

Session Start: Mon Sep 11 12:00:06 2023

[00:00.06] <Armorall> 1. There needs to be a flat tax rate asap, it can be sales or income or a mix of both.

[00:00.48] <Armorall> 2. The illegals need sent back, they are taking blacks traditional jobs and now black people have to sell drugs to pay rent and get food

[00:00.59] <wptmj> how far did you get on my odyssey story?  if at all

[00:01.35] <Armorall> 3. A total reform of the Justice system, and legal/law system in the usa. Get rid of about 2/3 of the laws we have now, and keep the important ones.

[00:02.04] <wptmj> write up a treatise

[00:02.15] <Armorall> :)

[00:02.40] <wptmj> seriously, express yourself with me

[00:02.42] <wptmj> :]

[00:02.59] <Armorall> 4. Regulation of medical prices

[00:03.28] <Armorall> I see homeless in wheelchairs, it hurts me to see that

[00:03.44] <Armorall> get those people help, at least a roof and food

[00:04.05] <wptmj> i know you dont want to hear this, but i think we can make so much stuff obsolete and unecessary if we removed the money component from everything we possibly can

[00:04.21] <wptmj> have you ever been homeless?

[00:04.37] <wptmj> it can be fun as hell

[00:04.43] <Armorall> 5. % of people I am bombarded with on TV....if 3% are gay, I only want to see 3% on my tv, same with races and ethnic groups and other things

[00:05.22] <Armorall> 6. More regulations and stiff fines for companies false advertising

[00:05.36] <wptmj> please read this about being homeless.

[00:05.39] <wptmj> +

[00:06.07] <Armorall> 7 high tariff rates for ANY overseas goods, lets bring back american manufacturing

[00:07.02] <Armorall> AHHH good read

[00:07.05] <Armorall> I know all this

[00:07.29] <Armorall> I alread was in the army and learned how they brainwash people and had stockholmes syndrome with my ex wife 

[00:07.35] <Armorall> well my last ex

[00:08.11] <wptmj> cool

[00:08.42] <wptmj> sorry if it reads a little laymen, but that's who i am trying to reach

[00:09.49] <wptmj> also, in san antonio are my old backups

[00:10.05] <wptmj> about a thousand pictures are missing from my journal

[00:10.37] <Armorall> she was hooked on meth and coke real bad, I went with her a few times to see what she was up to, who was who, and where she was going. Then I got sick of it, then she would literally leave me at home, no money, no phone, no wifi, no food at all, no transportation for 24 hours...then return do her drugs and stay up 3 days....this cycle repeated itself until she fondled her drug dealer in front 

[00:10.37] <Armorall> of me and I left but literally if she would bring me a can of green beans to eat I would be overjoyed,,,it was a terrible mindset/and situation to be in

[00:10.38] <wptmj> all the people i told my story to, two decades ago, are going to love seeing their pics on my blogs

[00:10.44] <wptmj> itll be a total mindfuck

[00:11.24] <wptmj> haha, no wonder you thought my butane comment was so funny!

[00:11.29] <Armorall> YEP

[00:11.39] <Armorall> I knew and seen exactly that MANY times

[00:12.12] <Armorall> and the people she got it from....UHMMM not like a normal dealer

[00:12.16] <wptmj> i am glad i was able to hit home

[00:13.04] <Armorall> prison parolee's straight out, living in motels, some stealing 70000 cars from dealerships, some murdered people to get in prison (one guy 28 years), and they were HUGE from working out all the time

[00:13.36] <Armorall> I did have some backup though,,,,her brother was in ms-13

[00:13.58] <wptmj> crazy

[00:14.10] <Armorall> her brother and I got along well

[00:14.10] <wptmj> i bet you didnt feel like you were in Kansas anymore.

[00:14.14] <wptmj> :P

[00:14.14] <Armorall> most of the time

[00:14.25] <Armorall> well the people in Texas are WAYYYY nicer than here

[00:14.26] <wptmj> wizard of oz joke*

[00:14.58] <wptmj> let me see when i was in KS

[00:15.10] <Armorall> like I was at the store and thought I had money and my bill was 68.10 and my card was refused and we kept trying and a guy behind me goes I'll pay for it don't worry about it

[00:15.28] <Armorall> trying to get smokes a few bucks short, guy behind me, I'll give ya 5.00

[00:15.33] <Armorall> stuff like that

[00:15.42] <Armorall> they NEVER do that here

[00:16.40] <Armorall> they'll give you rides here and stuff, but money no

[00:17.51] <wptmj> ever been to wichita?

[00:18.39] <Armorall> Yep

[00:18.45] <wptmj> +

[00:19.06] <Armorall> what's funny is the people from wichita won't come to our bars here in hutchinson....because we're too violent LOL

[00:19.09] <wptmj> when my blog was born i kept getting rate limited making html files too quick

[00:19.23] <Armorall> but they shoot ppl

[00:19.23] <wptmj> so i made extra blogger accounts to keep going

[00:19.26] <Armorall> we just fight

[00:19.32] <Armorall> but we're too violent

[00:19.33] <Armorall> LOL

[00:19.45] <wptmj> thats why that link is different

[00:20.14] <wptmj> so wichita is closeby?

[00:20.27] <Armorall> 50 miles about 45 min drive

[00:20.32] <wptmj> "A lot of people wave back in Wichita."

[00:20.43] <wptmj> " Let the peace signs commence. Let the waving commence."

[00:20.51] <Armorall> they do in the panhandle of OK every car

[00:21.34] <wptmj> "8:26pm  It's gotten dark and there's nobody to talk to in this town. I'm taking a risk here. I'm already crashed out. It's like eight thirty at night, it's still early. I crashed out behind this dumpster next to this big wall. I'll take a picture of it in the morning when I wake up. I'll be okay. I've got protection. I can feel it. I don't know. L

[00:21.34] <wptmj> et's see what happens. Please Love, protect me during the night. Please don't let anything happen to me or any of my stuff. My mission means the world to me and I'd die without it. I'm going to crash out. I had a big day."

[00:21.41] <Armorall> yes I read that blog

[00:22.03] <wptmj> quick

[00:22.08] <wptmj> reader

[00:22.38] <Armorall> no you showed me before LOL

[00:22.41] <Armorall> I read it then

[00:22.56] <Armorall> then I saw first paragraph and went OH I remember this

[00:24.08] <wptmj> muh bad

[00:24.48] <wptmj> its going to be so nice to get all the pictures back

[00:24.52] <Armorall> LOL my dog ate too much dogecoin.....+

[00:25.10] <wptmj> dayum

[00:25.16] <Armorall> HAHAH

[00:25.28] <Armorall> okay I'm sleeping now, take care friend

[00:25.36] * Armorall ( Quit (Quit)

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