

  HAHA I MADE IT:  haha you're a janitor
 Barbiewithgun:  so.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm joking..somebody's gotta do it..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  would you do it for free though?
 Barbiewithgun:  actually, i have a lot of fun there.
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i commend you then..
 Barbiewithgun:  shit, i'd do it naked if i had to.  me and my boss kinda have a thing goin, you know.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  haha
 Barbiewithgun:  what's so funny?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you're cool
 Barbiewithgun:  i guess.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, you like to read
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i like to write..
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah, i read.  i also write.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  care to peruse some of my stuff?
 Barbiewithgun:  sure.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's all true..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool
 Barbiewithgun:  just not right now.  you can e-mail it to me if you want.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok sent, read it at your discretion..
 Barbiewithgun:  thanks.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and if you like, just let me know..i got tons more good, free reading
 Barbiewithgun:  ok.  thanks.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  all true stories..
 Barbiewithgun:  i believe you.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i appreciate that..everyone else thinks i'm crazy
 HAHA I MADE IT:  but hey, don't you have to be a little crazy these days to make a difference?
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah, i guess that's why they got me on meds.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ack...say no to drugs
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what have you been diagnosed with?
 Barbiewithgun:  bi-polar disorder.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  whoa, me too..
 Barbiewithgun:  really?  that's weird.
 Barbiewithgun:  where are you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  at the state hospital..which i placed myself in to get out of jail..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and i was in jail for doing good
 Barbiewithgun:  which state?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  here in texas
 HAHA I MADE IT:  big spring state hospital
 Barbiewithgun:  damn. ok.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  bipolar(manic-depression) is a bullshit diagnosis..
 Barbiewithgun:  i know.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  wouldn't anyone that had ideas as great as mine are(i'll tell you if you want) get all manic and excited about them
 Barbiewithgun:  they tend to group all us that have mood swings in that category.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and at the same time, wouldn't it also be human of me, after coming across so much resistance and ignorance, to get depressed?
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i'm not bipolar..i'm human damnit
 Barbiewithgun:  same here.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nobody is happy or sad all the time..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what are you on?
 Barbiewithgun:  if you're significant other had just gone to jail and you had a new baby in the house which you were scared they'd hurt wouldn't you be crying all the time and pissed off?
 Barbiewithgun:  i'm on depakote, cogentin, and risperdal.
 HAHA I MADE IT: you feel you need them?
 Barbiewithgun:  no
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then stop taking them
 HAHA I MADE IT:  are they court-ordered?
 Barbiewithgun:  but, i know when i don't take them, i get all goofy, horny, and super hyper.  i can't stop taking them.  if i do, i'd get kicked out of this program that i'm in.
 Barbiewithgun:  no, they're not court-ordered.
 HAHA I MADE IT:   you mean when you don't take them you are yourself?
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ever notice how the words "same" and "sane" are so similar?
 Barbiewithgun:  but, i get real depressed.  i start thinkin bout my ex-husband and my daughter.  and what could've been  
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you exercise?
 Barbiewithgun:  no, i used to run 2.5 miles to 3 miles a day.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  running is bad for you...too'll hurt your knees
 HAHA I MADE IT:  all you have to do is walk
 Barbiewithgun:  i was on the track team, i did a lot of stuff.  but, i can't anymore.  it's ok, though.  i'm not like fat or anything.  but, i do walk quite a bit.
 Barbiewithgun:  my dad made me run.  he said it was good for my heart.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  yay, walking is the secret to life..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  nothing sparks happiness like good health..
 Barbiewithgun:  i've walked all the way from northstar mall to wal-mart on jones-maltsberger, then to best buy and barnes and noble.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  do you like to hike in the woods?
 Barbiewithgun:  no.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  when was the last time you did it?
 Barbiewithgun:  i don't remember.  when my parents took me to the mountains in hiawassee, ga.
 Barbiewithgun:  i was little.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how old are you now?
 Barbiewithgun:  22
 HAHA I MADE IT:  cool, i'm 25
 Barbiewithgun:  my bf is 26.  he just turned 26.  my ex that wants to get back with me is 19.  my boss is 37.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  whoa, what a triangle you got there..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i sent you the story about me being in the hospital
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah.  my ex knows about my attraction to my boss.  but, i gotta find a way for my bf to find out so i can get on with my life.  but, at the same time, i don't wanna lose my job.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  who would you prefer?
 Barbiewithgun:  my boss.  he's very sweet, and he doesn't push me to do things or anything.  and he always pays!!!!!!!!!!!  also, he said he wanted to be with me.  he told me that when we were together that one night.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the truth might hurt, but you need to be fair to your boyfriend..
 Barbiewithgun:  man, the sex was really good considering i haven't had any since like feb. 21.  i am being fair.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  how are you being fair if your're cheating on your ex with your boss?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hey, don't feel bad..i havent scored in over a year..
 Barbiewithgun:  i'm not cheating on my ex.  i'm cheating on my bf.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  casual sex is way too risky these days..i'm holding out for a relationship..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it'll be worth the wait..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  my mistake, that's what i meant
 Barbiewithgun:  it wasn't just casual, though.  i really like him, and he really likes me.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then if you've made your need to break it off with your bf
 Barbiewithgun:  but........he has a present for me.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  material possesions shouldn't mean shit
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i was with my ex for 4 years straight..never cheated on her once..always thought if i ever got to the point where i would, i would have enough respect for her to break up with her first..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you can't have your cake and eat it too..
 Barbiewithgun:  ok.  so, just go ahead and break it off, so i can have a clear conscience?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ding ding ding
 HAHA I MADE IT:  makes sense, doesnt it?
 Barbiewithgun:  like, i never thought of my boss like that before, but we've been talkin for like weeks, now, and finally did somethin about it.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  the way i see it, if your relationship with your bf isn't solid enough for you to stay loyal to him, then it's time to move on..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  why drag it out?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  simplify your life..don't complicate it unnecessarily
 Barbiewithgun:  well, we got back together about the middle of march, and i still haven't seen him since we've been back together.  what's the point of being with somebody if they never see you?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  exactamundo!
 HAHA I MADE IT:  it's time to come clean..
 Barbiewithgun:  and.......... i know sex is secondary, but i've been wanting it for a longggggggggggg time.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  tell me about it..i've had many an opportunity, but declined
 HAHA I MADE IT:  patience is virtue..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i now know there's a huge difference between having sex and making love..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thanks to my 4 year relationship with my ex(who thinks i'm crazy now)
 HAHA I MADE IT:  thing is, she didn't think i was crazy until i stopped wanting her..i'd been the same all 4 years..
 Barbiewithgun:  yeah, i do, too.  he made love to me.  it meant something to both of us.  it was great.  it made me feel sexy.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  man, talk like that makes me miss being in a relationship..
 Barbiewithgun:  only a few people can make me feel sexy.  bein with my bf only embarrasses me.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then you should stop, plain and simple
 Barbiewithgun:  stop what?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  being with your boyfriend
 Barbiewithgun:  oh.  well, i haven't seen him since feb, anyway.  cause we broke up right after that for a little while.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then he might already think you're broken up
 Auto response from Barbiewithgun:  I will be right back.
 Barbiewithgun:  no, i've had lice for a long time and i can't see him till it's gone b/c i don't want him gettin it and spreadin it to other people.
 Barbiewithgun:  hello?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sorry i was reading
 Barbiewithgun:  reading what?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  some profile
 Barbiewithgun:  oh.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  ok, so the reason you haven't been seeing your bf is because you have lice and he's aware of that too?
 Barbiewithgun:  yes.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hmm, if you tell him that you're seeing your boss he might think you made up the lice thing..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i see the dilemma
 Barbiewithgun:  no, he won't.  cause my roomie even told him about the lice.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oh ok..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  then just tell him you don't want to be tied down..and that you want to be single again..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you don't even have to tell him about your boss
 Barbiewithgun:  he'll laugh.  he'll say that i've said that i hate being single and that i am scared of bein alone.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  hmm, then just tell him the truth..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  that you've fallen in love with somebody else..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  honesty is the best policy..
 Barbiewithgun:  tell him what?  that me and my boss are fucking and that he's more than a friend?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  you don't have to specify who
 Barbiewithgun:  ok.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  and when he asks, tell him you would rather him not know, but assure him it's no one he knows..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  make a clean break
 HAHA I MADE IT:  everyone deserves happiness
 Barbiewithgun:  i know.  but, he knows that me and my boss were goin out to eat, and he asked me why, one time.  i told him that we were just friends, and he said just as long as it stays that way.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  screw it then..tell your bf that you and your boss have become more than friends..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what's the worse that can happen?
 Barbiewithgun:  ok.  well, he'll definitely break up with me, he might cut his arms or chest again.  that's what i'm worried about.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  oooh, that's a toughy then
 Barbiewithgun:  he's really mentally unstable.  i'm not scared he'll do it to me, i'm just scared that he might cut a vital nerve or whatever.  i don't like seeing people hurt themselves.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  i totally understand..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  lemme think
 Barbiewithgun:  ok
 HAHA I MADE IT:  umm, i don't know what else you can do except just wait it out..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  keep staying away from your bf on the lice pretense as long as possible..
 Barbiewithgun:  but.....i do have lice and i can't get rid of them.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  they're incurable?
 HAHA I MADE IT:  does your boss know?
 Barbiewithgun:  well, i've used the shampoo and i've been combing my hair out, so i'm gonna have the dr. check it when i go tue.  yes, he knows, but he was like screw it......he really didn't care.
 HAHA I MADE IT:  crazy
 Barbiewithgun:  i know
 HAHA I MADE IT:  what's your name sister?
 Barbiewithgun:  jamie
 HAHA I MADE IT:  good name
 Barbiewithgun:  i'm gonna go to bed catch ya later
 HAHA I MADE IT:  sweet dreams jamie..
 HAHA I MADE IT:  don't let the bed-bugs bite..

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