

 Session Start: Fri Feb 16 03:04:52 2024

[03:05.39] <BodegaCat> there's a bazillion bans

[03:06.22] <BodegaCat> when were you last in the channel

[04:08.44] <levity> yesterday

[04:09.11] <levity> its not the first time for no reason

[04:09.26] <levity> but i can usually get in the next day or something

[04:38.58] <levity> if it's perm please relay my gratitude for the great pulpit #gulag was for me any my inflated ego  :]  i luv you all and i hope i brought some light to the channel

[04:39.13] <levity> -y +d

[04:39.38] <levity> i made friends #gulag

[04:39.47] <levity> +in

[05:27.17] *** Server disconnected on LosAngeles.CA.US.Undernet.Org

[05:29.09] * You are now known as noname1

[09:54.35] <BodegaCat> no one banned you on purpose.   but someone else was banned and your address got caught by accident

[09:56.00] <BodegaCat> the trouble is i can't find any in the list of bans that look like they match your address

[09:56.34] <levity> its all good then :]

[09:56.45] <levity> ty for addressing

[09:57.02] <BodegaCat> you're in the channel now

[09:57.07] <BodegaCat> so i guess it cleared up

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