

  1.  A sandwich walks into a bar.

Bartender says; "Sorry we don't serve food in here."

2.  A pair of jumper cables go into a bar and asked for drinks. 

Bartender says "Okay, but don't try to start anything."

3.  Freddie Mercury, Venus Williams and Bruno Mars walk into a bar, 

but they didn't planet that way.

4.  A perfectionist walked into a bar..

Apparently, the bar wasn’t set high enough.

5.  A raisin, a peanut, and an oat order a drink. The bartender says, “What do you think this is, a granola bar? “

6.  A weasel walks into a bar. 

Bartender asks, "What can I get ya?" 

"Pop", goes the weasel.

7.  A soccer ball rolls into a bar. 

The bartender kicks him out.

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