the beings that tell humans they are "God" and/or "Gods" are not Gods

[15:08.05] <Armorall> yes I watched it

[15:08.17] <levity> ok jw

[15:08.18] <Armorall> but you just find the music without the words then sing it

[15:08.29] <levity>

[15:08.44] <Armorall> Dude I got a MILLION songs I re-wrote like weird al

[15:08.56] <levity> send em over!@

[15:09.04] <Armorall> do you know the song chicago, if you leave me now?

[15:09.12] <levity> yeah

[15:09.57] <levity> please share!

[15:10.17] <Armorall> if you leave me now, you'll mis the biggest fart in me....ewwwww no baby please don't go. If you leave me now, you miss the biggest fart in me, ewww no I just want you to stay. A fart like this is always hard to find, don't make me let it slip away, when tomorrow comes and we both regret the things we ate today....

[15:10.28] <levity> lol!

[15:10.31] <Armorall> :)

[15:10.51] <Armorall> I got tons of them man

[15:11.05] <levity> come fly with me, bro!  you already have the uniform!

[15:11.38] <Armorall> I have no ship anymore though.....

[15:12.04] <levity> while you rebuild send me your songs at least

[15:12.08] <levity> :]

[15:12.11] <Armorall> np

[15:12.13] <Armorall> I can do that

[15:12.18] <levity> poifect

[15:12.22] <Armorall> I'll send them email I guess

[15:12.58] <levity> let's never stop being kids

[15:13.30] <Armorall> I woke in the morning and I, stared at the fridge and I, struggled for something to eat. You left for your day without closing the door, I saw you in the street. Now I'm hungrier than I, was before and I, where I'll find breakfast God knows. Cause youuuuuu left me, just when I needed some toast.

[15:13.53] <levity> lofl

[15:14.39] <Armorall> I have always been a kid, it's what I was there for billions and billions of years. Why would I change for 100 years?

[15:15.01] <levity> right, we can grow young too!

[15:15.38] <Armorall> it's not that. I was always the same being, same way for billions of years, a human, well sorta child, only I didn't have genitals

[15:15.42] <levity> and regress into the true wisdow we had before the devil made us forget

[15:15.55] <levity> wisdom*

[15:16.01] <Armorall> LOL

[15:16.07] <Armorall> I didn't forget!

[15:16.21] <levity> good for us!

[15:16.46] <Armorall> I tried to explain to you, satan lives in the ark of the covenant

[15:16.52] <Armorall> it's trapped in there

[15:17.05] <levity> glad you didnt call it a he

[15:17.34] <Armorall> satan IS a he, he also has...a wife


[15:17.38] <Armorall> but I do noy know her name

[15:17.39] <levity> muhahahaha

[15:17.43] <Armorall> LOL

[15:17.44] <Armorall> LOL

[15:17.45] <Armorall> No

[15:17.48] <Armorall> silly

[15:17.51] <levity> :P

[15:17.57] <Armorall> what color are your eyes?

[15:18.03] <levity> shit-brown

[15:18.07] <Armorall> OH

[15:18.29] <Armorall> anyone with other than brown eyes somewhat descended from a woman named Sarah

[15:18.47] <Armorall> Abraham's wife actually, she was the first with blue eyes

[15:19.12] <Armorall> but...she was not entirely human either

[15:19.13] <levity> +,

[15:19.25] <levity> that songs seems a little demonic

[15:20.22] <levity> -s

[15:23.00] <Armorall> I can

[15:23.08] <Armorall> I can't even understand the fucking words

[15:23.09] <Armorall> AT ALL

[15:23.25] <Armorall> fucking hate songs so autotuned you can't fucking understand words

[15:24.22] <Armorall> Anyway, yes I'll try to slowly send you some of the songs I re-wrote in email, be free to post them, I don't carer

[15:24.24] <Armorall> care

[15:24.33] <Armorall> not carer wtf is wrong wit my hands

[15:25.24] <Armorall> anyway, the DNA is carried by males, but the transfer happens from female to offspring

[15:25.30] <Armorall> hard to explain

[15:26.22] <Armorall> fucking ppl annoying me to hell now I have to get off IRC, it's not you. Dio, Victora, people that annoy me a bit

[15:26.31] <Armorall> constantly messaging me

[15:27.10] <Armorall> If you need help with anything, just ask. I think you got this :)

[15:27.18] * Armorall (~Armorall@ Quit (Quit)

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