

 From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender] 

              To: victor antonio <>


Subject: Sorry for the lateness of my reply.

Date: Mon, 17 May 2004 14:34:02 -0700 (PDT)


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Victoranimous Rex,

I was most intrigued by your e-mail.  I'm sorry to say

that even hearing only your side of the story, you

sound like a pompous ass.  Why would you harass the

bus driver so?  What the hell did she do, and why

would you want to risk your main means of

transportation for nothing.  Choose your battles

Victor, and remember your humility!  For it is the

meek who shall inherit the earth.  That's meek, not

weak!  If you're going to show people the way, you'll

have to do things right, and picking petty fights with

poor schlubs just trying to do their job doesn't sound

very peaceful to me.  Sorry if I'm ranting, but your

letter was upsetting.  Maybe you should get out of

that city for a minute and come listen to the trees

for a while.  They are wise.  More so than I.


--- victor antonio <>


> Kati-Pie!

>      Hallo sweet-cheeks.  I am so sorry I haven't

> communicated with you in a while.  I have been so

> extremely busy with this mission of mine.  It was

> the week of Fiesta in San Antonio.  They had the

> carnival downtown and loads of other stuff.  I

> showed up at the Sunken Gardens for this taste of

> New Orleans thing that they have.  I wasn't there

> for the food, just for the crowd.  Admission was $9.

>  I tried sneaking in and got busted and escorted

> out.  I went to the front and just started asking

> people for spare change.  Kati, I was spanging

> people as they walked up with a cop on both sides of

> me.  They were cool as shit.  They saw what I was

> doing, how I was giving everyone credit and they

> didn't care.  The cops gave me a dollar!  The cops

> gave me a taco!  I finally got in and the crowd

> sucked.  They made me leave my walking stick at the

> front.  Tons of older people, barely any smoking

> cigarettes to bum off of.  I just did like 4 or 5

> laps around the place just for publicity an

>  d took off.  

>      The Oyster Bake was going on at St. Mary's

> University later on that day.  Admission was $15. 

> There was a bus stop conveniently located in front

> where all the people walked past.  I just stood

> there hitting up people as they passed.  There were

> like 3 or 4 cops nearby in plain sight of me and no

> one told me shit.  They know I am San Antonio, hehe.

>  I finally got inside and it was an ocean of people.

>  Like, the whole city was there.  I had a very

> productive time getting seen.  The security even let

> me in with my walking stick!  After the Oyster Bake,

> I thought maybe I had missed the last bus.  Just

> then, some kids who had hooked me up with spare

> change earlier walked by and invited me to a party! 

> Badass.  I drank some beer and got pretty

> intoxicated.  They even let me crash on their couch.

>  The next morning I woke up and started walking

> downtown.  I see this homeless dude who tells me

> some church is serving breakfast closeby.  Score! 

> Free breakfast!  Umm, that was all a

>  t the beginning of the week.

>      Check out what happened last Thursday. 

> Thursday morning I had been up all night telling my

> stories and collecting emails.  I ended up at the

> University Hospital Transfer Center where all the

> buses go.  I was gonna catch the 610 to my mom's

> house and crash out.  When the 610 pulled up around

> 7am this mean black lady driver had to use the

> restroom, so she was going to leave the bus locked

> and go out the back door.  I was standing right

> there so I reached to hold the door open for her. 

> She immediately blurts out, "You can't get on the

> bus!"  I told her, "I wasn't trying to.  I was

> holding the door open for you."  She goes inside and

> when she comes back I show her my bus pass and get

> on.  Since I was so tired I ended up dozing off at

> the stop for my mom's.  I ended up at Ingram Park

> Mall.  At the mall she had 6 minutes left so I got

> off and bummed a cigarette.  When I finished the

> cigarette I just got back on the bus.  The bitch bus

> driver turns around and tells me, "Show 

>  me your bus pass."  I tell her, "I already did at

> the hospital.  What?  You don't remember me and my

> stick?"  She insists I show her my pass and I

> finally do.  But she just sits there not leaving. 

> Then, since she was being such a bitch I told her,

> "Let's go.  I need to go home and sleep.  My tax

> money pays your salary.  You work for me.  I am your

> boss."  She got all lived and refused to move.  I

> told her, "You have a schedule to keep and so do all

> the other passengers on this bus.  I suggest you do

> your job.  You are on the clock."  She got furious

> and told me to get off her bus because she wasn't

> moving.  I told her I could wait her out.  That I

> had plenty of time to sit down for my rights.  She

> told me she was going to call the transit police and

> I told her to go ahead.  At that point I knew I'd be

> putting on a show.  I was going to test my freedoms,

> win and have a great chapter in my story or I was

> going to test my freedoms, lose, go to jail and have

> a great chapter in 

>  my story.  Either way I would win. 

>      Check out what happened.  In my rebel mindset,

> when the transit cop got on the bus I told him, "Ok,

> now I'm gonna call the real police."  That pissed

> him off good.  He told me to get off the bus and I

> refused telling him I had to go home and sleep, and

> that I had done nothing wrong.  Bam, criminal

> trespassing.  On a fucking bus!  And I have a bus

> pass!  Hehe, I knew things were about to get really

> interesting.  

>      So bam, he hauls me off to jail.  At first, at

> the magistrates I was put in a big holding cell and

> immediately started telling my stories to the other

> prisoners waiting to be processed to.  I was a hit. 

> I even scratched, "VICTOR THE LIBERATOR" real big

> into the cell.  That shit's gonna be there for a

> long time.  After a lot of waiting I get hauled off

> to county jail in the paddy wagon.  I got beat up by

> a cop in county jail.  Here, let me show you the

> grievane form I filled out and submitted:

>      "During the first step for processing(booking)

> a black female officer asked me for my name.  I

> responded with, "Victor."  In a very defensive tone

> she said, "What?!"  I told her, "If you would have

> asked me for my last name I would have told you." 

> Just then, for no apparent reason, S.E.R.T. Officer

> Morales lunged at me and I was thrown against a

> wall.  He then grabbed me and threw me to the floor

> where I was punched repeatedely to the jaw and back

> of head.  My "lights" went out momentarily.  A

> hispanic make officer approximately 5' tall then

> began kicking me in the back.  My eyeglasses were

> knocked off and lost.  My jaw and back are still

> sore from this incident.

> Proposed Solution to Problem:  This was blatant

> police brutality.  I would like to file assualt

> charges.  No one is above the law.  Witnessed by

> Antonio Hernandez(SID 600150).

> P.S. I would like a copy of this form sent to all

> superiors in charge and Internal Affairs."

>      Hehe, now all I have to do is find a lawyer who

> has big enough balls to sue the city of San Antonio.

>  I'm gonna get paid and it will all equal publicity

> for my ideas.  Hehe, my name ain't Victor for

> nothing.  

>      So, that's what's been happening with me.  What

> about you?  Tsk, tsk, tsk.  No more drinking Kati. 

> SAY NO TO DRUGS.  Just smoke weed.  Alcohol is bad,

> bad, bad.  Hehe, I'm just joking.  I am positive you

> have the self-control to not let it take over...just

> be careful.  

>      So many times have I contemplated taking off

> traveling and going to visit again, but something is

> holding me in San Antonio.  I feel safe here.  I

> have so much clay to work with in this town. 

> Everybody knows me here.  I have been getting random

> signs here and there telling me to take off

> traveling again, but before I do I have to type up

> like 9 full tapes of legend.  I find it extremeley

> hard to do with all the distractions here.  I might

> just have to leave San Antonio to catch up.  Maybe

> I'll do it at HSU.  I dunno.  If I were to, could I

> stay at your place for a bit until I get caught up

> and then I'll come back home?  I don't know.  It's

> all up in the air right now.  You know how I hate

> planning things.  I do miss you though.  

> Well Kati, there's your Victor-update.  I hope to

> hear from you soon.  Peace, love and joy to all.

> - Victor Antonio

> p.s.  My rightprotect address wasn't working for

> some reason yesterday.  When I tried logging in it

> kept saying, "Unable to connect to server.  Try

> again later."  But, it only said that when I tried

> to loging into rightprotect.  It logged in fine on

> this one.  It even said that when I put in the wrong

> pw.  So it's not even trying for some reason.  Today

> I tried it and it worked.  Weird.  I'm probably just

> being paranoid.  Because even if someone was looking

> at my stuff, why should I think this address is safe

> from prying eyes?  I don't know.  Whatever happens,

> happens.  The spirit's got my back, remember? 

> Anyway, just hit reply on this mail and keep mailing

> this one.  

> ----- Original Message -----

> From: Kati Texas <>

> Date: Sat, 24 Apr 2004 16:03:14 -0700 (PDT)

> To:

> Subject: I cut my hair today.

> > I'm feeling quite lonely

> > perched high in this tree.

> > Tho I've got a mirror

> > and feathers to preen.

> > 

> > A place called the Alibi

> > Serves the "Sangre Maria"

> > A Jalapeno Blody Mary,

> > With damn good Tequilla!

> > 

> > New high, new habbits

> > new lifestyle to suit

> > Damn liquor is good with 

> > poached eggs and fruit.

> > 

> > 

> > -KatiTexas

> > 

> > =====

> > Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret 

> > You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she

> always comes back

=== message truncated ===


Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret 

You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she always comes back



From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender] 
              To: victor antonio <>
Subject: Stubborn
Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 14:46:30 -0700 (PDT)
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Glorious Victorious,
I certainly DO get it.  You got yourself put in jail
for no good reason, smarted off to an asshole with a
temper, and you got the crap kicked out of you for it.
 All I'm saying, is YOU started it.  YOU provoked the
bus driver, the transit cop, and the guards.  If they
reacted harshly, even illegaly, that's their problem
as humans to suffer with.  But you, you should know
better.  Pepole learn by the example you set.  Plus it
hurts me to think that someone's beating up on my
sweet Victory.  Please be careful, and stay out of
harms way.  I love you so much, it would suck to loose
you over a stupid tiff with a bitchy bus driver.

Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret 
You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she always comes back

 From: Kati Texas <> [Save Address] [Block Sender] 
              To: victor antonio <>
Subject: Re: Stubborn
Date: Wed, 19 May 2004 11:51:53 -0700 (PDT)
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I Love you Victor.  I may not agree with you, but I do
Love you.  You and your ego.
--- victor antonio <>
> Exactamundo!  I knew exactly what I was doing the
> whole time.  I orchestrated it, I guess you can say.
>  I am just testing everyone.  They all failed and in
> the end I shall be the Victor.  I have found I have
> a knack for manipulating my situation and I will
> manipulate this one to my benefit, as usual.  Don't
> you see?  I did all this BECAUSE I know better.  I
> know my rights, damnit.  Justice will be done.  It
> shall be such a great story.  Legendary, even.
> Love,
> - Victor Antonio
> p.s.  That which does not kill me makes me stronger.
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: Kati Texas <>

> Date: Tue, 18 May 2004 14:46:30 -0700 (PDT)
> To: victor antonio <>

> Subject: Stubborn
> Re: Glorious Victorious,
> Re: I certainly DO get it.  You got yourself put in
> jail
> Re: for no good reason, smarted off to an asshole
> with a
> Re: temper, and you got the crap kicked out of you
> for it.
> Re:  All I'm saying, is YOU started it.  YOU
> provoked the
> Re: bus driver, the transit cop, and the guards.  If
> they
> Re: reacted harshly, even illegaly, that's their
> problem
> Re: as humans to suffer with.  But you, you should
> know
> Re: better.  Pepole learn by the example you set. 
> Plus it
> Re: hurts me to think that someone's beating up on
> my
> Re: sweet Victory.  Please be careful, and stay out
> of
> Re: harms way.  I love you so much, it would suck to
> loose
> Re: you over a stupid tiff with a bitchy bus driver.
> Re: 
> Re: 
> Re: =====
> Re: Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret 
> Re: You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but
> she always comes back
> Re: 
> Re: 
> Re:
> Re:
> Re: __________________________________
> Re: Do you Yahoo!?
> Re: SBC Yahoo! - Internet access at a great low
> price.
> Re:
> -- 
> ______________________________________________
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Naturam expellas furca, tamen usque recurret 
You can drive nature out with a pitchfork but she always comes back



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