


Mount Shasta Astrologer

DATED: 10-29-2019


Glenn:   Alright, the inside chart is your natal chart, a snapshot of the sky at the time you were born.  The outside chart is what's going on now in the sky.  Do you know your sun sign or any of that stuff?

Victor:  No.

Glenn:  Let's talk about some of the things that are going on then at the moment.  Your natal moon is in Sagittarius.  The moon is how we nurture ourselves and it is how you think you should nurture somebody else.  Sagittarius is the idea of inspiration, vitality.  It's the person who revs people up at a rally.  It's the kind of energy like Yes! We have this higher cause that we should be looking at.  So moon in Sag needs a higher purpose.  They can't just deal with the idea of oh yeah, I build furniture, or something like that.  You need to feel like you have some higher connection to angels, god, you know, whatever.  Sagittarius is shooting at the sky trying to get God's attention.  

It's fire sign, one of the ways you like to nurture yourself is to get into debates, have lively conversation, get physical, get active, fast things, cars, horses, planes, these kinds of things, they're all stuff that actually would give you a certain amount of comfort to do those things.  You also have what's called, your sun sign is Aquarius, your moon sign is Sag and your rising sign is Libra.  So you are a Double-Air and air is thinking, mental, information.  

Where you find the planets is where your lessons are.  The idea that you have a lot of air in your chart means that the big lessons, like you see here in the graph, you got more air than fire, earth or water.  Mostly air.  That's where your lessons are.  The ability to think, the ability to remember, the ability to put thoughts together, any of that stuff.  Forty percent of your makeup has to do with learning those kinds of lessons.  

You also have seven planets below the horizon when you were born that weren't visible in the night sky.  Only three planets were visible in the night sky when you were born.  Seventy percent of your makeup is "behind closed doors."  It's internalized.  You don't do it out in public.  Your lessons come from your family, your home, the things you deal with internally.  You don't ask other people for interaction or advice.  There's nothing good or bad about that, it's just that's your temperament, to be more internal.  

You have Libra rising with Pluto on the ascendant.  This part of the chart, over and through here, it's actually our physical body.  This is our physical body, this is our mate's body.  Or, this is me and this is them.  You have Pluto on the ascendant which means, in general, Pluto is the death and rebirth energy.  It is the caterpillar becoming the butterfly.  Having it on the ascendant, how you present yourself to other people means that this person <i>would go through some sort of rather intense resurrection of the body, the physical body.  I know that you have issues so, and it's in an air sign!  It affected more your mental thinking than, if i had been in earth it would have been your body, if it was in water it would have been your emotions, if fire it would have been your literal vitality.  It's in an air sign.  

The neat thing about air signs is that they are not fixed.  They can change.  When other planets come through and trigger that, and other times in your life there can be sudden chances for healing, there can be kind of "accidents", like you hit it again and it works again, it's up for grabs.  This has been happening, let's see, there's a two year cycle that's triggering right now over the last three or four, maybe five days, especially.  Mars going through the first house.  Being very active, being very physical, getting angry at times.  It's one of the more powerful periods in a two year cycle.  The last two or the next two coming up, where you can really assert or move forward, take the bull by the horns kind of thing, having to do with what you want to do with your physical body, how you want to be seen by other people.  Something like this under this, they write new resumes, they do makeovers because they have a new job interview, or something.  They get haircuts, they physically change how they are seen by other people.  

Let's see, there is some other things about your chart.  Umm, Mercury and Capricorn in the fourth house.  I bet you were, or still are very good with your hands and being able to build things and fix things if they are starting to wear out, especially.  That's Capricorn energy.  When it gets old and starts falling apart Mercury means that you can understand, you can use your fine motor skills to do what needs to be done, to keep it going longer, for a while.  That is something you will have with your all of your life.  

You have the sun in Venus together.  You are more of a feminine person than you are a masculine person.  Who you think you are, your countenance, what you love about yourself is not the harsh warrior stuff, it's the understanding, the beauty of community.  Venus on the fifth house is also somebody that can be very, very talented artistically.  Did you sing when you were a kid?  Did you do anything like that?

Victor:  No.

Glenn:  Inventing?  What did you do?  What were your hobbies?

Victor:  Not much, it's mostly a blur.

Glenn:  Alright.  Right now, as of just a short time ago, as of January of this year, it's a 165 year cycle.  In January, for the first time in 165 years it moved into what's called your health house.  Neptune in your health house means that it's really hard for people, for doctors, to diagnose physical issues that you have.  It's going to be in effect for close to thirteen years.  If you get blood tests or if you have doctors trying to diagnose you, don't rely on just one doctor.  Get multiple opinions, because under this kind of transit, under this trigger that's going on for years, it's real easy to get false positives and wrong test results and things like that.  What this says too is that the healing is better done over the next thirteen years, from a Neptune point of view, which is love and spirituality, and touching and hands-on healing and Reiki and these kinds of things, than it would ne vitamins are pills or things like that.  Neptune is very subtle.  It's music that heals.  It's art, being around things that have a certain vibration, so that's in effect for a long time.

Do you believe in past lives?  

Victor:  Anything is possible.  

Glenn:  I do and in the chart it shows things that you brought forward from usually just the most recent past life.  That is South node in Aries in the sixth house.  You are like an artisan, you are a craftsman, you were a pioneer in some field, in your last lifetime.  You did it over and over and over again.  If you were like an explorer you were constantly out.  You were never home.  You were constantly exploring.  If you were an artisan, or let's say you were creating swords or something you were constantly in the shop and you buried yourself in your work, in your last lifetime, which means that you brought that over as a certain amount of baggage or karma.  It's easy for you to do that this lifetime.  It's easy for you to pour yourself into some project, feeling like you are helping somebody or you are doing something of service and what I have to say about that is, not that you shouldn't do it, just don't do it as much.  You have a different path to follow this time.  

Victor:  When they closed off the road to the spring at the headwaters and people had to lug their heavy bottles up the hill, I thought handtruck.  I started going out there every day offering my help.  I became Victor the Water Bearer.  

Glenn:  Haha, that's kind of cool.  Again, it's a talent you have.  You came into this lifetime knowing how to do that.  Where you are supposed to go with that this lifetime is called the north node in Libra in the twelfth house near the ascendant.  North node in Libra is more about working in a community situation, in a group or an organization.  You are not really here to be the loner this time.  You are not supposed to be the only one "water-bearing."  This lifetime it's more about getting a group together and working within that group and you ALL do the water-bearing.  It's more about working in community and groups where you get a bunch of people together and they all have the same vision.  You all work together and you help each other out.  It's not an individual path, which is what you did last time.  It's a collective path.  It's the difference between Aries and Libra.  It's in the twelfth house, so that even applies to the idea of dreams and understanding and meditations and things like that.  It's better for you, if you are to do meditation, that you do them in a group setting.  Even if you were to go into psychotherapy or therapy sessions, or something, it's better to do it in a group than an individual one on one session.  You are here to learn how to interact with other people about the parts of our psyche that we usually don't talk about.  The stuff that comes up in dreams and therapy sessions and when you zone out and start thinking things or remembering things

What else?  Before you met Juliet, did you have your own home?  

Victor:  Yes.

Glenn:  And you lived there for a long time?  That is changing.  There is a 38 year cycle that's peaking come January of 2020.  It has to do with you letting go of your idea of what a home is supposed to be.  Whether it's the actual home, or it's the concept, or it's the karma that you have built around the idea of what your castle, what your nest is supposed to look like.  It's resetting itself.  The cycle is starting over again in January.  Since about the end of 2017, about December all the way until January of 2020, it's more about letting go of what you had over the last forty years.  Letting go of the concept of what a home is supposed to be.  Letting go of the actual physical home, letting go of the parents, the lineages, the genealogy, the traditions, all of those things that stem back through your family.

Victor:  I don't want to move!  I live in paradise! 

Glenn:  Do you mean the town of Paradise?

Victor:  No, I live in the woods at the base of Black Butte in a converted 40 foot Greyhound bus with a wood stove.  Forty feet away I have a showerhouse with 110v electricity, extension cords running to the bus, six gallon water heater.  I am living there with Juliet and it's a paradise.

Glenn:  How long has she been there with you?

Victor:  We've been together for a year.  I met her water-bearing.  I went to Modesto with her to take care of her dad for two and a half months.  We have been back at the bus for...

Glenn:  Much of this year, right?  Well, your homelife is changing.  Even the idea that somebody is moving in with you.  That's your homelife.  That's changing it.  Do not be surprised if she starts redecorating it.  It comes to an end in January and then it starts filling up again.  Anything, if you've been stripping down to essentials, getting rid of the fluff in life over the last few years, you are doing just the right thing!  January is when the cup is finally completely empty.  You are back to your basics, back to your barebones about what you want for a home.  How you want it to be.  Come January and for the next three and a half years afterwards you start filling that up.  You start bringing more things in.  You have the foundation now.  You know the basics.  Now you start to layer on top of that.  I wouldn't be surprised if you actually don't move, that you move a new building onto the property.  It gets bigger or more solid that way, where you have more facility, things like that.  That is definitely in the wait.  If you haven't reached complete basics yet you will by January.  After January there are some new, exciting things to happen.  There's gonna be Jupiter moves in through here.  Honestly, you move to a bigger and better place.  n

Victor:  My home has been evolving beautifully ever since we came together.  

Glenn:  Yes, it's going to grow.  And it's going to grow where it will peak in twenty years from 2020.  

Victor:  We were even thinking of making an upper deck.  

Glenn:  There's a twelve year cycle, a thirty year cycle and a 248 year cycle all triggering your home.  All triggering what you consider your castle.  Your safety zone.  Stripping down and tearing down the one that you have there and replacing it with something bigger and better.  If you stay in the same spot.  Or, you let go of that and you move to some place bigger and better.  It's one of those two.  With three major transits.

Victor:  Hopefully the former.

Glenn:  That's a biggie coming up.  It's mostly Capricorn energy, so one of the things is to use recycled products, antiques, the idea of history is important for you and what you have in your home.  New fangled things?  Mmm-mm.  Tried and true things, historical things, you like that.  There is that.  The only negative to that is with Saturn and Pluto coming in, some of those older things are breaking!  They are falling apart.  They need to be replaced.  It's better to try and repair them rather than replace them.  In your case.  

Having the sun in Venus and Aquarius on the fifth house, that's a rather unique way of looking at how to have fun.  The fifth house is a playhouse.  It's where we do things that make us laugh.  Aquarius there, it needs to be something outside the normal box.  Something completely different.  The way you enjoy and laugh and have fun is a little outside of the norm, unique, inventive, exciting, dangerous, shocking.  Sun-Venus there, especially when it comes to sex and relationships, and romance and things like that, the more you can be different than the bulk of society, the more you will enjoy it.  I think I might be able to say that a little better.  The more that you are creative.  

Aquarians are the aliens of the Zodiac.  It's not going to be the standard relationship.  It's not going to be the standard things.  It's gotta be a mix and mash of stuff.  It's got to be cutting edge new things.  That's pretty powerful, having the sun and Venus together like that.  That does tend to give you a more feminine character.  By the way, Juliet has sun in Mars, she's got the masculine character.  You've got the Venus character, so whoa.  We'll talk about that later, but you've got sun in Venus and she in Mars.  It's part of the attraction. 

Some other things.  In over the last week did you hurt yourself in any way?  Physically?  Did you have a fall or anything like that?  

Victor:  No.

Glenn:  Well, I am curious what this is.  Mars triggering Pluto. That's like, normally the land is solid, the earthworms are in the land, the grass is growing, the natural cycle is taking place.  Mars conjunct Pluto is kinda like the roto-tiller comes through and decides to just chew it all up, to fertilize it for something new.  This happens right in here by the way you are seen by other people and literally your physical body.  In classic astrology something like that is like, "Be careful, you don't want to get beaned by a car and have the car be the roto-tiller.  I am talking about right now.  It's exact.  Today, at nine 'o clock at night there's one that is perfectly exact.  It's a two year cycle.  For the last week it has been building.  Have you been like banging your shoulders or hitting into things?

Victor:  No, I haven't.

Glenn:  That's actually a good sign.  That means that you are not building up like a pressure cooker.  That's when you blow up and you hurt something.  In this case this is the kind of thing where you have to watch out for the other guy, for when you are in a car you have to watch out that somebody doesn't hit you.  Like when you are walking down the street and some guy walks out of a dark alley and tells you, "Give me your wallet, anything like that.

Victor:  Maybe I'll just stay home.

Glenn:  Hehe, well then at home you have to watch your fireplace, or the chainsaw, or electricity, there is still danger.  It ends in the next day or two.  It falls off real fast, but it peaks tonight.  One of the things, I wouldn't deal with new people that you've never dealt with just tonight and tomorrow.  If you don't know the lay of the land or you don't know how they are going to react it's better to umm, under something like this and I don't usually want to bring fear into a person's life, but under something like this you kind of want to watch that nobody comes on your property that's not supposed to, tonight and the next day, and do something that you rather them not do.  That's a powerful point.  

In your side it's where you can take control and do something and cut through and create something, or affect something in the world that you have been afraid to do, or fear like you didn't have the courage to, or the vitality.  Under Mars and Pluto on the first you can take out your enemy real fast.  You can take out resistance real fast.  Something that you want to do that someone might have been keeping you from doing.  The trick is, not to kill somebody in the process, or vice-versa.  With Mars/Pluto you are right on the edge of being able to cause physical harm to you or done to you.  Normally, I don't spend that much time on something like that, but it's triggering right now.  It's a two year cycle.  It hasn't been this powerful for two years and it won't be as powerful for another two.  

Victor:  I think I will let Juliet drive home, hehe.

Glenn:  Absolutely.  It's almost the kind of thing, sit in the back seat!  Pad yourself up.  Do what you can.  Especially since I am saying watch out for the other guy.  It doesn't have to be something you do.  It can be done to you.  Let's see, some other things that are going on here.  I want to calculate something real fast here.  Now I have three charts.  The inner chart is your birth chart, the middle chart is a type ot mathematical formula in astrology where it shows thing that unfold up and out of us, that we grow into, so to speak.  The outer chart is the transits.  Those are the things that happen to us that we have to react to.  I have added this middle chart at the moment and I want to look at some of the things that are happening, what might be going on.  

One of the things that is going on.  It's a thirty year cycle and it just peaked on the 24th of October.  25th of October.  It's one of the best times for you to feel like you've found a teacher and you feel good about the teacher.  Its a mix.  It's moon in Jupiter stuff.  It's in Gemini.  It's somebody that you can talk to.  It's somebody that you can talk to about those higher values in life, not the shopping list or taking the kids to school, or whatever.  It's wisdom energy.  This is also one of the better times to be out and about and traveling and visiting new places for new information and learning.  It doesn't have to be overseas or something.  It could just be in another town you've never been to or something like that.  I would highly recommend sometime over the next month or so to just take a little road trip and go learn something new.  It's one of the better times in thirty years.  With moon in Jupiter it's likely to be somebody who is nurturing to you when you're around them, so it's obviously Juliet.  This has been coming into effect for the last ten months.  It's been getting stronger and stronger and stronger. It just peaked.  Again, thirty year cycle.  Some other things here.  

What have you done mostly to make money in life?  

Victor:  Umm, before I got on SSI I used to deliver pizza and telemarketing.  

Glenn:  Your money house is ruled by Uranus and Scorpio.  Uranus, that's the sudden changes, the sudden knock in the head, getting hit by a lightning bolt.  It's that kind of change, that kind of energy.  It sits in Scorpio which means it has an effect inside your body.  Scorpio stuff is hidden.  So Uranus/Scorpio in the second house.  You make money literally because of the wild things that happened to the inside of your body.  Oh, so you've had an accident and now you've paid for it.  That's one way, but this is also somebody that is into occult studies, hidden mysteries.  All occult means is that it's a science most people don't understand how it plays out.  For you, you don't even have to do it at a normal teaching method to understand it.  You know, first I learned A and then I learned B and I learn C.  With Uranus there it's more like insights, or flashes of awareness that are not linear.  You just understand something all of a sudden that was hidden from most people.  That's also a way you can make money, by revealing those things to other people.  

Victor:  I never agreed with the whole concept of money.  Money is slavery.

Glenn:  Well, Uranus in the house of money.  Again, Uranus and Aquarius are similar.  They're the aliens.  Aquarius it's the attitude, Uranus it's the power, it's the energy.  Uranus in the money house.  The way you make money is gotta be off compared to what other people, how they would make money.  It's gotta be different.  It's gotta be something unique.  It's normally about hidden things.  I would even suggest mining, digging.

Victor:  Data mining.

Glenn:  Excuse me?

Victor:  I am just kidding.

Glenn:  I am also talking about maybe panning for gold, or digging up and finding hidden treasures, relics that you could sell.  Grave-robbing, hehe.  It's going to be something strange.  You can sense what's under your feet, what's in the ground.  If you ever get the feeling, start digging.  It means that you might find something of value, sudden value.  Every month it gets triggered by the moon, anytime the moon is in Scorpio.  Every moon when the sun is in Scorpio, the sun triggers it.  It's going to trigger in eleven days. 

November 9th.  That first week of November peaking by the tenth.  That's the best time of year to discover hidden values, hidden knowledge.  I remember once I was a postman and I was walking down the street and I happened to look and there was a garbage can in the street and there was really nicely carved piece of wood sticking out of the top of the garbage can.  It just looked like a piece of wood.  When I grabbed it and pulled it out and turned it around and looked at it, it was that thing that's up there above the door.  It was an Ankh.  To me that's a really precious piece.  Found it in the trash!  

Victor:  It found you.

Glenn:  Yeah!  Right, that's this kind of energy, where it's revealed, it's uncovered.  

Victor:  One time when I was walking through a dry creekbed in San Antonio, I almost stepped on it, but I found an ammonite fossil.  

Glenn:  That's what I am saying, mining, archaeology, going to where you can mine your own crystals, gems, or things like that, you could make some extra cash.  It doesn't have to be on a grand scale.  You also have what's called the moon/Neptune conjunction in Sag.  That speaks to me on something, even religion, even the concept of religion, you can't do conservative religion.  It needs to be metaphysical or spiritual or angelic or channels or something like that.  

Victor:  Religion is division.  There's only one LOVE.

Glenn:  Right.  Did you go to a religious school when you were a kid?  

Victor:  No.

Glenn:  That's one way it could play out.  Like if you had been indoctrinated into a standard thing and you had to rebel.  Under a moon/Neptune there can be a tendency towards liking alcohol too much.

Victor:  Barely ever do I drink alcohol.

Glenn:  There's the thing where you kind of want to lose yourself.  In Sagittarius, for you that would be much better played out with spiritual journeys, going to other countries to study their religion, or study under a teacher or professor, from somebody who has more than the normal amount of wisdom to teach.  

Victor:  That's Juliet.

Glenn:  Hehehe, well, it just got triggered.  The peak of a twelve year cycle was December of 2017 into December of 2018.  It's still in effect now.  It continues until the end of January of next year.  After the end of January of next year, I think that's when you are going to expand your home.  That's the period to really make your home grander and bigger and better.  It doesn't have to be opulence, it's not toys, like the idea of adding another level to your bus.  You are lifting it up, you are getting a better view, it's that kind of inspiration.  Again, Jupiter energy, Sag energy, is, "Hey!  You out there!  I want to connect!"  It's almost a spiritual thing, but in a fire sign it's passion.  Put that in your home and have Jupiter visit your home for the first time in twelve years, means that you bring that energy into your home.  You turn your home into a temple almost.  It becomes much more of a sacred place.  That's next year.  If you don't leave the home you are in and find a place like that that I'm talking about just become that.  This is working with the energies rather than, "Oh no, I don't have the money."  This is the best time in twelve years.  That's where you want to sink your money, into creating that uplifting place to live.  Umm, any questions?  

Victor:  No.

Glenn:  Okay, I have other things I could talk about.  You have Cancer on the middle?  I talked about this axis, the horizontal axis.  This is you, this is what you acknowledge about yourself.  These are the things that you don't want to acknowledge about yourself.  You tend to give that to the relationships.  In this case it's Aries energy.  You need an Arian type of mate, someone who has got Mars energy.  That's Juliet, for sure.  For you, your personality is much softer, it's Libra energy and that's, again, feminine energy, but it's about "Let's all get along.  I don't want to make waves."  You are likely to do and be whatever it takes to blend in, or just go and hide altogether, but when you have to be in public you'd rather blend in and not push boundaries of people's acceptance of who you are.  Libra rising, they want to be the mediators and the moderators and the ambassadors, the one who comes in and fixes problems between people.  It has to do with laws and civilization and culture and and are worried about what do we have to do for everyone to work together?  That's Libra rising.  

There's another axis that goes up and down, straight up and down.  At the bottom of the chart shows your inner power, your inner source, it's your family where you started from, the foundations that you build in life.  You take that up and out through the top of the chart and the top of chart shows where you can be powerful out in the world, in society.  You have Capricorn at the bottom of the chart.  Again, that's the antiques, that's the lineage, the traditions, the grandparents, wanting to be in one home forever, having the stability.  When you have a powerful foundation you are then effective up and out in the world.  For you, being up and out in the world has to be where you are nurturing people.  You are hauling their water for them, so that they can have sustenance.  This is the type of person who runs restaurants, this is the type of person who's a healer, this is the type of person who's like the great mother where you are raising and nurturing people or family.

You have Mars and Jupiter up near the top of the chart.  That's good.  Very good, actually.  The ruler of that Cancer is over here down in the third.  One of the important things is that you can't just nurture the body.  You can't just give it good food.  You have to give it wisdom food.  It needs to be either organic or there has to be a ritual involved in the serving.   Here is why we are eating this because this is power, whatever, but it's almost like a teaching or a wisdom that goes into giving that person the food.  It's not just hotdogs and hamburgers and get out.  It's a whole experience, a process.  You said you delivered pizza, but it's more than that.  Health services, caretaking, growing especially, raising stuff in water, like fish or things like that, growing food, serving food.  Harvesting seafood.  Any of that type of thing.  

Cancer is also protection.  Cancer energy is also, I like to call it The Don't Fuck With My Family attitude.  You learn how to protect the family.  You teach martial arts to your kids, you do all that's necessary to protect the ones you are responsible for.  Whether it's in your job, whether it's in your home, whether you do it as a career, where you help people set up the safety and the security of their places, stuff like that.  What else?  

Here's an interesting thing.  This planet right here is Uranus, 84 year cycle.  It was here where you were born and it's made it all the way around to here.  In another fifteen years, it'll be up at the top here.  Right now it's here and right now it's triggering progressed Chiron.  What that means is Chiron is the wound, in the house of relationships.  Uranus coming through there and hitting it for the first time in 84 years, that bodes well for the relationship that you are in now.  It's actually a healing relationship.  There is something different about this one that's completely different than any of the other ones that you've been in.  It's causing you to heal your image of what a mate would be, what a partner would be, what being in a relationship would be like. Once in a lifetime.  That's the part that I really have to emphasize with people.  It's only happening now and then it triggers and stars an 84 year old cycle.  It never happened up until now.  Ever.  So that's it.

Victor:  It's brand new.

Glenn:  Yes, and it's shockingly new.  It's Uranus energy again.  It's not some dull thing.  It's like that electricity that we were talking about.  It's that spark that you would never have expected.  That's what that is.  Hmm, what else?  

Victor:  It's been an hour, right?

Glenn:  Almost, I kind of ran, I stated everything I wanted to state that looks powerful enough to talk to you about in the chart.  If you have any questions go ahead.

Victor:  No, I'll just go over the recording.

Glenn:  Okay, if you ever have a question you can call me.  I do need your email to send you this.  

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