





Chapter 4


(vii)Basis of Peace

Page 36

94. Peace dos not dwell in outward things, but within the soul.  

95. A man can find peace only in his own Atman or soul.  

96.     Without knowing yourself there is no peace.

97.     There can be right action only when there is right thinking.

There will be right thinking only when you have knowledge of Self.  

98. What will bring peace is internal transformation.

99. In the state of peace there is no movement of the mind or vital impulse.  There is stupendous stillness, calm and silence.  There is no restlessness or disturbance.  

100. World peace can be secured by increasing goodness in men.  Goodness in men can be increased by the practice of Ahimsa, cosmic love, purity, selfless service and compassion.  

101. Virtue is love.  Love is a colossal force.  

102. Benevolence is to love all men.

103. There is no good life but love.

104. Virtue is the unfolding of love.

105. If everyone practices "Be good, do good" then peace will reign on this earth undoubtedly.

106. Live a life of perfect peace.  Then alone you can contribute peace to the world.  

107. Peace cannot be established by pacts, leagues, conferences, etc.  Purify, aspire, discipline, meditate and attain the peace of the Eternal.  Such liberated sages who abide in peace alone can bring lasting peace to the world.

108. Desires, cravings, longings, impulses, emotions and conflicts are enemies of peace.  

109. He who has no control over his senses and is a victim to his greed, lust and anger, is a miserable man.  He cannot have peace even for a second.  His life is a hopeless failure.

110. In peace there is freedom from personal anxiety and care.  There is deliverence from the perplexity of mind.  You are not disturbed by external things.  You are desireless.  It is no negative absence of disturbance. 

111. Become soldiers of truth, soldiers fighting with the senses and minds, with Ahimsa, Satya, truth, discrimination, dispassion as weapons, soldiers with the message of universal peace and cosmic love.  

112. Peace is synonymous with salvation.

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