

 Everyone is in a different part of their ascension process. When we first wake up we are pretty pissed off that our entire reality was a lie. 

We go deep down the rabbit whole and start playing in the conspiracy or truther paradigm. 

We want the entire world to know about the corrupt systems and dysfunctionality of the inverted matrix. I personally did this for about 5 years and while it was necessary to purge this all out it did not have to take that long for me personally. I am a stubborn one lol.

We then reach a point and we realize that  anything that has been lied about, controlled humanity, or caused harm to this planet or people we have participated in at some point. If not on this timeline we are in parallel timelines (which some call past lives but it is all happening now). 

We take personal responsibility for our role and Integrate our shadow aspects knowing that as we do this we are energetically alchemizing humanity and the planet by no longer pointing the finger at the other but pointing right back at ourselves. 

Because we made the choice to take responsibility for our part instead of blame, competition, or separation consciousness (the bad guys against the good guys) we unify our polarity within. We balance our feminine and masculine aspects and become a more balanced human that is not as triggered any longer because the divine marriage within happens, all your chakras unify, and you are in the unified field or Christ consciousness. 

All that is left is compassion, understanding, honor, and reverence for each beings unique roles here at this moment in time. You see others as another version of you having a different earth experience. Your love becomes a state of being rather than an emotion that changes every time someone does not agree with you or does something you don't like. You become sovereign and surrender to what is because of the deep knowing that we are the ones we have been waiting for to make the changes on this planet. We are the ones that are to unify humanity by unifying the polarity within. We are the ones that are here to create the new earth and we can't create the new by fighting the old. 

With love,
The Space monkey 

AKA Jen Jen Reynolds  👽🐒

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