

  CadetDu5018:  Why do you need me to read it?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im trying to spread some truth, its harmless text
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  no downloads
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you can either read it now, or delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  your choice
 CadetDu5018:  What's the story about (in a nutshell)?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  gimme a minute and ill show you
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  patience is virtue..
 CadetDu5018:  So how did I become the lucky audience?  
 CadetDu5018:  That's a long minute.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  sorry
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i searched the member directory for 'peace'
 CadetDu5018:  Yeah, I'm probably not the wrong person to talk to about that.  I'm Pro War.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  there you go, if you like, email me at: sn could die any day for
bulk mailing..i got plenty more good, free non-fiction..
 CadetDu5018:  How long did you walk everyday?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  when?
 CadetDu5018:  On average.
 CadetDu5018:  So you're telling me in your story you didn't really walk at all.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i walked more than lazy drivers..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and i rarely even had to ask for a ride..
 CadetDu5018:  There's a difference between that and 2000 miles.  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  generosity picked me up..
 CadetDu5018:  No offense but I thought some of the stuff you wrote I strongly disagree with.  I'm very anti-Berkley and you had just reinforce my bias towards that school.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  great, they dont want your kind there anyway
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  keep playing your role
 CadetDu5018:  Hahaha...I was at least respectful in repsonding to you.  You have just reinforced another negative bias of mine.  Liberals are asses.   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  only to tight-assed conservatives..
 CadetDu5018:  I'm not, that's your assumption.   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well prove me wrong..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  go ahead, work, waste your life away
 CadetDu5018:  Hey, I believe the great thing about America is that you can believe whatever you want, so I'm not going to say that you're wrong or right, it's just your opinion.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i dont have to, neither does anyone else
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but you imply your thoughts..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  with your comments
 CadetDu5018:  How you live your life is up to you.  Some ppl's work is their life.  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if not yell them loud and clear when you say youre pro war
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  killing only leads to more killing, plain and simple..
 CadetDu5018:  I'm pro war, but I don't need to protest that.  Killing is not as same as murder, get that stright.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  forgiveness is divine...nobody needs to die..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you get that straight
 CadetDu5018:  So if I attacked you and beat the crap out of you, you wouldn't use a gun in self defense?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if i did, it would be a shot to the leg or something..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but i would try my hardest not to shoot at all
 CadetDu5018:  A shot in the leg could cause me to bleed to death.   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the chances of you dying are much less than a shot to the heart..
 CadetDu5018:  True, but the possibility exist.  You may have to kill me in self defense.  You're saying ALL killing is wrong.  Is it?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  there's a better way to do it, find it
 CadetDu5018:  So if a criminal broke into your house, threatening your life, what would you do?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  id say he can have anything he wants..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  possesionss never meant anything to me..
 CadetDu5018:  And if he wants your wife?  
 CadetDu5018:  Your children?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well, i'm never getting married or having that question doesnt apply to me..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but lets say he wanted my girlfriend(if i had one)..sure i would try and protect her..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i would try my hardest to immobilize him without killing him
 CadetDu5018:  Say killing is wrong.  Hitler invaded other countries.  The only way to stop him was to wage war and kill his soldiers.  But killing is wrong.  What do you think the results would have been if we didn't overthrow Hitler?  
 CadetDu5018:  Victor, how old are you?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  these countries we are fighting with are only jealous of america..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  because theyre not as modern as us...
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  because america is the land where people got together..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, dont you think if we turned the other cheek and forgave them and helped modernize them like us..
 CadetDu5018:  You're avoiding the arguement.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  that they would feel indebted to us and stop making nukes?
 CadetDu5018:  No.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  of course you wouldnt, youre a damn conservative..
 CadetDu5018:  I have common sense.  Listen to yourself.
 CadetDu5018:  We were the first and only nation ever to use nukes, what makes you think the rest of the world will suddenly stop making weapons that may deter us?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  we cant blame an entire nation for how their leaders think..its not like they all support them..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and we are a nation of diversity..we are the whole world basically
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  one big melting pot
 CadetDu5018:  And you refer me as a "damn conservative."  What is wrong w/ being conserative?  America needs a balance.  I could easily label you as a crazy liberal.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well, this conversation will go nowhere..and ive got a world to rescue from ignorance like yours..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you wont have to do a thing, just watch it happen
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and if you think im crazy, know that its only because i want you to..
 CadetDu5018:  What, are you going to turn into a terrorist?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i also want you to doubt me..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  itll make my victory that much sweeter
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  when i win
 CadetDu5018:  And what is it when you win?   
 CadetDu5018:  Legalize pot?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  world peace
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  that will have something to do with it..
 CadetDu5018:  What not be a human shield in Iraq?  That may help push for peace.
 CadetDu5018:  In fact I hear hospticals there calling your name.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  just be content in your ignorance until it happens..
 CadetDu5018:  I hope there will be peace, but how are you going to achieve it?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  read my story, it answers everything
 CadetDu5018:  Should I just follow you to my death?  Read some theories on why anarchy doesn't work!
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not an anarchist..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not a communist
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not a socialist..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i am victor
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont label me
 CadetDu5018:  Oh my bad, that explains everything.   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  what i preach is not communism
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  what i preach if freedom
 CadetDu5018:  We have freedom, it may not be total freedom but total freedom would mean I could push your lights out and not have to face any consequences.  How would you like that?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you know what my model is for this freedom i envision?
 CadetDu5018:  Al Quada?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the pirated software scene on the internet, where everything is free already and has been since the birth of the internet..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  for free
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i had windows xp months before it was even released
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  for free
 CadetDu5018:  Ok...and if things were free why would anyone bother to make more of it?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its an accepted companies will spend way much more money tracing and litigating offenders than theyre already making off the people paying for it legitimately
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its not cost-effective to them, so they just ignore it
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  so, what im gonna do is just tell everyone
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  massmail detailed instructions on how to get free shit online
 CadetDu5018:  That's fine.  Just watch that line between freedom of speech and breaking the law.   
 CadetDu5018:  Victor, how old are you?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im 25
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you cant stop bytes, plain and simple
 CadetDu5018:  The 70s is over and it failed.  Why start it again?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  because nothing has changed..we are all still human beings
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but we are abusing everything now
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  all in the name of money..
 CadetDu5018:  Some of the richest people in the nation are liberals, why don't you ask them why they don't abandon money?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  wouldnt you work for free if all your needs were already taken care of?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  so you wouldnt be bored at home all day
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  provided you had a job you enjoyed
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  more people than not tell me yes when i ask them that question
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, its the young generation, 25 and younger..that dont think im crazy and think im on to something..
 CadetDu5018:  But would they actually?  Most people don't have good work ethics.  What makes you think they will if they have everything?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  weve learned from our parents mistakes..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and are tired of our parents killing our world..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, theres more of us than there are of them..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its just simple evolution..
 CadetDu5018:  Do you truly believe all the stuff you're saying?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i didnt say everything, just their needs
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  work for your wants and be independant..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont rely on anyone else but yourself..
 CadetDu5018:  That's what most people do already.   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  theres a shortcut to everything..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if that were only true, there wouldnt be a gaping hole in the ozone layer
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and poverty
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and war
 CadetDu5018:  What does that have to do w/ anything?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  people are dependant on cars..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  which are dependant on aol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  oil i mean
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  which is dependant on money..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  which is the root of all evil, just like they say
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  maintream society isnt independant at all
 CadetDu5018:  Money has been around since the dawn of civilization, it serves as its role.  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  theyre slaves to money
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its unecessary
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and i prove it every day
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  since i walk so much, whenever i get hungry ill go into any restaurant in town and ask to speak to the manager...
 CadetDu5018:  And when do you think we'll have this world peace of yours?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i tell them, "hi, my name is victor and im a long-distance walker.  i was just wondering if you care to donate any gasoline for my stomach.  if its a big problem and you cant afford it, dont worry about it.  im sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out"
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  like 99% hook me up
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  which just goes to prove that it is human-nature to be generous..
 CadetDu5018:  When there is enough resources.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and that there is an acceptable loss every company figures into their finances that makes it ok not to always charge for it..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  money is just a game
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  we are a society of abundance..
 CadetDu5018:  Why don't you goto the middle east and talk some sense into the Arabs?   
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  so much is wasted
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  my travels just might take me there someday
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but hey, im going to go indulge in my addiction and smoke a cigarette
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and take a hit or two
 CadetDu5018:  Roger that, have a good life.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ill be back if youd like to continue this sharing of opinions..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  drive carefully

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