

 From :  
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Subject :    
Re: truths..  
Date :    
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 02:09:53 EST  
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This is what I first thought about each quote.

1.  LOL!!!! luv it! so true!
2.  That is true as well.  I have 2 friends like that.  I count myself luck.  How many people actually have that?
3.  uh... to many takes things... it confused my small not-going-to-work-for-you-tonight-because-you-are-going-to-make-me-think-tomarrow-for-school mind.
4.  I pay attention more than people think I do mixed with "Wow! Sawyer is my friends last name to!"
5.  True.  To bad people have to go along with the big popular rich people.  If we all were ourselves the world would be more interesting.  
OH OH! I have to insert a theory here!  Tell me if I am wrong.  The people that are most interesting are artists that live alone in a great big house and socialise very little.  Why do they not socalize?  Perhaps it is because they showed there individuality and that is why they were shunned.  Yes shunned for not "fitting in."  The just kept getting excluded and excluded that they had put up so many barriers that they just withdrew from people.  To get away from the pain.  They think that no one cares about how they think, act, imagine, or any of the like so why should they care for other people?  Why should they show love, concern, and feelings when all they recieved was neglect, verbal abuse, and turned down.  They just show that right back.  They might mean it on the outside and they think "Why shouldn't that person feel a little of the hurt I felt?"  Deep down they are nice people.  Society has made them bitter and secluded.
Anyway I hope that made sence.  Now back to the topic at hand.
6.  It does.
7.  Why try to get a goal when no one seems to care if you do achieve it?
8.  Not true
9.  True.  Wisdome comes with experience and age.
10. The world would be so much more interesting....
11.  uh not sure if I can lean either way with this one.
12.  A man with no imagination is most likely a math genius!
13.  I'm good at pretending.
14.  I'm a kluts so does that mean I have faulty courage?
15.  I like this quote!
16.  I like imagination!  It can be fun!  Especially during math class.
17.  Huh?
18.  True
19.  Can't lean either way with this one either.
20.       "                                            "
21.  My b/f should read this one...
22.  I am responsible when I wanna be....
23.  I have to disagree
24.  Huh?
25.  Oh how I can relate with that one!
26.  True
27.  It is?
28.  Trust your gut? No thanks!  I'll just keep trusting my heart & soul!
29.  So true!!!! I know many people who need to read this one!
30.  I still have some left?
31.  I say use a snake... Mouse traps are to cruel.
32.  I don't like mistakes.... They just hurt those I care about.... then why do I keep making them?  Have I set my standards to high?
33.  Success can be bought these days....
34.  Yeah but soon those greedy bastards will be taxing us for the air we breath!
35.  Stuff does "just happen" and we have to "just overcome" them.
36.  What is it with all this success bullshit?  Didn't I already state it was phony?
37.  Defeat?  What is that?  No one is better than me!  Just more experienced.
38.  I like rain... its so blue yet gray, light yet heavy, relaxing yet sad, peacefull yet disruptive.  You can't get so many contradictions on very many things.
39.  Once a goal is achieved then there is always the feeling of "that was interesing but what am I supposed to do now..."
40.  Not always
41.  What?
42.  True
43.  How do you live up to a name?
44.  Hey!  What about the daughter!!!
45.  True...
46.  Huh?
47.  I'm a big picture person... I don't like all the little shit but I can do it.
48.  Only in the perfect world...
49.  I totally agree!!!!!
50.  That is also so true!!!!
51.  True
52.  Yes
53.  Yes but other people won't even glance at the whole thing.
54.  Have to agree
55.  Huh?
56.  Not really
57.  But I get in trouble that way...
58.  I like that one!!!!
59.  True!!!!
60.  That is also true.
61.  sometimes
62.  I know people that need to know that.
63.  If the old works just fine why change it?
64.  True
65.  lol i have to laugh at that one
66.  huh?
67.  Yes the art of manipulation
68.  Yep.  Its just manipulating them into the same boat is the tricky part.
69.  uh.... Me no comprende
70.  true.
71.  Yeah they could give a damn about the individual.
72.  really?
73.  uh... not comprehending that one right now...
74.  I know people who need that one!
75.  true
76.  i have to agree
77.  I like this Keith Davis person
78.  true
79.  true but they don't care about the person as long as the job gets done....
80.  yeah....

*yawn*  It is late.  Time for bed.  I will finish the rest tomarrow  

From :  
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Subject :    
(no subject)  
Date :    
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 00:30:10 EST  
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i just want to ask you one question first,why america supply all the higest powerfull weapon to israel to kill inocent palestanian young children & women's. for america there is no humanity for muslim children's & women, if america is the supar power in the world if america want to bring the peace in palestine they can but no they don't want that. why bin laden and other terrorist pick on america just because they backing up israel to kill muslim people. america supplied weapon to IRAQ in 80's to fight with IRAN they didnt stop then but now when it's come to their own shoulder it's time for weapon of mass let me know what you think of this.

From :  
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Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 00:52:05 EST  
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First off I would like to say I really like your screen names.  So true.  The world would be better off without money.

Now for the relpy... I'm sorry to hear about your new living conditions.  Anywho... your whole no car thing... I don't think It would work out here quiet yet.  Its in the outskirts of town.  In fact, about 7 years ago it was mostly farm land.  This used to be considered to be "out in the country" Yet, due to the ever growing population of snobby rich people wanting to leave the big noisy city, our quiet little area has been over run.  Stupid over population and no one carring about fixing up the fucked up inner city! Damn them!  
Humf you said if they want cars to send them to the country... No just exterminate them for all I care!  Just don't get me to crowed by sending those pricks out here!  I have been known to bite at random to those who crowd me! Heh back to the bus subject. (Sorry I get side tracked easily... Oh and I'm not morbid. *insert cheesy grin here*)  
It wouldn't work because there isnt to many bus stops out here yet and it would make it so my life would be wrapped in this tight little schedule. (I can barely handle the High School schedule. ^_^;)  It would work better if I lived in a big city or something but not out here.
A party on the bus.... I wouldn't have any objections to that!  Just one thing I have to object about it.... The alcohol.  Not that I am against it or anything cuz I am guilty of drinking under age.  
(Its not like I get drunk!  I have only been tipsy.  Never drunk.  Why barf your guts out, pass out, can't remember any fun you had, and have a bad hang over when you can be tipsy ((which is the best feeling)), still have some common sense ((that way you don't have much worry about some jack off "friend of a friend" fucking you while your unconsious)), and laugh as your drunk friends make total asses out of themselves!)
Its just that you could get in a lot of trouble if minors got some.  With some teens looking like they could be 25 and false ids how could you tell?  Just restict it to close friends?  How is that a party?

This would be a great idea if you could only get it to fly...

You can use this quote if you don't already have it.... I just don't know who originally said it.  I just like it and use it.

Wow!  A long e-mail!  Dosen't quite rival yours though.... lol!

"There is nothing to fear but fear itself"


have i scared you yet?


From :  
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Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 21:06:00 EST  
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Reply when you get the chance.  No hurries.

You will all die!


This useless bit of inoformation is brought to you by:

From :  
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Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 00:31:16 EST  
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why thank you!
most people find my dark humor rather.... not funny.  we think alot alike.  how old are u? just out of curiosity.  

From :  
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Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 23:32:49 EST  
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You will have to show me them sometime.  Its rather amusing!  So how has life been treating you?  Hope all is well!

"Better to riegn in Hell,
Than serve in Heaven"



From :  
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Subject :    
Re: my great idea..  
Date :    
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 08:47:07 EST  
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These are the only screen names I have seen.  Yep I like them.
Anyway i'm 16.  Such fun.... not really but that is ok. I have no time! I will reply to the other e-mails when I find time. Laterz!

Heads off to you!


From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Re: whats up bj..  
Date :    
Sun, 8 Dec 2002 19:01:32 -0800 (PST)  
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what the fuck are you talking about?
what plan? i don't live at the same address, I have a
new house with my band. i dont know if im comfortable
with your plans unless, I'm aware of what you're

are you crazy? because maybe you shouldnt be or



From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Date :    
Mon, 9 Dec 2002 12:17:08 -0800 (PST)  
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i'd prefer not. and trust me, you'd prefer not as well.


From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Date :    
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 08:44:31 -0800 (PST)  
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Trendy thinking? California ruined me? You fucking
punch drunk semi coherant clod. If anything California
would have made me more open minded towards your
outlandish bullshit dream. Follower? No motherfucker.
A follower would be me thinking you're the cross eyed
fag that got up off his knee pad clad knees and hung
the moon, but I'm not going to buy into your drivel,
homo, I'm going to continue kicking you in the neck
until you realize you need to try something new with
your life you fucking waste of a hip thrust, you cock
sneeze without a purpose.

Call Chasity a bitch, go ahead, I'm just pointing out
how you're a hyporcite. Next time you sleep on her
porch or next time she lets you do something at her
house or next time she does your laundry just keep in
mind, you're her bitch, my bitch and everyone elses
bitch you fucking spineaphobe without a cause.

Make all the doubters feel like retards soon? See fag,
you don't even have the correct vernacular to "change
the world", mentally handicap people, such as
yourself, are people too. You can't go segregating
them just because they're slow, or you'd be long gone
by now, Poncho. You're not gonna change SHIT. Not a
god damn thing. Do everyone a favor and hike your
oafish self into the woods and never return.

And yeah. I warned all your phish, maybe that'll speed
your disapearing process, Sherman.

-Your fucking master


From :    
brian <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Tue, 10 Dec 2002 00:17:39 -0800 (PST)  
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Alright listen mother fucker.

You think you're going to sit back on your new found
homemade morals and attempt to guilt trip me into
taking a journey down crazy lane with your naive

Allow me to bend you over my motherfucking knee and
snap your Jacob's Ladder of a spine like a Slim Jim,

First off. You're living a pipe dream, a hoax a
motherfucking justification for why you're in the
position that you're in, in life. You've done it for
years and now is no different. You're poor, you have
no car, you lost your girlfriend, so now you need to
justify your existance.

Hey you ride the bus! Good for you! It doesn't make it
the end all "thing" that everyone NEEDS to do in order
to make the world a better place. I ride the bus every
single day, it's a pointless function. If everyone on
the planet switched to riding buses you'd have as much
pollution, prices would be raised to match what car
manufacturers were losing on car sales. Oh what? You
don't think automobile companies wouldn't jump ship
and switch to bus campaigns? Oh wait. You wanna
eliminate money because you don't have any. Ok. Say we
do that. Who's going to drive a bus and WANT to get
paid with generosity? Possibly a few people, but
enough to supply the world with bus drivers? Pipe
dream you Down Syndrome having clod. What about, bus
boys, ditch diggers, janitors, sanitation engineers,
garbage men, dry wall layers, on and on and on, you
think these people wanna work off generosity?

I think you're reading into NOFX a bit much, maybe if
you got the overall message of having fun and doing
what you love you wouldn't be swinging by Fat Mike's
nut like a love struck school girl, fag. Jesus you've
grown into a self loathing nerd, and you expect me to
hop onto your crazy train and try and enjoy the ride?
Fuck you. Shall I continue?

Sure why the fuck not, you pot smoking half baked half
brained dork. Trying to justify being lazy and stupid,
how fucking lovely.

Let's see here. First you preach, world peace, then
you refer to your exgirlfriend as "bitch
exgirlfriend", hypocracy won't get you anywhere.

I find it funny how you're supposidly doing all of
this for the "world" and you've been quoted as saying
"Nobel Peace Prize Here I Come" twice. You don't give
a fuck about this bullshit that you're preaching, I
had those ideas when I was 4, everyone did, its naive
and it's already failed the planet once before. Ever
hear of Barter?

Take me off your mailing list, I don't give a flying
butt fuck with your buck toothed momma if you got
fired from your job because you got caught smoking on
school ground you common sense inept tool. Just shut
the fuck up already, get your life together and stop
blaming your inadequacies on other people you finger
pointing brain flaw. Whoever's in charge of common
sense in your empty ass Herman's Head needs to be
woken up because you're grasp on reality is slipping
faster than the Titanic on its maiden voyage you nut
in a nutshell.

Don't preach your bullshit to me, if I wanted to hear
a bunch of hot air, I'd uppercut cork like head from
your slumped over shoulders and watch you sail away
like the gayest air born retard this side of the
western hemisphere, Corky.

Money Sucks DLCK, give it a rest already. Still
stealing AOL accounts, how fucking sad you turned out
to be. Call me a sellout again and I'll lynch your
inflated ego from your war torn asshole and slam fuck
it infront of you, you hear me bitch?


From :    
brian <>  
To :    
joe mama <>  
Subject :    
Date :    
Wed, 11 Dec 2002 00:48:12 -0800 (PST)  
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you know and i know that i could fucking destroy you
bitch. worship NOFX all you want, remember who got you
into them. little penis? backs his shit up? how about
this, if i ever see you again, I will fuck you up.
cool? cool. don't email back you fuckwit, you're
worthless, you've always been worthless. You're lazy,
stupid, talentless and a the epitomy of an
invertebrate, I hope you die due to your stupidity and
I hope it's soon.

K-fanx. This is over. End Transmission. I'm killing
this email addy tonight Buh bye my owned little bitch!
Haha you went crazy because Chasity is the only girl
that will EVER have anything to do with you and now
she's gone HAHAHAHAHAHAH! Bob fucked your friend
because you're crazy HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You're all alone!


Goodbye forever you insane faggot.


From :    
sherice ceco <>  
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Date :    
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 10:54:59 -0800 (PST)  
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victor is this you?


From :    
"Ada Torres" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Mi queridísimo Hijo,  
Date :    
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 14:49:13 -0600  
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Mi queridísimo HIJO,

No he sabido de ti desde el día de Navidad.  POR FAVOR, enseguida que leas ésto, escríbeme para que me digas cómo te encuentras, qué has hecho, dónde estás, etc.  Ahora recuerdo que si me has escrito no lo he recibido pues tengo el Hotmail en "exclusive filter", y había borrado tu dirección después que me mandaste aquellos e-mails insultantes.  Ya puse la dirección "writeprotect" otra vez.  También puedes escribirme a


Le pido todo el tiempo a DIOS que te proteja y te lleve siempre "en la palma de Su mano".  Recibe todo mi AMOR.  Que Dios te bendiga SIEMPRE.


(Mañana pienso sacar un número (800) para que puedas llamarme cuando lo desees.)


From :    
sherice ceco <>  
Reply-To :  
To :    
"joe mama" <>  
Subject :    
Re: victor?  
Date :    
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 09:36:29 -0800 (PST)  
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yo victor
sorry i didnt respond i was in the shower
you're already in SF?  wtf man thats fuckin badass
you made it faster than a fuckin greyhound bus

write me back and tell me whats up



From :    
"Ada Torres" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
De Mamá con AMOR  
Date :    
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 18:18:04 -0600  
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En esa noche de Año Viejo (2002) lee este poema con detenimiento y te hará pensar mucho en mi.  Muchos besos...  Mamá

El Brindis del Bohemio

En torno de una mesa de cantina una noche de invierno, regocijadamente departían seis alegres bohemios.

Los ecos de sus risas se escapaban y de aquel barrio quieto, iban a interumpir el imponente y profundo silencio.

El humo de olorosos cigarrillos en espirales se elevaba al cielo, simbolizando al resolverse en nada, la vida de los sueños.

Pero en todos los labios había risas, inspiración en todos los cerebros  y repartidas en las mesa, copas pletóricas de ron, whisky y ajenjo.      

Era curioso ver aquel conjunto, aquel grupde bohemios, del que brotaba la palabra chusca, la que vierte veneno, lo mismo que melosa y delicada la música de un verso.

A cada nueva libación la penas hallábanse más lejos y nueva inspiración llegaba a todos los cerebros, con el idilio roto que venía en alas del recuerdo.

Olvidaba decir que aquella noche aquel grupo bohemio, celebraba entre risas, libaciones, chascarrillos y versos, la agonía de un año que amarguras dejó en todos sus pechos y la llegada, consecuencia lógica, del feliz año nuevo.

Una voz varonil dijo de pronto, "¡Las doce, compañeros!  Digamos el "requiescat" por el año que ha pasado a formar entre los muertos.  

¡Brindemos por el año que comienza, porque nos traiga ensueños, porque no sea su equipaje un cúmulo de amargos desconsuelos!

"Brindo", dijo otra voz, "Por la esperanza que a la vida nos lanza a vencer los rigores del destino; por la esperanza, nuestra dulce amiga, que las penas mitiga y convierte en vergel nuestro camino.

Brindo, porque ya hubiese a mi existencia, puesto fin con violencia esgrimiendo en mi frente mi venganza; si en mi cielo de tul limpio y divino no alumbrara mi sino una pálida estrella: mi esperanza..."

"¡Bravo!', dijeron todos, "Inspirado has estado y hablaste breve, bueno y substancioso.  El turno es de Raúl, alce su copa y brinde por "Europa", ya que su extranjerismo es delicioso."

"Bebo y brindo", clamó el interpelado, "Brindo por mi pasado, que fue de amor, de luz y de alegría; en el que hubo mujeres seductoras y frentes soñadoras que se juntaron con la frente mía."  

"Brindo por el ayer que en la amargura que hoy cubre de negrura mi corazón, esparce sus consuelos trayendo hasta mi mente las dulzuras de goces, de ternuras, de dichas, de deliquios, de desvelos."

"Yo brindo", dijo Juan, "Porque en mi mente brote un torrente de inspiración divina y seductora...porque vibre en las cuerdas de mi lira, el verso que suspira, que sonríe, que canta y que enamora.

Brindo porque mis versos, cual saetas, lleguen hasta las grietas formadas de metal y de granito, del corazón de la mujer ingrata, que a desdenes me mata...¡Pero que tiene un cuerpo muy bonito!  

Porque a su corazón llegue mi canto; porque enjuguen mi llanto sus manos que me causan embelesos; porque con creces mi pasión me pague...¡Vamos; porque me embriague con el divino néctar de sus besos!"

Siguió la tempestad de frases vanas, de aquellas tan humanas que hallan en todas partes acomodo y en cada frase de entusiasmo ardiente, hubo ovación creciente y libaciones y reir y...todo.

Se brindó por la patria, por las flores, por los castos amores que hacen un valladar de una ventana y por esas pasiones voluptuosas que el fango del placer llena de rosas y hacen de la mujer la cortesana."

Sólo faltaba un brindis, el de Arturo, el del bohemio puro de noble corazón y gran cabeza.  Aquél que sin ambages declaraba, que sólo ambicionaba robarle inspiración a la tristeza.

Por todos estrechado, alzó su copa frente a la alegre tropa desbordante de risa y de contento.  Los inundó en la luz de su mirada, sacudió su melena alborotada y dijo así con inspirado acento,

"Brindo por la mujer, mas no por esa en la que halláis consuelo en la tristeza...Rescoldo del placer...¡Desventurados!  no por esa que os brinda sus hechizos cuando besáis sus rizos artificiosamente perfumados.

Yo no brindo por ella compañeros; siento por esta vez no complaceros.  Brindo por la mujer, pero por una...Por la que me brindó sus embelesos y me envolvió en sus besos...Por la mujer que me arrulló en la cuna.

Por la mujer que me enseñó de niño lo que es el cariño exquisito, profundo y verdadero.  Por la mujer que me arrulló en sus brazos y que me dio en pedazos, uno por uno el corazón entero.

¡Por mi Madre bohemios!  Por la anciana que piensa en el mañana, como en algo muy dulce y muy deseado.  Porque sueña tal vez, que mi destino me señale el camino por el que volveré pronto a su lado.

Por la anciana adorada y bendecida; por la que con su sangre me dio vida y ternura y cariño; por la que fue la luz del alma mía y lloró de alegría, sintiendo mi cabeza en su corpiño.


Por ella brindo yo; dejad que llore y en lágrimas desflore esta pena letal que me asesina.  Dejad que brinde por mi madre ausente, por la que llora y siente que mi ausencia es un fuego que calcina.

Por la anciana infeliz que gime y llora y que del cielo implora que vuelva yo muy pronto a estar con ella.  ¡Por mi MADRE, bohemios, que es dulzura vertida en mi amargura y que de mis negras noches es...estrella!

El bohemio calló...Ningún acento profanó el sentimiento nacido del dolor y la ternura y pareció que sobre aquel ambiente brotaba inmensamente, un poema de amor y de amargura.

                                                                                                   Guillermo Aguirre y Fierro


From :    
"Ada Torres" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: Mi queridísimo Hijo,  
Date :    
Mon, 30 Dec 2002 16:49:10 -0600  
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¡GRACIAS A DIOS!  Ahora tengo más paz mental al saber que todo te está yendo bien.  Sabes cómo y cuánto te quiero y a pesar de que te regaño y a veces no tolero tus cosas, te echo mucho de menos.  Cuídate mucho, ten mucho cuidado al escoger en quién confías tus cosas, pues en el fondo eres muy noble de corazón y tiendes a creerle muchas cosas a gente extraña.  

Mañana es el día de despedida de año.  Creo que estaré completamente sola pues Laura, Carlitos y Diana estarán en Houston y Luisito estará con su papá. Mañana por la noche, trata de usar el celular de alguna de tus nuevas amistades (si tienen minutos gratis) y enseguida te regreso la llamada.  Si no, llama aunque sea "collect".  De todos modos escríbeme.  Como siempre, le pido a Dios que te tenga cerca de su corazón en todo momento, según SIEMPRE lo ha hecho.  Recibe mi bendición.  Te adora,


hola mama,

> i am doing sooo good. not only did i get to california for
>free in 2 days, I AM IN SAN FRANCISCO already!!!

From :    
"Ada Torres" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Queridísimo Vic,  
Date :    
Tue, 31 Dec 2002 15:11:08 -0600  
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Queridísimo Vic,

Anoche, después que te envié una notita, llamaste "collect".  Acepté la llamada pero cuando traté de hablar, se cortó.  No se qué pudo haber pasado pero pienso que es culpa del teléfono de aqui.  hoy pienso comprara otra batería.  Me preocupé pero como era de teléfono público, no podía comunicarme.  Todavía no tengo el 1-800 para que así puedas llamar a bajo costo. Espero me llames esta noche.  ¡QUE DIOS TE BENDIGA!



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