

  LIVE lN PEACE:  wow, from the looks of your profile, you'll appreciate my story.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  may i send it? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  just harmless text.. 



Sex:      Female

Marital Status: SINGLE

Hobbies & Interests: In an old cherokee story an old man is telling his grandson about life.  " A fight is going on inside me.  It is a terrible fight between two wolves.  One is evil, angry, envious, sorry, regretful, greedy, arrogant and guilty. He's full of self-pity

Favorite Gadgets: resentment, and dishonesty.  His ego begets false pride. The other wolf is good.  He is joyous, peaceful, loving, hopeful

Occupation: serene, and humbel.  He's full of kindness, empathy, benevolence, and generosity.  In every way he is truthful, compassionate

Personal Quote: and faithful.  The same wolf-fight goes on inside you, grandson, and all others, as well."

The youngster ponders a moment, then asks his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

"The one you feed." replies the old Cherokee.

 Coorsredhead38:  yeah if you want what is it about 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  a medicine woman told me i was the one that was going to bring balance to the world.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's about how i left walking for the west coast from san antonio, with no money.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  oh really 

 Coorsredhead38:  yeah send it to me 

 Coorsredhead38:  what is your name 

 Coorsredhead38:  mine is margaret 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm victor, nice to meet you margaret  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  :] 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  ok sent, if you like email me at: 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i got tons more good, free reading 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  nothing but the truth.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  nice to meet you to thanks for reading my profile it means something to me or i wouldnt have put it there 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  no problem, thanks for letting me share my story 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  everyone should read it.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  were you going to read it now?  so i can leave you alone for a bit 

 Coorsredhead38:  i was reading a newspaper and that story really hit me hard i love indians because they had a meaning for everything they did and said 

 Coorsredhead38:  ill im you when im done 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i agree..and it made more sense than the bullshit running people's lives now.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  yeah i know i have always loved to read and watch the movies i am part black foot 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  awesome.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm going to be honest with you..i didn't read your whole profile...i saw that there was mention of an indian story and i thought you would appreciate my story 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  but now that i did read your profile, it means even more to me.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm the joyous, peaceful wolf 

 Coorsredhead38:  yeah its awsome and if you read between the lines you really get the meaning 

 Coorsredhead38:  me to 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  and i compare the feeding to money... 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  it's sad but true.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  yep 

 Coorsredhead38:  how old r u 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i'm 25.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  you dont believe in God 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i believe in god.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i mean love 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  wups 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i don't need to personify love.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  so you do believe in God or no 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i believe i am my own god.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  how many gods are there? 

 Coorsredhead38:  there is only one God but he is believed in different ways 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  well what about all the polytheistic religions in asia that believe in demi gods and more than one god? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  are they just damned to hell for believing in the wrong thing? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  who the hell is right? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i think humans, as a majority, are an instinctly-insecure species who can't handle the weight of their own existance on their own shoulders.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  i dont know but i believe if there wasnt God we wouldnt be here 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  so they create a "god" to explain everything for them 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  mere existance doesn't prove anything..prove it's creation.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  its all in the bible have your read it 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  sure, but i don't believe everything i read.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  did you know the new testament of the bible was written 3000 years after everything supposedely happened? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  how can you trust anything that's been passed down by word-of-mouth for so long? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  ever play that telephone game in school? 

 Coorsredhead38:  no 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  where you whisper something in someones ear, and they pass it on and so on and so on.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  by the time it gets to the end of the class, it's nothing near what it started out to be.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  so if you dont believe in God where do you base your morals and life on just the air you breath 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  because i am human and i have emotions.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i love, just like anyone else can.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  emotions are different from morals  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  like i said, i don't need a rulebook to decide what's right and wrong.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  love is an emotion not a moral 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i can follow my own rules.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  how can a society of different people all folow the same rules? 

 Coorsredhead38:  ok im not gonna argue with you  you are entiteled to your own opinion and way you live your life 

 Coorsredhead38:  they dont  

 Coorsredhead38:  never have and never will 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  why do you see it as an argument?  please don't get defensive.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  thats why Jesus died on the cross its called sins 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i never argue..i share opinions.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  he opened heaven for us and took our sins for us to be happy with him and his father 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  yes, but how do you know for sure? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  because that's what it says in the bible?  what about other religion's bibles? 

 Coorsredhead38:  but how do i know he didnt i would rather be wrong that he didnt than to not live for him if he did  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  are they wrong? 

 LIVE lN PEACE: you only believe for the fire-insurance? 

 Coorsredhead38:  no  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i believe that when i die, i will be dead..i will cease to exist.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  i believe that God is up there 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  i won't be around to care if i went to heaven or hell...dead people don't care about much.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  and heaven is waiting on us to go when the time is right 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  when i tell people that they say, "well then what's the point to life?" 

 Coorsredhead38:  your body is dead not your spirit your spirit is in a shell  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  who says life has to have a point other than being happy and helping others be happy? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  well, when i die and my spirit lives on..then it will be proven to me and i believe.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  and if the christian god is oh-so-forgiving..what do i have to worry about not believing in him? 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  if all i have to do is be sorry when i find out.. 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  and apologize 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  forgiveness is divine, is it not? 

 Coorsredhead38:  well i know what i believe in and everyone has their own right to believe in what they so desire  

 LIVE lN PEACE:  you are exactly right 

 Coorsredhead38:  nice story nice talkin to ya God Bless 

 LIVE lN PEACE:  have a great night margaret.. 

 Coorsredhead38:  you to 

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