

      "Welcome to what may very well be one of the most important videos we've ever made.  

     Now, in order to even begin this video I must first establish this disclaimer.  

     This video is a set of hypotheses.  An exploration of the world and while many ideas will be explored what we are sharing here is not meant to be taken as definitive truth.  We are not claiming this is entirely made up of facts, rather we are attempting to explore a deeper, perhaps darker area of human consciousness and see the bigger picture of what is really going on.  

      Please have your own experience, do your own research and don't be afraid to go deeper down the rabbit hole.  For the truth is often stranger than fiction.  

     There's no denying that the collective human consciousness is in quite of a pickle today.  It is chaotic and overtaking itself and all of nature.  Because of the internet we have nearly real time access to information and yet most people are only seeing a particular slice of the story.  

     For example, the algorithms behind what you find when you use Google, Facebook, YouTube, and almost every other social network are designed to show you what you are already looking for, or what the computer code thinks you want to see, based on other people's behavior.  

     Unless you are actively searching for new information, to find something different, or follow someone who is creating content that is going down rabbit holes and sharing what they find, what you get is generally what you are already accustomed to seeing.  You only see what you want to see.  

     Further, due to the controversial nature of many ideas, especially as those labeled "conspiracy theories" many ideas are not explored by the masses because when they hear about it as they see that these ideas are ridiculed and they write them off as nonsense or dangerous extremism.  

     Following the herd mentality makes it easier to dismiss exploring new ideas, so people can easily go along with their lives.  This is critical because the ability to change one's beliefs changes your experience of life and most people are happy just letting things be as they are. 

     A minority of people(like Victor) are compelled to seek higher truths at all costs.  And certainly, most of us know sometimes it can be very hard to empathize with those who chose comfort over following their passions.  

     As the saying goes, "You can take a horse to water, but you can't make him drink."  And trying to convince others to think differently only leads to distress on everyone's part(this should be your favorite sentence, elvis.  you should know I love a challenge, by now).  As many ancient texts will suggest, this is not how true wisdom is passed on. 

     This creates a sort of self-created deception, and distraction from the bigger picture, which is rarely explored.  

     If you are already familiar with Spirit Science, we've talked before about how everything is connected.  This was even a fundamental part of my own awakening, where I had a transcendent experience that all things were one, unified and stemming from and linking to a singular greater whole.  Yet today, in the struggle of human consciousness is that most people are not seeing it.  Simply not looking, or not even wanting to look.  

     In modern science today there are many scientists searching for an all-pervading theory of everything.  Something that unifies quantum mechanics and the theories of relativity, and so today we respectfully present to you THE CONSPIRACY OF EVERYTHING.

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