




05-12-2023 15:30:55


05-12-2023 15:31:05

blast from the past!

05-12-2023 15:31:08

Lol Hi o

05-12-2023 15:31:14


05-12-2023 15:31:24

What's up Victor?

05-12-2023 15:31:28

hi Chasty Rafty!

05-12-2023 15:31:36


05-12-2023 15:31:58

omg i have this huge grin on my face right now

05-12-2023 15:32:19

all these memories!

05-12-2023 15:32:27

Loved “all these memories!”

05-12-2023 15:33:04

it's hard to believe I'm communicating with you! after soooooooooo long

05-12-2023 15:33:21

so fucking surreal!

05-12-2023 15:33:29


05-12-2023 15:33:43

Lol i get it!! It is a bit surreal

05-12-2023 15:33:58

Btw I am driving so might be delayed

05-12-2023 15:34:05

omg where do I start

05-12-2023 15:34:26

hang up and drive then, please

05-12-2023 15:34:44

Loved “hang up and drive then, please”

05-12-2023 15:34:46

I've waited this long, i can wait until you are safe.

05-12-2023 15:35:01

i am patient

05-12-2023 15:35:11

Aww ok! I'll call when I get home

05-12-2023 15:35:27

You have always been patient

05-12-2023 15:35:45

hmm, maybe we better keep it text for now

05-12-2023 15:39:28

I'm sure, no, I'm POSITIVE, my wife wouldn't appreciate waking up after hearing me talk on the phone. "Who were you talking to?" "Oh, nobody really, just my first true love from 2 decades ago. go back to sleep." Lololol!

05-12-2023 15:57:20

Emphasized “I'm sure, no, I'm POSITIVE, my wife wouldn't appre…”

05-12-2023 15:58:40

Awww that is actually very considerate Oh my Lord - you are married?‽! Talk about surreal That's crazy! Congratulations! Also... ☺️ yes first true love 💗

05-12-2023 15:59:08

My husband won't be thrilled either but I'll tell him I am very happily married as I hope you are also

05-12-2023 15:59:42

Any kids?

05-12-2023 15:59:47

I've got two boys

05-12-2023 16:00:36

yup, only mature adults with a shared past reminiscing. pure innocence!

05-12-2023 16:00:50

Laughed at “yup, only mature adults with a shared past reminis…”

05-12-2023 16:01:04

I swear, honey!

05-12-2023 16:01:15

no kids for me, I've never stopped being a kid myself

05-12-2023 16:01:54

growing up is a choice! you can grow young too :]

05-12-2023 16:02:49

I love being a mom They keep me young They are very very expensive entertainment

05-12-2023 16:04:14

I'd really prefer not to see all those Laughed at... Emphasized, Loved, etc. what ever happened to simple emoticons?

05-12-2023 16:04:24

let's bring them back!

05-12-2023 16:04:28


05-12-2023 16:04:34


05-12-2023 16:04:40


05-12-2023 16:05:10

Ahh I am not leet enough for you anymore

05-12-2023 16:05:32

lol i remember leet

05-12-2023 16:06:19

So you are in California?

05-12-2023 16:06:25

yes, kids are a nice gift and all, but I'd still rather play with the box they came in.

05-12-2023 16:06:30


05-12-2023 16:06:41

Joke :)

05-12-2023 16:06:51

Very Victor

05-12-2023 16:07:03

i am in the armpit of California

05-12-2023 16:07:23

meth producing capitol of California

05-12-2023 16:08:06


05-12-2023 16:08:36

do you remember my joke collection aol proggie i made with bj?

05-12-2023 16:09:00

lmfao by stu and kookaid

05-12-2023 16:09:42

I do remember

05-12-2023 16:09:48


05-12-2023 16:10:04

Do you talk to BJ?

05-12-2023 16:10:10

well, I've evolved into an update

05-12-2023 16:10:24

lmfao 2.0

05-12-2023 16:10:57

05-12-2023 16:11:07


05-12-2023 16:11:22

and i wish i could talk to bj!

05-12-2023 16:11:30

more than anything

05-12-2023 16:11:53

Aww I have a picture of him somewhere I'll have to find it

05-12-2023 16:12:21

well, only more than anything now, since I'm actually taking to you now

05-12-2023 16:13:25


05-12-2023 16:13:33

That's really sweet It's cool to talk to you Are you doing ok? Are you working? Are you traveling?

05-12-2023 16:14:06

I always think of you as traveli mg

05-12-2023 16:14:19

Traveling around

05-12-2023 16:14:23

I'm the happiest man in the world, again

05-12-2023 16:14:52

THAT Is fucking awesome

05-12-2023 16:17:50

ok, so i don't have to type it all out again, to answer your questions i can either copy and paste from my blog for you to read here, because the past never changes and the story stays the same.... or, you could just read it on my blog, which would be way more impersonal, but may practical in case you're busy doing something else.

05-12-2023 16:18:02

whatever is easiest for you

05-12-2023 16:18:26

+may be

05-12-2023 16:19:29

Oh send me the link

05-12-2023 16:19:32

and with your permission only i would like to include this conversation on my blog journal.

05-12-2023 16:19:40


05-12-2023 16:19:42

Yeah sure

05-12-2023 16:19:51

yay ty

05-12-2023 16:20:02

Thanks for asking first

05-12-2023 16:20:24

it's the telemarketer in me :)

05-12-2023 16:21:33

leave no ambiguity and ask for what you want

05-12-2023 16:21:41

I pretty much stay off social media And blogs And podcasts Just cuz it's too much bullshit and I don't have time but it's cool if you want to include it Because it's real and that is ok

05-12-2023 16:22:08

that's right, the truth shall set us free

05-12-2023 16:22:28

my book has always just written itself

05-12-2023 16:23:46

Is bj alive? You said it like he passed. Do you know?

05-12-2023 16:24:35

hmm. would you rather check out my joke and pun collection or my updated journal? you can read all the save the world talk later.

05-12-2023 16:24:54

i wish i knew. haven't been able to locate him

05-12-2023 16:25:13

Whatever you want to send

05-12-2023 16:25:20

i don't have fb but my wife does but he's not in there

05-12-2023 16:25:24


05-12-2023 16:26:24

I don't have fb either so I never know anything about anyone Funny enough my mom is the one who tells me about people I used to know Just like today with you

05-12-2023 16:26:58

I think you called and left me a vm a while ago and I never called you back Sorry about that

05-12-2023 16:27:02

now my blog can be ridiculously distracting. i really recommend you holding off into you can actually give it your full attention

05-12-2023 16:27:03

This was probably years ago

05-12-2023 16:27:41

- into + until

05-12-2023 16:28:18

If I do that I'll never read it

05-12-2023 16:28:38

you know me, i like a challenge

05-12-2023 16:28:45


05-12-2023 16:29:16

Your blog is a challenge?

05-12-2023 16:29:38

yes, the ultimate

05-12-2023 16:30:00

you'll see, or not

05-12-2023 16:30:01


05-12-2023 16:30:06

How's your mom?

05-12-2023 16:30:12

That is true!

05-12-2023 16:30:42

05-12-2023 16:31:20

ignore any warnings claiming it to be unsafe. it's just a normal blogspot blog with text and LOTS of pictures

05-12-2023 16:31:31

way more to come

05-12-2023 16:31:54


05-12-2023 16:33:23

Do you miss Stuart? I miss our dog

05-12-2023 16:33:24

A lot

05-12-2023 16:33:43

so much!

05-12-2023 16:33:56

i miss my bed too!

05-12-2023 16:34:00


05-12-2023 16:34:23

Aww I don't have it anymore :(

05-12-2023 16:34:29

Or Stuart

05-12-2023 16:34:49

05-12-2023 16:35:00

that's my kitty

05-12-2023 16:35:16

I went through a rough time and got kicked out of an apartment and lost all my stuff Your kickass bed being one of them

05-12-2023 16:35:41

i was being sarcastic. :)

05-12-2023 16:35:42

That is a crazy looking cat ;)

05-12-2023 16:35:50

i could care less about that bed

05-12-2023 16:36:07

I loved that bed

05-12-2023 16:36:08

I'm glad you enjoyed it, seriously

05-12-2023 16:36:28


05-12-2023 16:36:37

let me show you kitty's brother

05-12-2023 16:37:47

05-12-2023 16:38:27

Aww cute You still look like you

05-12-2023 16:39:30

05-12-2023 16:40:37

What a pretty kitty

05-12-2023 16:41:17

she's a Chihuahua/shitzu/poodle

05-12-2023 16:41:36

i just named her Kitty, for obvious reasons

05-12-2023 16:41:53

it's a dog!

05-12-2023 16:41:57


05-12-2023 16:42:31

05-12-2023 16:42:31

This was our dog, George but he died a year ago

05-12-2023 16:46:37

I did realize Kitty was a dog

05-12-2023 16:47:00


05-12-2023 16:47:07

I didnt want to ruin it for you though if you hadn't realized

05-12-2023 16:47:08

ok just in case

05-12-2023 16:47:22

i try not to assume

05-12-2023 16:48:27

please send me any pictures you can dig up

05-12-2023 16:48:41

Old pictures?

05-12-2023 16:48:55


05-12-2023 16:49:26

Ok I will I know I have some I'll have to look

05-12-2023 16:49:44

whenever you get the chance, no rush

05-12-2023 16:51:44

05-12-2023 16:51:44

Here’s a pic of me and my guys

05-12-2023 16:52:13

Don't post that please

05-12-2023 16:52:24

well, it was insanely refreshing reconnecting with you and i can't wait to catch up more, but I'm going to go prepare to go into town and stand in front of a weed store and pass out my blog/sell t-shirts.

05-12-2023 16:52:46

i promise i won't

05-12-2023 16:53:05

Go save the world Victor I love that we talked

05-12-2023 16:55:13

Thank you

05-12-2023 16:57:51

like i told your mom, you've secured a permanent piece of my heart and i will always love you. I'll always have the memories(unless i hit my head again) and am pleased as punch you are alive and well. please read my blog and share share share. virality, here comes Victor!

05-12-2023 16:59:21

I feel much the same Send me the link to it I'll check it out

05-12-2023 16:59:48

And please don't hit your head again I couldn't bear it

05-12-2023 17:00:37

05-12-2023 17:00:42


05-12-2023 17:01:01

havethesejokes. blog

05-12-2023 17:01:18

05-12-2023 17:01:39

05-12-2023 17:01:52

don't know why it doesn't come out clickable

05-12-2023 19:44:30


05-12-2023 19:44:55


05-12-2023 19:45:24

have you gotten a chance to digest any of my blog?

05-12-2023 19:45:53

I took a look at it

05-12-2023 19:46:22

And it looks very positive and encouraging

05-12-2023 19:47:02

We aren't all that aligned anymore though I am born again If you can believe it

05-12-2023 19:47:16

Straight up Jesus freak

05-12-2023 19:47:31

i remember the last communique we had was when you found my site googling your name and you said you were proud of me

05-12-2023 19:48:03

I am proud of you

05-12-2023 19:48:34

then i eventually went to Florida and looked you up, talked to someone who denied being you

05-12-2023 19:49:25

and you had read read that and said you would've totally talked to me

05-12-2023 19:49:43

does my memory still serve me?

05-12-2023 19:50:00


05-12-2023 19:52:39

Date:  2009-11-12 16:38:59Name:  ChasityNumber:  544 Victor...its me. I googled my own name for some damn reason and your freakin website came up. wtf? dude oh my god oh my god I am so proud of you. i'll check your website. write back

05-12-2023 19:53:40

omg being a Jesus freak

05-12-2023 19:54:29

can i safely assume you got vaxxed?

05-12-2023 19:55:01

i meant oml

05-12-2023 19:55:17

oh my love*. :)

05-12-2023 19:58:14

my wife just magically found this book she got in Mount shasta, we think. she was reading it to me today and I've already got it on my blog. mind blowing stuff

05-12-2023 19:59:08

Lol that is super funny I absolutely did NOT get vaxxed Religious exemption In fact that led ti me being able to work from home full time

05-12-2023 20:00:08

That all sounds right The Florida stuff You came all the way there and didnt see me That sucked

05-12-2023 20:00:23

Led to*

05-12-2023 20:01:05

I'm so glad you didn't get jabbed!

05-12-2023 20:01:14

05-12-2023 20:05:01

Me too No one in our family did We aren't about that I don't trust them

05-12-2023 20:06:20

Is this book the one your wife found?

05-12-2023 20:06:48


05-12-2023 20:07:06

just last night, in our own library

05-12-2023 20:07:27


05-12-2023 20:07:38

we're not sure where it came from

05-16-2023 11:10:34

Hi Chas-titty, umm, this is really hard for me to say, but

05-16-2023 11:10:46

Worcestershire sauce.

05-16-2023 11:11:00


05-16-2023 11:11:11


05-16-2023 11:11:25

Don't call me Chas- titty

05-16-2023 11:11:42

I'm so sorry :P

05-16-2023 11:11:55

It's cool

05-16-2023 11:12:13

What are you up to today?

05-16-2023 11:12:30

I was just curious if you've read any more of my blog.

05-16-2023 11:12:55

No not really sorry

05-16-2023 11:13:33

heehee, today i am playing a little game using my telemarketing skills

05-16-2023 11:13:34

I did look for some pictures but they weren't where I thought

05-16-2023 11:13:45

I'll have to look in the garage

05-16-2023 11:13:51


05-16-2023 11:21:16

05-16-2023 11:21:16

I did find this one

05-16-2023 11:21:45

omg I'm going to cry 😢

05-16-2023 11:22:33

I know I miss him

05-16-2023 11:40:11

check this out,

05-16-2023 11:55:34

just a random list of San Antonio numbers

05-16-2023 11:56:32

I'm going down the list calling them and asking them, "Hi, sorry to bother you, but did you live in San Antonio twenty years ago?"

05-16-2023 11:56:33


05-16-2023 11:57:22

I've generated some pretty interesting chapters for my blog this way

05-16-2023 11:57:47

what are you doing?

05-16-2023 11:58:42


05-16-2023 12:00:11

i know it's a huge longshot, but I'm hoping Love works it's synchronicity-magic for me and connects me with people who will remember my crazy ass from way back when

05-16-2023 12:01:43

so i can update them on all of my miraculous progress, which will kick my blog distribution into lightning fast warp speed.

05-16-2023 12:02:54

It is certainly possible

05-16-2023 12:03:44

with the awesome conversations I'm having I'm telling them, "can you tell I've worked at West telemarketing 12 times never longer than three months?" lol. everybody in sa knows about West.

05-16-2023 12:04:34

NOBODY is going to think I'm lying about ANYTHING.

05-16-2023 12:05:41

then i will lead us all to glory :)

05-16-2023 16:31:25

"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. Some stay for a while and leave footprints on our hearts and we are never, ever the same."

05-16-2023 16:32:52

Loved “"Some people come into our lives and quickly go. S…”

05-16-2023 16:37:54

::small platonic kiss on the forehead:: muah

05-16-2023 16:46:55

when we had to get a divorce so i could marry my mission instead, i never loved you any less, but destiny had us split paths and I've long-ago accepted that and moved on. but i feel that will always have a special connection no matter when and where. it brings me great joy that i could finally express that to you. please say hello to your family for me. Thanks for loving Chasity so much, Chasity's husband(she probably mentioned your name, but i forgot). I'd love to shake your hand someday, respectfully.

05-16-2023 16:51:33

I'm still playing around with random San Antonio numbers. stoned phone-work, just like the good old days, ha!

05-16-2023 16:56:11

omg, check this out. just today after finishing that list and finding a fresh one, the first guy that answered finally, i told him, "you're probably going to think I'm crazy and hang up on me, but," and i told him what i was doing. The first thing he said was, "it seems like you called the right guy because my buddy runs a radio station. would you like me to put you on contact with him?"

05-16-2023 16:56:34


05-16-2023 16:58:14

all of these "accidents" happens keep happening to me, Chasity. on a frigging daily basis these days!

05-16-2023 17:01:13

- happens

05-16-2023 17:04:42

Oh hey wow No just got off work and am able to respond to these

05-16-2023 17:06:59

So I believe that God is sovereign and has a plan for our lives I no longer believe in "accidents" I very much pray that He is in the very details of your life and orchestrating the opportunities that come to you to spread your messages of love

05-16-2023 17:08:29

your words touched me... Victor So very very sweet My time with you were some of the best years of my life A time I hold in my heart as a golden period

05-16-2023 17:09:20

I have to look away or I'll start bawling 😭

05-16-2023 17:09:28

We were so very young and just kind of doing whatever and broke and had our sweet Stu Stu And it was so so so good

05-16-2023 17:10:14

the whole pizza gig

05-16-2023 17:10:25

life on the fast lane

05-16-2023 17:10:40

-on +in

05-16-2023 17:10:43

I will always love you In the same way that I think you say you will always love me It was a hard time and looking back such an easy sweet time too I miss it and I don't but I always think of all of the things I learned from you

05-16-2023 17:11:21

you've taken the words right out of my mind

05-16-2023 17:11:26

Just how to laugh at everything and take it as it comes and let it wash right over you Never letting it knock you down

05-16-2023 17:11:29


05-16-2023 17:12:15

lol I'm just lazy and don't want to type it out

05-16-2023 17:12:23


05-16-2023 17:12:24


05-16-2023 17:15:23

i know that was a cue for me to express what I've learned from you, but I'm too high to formulate a proper response.

05-16-2023 17:16:26

There are things that always make me think of you Here is a list: Weezer Ween Black labs The name Stuart NOFX TBIs :( Really fucking tall gus

05-16-2023 17:16:29


05-16-2023 17:17:17

Nah no cues Its all good I was too busy typing my list

05-16-2023 17:17:24

I'll think about it but more but i can totally say you taught me a most cherished lesson and that was loving someone who loved me too.

05-16-2023 17:17:52

i wasn't sure i could at all until you

05-16-2023 17:18:03

Awww got me teary

05-16-2023 17:18:04

because of my head dings

05-16-2023 17:19:05

i felt damaged, but you accepted me. ilusm!

05-16-2023 17:19:35

I never ever saw you that way

05-16-2023 17:20:09

and i knew and loved you even more because you didn't

05-16-2023 17:20:32

And there are people without head dings who are way more damaged than you will ever be

05-16-2023 17:21:32

it took me a while to realize that, but after i did i felt i had the perfect cover to win

05-16-2023 17:21:33

I remember riding the bus to the plasma center and back Its so funny because they were like little adventures

05-16-2023 17:21:50

i had a valid reason to be thought of as crazy

05-16-2023 17:22:10

that way the wrong people wouldn't take me seriously

05-16-2023 17:22:31

Omg! Also cars that are beat to shit and all messed up with pant on them or covered in punk rock stickers. Those remind me of you too

05-16-2023 17:22:36

and i was permitted to evolve freely

05-16-2023 17:22:43


05-16-2023 17:22:53


05-16-2023 17:23:01


05-16-2023 17:28:37

i remember back when i started having all of these realizations thinking, "nobody has tried what i plan to do soon. I'm going to jump on that quick, I'm gonna stomp ALL over it."

05-16-2023 17:29:06

in 09 i thought i was defeated and took down my site

05-16-2023 17:29:47

turns out, i just had to be patient. the time wasn't right yet.

05-17-2023 10:38:53


05-17-2023 14:48:05

don't know what that random content text was about

05-17-2023 14:49:08

if you had to guess, what would you think you taught me in our time together?

05-17-2023 15:14:26

that's not just a copout to get you to decide for me because i don't remember. I'll tell you exactly. :]

05-17-2023 15:16:27

i wonder if my mom still has that ceramic cross you gave her. :P

05-17-2023 15:52:45

Hmm I really don't know I guess you learned that you can and will be loved for who you are

05-17-2023 15:53:05

It's ok You don't have to answer if you don't want to

05-17-2023 15:53:23

I really do hope your mom still has the cross I hope she is well

05-17-2023 15:54:14

I hope your sisters are too And your nephew

05-17-2023 16:05:29

i can't believe your slickness at getting things didn't come to mind as the biggest lesson you helped teach me.

05-17-2023 16:06:42

maybe you don't want to acknowledge your sinful past, but you were one of my great instructors that taught me how big a joke money is

05-17-2023 16:08:21

and for that, i will be forever grateful.

05-17-2023 16:09:11

oh yeah, i think I recall finding a mugshot of you in all my searching, lol

05-17-2023 16:09:44

can you divulge that secret to me? :P

05-17-2023 18:00:39

Oh you always did have a way with words, Gruber So obviously getting arrested for shoplifting is not something I am proud of but it's not some huge secret either Like you said it is fairly easy to search up and find It literally never crossed my mind as something you might have learned from me because it's not something I have done in a very long time and something I hope to never do again

05-17-2023 18:01:32

All that being said- if you learning that from me has helped you then I guess it was for a reason

05-17-2023 18:02:27

Also I have no issue with admitting my sins from the past I am washed clean by the blood of Jesus

05-17-2023 18:02:49


05-17-2023 18:36:23

Chasity. i just saw the mugshot, i didn't see a charge or anything, i could only make ONE safe assumption, but i couldn't be sure. thanks for the confirmation, even though i knew it all along.

05-17-2023 18:37:05


05-17-2023 18:42:07

Okay, it seems you have inadvertently become a very key character in my story, which as it is, is so hella interesting because it's ALL true and I have all the texts to prove it. therefore, I'm going to ask you if you'll do me a big huge solid.

05-17-2023 18:42:37

Ask away

05-17-2023 18:44:35

Proving what to who?

05-17-2023 18:44:49

Proof that you are interesting?

05-17-2023 18:44:55

It's really not necessary

05-17-2023 18:45:19

no, proving my authenticity

05-17-2023 18:45:23

Anyone who meets you realizes you are interesting

05-17-2023 18:45:28

my trustworthiness

05-17-2023 18:45:53

please hold on, in typing up my request

05-17-2023 18:45:56


05-17-2023 18:51:14


05-17-2023 18:58:22

did you get that last text with the request, it said failed to send on my end

05-17-2023 18:58:28


05-17-2023 18:58:35

I did not

05-17-2023 18:58:57

with my only motive being to make my blog more interesting so more people will read it, i ask you, i plead with you, that you write up an account of your jail experience. please include details such as... actually, share what you decide to share. but for right now, I'd love to know where it happened, how you got caught finally, and all the thoughts that were going through your head at the time, like how depressed did you get? was your jail experience the thing that got you to stop? did you ever shoplift after that? i could keep going on and on and on.....

05-17-2023 18:59:53

write it up at your leisure, no rush

05-17-2023 19:00:12

Write what up?

05-17-2023 19:00:29

You are asking me to write something?

05-17-2023 19:00:36

reread text, please

05-17-2023 19:01:08

05-17-2023 19:01:57

hmm, maybe it's too much text. let me split it up

05-17-2023 19:02:25

with my only motive being to make my blog more interesting so more people will read it, i ask you, i plead with you, that you write up an account of your jail experience. please include details such as... actually, share what you decide to share.

05-17-2023 19:02:54

but for right now, I'd love to know where it happened, how you got caught finally, and all the thoughts that were going through your head at the time, like how depressed did you get? was your jail experience the thing that got you to stop? did you ever shoplift after that? i could keep going on and on and on.....

05-17-2023 19:05:28

have you still not gotten it?

05-17-2023 19:08:30

hmm, it seems like something is interfering in our communicating today. let's eliminate some options. can i get your email, Raygirll?

05-17-2023 19:11:54

Wow throwback

05-17-2023 19:13:12


05-17-2023 19:15:08

So I have received your request and my answer is no I'll pass on that I don't see what any of that has to do with your story That is my story and if I want to share my story I would have to control the medium

05-17-2023 19:16:59

Also to clarify I was booked into the processing center but never actually went to jail I never went to the back

05-17-2023 19:17:07

My bf at the time came and got me

05-17-2023 19:18:08

It wasn't very exciting

05-17-2023 19:19:07

due to your assertion about not being ashamed, i was hopeful you'd share your story willingly, but i completely understand your rationale and will respect your wishes.

05-17-2023 19:19:48

Thanks for understanding and respecting my wishes

05-17-2023 19:21:06

I don't really understand why you would need anything written by anyone else Victor, you have had the most amazing experiences You write in a very compelling way Why don't you write your stories?

05-17-2023 20:00:43

what if me getting your story to help me liberate the sheep, was the true reason we reconnected successfully after so long? there's a definite reason i never forgot your mother's name.

05-17-2023 20:05:27


05-17-2023 21:00:02

it keeps saying message didn't send. can you send me another screen shot?

05-17-2023 21:03:27

i can't be sure what you're smiling at because I'm not sure what mess didn't send

05-17-2023 21:03:48

I'm going to reset phone brb

05-17-2023 21:06:13

- mess +text

05-17-2023 21:12:31

Chasity, the real reason i cut our butt dial conversation short was i was afraid i would lose my composure actually talking to you and just get emotional. It was scary and i freaked. i hope you understand.

05-17-2023 22:18:08

I understand All is good But I think it is a probably a good idea for us to not communicate so much

05-18-2023 10:59:20

it keeps saying it didn't send :(. could i please get your email?

05-18-2023 11:10:01

Hey Victor I have really enjoyed talking to you but I don't really feel comfortable with continuing to text daily I also don't wish to share my email as I rarely check it It's mostly for spam and shopping and stuff I apologise if this comes off rude or harsh as it is not my intention to slight you or hurt your feelings but I work very hard to be intentional with how I spend my time and energy. I am a wife, mother, daughter, sister and employee and I strive to live my life now in a way that honors God

05-18-2023 11:10:51

I don't want to disrespect my husband by building a relationship with another man as he would be hurt by it And that is something I never want to do

05-18-2023 11:13:24

I hope you understand and know that I have nothing but love, goodwill and respect for you and for your relationship with your wife as well

05-18-2023 11:24:51

i agree with you, respect is crucial. enjoy your family and I'll mine. my wife just agreed to contribute to my blog like i asked you to, so all is good. we'll always have the memories. this will be the last text from me for a very long while, unless you reach out first. goodbye, old flame 🔥.

05-18-2023 11:26:07

please give my apologies to your husband if i caused any friction. i mean absolutely no harm.

05-18-2023 11:27:58

No apologies at all necessary We are well, thank you. I think it's perfect that your wife will collaborate with you on your blog! Please take care and may God bless you and keep you safe

05-18-2023 11:28:55

cool! you reached out! I'm back!

05-18-2023 11:29:10

LOL! jk!!

05-18-2023 11:29:15


05-18-2023 17:29:04


06-03-2023 12:43:31

greetings, old friend. i hope this salutation wasn't too soon. i said it would be a while. i also hope everything is going great for you and your loved ones. I'm going back home soon! i can't wait.

06-03-2023 14:42:33

Hey Victor! No worries 😊 Back to Texas?

06-03-2023 14:42:51

That is great! We just visited my mom over Memorial Day weekend

06-03-2023 14:46:44

yup, San Antonio is the town most of my blog views are coming from, right now. just imagine how it's going to blow up when people see me walking all the way downtown and back like i used to, only two decades later! like wildfire, it's going to spread.

06-03-2023 14:49:09

still using a walking stick with tennis ball! "hey, look, the crazy guy with the walking stick from back in the day, " everyone will say...

06-03-2023 14:51:33

actually, Dallas and Houston have more views than San Antonio right now

06-03-2023 14:52:28

me and my beloved, we might be getting a 🏠 in San Antonio

06-03-2023 14:53:09

maybe out in the hill country

07-10-2023 12:57:59

Hi Chasity. i hope you are doing well.

07-10-2023 12:58:27

do you remember me ever talking about my deadbeat father?

07-10-2023 12:58:34

Hey Victor i am very well How are you?

07-10-2023 12:58:43

Yes a little bit

07-10-2023 12:59:05

i am elated right now. i have never been happier.

07-10-2023 12:59:16


07-10-2023 12:59:21

What's going on?

07-10-2023 12:59:46

are you busy right now? I've got a very interesting chapter on my blog now

07-10-2023 13:00:11

Well I am at work but I can check it out later

07-10-2023 13:00:28

07-10-2023 13:01:08

be sure to click on Franklin Gruber Chiari

07-10-2023 13:01:15

teehee :)

07-10-2023 13:01:27

Ok I will

07-10-2023 13:03:33

thanks, it has evolved plenty. have a terrific rest of your day! and let me know what you think about the biggest roast on the Internet I am subjecting my "dad" to.

07-10-2023 13:03:57

Wow ok

07-10-2023 13:04:06

he's going to regret what he named me. :)

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