

I found this on the web.  I did not write this.

Autonomy vs. Hierarchy

    This entire world is under a terrible illusion. The illusion is the system we live in, around, yet mostly under. I call this system, the monetary hierarchy. The belief in this illusion that money is an absolute, without question, is so incredibly instilled into our minds, we can't even begin to comprehend life without it. It has falsely gained the status of an indigenous element to our planet.

    Everything we do in this high tech. world is based on the illusion of this system. Most of our lives are spent on the average of 8 to 12 hours a day (of our precious few waking moments) at jobs that only feed this monetary system that the hierarchy created, then conned us into participation, just so we can buy back what is already ours to begin with.

    Just take a moment and ask yourself what purpose your job really serves. In all probability your job would be pointless without the monetary system. There are actually very few jobs that are necessary in this so called progressive world we live in today. And the ones that are necessary are things we could, and probably should, learn ourselves such as farming, building shelters, medicine, etc. Basic survival stuff that we are capable of doing, but probably not willing to do because this system has also created a co-dependent society under the guise of civilized convenience.

    Then they create toys for us to escape the stress of this civilized society, and watch us sink deeper into their illusion, as we become mindless drone worker bee's for their cause.
    Their cause is the machine, the system, the hierarchy.

    In the process of specializing everyone into this system our minds have become single tracks. Learn a job and let someone else learn all the other stuff then trade it for a price. Sounds fair, but now we are in the trap of our greed because we all want something in return. This has also created the co-dependent state all humans have evolved into as a result of this system. I find this realization very frightening. Because, and it is unfortunate, that most of us wouldn't even know how to build a fire, and keep it going, to stay warm if necessity called for it.

    We are hopeless high tech. babies dependent on a system of hierarchy, a subconscious dictatorship. The idea programmed in our mind is that someone else will take care of the things we're either to lazy to learn on our own, or worse, so brainwashed by the propaganda you actually believe they give a shit. When spoiled, lazy children are confronted with a crisis they just want the problem solved, and this in turn can cause them to become easily manipulated. When something goes wrong we run crying to the hierarchy to fix it without questioning the solution, or the possible consequences of the solution.

    We have lost our autonomy. We have lost our ability to survive without this massive system that controls every aspect of our lives. And I feel this is exactly the way the hierarchy has planned it from the start. So maybe we aren't responsible for the conditions we live under. I believe we have been under a sort of mental manipulation, yet it would seem a few are starting to wake-up from this mind controlled illusion.

    Although it may not be our fault for participating in this grand illusion (because the programming started probably from our conception in the womb) it would be our fault, those who are awakening, to carry on with the show because its the easiest thing to do.

    Another question I think you might ask is; why is it that everything which sustains us as indigenous humans on this planet has been captured, packaged, (and we're doing the work) and sold back to us by this hierarchy under this illusion that "money" is that which sustains? Are we or are we not born to this planet which has every single element necessary to sustain human life? Of course we are! Then why the hell are we paying for water, food, warmth, shelter, even just a place to "be" !! Why do we all go like herds of sheep to pointless jobs to pay for the things that are our birth right as indigenous creatures to this planet? Of course with the exception of air, but they will charge for that as soon as they figure out how to get away with it!

    This belief is utterly and totally embedded into our brains. But I'm beginning to realize that the whole system is just a load of propagated bullshit hand feed to us by the so called; "POWERS THAT BE". I don't think many people in this ultra modern world are aware of the fact that the hierarchical system is alive and well, and thriving on the negative proclivities in our human nature.

    The propaganda began when they told us this system would be a more convenient way of trade. And it certainly has proven to be just that, a convenient way for them to make us pay for our very existence on this planet, and turn us into unquestioning slaves to a hierarchal system that doesn't give a flying fuck about us as human beings.

    I believe the hierarchy of today are the heirs to a system, a.k.a "THE MACHINE," that began long ago under the propaganda of convenience. But in reality the only reason a trading process was necessary is the fact that the human being is innately greedy and power hungry(Victor Antonio does not believe this). The dark side of our nature is our incredible need to possess things. To say "This Is MINE," is the human mantra.

    I realize that the idea of a hierarchy existing in our world where everyone is so informed, sophisticated, and humane, might seem archaic to many people. But the hierarchy is no longer the obvious bully of the past. Historically they used force, oppression, and murder of those who would not follow the rules. But through the millennia they have realized their mistakes and have learned to be less conspicuous as the rulers of the world.

    And yet, consciousness of the human race has raised in our humane sense, at least in most of the world, and they can no longer afford to approach us as they did in the past. This raising of consciousness is not an accident. I believe all humans are created equal, and no one shall be enslaved by a wealthy hierarchal system just because they have less money!!!

    The hierarchy of today is wrapped in a web of vagueness, and deceit. And in the world today rich is synonymous with powerful. We have made them rich inadvertently in the process of buying back what they so cleverly stole from us.

    So who is this hierarchy I keep speaking of? Who they are exactly would be very hard to determine. Government would be the most obvious answer. The government certainly has its part to play in this game, but I don't think it stops there. All I know is they have completely brainwashed humans into the belief that money is our sustenance, and not just a means of trade. The convenience has turned into a well precision machine that practically runs its self. And even the few that, allegedly, supervise this massive system would find it difficult to bring it to a halt.

    Money and all this word entails is disguised as an omnipotent natural, and necessary element to our planet. The phrase; "Money doesn't grow on trees", angers me because it insinuates that money is more important than the leaves that create the very oxygen we breathe. See how well we breathe once all the trees have been cut down in the name of prophet, or a more accurate term would be "This false god we all worship, LORD MONEY."

    But this conceptual, conditioned, and programmed belief, we have given into so completely, is very fragile compared to the true natural elements of our planet. In actuality it is just a human idea, a thought (just smoke and mirrors) that must be nurtured with the negative, greedy, and power hungry aspects of our humanness. If we were not greedy, possessive creatures why would we need a means to measure our worth? Why would we have to get something back for what we give? Think about it; what other purpose does this system serve except to draw lines, and build walls? Our whole hearted acceptance of the monetary system in our lives should give us a clue as to how little we have evolved. The only thing we have done is to complicate our means of survival, and create a co-dependent world.

    But is it possible to change at this point in the game? I don't know. I have racked my brain over this question, and my conclusion is that there would have to be an absolute structural change in the basic matrix of the human being. Something so profound that I'm not sure there is a human being dead, or living who could comprehend the kind of changes I'm imagining would be necessary. An alteration in the ego structure that discards the primal instinct of "MINE","ME","I" seems the only possible solution.

    Can you imagine the world without money? Without greed? I can, and I think a lot of you could, as well, if you really pondered the concept and realized greed is the motivation behind the whole system of money, and the system only exacerbates our negative aspects.

    And yet, along with our inherent need to possess there is also a need to share freely. I know a guy who plants a huge garden every spring. He plants every vegetable, and herb you can imagine. He works very hard on his garden. A lot of back breaking work. I've seen the sweat pouring off of him as he worked in his garden. And when harvest time comes he shares his garden freely with everyone he knows. Just gives it away free for us to enjoy.

    Now, his so called "real job" is carpentry. This is how he makes his money. He doesn't put nearly as much effort into this job in a whole month as he does in one day of growing his garden, and yet he gives he's vegetables away freely. But when it comes to the money he makes at his carpentry job he is as greedy as the day is long.

    Explain why this is? Is the food he grows less important? Or is it because we have a grocery store down every street (convenient co-dependance?) which makes the vegetables just seem less important because it plays on the illusion that what is prolific is less valuable?

    What if a catastrophic event happened world wide, and money, the system, whatever you choose to call it suddenly failed. Money would remain valuable for a short period of time, but eventually those vegetables would become very valuable. And the people who know how to grow a garden, find water, build shelters, etc....would become extremely valuable. And, unfortunately, because of our negative needs for power, they would eventually become the rulers of the world and the cycle starts all over again.

    Or would it? What do you think? 

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