

At times our ideas of God have served us well

They have been quoted as the inspiration for acts of incredible benevolence
Conversely, they have been used as the inspiration for acts of horrible cruelty and terrible violence as man has contemplated his place in the universe

Holy wars, crusades, jihads, these are some of the darkest, most violent acts of aggression mankind has committed unto himself, and they were all done in the name of his religions

These are the choices for behaviors, individuals have made

These are the acts of violence we reject, yesterday, today, and forever

Where have our concepts of God failed us, it is at the point which one creation is asked to harm another, it is at the time when one concept of God is held above another
It is at the time when our weakness as mortal beings with a finite view of forever cannot conceive of unending, pure, infinite, unconditional love

Now is the time to move forward in a positive and peaceful manner, as we embrace the merging of intelligence and spirituality and move together into a space of higher consciousness and a future of seemingly unimaginable possibilities, and abandon our tiny concepts of God before we destroy one another forever...

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