

 Victor Antonio <> wrote:
Hello all you people that have been waiting to hear from me,

It's me, Victor. The tall brother with the walking stick. I
just wanted to let you all know that I am still hard at work on this.
I know most people hear about peoples' ideas every day, then never
hear about them again. Well, I don't want you guys to think I'm
flaking out. I have obtained well over 700 email addresses on my
little email-soliciting campaign. 700 people who will listen to me!
I am jumping the igorance barrier. I am still in Humboldt County
right now, but my plan is to get back to San Antonio, put up my site,
get me some traveling supplies and a digital camera, and head out
again next year when it gets warm(or maybe before). I have, in my
possession the makings of a legendary webpage. I have been logging
every day to the detail on my mini cassette recorder since I left San
Antonio June 14(I even have pictures! 7 disposable cameras so far).
My site will also have all my old loggings, too.
So alas, I cannot tell you a definite date of when to expect the
email containing the link to my webpage, but just remember, good
things come to those who wait. And, you can never rush excellence.
So, I'm gonna go through and email everyone with this message you
just read. Sorry it's taking me so long to do it. This book is
writing itself, though.

Peace brothers and sistes,

- Victor the Liberator


From: Chris Storey <> 
To: Victor Antonio <>
Date: Thu, 9 Oct 2003 23:26:53 -0700 (PDT)
What exacly is your campain,  I have faith in your efforts of freeing the world but How?  
The internet has led the world into beoming a global society thus the blobe will imitate the system of America, including its oppressions.  Why do you not start with say joing the national organization for the reformation of marijuana laws offering your help with internet services helping the nation and the globe legalize cannabis which will bring true peace?  You could tell all these people to join NORML and help the voter intiative.  I plan to join NORML and many other organization to form a union of collectivised people and organizations.  You seem to want want people to be more aware if you and not the injustices you are fighting. I do not want tp strike you down man, I want to help to, but do be so sutle  


From: Chris Storey <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2003 17:12:16 -0700 (PDT)

    OKay man things are little more clear but the concepts such as Kaazaa are already in affect, and that alone will grow on its own.  Okay now files are not exactly a commodity.  People can read files about liberating the world sure.  Do not get me wrong I believe in you and I want you to suceed, but I will cerainly stike down the comment about my ignorance.  Do not single me out man.  Another thing,  colleges do not programme people to any professors bias and opinion.  Tell me was Karl Marx programmed?  What about Che Guevara, he was a doctor and revoltuinary.  
    There are things that you are shortsited due to your lack of education.  For one thing  The system can be reformed,  the powers of evil are out into place by the wealthy minority,  coleege education and well being make people vote,  the republican party has a more likley voter turnout.  This is becuase of education,  now if all people voted things would be a lot different and possibly better.  
    You really should not take people as sheeps, people are commonly good I agree ignorance is due to the lack of education.  All of this is put in place by class segregation.  
    Tell me class hero why do you want the pivitol glory.  Are not you ignorant as well?  I ride my bike to work every day to fight polution, I go to school full time so I can improve my education.  What is so wrong with that,  you eliminate eduaction you will send the world into nothingness and undefeatable ignorance.  My family never was college educated and becuase of that my child hood was really fucked up.  They did not understand how  a child developes properly which they could have learned in college which I am leariung right now.  I was beaten deprived of food, and it was becuase of their ignorance.          

    Colleges are one of the biggest resources of research,  Peopl that went through college are the ones who originated the concept of world peace,  You dissagree with something that can help put an end to the vicouse cyle of struggle and failure.
Re evaluate.  

Victor Antonio <> wrote:

     Kazaa, as a very good example, somewhat proved that you cannot stop bytes.  Kazaa came about after the whole Napster bullshit.  Napster never got shut down, just filtered to where you couldn't search for exact names.  And what the pirates did to get around that was just mispell the filenames.  Then, before you know it Napster-clones start popping up where you could still search for exact names.  Thus, the all-mighty Kazaa was born.  The best, in my opinion and taking into consideration that I've been offline since June, Napster clone in existance.
     But ahh, Kazaa is the no-brainer way to get free shit off the Internet.  That's why it's number 1.  It's easy, so you get all these not-too-bright people downloading pirated software.  AOL uses the same gimmick.  It's exploitation of ignorance at it's best.  

     What most people aren't aware of is all the other different ways to get pirated software on the web.  Maybe you have been on IRC and are familiar with it.  If so, download( it if you don't already have it.  IRC is the free global chat service that's been around since the birth of the web.  You can talk to anyone in the world on IRC.  Just get on any Undernet server and list channels for "warez".  From that big list that pops up, just enter the different channels and see for yourself how big pirated software is.  You can't stop bytes.  It's just impossible thanks to pier-to-pier networking.  They've been trying since the web came out.  That sure seems like a sign for freedom, if I ever saw one.

     I don't remember commenting on your ignorance at all.  Why are you getting defensive?  Guilty conscience?  You think I lack education?  I take it upon myself to educate myself.  What?  Just because I don't go to a formal school I am uneducated?  I think not.  Like I say, you should never rely on the government to educate you because if it doesn't make money, they won't tell you the truth.  I am attending the school of reality.  When I bring world peace, I will have graduated.  With honors.  

     I would be cool with school, if it didn't cost any money.  If education was free, how it should be.  But no, school is the place some people go so they can get a high-paying job instead of a low-paying job.  Well, seeing as how I compensate for going to college by learning things on my own, shouldn't I also be exempt from having a job and working for money?  I am putting myself to work.  I am a designer.  I design my own reality.  I wake up every morning and make a list in my head of projects that I need to do.  Then, I make it a point to follow through.  I am never bored.  I have made myself free to live.  Anyone can do it.

          I have been learning from the School of Reality for a long time now.  There's been my whole telemarketing stint.  I worked at this one place 15 times since I was 16, never longer than three months.  It's a revolving door.  Hell, even if you get fired, you only have to wait 30 days to go back.  See, telemarketing revolves around lies and deceit.  Every single outbound telemarketing project in existance is a scam.  If the deals were that good, customers would be the one making calls.  It's all a find-the-right-sucker game.  But, it pays great!  And, everyone smokes weed...even the managers!  See how big a joke money is?  Now exactly where do you think I learned that you have to be positive-assumptive to make the sale?  If you want success, you have to think you've already won.  

     Then there were my learning experiences with cars and money.  See, I delivered pizza for around 2 years.  It was the coolest job in the world.  I would average $10 an hour on tips alone, on top of the $5.50/hr I was making anyway.  I got cash every night, it was awesome.  It's also an income-tax loophole.  I didn't have to report any of my tips.  I could smoke weed all night and I was never hungry.  Plus, I got to learn the town better than most people know their own neighborhoods.  But, when the car breaks does the job.

     Hmm, then there's the two closed head-injuries that proved to me how cars are death machines fueled by oil, money and laziness.  Umm, I was also in a 4 year long relationship with a girl which taught me loads of stuff, too.

     Ooh, you ride a bike.  Why are you in such a hurry?  Bike riders still spend a lot of time sitting on their asses coasting.  Why don't you just walk?  It's way better exercise.  It'll teach you patience.  I used to adore my old mountain bike.  I even raced a couple times.  But now I'm not even in that much of a hurry.  Falling off a bike is way worse than falling while you walk.  Plus, bikes get flat tires and break down.  The more I walk, the healthier I get.  Simplify, don't complicate.

     No, it isn't for the money, nor is it for the fun.  It's a plan.  A scam.  A diagram.  It's for the benefit of everyone.  I'm not doing it for the fortune.  I'm not doing it for the fame.  It's a scheme.  A dream.  A barterine.  I want everyone to think the same(be happy and love one another).  Because they know what they know is right, and they feel what they can't ignore.  They try so hard to point the blame.  I think they're ashamed.  What am I doing this for?  I'm just doing it for the cause.  Hehe, that was totally based on a NOFX song.

     The system cannot be reformed.  The system is dead and outdated.  We need to get rid of it altogether.  Americans need to stop treating America like an independant country.  It's stolen land to begin with.  The America we know today began in 1492, a mere 500 years ago.  This is the land where all the different people came and evolved.  We should be treating ourselves like the melting-pot we are.  America is made up of the entire world, damnit.

     This land just screams diversity.  How can a society of different people all be expected to adhere to the same exact rules and values?  That makes absolutely no sense whatsoever.

     I don't try and pretend I am perfect.  I am ignorant to stuff, until I learn it.  Until it has been proven to me, without a doubt.  I won't believe in something until that happens though.  All I know is that I don't know nothing.  I am a firm believer that anything is possible...and that you have to start somewhere.  Were you implying that since I don't ride a bike I am ignorant?  As the world will soon find out, I am an open book.  I will listen to any suggestion and think it over.  What would you say I ignore?  Lies maybe.  Things that don't make sense?  

     Ever read the book Future Shock by Alvin Toffler?  The whole world should read that book.  It was written in 1970.  The Third Wave, the Future Shock sequel, is a necessary read, too.  Circa 1980.  Alvin Toffler beat me to the punch.  He had it figured out, too.  

I can go my own way, just like everybody else.  Peace, brother.

- Victor

From: Chris Storey <> [Save Address] [Block Sender]
              To: Victor Antonio <>
Date: Sun, 12 Oct 2003 19:42:41 -0700 (PDT)
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Well man I just want to say thank are liberal views differ a little.  Bikes may complicate but they certainly are not one percent as bad as the car.  The government sets a cirriculuam for colleges yes,  but teachers are liberal as well.  I too believe that college should be socialized, although I only pay eighteen dollars a credit here at vista college, and i have enough grant money to last me about two semesters of college.  I may not take loans yet I have not decided. Patience I may need to learn you have a good point but bikes sure are a tool of convienience when I go to work. I do not mean to be defensive,  I just think that the system as it stands is out of date, I am a trotskist, I believe that this stage of society is just a part of our industial evolution, our conscious evolution, leading to revolution.

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