

 Date: Sun, 22 Apr 2007 10:52:15 -0700

From: "Justin Danjer" <
Subject: You've done it

Hello Victor,

Let me start off by saying thank you for sharing your story. We met in Mt. Tabor park on 420, how appropriate. My name is Justin and I am Danjer. I believe you have been looking for me for some time now...a catalyst of catalysts! I believe in you. I've been reading almost all of your content you have posted on you website. You said your army consists of 6000 people who soak up your words and ideas, consider it 6001. You've told me a lot about you, now let me introduce myself.

I am a full blown Hip Hop activist. Not in the bling bling get some hoes type, but more the ring ring I'm at yo' door type! I heard the calling from Tupac, Bob Marley, KRS-One and many of the other griots to pass through my culture. I make beats with pirated software and think that everyone in the world should have the right to do the same. I recently moved out to Portland from Wisconsin where I organized an all ages outdoor Hip Hop festival that was free for the public...all funded by local businesses. I've been staying with my uncle's family for the past 3 months and I recently started a job land surveying which has me on the road in a Washington hotel room. Since meeting you, I've considered quitting the job that very day but I have made a commitment to my employer upon getting hired that I would finish out this 3 month long project. I will be parting ways with them once this tenure is done and I plan to do so on good terms. I figure if I can walk away from a supporting job that I enjoy, then it must be for the right reason.

I have heard of and believed in the revolution for quite some time now but it was seeing you, the revolution in person, that flipped the switch...this is what I must do. I have a gift, I am able to open my mind and speak more fluently than I ever thought possible...all in rhyme. A freestyle revolutionary/rapper of sorts. I have a 4 year degree in marketing but I've refused to join the system. Although I've went through their production factory, I've held onto the truths first passed down to me by my father. Despite graduating with honors in the devil's craft, I've learned how the system the most basic consumer mindstate level. I've rebeled against all my professors I've had and most of them have loved me for it. I've given speeches on "Losing the Drug War" and the power of Hip Hop to move masses. I've written a paper in conjuction with my professor/mentor on Hip Hop and marketing which is published in an online textbook. I have a small army of revolutionaries whom I am tight with and that I can trust to help with this peaceful revolution. They range from college professors to pastors to political activists (working in the system) as well as many revolutionary potheads I've came across in my day. They are waiting on me.

The key is support, you already know this. One man talking can't do shit but the thousands/millions (eventually billions) listening can and will stand up for the truth. You will need the support of people at all levels of the social ladder...starting with the bottom. If you have the support of the masses, the powers will eventually respondI always felt as though if there were no problems in the world today, I would not have to take Hip Hop so seriously but it is what it is. I'm sure you would not be so driven if you utopia was present, it would simply be a time to relax and enjoy life. Now is the time to enjoy life, but not a time to relax. You've contacted me and I am answering your call. Consider me part of your effort. You've given me a gift and a curse depending on which way you look at it...I say thank you for the gift. It is a new way of life for me and the rest of humanity.

We will speak again...hopefully sooner than later. I would like to meet you in person as it is safer this way. I know you are ready to die for "The Cause" but it is not time. I would like to inform you that if you ever waver on your stance in a way that gives "The Cause" a bad name by letting your ego get the best of you...I'll fucking kill you. This is a symbolic statement but do not take this lightly. I'm not here to console you in times of need, that is God's job. I'm not here to feed or house you, that is the job of the wealthy. I am the messenger who will push "The Cause" to the next level. I'm ready to join your fight.

Let me know how long you're in Portland. I am back here every weekend. If you are still around, I would love to meet up and discuss business. Another option is to meet on the road in a city we both happen to be in. I will be in Cincinatti for the annual Scribble Jam festival where you should meet me. This is the largest underground Hip Hop festival in the U.S. Check out I hope you're ready to finish what you started.

Peace Brother. We shall talk soon.

1 Love

Justin Danjer

Here's my reply:

Hi Justin,

Just doing my job, bro. Believe me, I have
played with the idea of forming a fellowship. I will
consider anyone's suggestion. I am not closeminded at
all. But in the end I am playing this game by my
rules. I am the only one I can really trust. I(my
site) will just serve as the truth-collecting portal.
I'll let everybody else do their thing, link them on
my site...and let them share in my global voice.
I am well aware that my stuff may come off as
self-centered or self-aggrandizing. I am just playing
a role. I guess you can look at it as the world's
healthiest ego-trip.
Do you have any of your hip hop in digital
format(mp3)? If you do you could give it away on my
site. Or maybe just lyrics. Do you have your stuff
documented? Typed up? Email them over and help me
educate the masses.
As far as my schedule goes, if you don't plan
things you don't get let down. I tend to just let
thigs happen. I always have a general direction, at
least. It's good to be free. I have been in Portland
for a month, waiting for signs to leave. All I am
getting are signs to stay. I could do so much work in
this town.
I don't know if I told you, but I've been playing
the undercover-bum role hardcore, on 82nd and Powell,
with all the other homebums. I'm not asking for money
or nuthin. One side of my signs says WORLD PEACE
I've been flying there for weeks. I have a
pocketload of little papers with my url and I offer
them to the cars, "Will you check out my website?
It's free. It's not religious, I promise." I getting
such a great reaction form everybody. When they
ignore me or tell me no to my url I yell, "Damn,
NOBODY wants world peace!" Hehe, I have fun with it.
My stuff is spreading like wildfire.
Oh yeah, and a couple weeks ago this guy saw my
sign and later on that day I get an email with
subject: Interview with KBOO. I'm going to be on the
radio, if I want to. Still contemplating not. I don't
know. I could be, if I waned to. That's what's
important, hehe.

Alrigt bro, check you later. Let me know what's up.

- Victor Antonio

Justin again:

Date: Mon, 23 Apr 2007 00:06:41 -0700
From: "Justin Danjer" <>
To: "victor antonio" <>
Subject: Re: You've done it


I have the utmost respect for what you are doing and you have inspired me to plan my own venture. You can only share so much knowledge and the rest needs to be learned by experience. You playing by your own rules is the ONLY way this will work. If you try too hard to organize, you become one of "them." The way I see it, if this is going to be successful, more need to take part in the action. Supporting the ideas only goes so far, like you said, people need to back up what they know to be matter how much it goes against the norms. In my mind I've supported "The Cause" for quite some time and felt very much alone in my viewpoints for quite some time and you have inspired me to act on what I believe.

My quest will be one along the same lines as yours. I will do my own dance. I will have my own website. I will not forget who showed me the light. You don't need a fellowship, it will hinder your effectiveness and the idea of free open information allows anyone to run thier own life. I love how you give credit to original authors on your website rather than rewriting the material as yours. Big ups for that...much more effective. Several ideas have come to mind such as creating a network of homeless shelters, hostels, churches, cozy bridges, and possibly even an anonymous listing of "friends of the cause." This would enable people like me to hit the road with more confidence in what lies ahead and allow for more people to do good by supporting messengers of "The Cause." Maybe that would go against "having faith in humanity's generousity" but what it would do is blow the lid on how to experience it for yourself. I don't need that for my personal journey but if you could prove how easy it would be, then more will take part. I would like to meet with you in person sometime for further discussion on actions that need to be taken. If we aren't working together, WE aren't working!

I noticed your myspace barely cracked a hundred friends...this is the most powerful networking tool out best believe I will be using that to my advantage with my travels. You tube! I searched for you on youtube and nothing. I would love to come down to powell and 82nd or wherever you are at when we can find a time to meet and if you would like, I have a video camera you could use if you want. Your story needs to be told and available for viewing...the internet is ready, are you? I do not want any credit whatsoever for the filming or posting of this...I just want people to go to your website and read. Let me know what you think about this idea.

I have a mass amount of Hip Hop knowledge, mostly of the revolutionary sort, and I will be compiling a soundtrack that has helped shape my philosophical stance. As far as my own music goes, I have a few tracks written but not recorded yet. I am more of a freestyle artist where I seem to go into a trance of rhyme and it only really works when I'm speaking the truth. Your cause is something that will fill the breaks of my art for years to come. I've already started a track titled titled, "Victor Antonio (from San Antonio)." You are a catalyst! I'll get you some lyrics soon.

If you truly believe in your cause, I see no reason why you wouldn't do the interview with KBOO. They will let you say anything you want to a mass audience...imagine the possibilities. The media can be your friend. Corporations can help you...keep your friends close and your enemies closer. The more people who support the cause, the more credibility you will gain...the more credibility you gain, the more the masses will agree with you! This is the circle you must run on if your job is to be complete. I do not think your crazy, actually you are probably the most sane person I have ever met. I've been pumping your website to all my friends back home and they are with you. The world is with you, they are ready!

Please feel free to email me if you ever need a meal, a ride, a place to stay, money, some bud, or just someone to talk to. You are one of the few of us that are not crazy. The clarity I've felt lately is unmatched by any other mindstate I've experienced...and that's not the weed talkin'! Peace till next time my friend. I'll be back in Portland next Friday and I hope we can find time to chat.


Justin Danjer

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