

 Monday, August 12, 2013

whats up. i just moved here. i hate "that conversation" lol. tell me about yourself?

Aug 15, 2013 at 11:47 AM

Yay, a real reply(here's hoping). 

Let me try and sum me up in one(long) sentence.   I will elaborate more or answer any questions once I am assured you are not spam. 

I am a peaceful, loving, friendly, doting, non-violent, non-alcoholic(may have a shot of rum once in a while, it's the Puertorican in me), laborious, able-bodied, fit, hiking, gym going, weed and cigarette smoking, Aquarian, meth-hating(never done it, never will), tall(six-foot-six), 200lbs, Puerto Rico born, grew up in Texas, head-injured, no kid having, no kid wanting, yahoo pool playing, moped-riding, story-telling, inspiring, free and independent, traveled, volunteering and interesting kind of guy who knows Spanish too.  Oh, and I'm really 35.

What about you?  Where did you just move here from?  You live in Weed, right?  Age?  Any kids?

The pics from 2008.

Aug 17, 2013 at 5:24 AM

i knew you weren't real

Mon, Aug 19, 2013 at 2:09 PM

Claire Bear <> wrote:

wow! do u still look the same?? was not expecting a cutie :-) i'll be 25 on october 24 (scorpio :-) i'm from salinas, spent 2 years in bryan-college station (thats where i got "the gift" - they don't call it the dirty south for nothing!!), 2 years in trinity county, and now live in mccloud.  i smoke weed <3, ciggies (always quitting and starting again), never tried meth, i drink socially but i'm a terrible drunk so i try and limit that to birthdays and other occasions lol... let's see, i'm catholic, i work on a horse ranch, i love horses, my family still lives in salinas (one brother) i speak a lot of spanish for a white girl but i don't get a lot of practice in up here :-((( too many hueros jaja!  no ninos, i can't have kids naturally, so maybe one day i might buy one or have a foster kid when im like 50 or something !!  i'm 5'6" 150 lbs, ill send a pic... i think that covers your questions... how's your head?? what happened? do you work a regular job?  off on the weekends?  

Monday, August 19, 2013 2:23 PM

sorry it took so long i dont get on the computer much... heres me and my bro and my dog is the blue one se llama andre'

Aug 20, 2013 at 3:34 AM

Hi Claire,

     What a relief!  Just when I thought I wouldn't hear from you again.  When I didn't receive a reply I assumed you were spam.   Oh well, I thought.  I just woke up from a nap and checked my email and yay, a real person. 

     Hmm, do I still look the same?  Cutie?  Well gawrsh, blushing on all four cheeks.  :]  You're pretty cute yourself.  I love the mermaid hair.  Adorable dogs too.  Actually, just last night I shaved my head.  I had been growing out the hair on top for over a year.  I would shave the bottom and sides with a #1 guard and let the top grow.  It had gotten pretty long, but was kinda uneven so I tried to even it out myself with scissors and totally butchered it.  I just shaved my complete head with a #2.  It's definitely cooler, but I kinda miss my long hair, even though it seemed kinda girly.  Oh well, it'll grow back. 

     I got lots of stories, but I won't tell them completely in email.  I could talk your ear off if you let me and I hope you will.  There's a lot to be said for the presentation.  Basically, in 96(on election night) I was a passenger in a car wreck in San Antonio and sustained a closed head injury.   I made a full recovery(well, depends on who you ask), but four years later(next election year) I was walking down the street and got hit by a car, did a flip over the hood and hit my head on the street.  Bam, head injury #2.  The doctor's said that if I hadn't had my first head injury in 96, that my second one would've probably been a bad concussion and that I'm twice as likely to have a third now, so I better be careful.  I made it through 2004 alright.  I think the election-year curse has been lifted.  :]

     After my wrecks I started getting some blatant signs in my life which led me to believe my purpose was to enlighten people.  It;s a really nice feeling when you think you've found your purpose in life.  I began my ultimate volunteer project.  I became a long-distance walker/journalist.  I would just walk as much as I could and tell people(anyone who was willing to listen, I always asked permission before I started talking) my interesting stories.  I started documenting my life on a microcassettte recorder, every detail, whatever happened, every step I took.  I would eventually transcribe and type it all up.  Time-stamps and pictures and all.  My book was writing itself, I thought.  Nothing but the truth. 

     It was amazing.  Weeks would go by before I typed my stuff up and I'd be shocked when I got around to it.  I'd think, "Damn! I would've never remembered that if I hadn't been doing this."  I acquired a near-perfect memory.  I could just read myself, look myself up.

     I was having the time of my life.  I walked around San Antonio for four years just letting things happen and telling people my interesting stories and giving people hope.  Around 2002 it became apparent that I needed to walk abroad and travel and spread the word.  I had yet to put up a website detailing my recordings.  I finally did in 2003.  It was, instead of Steal This Book.

     World Peace Through Marijuana was my mission.  In reality I was out to prove it was human nature to be generous and eliminate money.  I was going to rat out the pirated software scene so everyone would stop paying for things and we'd have to get rid of money.  Simple, I thought.  I thought I was "greasing the evolution machine, it's stuck."  For seven years I would travel around the US free as a bird going where I ended up.  For the most part I would just walk until somebody picked me up, not sticking my thumb out.  With my spreading of good news and hope I could count on it.  You reap what you sow.  If you don't make plans you never get let down!  I was living a very interesting life and very much "in the flow." 

     Long story short.  After actively working this mission for seven years, I lost hope and gave up the fight.  I took my website down.  I was so used to everywhere I went everything going my way, that when things started not going my way I felt cursed and lost hope.  On my central states trip in Missouri is where I got the herp(as far as I know, I'll never find out for sure).   That was just one of the factors that made me quit my full-time volunteer position. 

     See, as soon as I was out of the hospital after my wreck my mom started hounding me to get on disability.  I didn't feel disabled, not to mention I was on a mission to prove we didn't need money to live.  I wasn't going to sell out.  Well, after I quit my mission and went back to my mom's she was still insistent I apply for disability.  Frustrated with her I told her, "Mom, it's been about ten years since my wrecks, I hear you get denied a lot of times.  I hear you need a lawyer....but ok, I'll appease you and try." 

     Well, I guess my medical records must've spoken volumes because in less than a month I got approved.  Bam, $460 a month in Texas.  When I moved to California(I'll tell you that story some other time) it went up to $950.  Now, for seven years I was the happiest man in the world with no money.  With all my minimizing and resourcefulness I learned on the road, I can most definitely live high as a hog on a thousand dollars a month. 

     I really lucked out finding where I live.  I rent a studio on Main Street above an old saloon which used to be a brothel in the 20s.  I get a 12x15 studio, all bills paid, free internet, free toilet paper(that's what sold me) all for a measly $275 a month.  Nowhere else in California would I find such a deal.  Even after paying rent I still have $650 to play with.

     Therefore I am still a full-time volunteer.  Lately, I help this old lady out in Carrick in the mornings and then help another friend by Hammond Ranch on Old Stage Road clean up her property in the afternoon.  The way I see it, I am already on a payroll, I have to do something.  That's how things work.  The true reward of a job well done is to have done it!  I've also helped at the Mercantile resource center ever since I moved to Weed.  They like me there.  Oh yeah, and I alone cleaned up the empty lot with the creek behind the chamber of commerce here last August.  They put my picture in the paper and everything.  "Working for Weed," the caption read.   It's kind of like I'm retired.  Not retired, but self-employed.  I can help who I want when I want and I can do it for free(as long as I am allowed my smokebreaks).  I'd like to expand my volunteer portfolio(lol) and find some other people to help. 

     My scooter(another story), has finally broken down after 5,000 miles so I am having some off-time.  It's in the shop right now, but I don't know if it's worth fixing.  I might be getting another one for $220 after the first.  I should be mobile again soon and Mccloud isn't that far at all, so if you've got any projects for me I would love to help.  

    Haha, I've quit cigarettes a million times myself.  I quit until I light up the next one. :P  I smoke a lot of pot though.  I've been stoned for years.  Hopefully I covered most everything but let me know if I left anything out.  Sorry for the missive, didn't mean to write a whole chapter, hehe.  Get back to me whenever you can.  Nice to know I'm not the only one with H in Siskiyou county.  Did you ever mention your age?

Best wishes,

- Victor

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 10:21 AM


Wow, that was a great e-mail!  I've met lots of travelers here, and they all seem to be very nice.  I picked up a few hitchhikers (rarely, because it's different as a single girl!  I have to feel the love).  I always feel like you meet people for a reason, and that you have to talk to them.  I would love to hear some of your stories in person.  

I did mention my age- I'll be 25 on October 24.  I remember being a young child and thinking that I would have a great paying job, husband, a kid or two and a white picket fence around a green lawn by now.  That's certainly not the case!  I am extremely fortunate in my current situation, after a long hard summer of hustling and attempting to hustle way too much ganja.  I guess you have to go through hell to get to heaven!  Anyways, I live here on a private ranch, expenses paid, with an AWESOME roommate that I actually knew back in Salinas.  We are like fire and gasoline!  I have been having bunches of fun here since I moved in 2 weeks ago.  I am so so lucky.  

I hope everything goes well with the scooter.  Are there some cool outdoor spots in Weed that you could show me?  Today I'm headed back to Trinity to get some more of my junk out of my house... I hope its not too smoky on the way over.  Today is my Sunday in the work week.  I checked out the church in Mt. Shasta.  It was very nice.  Everyone is so friendly here!  

I think I'm going to be in a fantasy football league this year, so I should be checking my email more regularly :-)  Hope all is well with you!


Aug 20, 2013 at 9:56 PM

Yeah, just think of all the empty seats being chauffeured around.  How wasteful we've become.  But, granted, it is a whole different story with a single girl, you're right.  It helps to travel in pairs.

     Wow, what a synchronous day I had today.  I had finally decided I was going to hithchhike to Ashland today.  See, I just lost my leatherman multitool which I had on my person every day since 2007.  It was given to me in Humboldt.  I felt totally naked and really missed it.  I used that thing daily.  Well, lo and behold I stumble onto this ad on cl: .  That's my same exact tool I lost!  Thirty bucks is a small price to pay to make me whole again.

     The guy selling it and me synchronized a time to meet, Thursday the 22nd at a bus stop in Ashland by the library.  I thought I was going to start thumbing it today so I would have a couple days to hang out before Thursday.  I packed my bag and walked to the central weed northbound on ramp.  There were barely any cars.  I stood out there for ten minutes then this guy walks by who I recognized.  He told me I should go thumb it on the southbound on ramp.  I told him, "But I am going north, what sense does that make?"  He assured me that he had gotten a ride to Portland from the southbound onramp a million times.  So I went to the onramp.  I figured if someone pulled over I would catch a ride to the truckstop and be in a better position to go north.  It was funny, I was wearing a t-shirt that says WEED - NEXT EXIT.  When the cars would drive by I would stick out my thumb and point to my shirt.  In 14 minutes this nice lady going to Mount Shasta pulled over.  It was cool I was able to tell her, "I really am just going to the next exit." 

     At the truckstop I stand in front of it to eat a PBJ sandwich and who drives up?  Caroline, the lady I help who had taken my scooter to the shop in Grenada.  She calls up the mechanic to check on my scooter.  Eureka, he said he already got it running!  And he was only charging me fifty bucks.  If I hadn't gotten that ride, if I hadn't seen Jeff who pointed me to the wrong onramp, if that particular lady hadn't stopped for me, if Caroline hadn't needed to go to the truckstop, I can go on....of course everything happens for a reason!  That's the flow I'm talking about. 

     So screw hitching to Ashland, I was going to ride my scooter there...tomorrow.  So Caroline took me to Grenada and I got my scooter.  It was still making a god awful noise, but it ran.  It's still messed up and I am contemplating still hitching tomorrow, but I don't know.

     On the way home I stopped at my grower friends' house in Gazelle.  They have a forest in their yard.  Sixteen trees, some as tall as 9 feet.  Guano is their secret. 

     From there I drove my scooter to Edgewood to look at the other moped I'm going to buy after the first.  My scooter stopped like three times on the way there.  Every time I go over a bump it messes up.  The owner wasn't there, but at least I got to look at it again, it was outside.  It's really nice, 30cc's more than my scooter.  It's an 84 model though.  Only about 6k miles.  Mine's a 06 model and I've put 5k miles on it.  I'll call him later.  From there I drove home with no messups.  Maybe I'm going to see how far to Ashland I can get tomorrow on it.  If it breaks down I can just stash it somewhere and hitch the rest of the way.  I redid the whole paintjob with camoflauge duct tape from Walmart, so it'll be easy to stash. 

     Sure, there are some cool spots I can show you.  I've only lived here since March 2012, but I've been around.  Have you been to Mount Shasta much?  Ever heard of the Buda Hole?  Do you like to hike? 

     Okay, getting carried away with the story-telling again, hehe.  Old habits die hard.  Oh yeah, do you like frisbee?  I lost my cellphone so I won't have a number to call until after the first.  I can make all the calls I want from Gmail though, so I might take my time getting a new phone. 

Peace and love,

- Victor

Tuesday, August 20, 2013 7:27 PM

Hey there!

Gotta love synchronicity!  You take your scooter on the 5??  Very brave!  Camo duct tape eh?  Not gonna lie-  I had some and this hitchhiker that I picked up, and let stay at my house, kept bugging me for duct tape so I gave it to him and he used the whole roll to reinforce the patches on his jacket lol!  I was like DANG IT!  But it came from Ace Hardware, I'm a total wal-mart hater, haha, but I don't judge people that go there :-)  So I'm just curious, where did you stay when you were out traveling the country?  Just living outside?  What about when you go to Ashland?  I'm curious about the wayward lifestyle.  I can always sleep in my car, but you can't exactly sleep in a scooter!  Are you Christian?  You are obviously very compelled by some force.  Have you ever slept with another man?  Been tested for HIV lately?  Wow those were some deep questions. Puttin it all en la mesa :-p You seem like an honest online person that likes answering questions!  How did you lose your phone?  I have one but its been off for days.  Don't use it much.  I'm not really a celly girl :-p  I tend to lose it quite frequently. Did anyone else reply to your herpes ad??  Its quite the stigma.  I feel like I have a scarlet H that stands for HO lol. Built-in punishment.  

Talk to you soon!

Aug 21, 2013 at 12:09 AM


    I happen to have a spare roll of (digital)camo duct tape if you want it.  You might not want it because I got it at Walmart.  When I was traveling around living off of love, there was always a place to sleep.  I always had my military rain poncho, which folds out to a big plastic rectangle, that was my portable bed.  My groundfloor.  I would sleep on top of that in my mummy sleeping bag.  I'd just find a pocket somewhere and crash out.  It was a lot of fun, believe it or not. 

     I had a blood screening maybe, wait, let me look for it.  I had one done on 4-26-12 and another last November.  It's weird, I could've sworn when I got screened they asked me if I wanted to include HIV and I told them yes.  I got both results and on neither can I find an HIV test.  I assumed they tested everyone who came in for a blood screening for HIV, like it should be a default thing.  They told me I was clean both times, but maybe I should go get checked again, just for peace of mind.  Plus, about two months ago I ended it with this girl who lives in my building.  We were only together for two months but we had quite a bit of(protected sex).  I'm sure I didn't catch anything from her, but I should get another screening, just for piece of mind.  

     I have never in my life nor will I ever in what's left of it sleep with another man.  There's shit in there! 

    Ask away, I'm an open book(used to be literally).  If you don't lie you don't have to remember anything..and I have a bad memory.  Damned head injuries(universal excuse). :]

     Ooh, I skipped the biggie.  I am not a Christian.  I believe in LOVE.  I think the whole God, Jesus, bible story was the interpretation of love that was needed at the time that it was written for people to understand it(and be controlled by it).  That was two thousand years ago.  Time's change.  We need an update. 

     I believe that God is the personification of love.  Love is not a person.  Love is everything.  Love is perfect unlike any person.  We might believe in the same thing, but I just call it Love.  Praise Love.  Everybody's got it in them and it's all the same love.  Religion is division, there's only one love!  I think the absolute truth is written in nature(what's left of it) and can still be read to this day.  All the basics are genuine:  reap what you sow, ask and thou shall receive, knock and the door will be answered, etc.  You don't need to read those rules in a book to know them.  Then people say, "No, God is love."  To that I say, "Then why not just call it what it is?"

     Sometimes I think...err, I better stop talking about religion.  It can be very dangerous.  It's a touchy subject and I don't want to offend anyone with my opinions.  One man's way may be as good as the next, but we all like our own the best. :] 

     In the end I don't know anything for sure, for anything is possible.  Surprise me.  I will never be done learning, so I am open to many possibilities.  It's hard to know anything when nothing at all is as it seems.  I have a lot of ideas and theories about things, but I'm not going to be pompous enough to think only my ideas are true and right.  Not everyone goes through the same exact learning experiences. 

     I was brought up Catholic, but nowadays even my mom has shied away from Catholicism and joined a non-denominational church.  

     When I go to Ashland I'll have my big external frame pack.  In it I have a thick mummy sleeping bag, clothes, hygiene stuff and most anything else I need with very few things I don't.  I travel light, but very comfortable.  I'm bringing my light-up Frisbee to play in the park when I get there.  Probably tomorrow.

     It's a mystery how I lost my phone.  It just disappeared out of my pocket one night.  I've had like six different numbers these past couple of years.  I almost rather not get one at all and just use free internet calling. 

     One other person responded to my ad, I think I forwarded the mail to you.  Did you not get it?  This guy saw my ad and suggested some new never-have-an-outbreak-again stuff.  It looks legit.  Do you take any antivirals?  I don't.  OBs are somewhat seldom for me.  Maybe it's my very low-stress life.  What kind of work do you do?  Growing weed?  That would be so rad.  Need any help?  I work for free. :]  Hmm, you have a car....I wonder how much gas it is to Ashland, ahh, forget it.  You probably have to work.

Best wishes,

- Victor

Aug 21, 2013 at 9:16 AM

I forgot, I am allowed on i5 only between South Weed and the Central Mt Shasta exit and vice versa.  The S Weed onramp only says no pedestrians and the offramp at the Mt Shasta exit has a sign that says, "All bicycles and motor-driven cycles must exit."  Same sign at the S Weed offramp going the other way.  So it's a safe assumption it's a permitted corridor.  Plus, on numerous occasions hwy patrol has zoomed by me with no incident.   

 Wed, Aug 21, 2013 9:18 PM

Hola Victor!

>You seem to have a great memory to me.  Did you have to go through your

>recordings to remember all that?  lol ... Sorry about my

>lack-of-organization in my e-mails.  I am educated but I am very informal

>over the internet.  Most times I don't even capitalize.  And to be honest

>the emerald triangle has dumbed me down a bit.


>Thanks for offering me the duct tape :-) And for offering your test

>results.  I am HIV negative.  And no, I smoke weed for my other condition.

> I had one episode earlier this year the day I ran out of weed for the

>first time in about a year.  Stressed me OUT!!  Before that it had been at

>least 2 years.  It just sucks all around, basically.


>I would like to talk religion with you face-to-face.  Do you know the story

>of Jesus?  When he was around 27, 28 or so, he wandered around spreading

>the good news.  People would take him in when they heard about his mission.

> He walked the streets and talked to the poorest people in the world and

>healed them!  Are you picking up what I'm throwing down?  lol.  If you are

>real, you seem to be on this same mission, and I am too.  I try and make

>people happy wherever I go and demonstrate love to each person in their own

>way.  But... I think it all eminates from the good Lord above.  However, I

>do not place judgment on people in any circumstance.


>I don't grow weed.  I wish I did.  I work on a horse ranch :-) Heaven on

>earth!  The only thing that I like more than smoking lol .. and yes I am

>working on Thursday.  Good luck in your travels!



Aug 22, 2013 at 11:10 AM

Oh Claire, what a grand adventure I am on.  Last night I spent like an hour typing up this email, until like 2am, but lost it all because my battery died.  It unplugged without me noticing.  To my dismay, a draft wasn't automatically saved.  So I'll try to recap as best as possible.  It won't be as detailed because it's not so fresh now

    When driving my scooter home from the shop the day before yesterday I noticed it still had some issues.  I didn't think it could make it to Ashland and I would have to hitchhike.

    Yesterday morning I woke up and rode my scooter to the store to put ice in my tumbler(which has been a part of me for over a month, it fits perfectly in my scooter).  It seemed to be running a lot better.  I re-evaluated what I would need for this trip and decided instead of taking my big external frame pack with sleeping bag to just bring my day pack.  Its not that cold so all I brought was my rain jacket and rain pants.  Figured it would be warm enough to sleep in if I had to.

    Around noon I took off on my scooter.  First I had to check map quest to see how much longer the trip was not taking the interstate.  Ended up being twice as far.  Oh well, I thought, and I took off anyway.  I had to go to Klamath Falls first. Since I was taking 97 I stopped at my old lady friend I help's house to say hi.  Loretta ended up making me a chicken sandwich to take with me.  Some granola bars too.  Gasoline for my stomach.  I had brought a little food too.

    It took me a couple hours, but after riding like twenty miles I was coming up to the grass lake rest area.  I was like a mile shy.  All of a sudden my bike starts bogging and almost turning off.  I finally figured out what was wrong with it.  The new throttle handle I had gotten was loose.  Luckily, my friend had leant me a backup tool when I lost my leather man and I had a screwdriver to tighten my throttle handle and get it running again.

    I pulled up to the rest area and parked my bike.  This lady pulled up in a big truck with three other family members. She got out to feed the squirrels while other people in her truck used the bathroom.  She commented on my camo scooter and I started telling her how I was supposed to be in Ashland by 2 tomorrow and I didn't think I was going to make it on my scooter.  I asked her if there was any possibility that I could put my scooter in the bed and get a ride.  Her name is Mel.  She said the bed was full.  I looked in the back and indeed, it was full, with about fifty 1 gallon jugs of water.  At the last minute she said OK, that she could clear some room.  I got the scooter up there, but we couldn't get the tailgate down. I had some bungee cords in my scooter so we just strapped it real good(or so I thought).  As she made the turn out of the rest area the scooter falls over in the truck.  I'm lucky for the bungee cords or it would've hit the

ground.  I took that as a bad omen and just walked my scooter back to the rest area and locked it to a light post.

    Mel gave me a ride to Dorris, thirty miles north.  I set my stopwatch when she dropped me off and lit up a cigarette.  I had my next ride in a mere 14 minutes.  Oregon, here I come.  I forgot his name, but he took me to the left turn to go to Ashland. Pretty desolate at the intersection, one car about every twenty minutes, so I started walking. Only walked like half a mile and I spot a small store/truck stop.  I cross over the railroad tracks and walk to it.  Lots more traffic in front of the place.  First I walked inside and asked permission to ask people for rides, that I didn't need money.  The guys there were cool as hell.  I got to refill my ice.  It was around 7pm.  One of the attendants told me that if I was still there when his shift was up at ten, that he would give me a ride to Keno, 7 miles away and that from there I could easily get a ride to Ashland easy.  I said cool, I have three hours to kill.  I went in the restaurant/bar they had

next door and was hoping to find someone to play a game of pool with.  Nobody wanted to so I racked the balls, I was gonna play with myself(lol).  Right before I was gonna break Larry, one of the attendants from earlier walked in and told me that after we played a game of pool he could drive me up to Keno.  How perfect. Oh yeah, while I was out thumbing it in front of the truck stop this guy pulled up in a truck and volunteered me $7.

    In Keno I got dropped off at the store.  I sparked a cigarette and the cashier came outside and barked at me not to smoke in front of the store.  I apologized and walked across the street to the bar where I was sure I could smoke in front of.

    After my smoke I went in the bar and decided to patronize it.  When in Rome.  I went in and asked for a shot of rum.  Just beer and wine, so I got a Corona with lemon.  I hung out and made friends, shot pool.  Around closing time I started asking people if they could recommend a camp spot.  The owner

, 24 year old Anthony, took a liking to me and I asked him if he wanted to smoke.  We went to the back, where he has a beautiful beer garden and we smoked.  Of course I hit him and his fiancee up for my stories and I had them both in jaw-droppef awe.  Anthony said I could sleep out there and brought me like over ten seat cushion pillows.  I chilled out in the back typing to you until like 2am, but lost it.  It's also a great thing I got WiFi here.  I am able to write you and also email the guy in Ashland to tell him to expect me. 

    So it's 8am now.  I am making such great time and should get a ride easy from here.  I am so amazed I can still manifest automatic friends everywhere I go.  I wish I could've saved last night's transcript, it was much more detailed and well written, but that was the jist of it.

    Thanks for getting me documenting again.  I will keep you updated.  Wish me luck and have a great day, Claire.



Aug 22, 2013 at 12:51 PM

Hi Claire,

    I am still in Keno.  I smoked two joints in da mornin' and packed up and left. I went across the street to the store and used the restroom and bought a da bomb burrito.  I walked down the street and stood there waiting for cars to come right in front of Max's Cafe and a small business strip.  Around nine it started raining.  I moved to under the covering in front of the cafe.  Employees eventually came out and I chatted with them, telling them about my mission for my leatherman.  One of them eventually offered me some breajfast.  Yummy biscuits and gravy which I am eating now inside while I charge my android and wait for the rain to stop. 

    Oh yeah, last night Anthony hooked me up with a pack of cigarettes!  Hmm, I got WiFi so I should call Cal trans about my scooter.  I'll let you know when I get to Ashland.  Bye Claire.  :)

Thu, Aug 22, 2013 6:55 PM

>Wow Victor, you are one lucky son-of-a-gun!  What a grand adventure.  Good

>luck on your mission.  Is it the EXACT leatherman, as in, somebody stole it

>from you to sell on craigslist?  Or the exact make and model?  You'll have

>to let me know.  When I lost my cell phone in Texas (left it on top of the

>car and drove away), I searched high and low on craigslist for a

>replacement and ended up buying a stolen one.  For $20.  It's amazing what

>people will do for pocket change.

>I as well had a fantastic day.  I went to work late shift (10-6:30) so I

>didn't have to mess around with feeding or brushing the horses.  I just

>saddled up and rode all day!  I rode 5 horses and exercised 1 by pulling

>him alongside another.  It was a great day out in the woods.  I didn't see

>much wildlife but I sure do love looking at all the trees.  Now I'm beat.

> I have what I like to call "Jell-O Legs," but it's a good burn!!  I've

>lost between 5-7 lbs since starting this job.  Very nice!

>I hope all is well with you, wherever you may be... Bon Voyage :-)



Aug 22, 2013 at 11:21 PM

Well, I am still in Keno.  Around noon I gave up in front of the cafe and by that time Anthony's bar was open.  At first he said he'd give me a ride when he got the chance but he was pretty busy and never could.  Since it was still raining off and on he said I could crash here again tonight and that he would give me a ride tomorrow seven more miles to140 which is a more direct route to Ashland than here. 

    So I get to hang out here and smoke and shoot pool yet another day.  I made some good friends.  If my new scooter is any good I can ride back out here and visit.  Since I'm not going anywhere until tomorrow I swept and mopped his entire bar.  It's a big place. 

    I emailed the leatherman guy to let him know I wasn't going to make it.  He never replied though.  I'll get there tomorrow, I'm sure.

    Lol, no it's not the exact same one, just same model. 

Fri, Aug 23, 2013 8:26 AM


>If I ever make it to Keno I'll definitely have to check out Anthony's bar

>:-) They sound like cool people!  I hope everything works out with your

>scooter and leatherman today!  Its been very muggy, humid here near Mt.

>Shasta.  Should rain soon??  I work at 10 today. We have a radio system

>here and people use their year of graduation as their "code name" and since

>I graduated in 07... I'm 007.  Pretty stoked about that lol.  I just used

>it on the radio for the first time!  I crack myself up!

>Good luck to you, senor traveler!



Aug 23, 2013 at 1:13 PMmy old number  530-340-0975


    Check this out.  I have made such good friends and had such a warm welcome to Keno.  Anthony and his friends from the bar have treated me like one of them. 

    I didn't make my 2pm appointment in Ashland and the guy wasn't responding to my emails. 

    This nice guy Al ended up having a similar too.  It was a Gerber.  He wanted more than thirty bucks for it and I still really wanted my leatherman back.  So I told him no the first night.  Lo and behold, last night Al up and gives it to me anyway!  People really like me here.

    Then, to top off my luck, this nice couple I met last night said they'd give me a ride not only to Ashland, but also back to the rest area where I left my scooter!

    I emailed the guy in Ashland telling him about my new Gerber and how I still wanted the leatherman.  I told him if I don't hear back from him by two that I would just count my losses(and gains) and head back home with thirty bucks and only one new tool. 

    So I am leaving Keno today around two.  I will miss this place, but I can always ride out here on my new scooter!  Woohoo!

    I hope your days have been blessed too.  I can't wait to get back home already. 

Bye Claire, I will talk to you soon!

- Victor

Aug 23, 2013 at 3:56 PM

Can you mail me directly from your address so we can stop seeing: "re: herpes, anyone?"


23 r's


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