

 December 8, 2002

hey dude,

     i wanted to let you know what i plan to do soon. im gonna walk/hitch-hike to cali. i got some big plans for everyone. im gonna get all the way over there with absolutely no money. i was just wondering if you still lived at that address in oakland. maybe your place could be a small pit stop for me. i dont plan to move to california, just finish a project ive had planning for some time. im gonna show everyone exactly how crazy i really am.

let me know dude..

- victor


From :

To :
joe mama

Subject :
Re: whats up bj..

Date :
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 19:01:32 -0800 (PST)

what the fuck are you talking about?
what plan? i don't live at the same address, I have a
new house with my band. i dont know if im comfortable
with your plans unless, I'm aware of what you're

are you crazy? because maybe you shouldnt be or something.



Re: whats up bj..

hehehe, ill show you dude. plain and simple, im gonna eliminate money and bring world peace, get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer and get marijuana legalized and chill everyone out. everyone and their mom thinks im crazy, but only because i want them to. it will only make my victory so much sweeter.

dude, its a lot of stuff. i hope you have the patience to read it all. it really is of global importance.

- victor


From :

To :

Subject :

Date :
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 00:17:39 -0800 (PST)

Alright listen mother fucker.

You think you're going to sit back on your new found
homemade morals and attempt to guilt trip me into
taking a journey down crazy lane with your naive

Allow me to bend you over my motherfucking knee and
snap your Jacob's Ladder of a spine like a Slim Jim,

First off. You're living a pipe dream, a hoax a
motherfucking justification for why you're in the
position that you're in, in life. You've done it for
years and now is no different. You're poor, you have
no car, you lost your girlfriend, so now you need to
justify your existance.

Hey you ride the bus! Good for you! It doesn't make it
the end all "thing" that everyone NEEDS to do in order
to make the world a better place. I ride the bus every
single day, it's a pointless function. If everyone on
the planet switched to riding buses you'd have as much
pollution, prices would be raised to match what car
manufacturers were losing on car sales. Oh what? You
don't think automobile companies wouldn't jump ship
and switch to bus campaigns? Oh wait. You wanna
eliminate money because you don't have any. Ok. Say we
do that. Who's going to drive a bus and WANT to get
paid with generosity? Possibly a few people, but
enough to supply the world with bus drivers? Pipe
dream you Down Syndrome having clod. What about, bus
boys, ditch diggers, janitors, sanitation engineers,
garbage men, dry wall layers, on and on and on, you
think these people wanna work off generosity?

I think you're reading into NOFX a bit much, maybe if
you got the overall message of having fun and doing
what you love you wouldn't be swinging by Fat Mike's
nut like a love struck school girl, fag. Jesus you've
grown into a self loathing nerd, and you expect me to
hop onto your crazy train and try and enjoy the ride?
Fuck you. Shall I continue?

Sure why the fuck not, you pot smoking half baked half
brained dork. Trying to justify being lazy and stupid,
how fucking lovely.

Let's see here. First you preach, world peace, then
you refer to your exgirlfriend as "bitch
exgirlfriend", hypocracy won't get you anywhere.

I find it funny how you're supposidly doing all of
this for the "world" and you've been quoted as saying
"Nobel Peace Prize Here I Come" twice. You don't give
a fuck about this bullshit that you're preaching, I
had those ideas when I was 4, everyone did, its naive
and it's already failed the planet once before. Ever
hear of Barter?

Take me off your mailing list, I don't give a flying
butt fuck with your buck toothed momma if you got
fired from your job because you got caught smoking on
school ground you common sense inept tool. Just shut
the fuck up already, get your life together and stop
blaming your inadequacies on other people you finger
pointing brain flaw. Whoever's in charge of common
sense in your empty ass Herman's Head needs to be
woken up because you're grasp on reality is slipping
faster than the Titanic on its maiden voyage you nut
in a nutshell.

Don't preach your bullshit to me, if I wanted to hear
a bunch of hot air, I'd uppercut cork like head from
your slumped over shoulders and watch you sail away
like the gayest air born retard this side of the
western hemisphere, Corky.

Money Sucks DLCK, give it a rest already. Still
stealing AOL accounts, how fucking sad you turned out
to be. Call me a sellout again and I'll lynch your
inflated ego from your war torn asshole and slam fuck
it infront of you, you hear me bitch?



     wow, i was so right. california ruined you. i never thought brian teague would ever be so trendy in his thinking. dude..i have every right to call chasity a bitch. you dont know how crazy she is now. you dont know much, you judgemental follower. ooh, you are so verbose brian. talk is cheap though. youre so responsible and mature now brian, how fucking cute. just wait and see dude. im gonna make all you doubters feel like a bunch of retards soon. it's not that my ideas are new, just my delivery-method. i just have nothing better to do.

- victor

if you take offense to common sense, thats your problem. beeyotch.



     damn bj..what the fuck happened to you? ooooh, you sure know how to use hurt me so. boohoo. man, i think you need to go talk to a psychiatrist about your little penis. why so much aggresion? remember, talk is cheap. the smart man backs his shit up, he doesnt just talk about it.

you dont own shit chinkazoid..

- victor

p.s. its only human of you to envy me, i forgive you..


From :

To :
joe mama

Subject :

Date :
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 00:48:12 -0800 (PST)

you know and i know that i could fucking destroy you
bitch. worship NOFX all you want, remember who got you
into them. little penis? backs his shit up? how about
this, if i ever see you again, I will fuck you up.
cool? cool. don't email back you fuckwit, you're
worthless, you've always been worthless. You're lazy,
stupid, talentless and a the epitomy of an
invertebrate, I hope you die due to your stupidity and
I hope it's soon.

K-fanx. This is over. End Transmission. I'm killing
this email addy tonight Buh bye my owned little bitch!
Haha you went crazy because is the only girl
that will EVER have anything to do with you and now
she's gone HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Bob fucked your friend
because you're crazy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're all alone!


Goodbye forever you insane faggot.


hey puto,

     just in case you were just talking shit about killing this email address, i just wanted to let you know how much fun im having in cali.

     lets see, i took off the 26th of december walking. i walked 2 days, 35 miles. on the 2nd day, this dude pulls over out of the blue and tells me, "hey, im going to california. where are you going?" bam, ride from west texas to LA.

     caught the greyhound from LA to SF, crashed in GG park for 3 days, rode the bus to oakland, and the random courtesy ride i got landed me on telegraph avenue in berkeley. i fit in perfectly in berkeley. from berkeley i got a free ride to humboldt county. i was in arcata for a week or so. then i started walking 101 south and ended up getting a ride to a healing camp at the base of an oregon mountain. from there, i went to live with the hippies in williams, oregon. then, back to arcata, caught the greyhound to garberville, hung out there for a while, then started walking south again. then i got picked up by some dude who took me to santa rosa, i squatted there for a night then caught the bus/bart all the way back to berkeley.

     so here i am. i am making my way back to san antonio, but im gonna chill in berkeley a little longer.

     i would be a hypocrite if i held a grudge. forgiveness is divine. lets hang out before i go back to sa dude.

peace brother.

- victor

     anyway, i have the most excellent story now. ive recorded the whole experience on my minicassette recorder. my book is gonna kick so much ass.


* I had given BJ a big list of compromised AOL accounts I had(phish). Screen names and passwords. The little cocksocker went through the list and warned them that I had their info. *


     hehe, youre warning all my phish. like i give a flying fuck. im leaving soon anyway. fuck aol people and fawk jew. sell-out

- victor


--- joe mama wrote:
> fuck it dude. im going back to sa tomorrow. today
> this dude joel hooked me
> up with some cash for a bus ticket home.


>From: brian
>To: joe mama
>Subject: Re: oh yeah..
>Date: Tue, 25 Feb 2003 11:15:29 -0800 (PST)
>i hate telegraph. you should hang out on Haight street
>in SF., if you're looking for something fun to do.


From :

To :
joe mama

Subject :
Re: oh yeah..

Date :
Fri, 28 Feb 2003 18:49:28 -0800 (PST)

Why the fuck would you leave? You were here. You said
it yourself, you fit in. Cali would be a perfect place
to start getting people to understand your ideas. Not
Texas. I say you come back, make the connections you
need to make and start over here. Texas is bullshit.
You may be having a fit with insanity, but I'm sure
you can understand how much better it is here.


Re: oh yeah..

     i came home to follow through on my shit, finish my adventure and type up my book at my moms house. im going to unleash it on the web(for free) and go back to work at west. im going to save up some quick cash, buy my a digital camera/camcorder, try to score me a traveling partner/girlfriend and plan for a sequel-trip. east coast this time. ill go visit chasity and stuart in florida, check out key west and some other vortexes out there. ill record it all and give out my email address everywhere. my book will act as proof, in black and white, that money is unnecessary and that its human-nature to be generous. then, when the time is right, ill come back to san antonio and type it up. hell, i have a whole world to explore. i wont be in san antonio for too long. ill always return to sa though. its my hometown. antonio is my middle name. well dude, ill be sure to send you my chapters when i type it all up. in the end, i still plan to get everything that i want. pipe-dream my ass.

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