DisarmDubyuhBush: interesting emails
HAHA l MADE IT: makes sense right?
HAHA l MADE IT: thank you
DisarmDubyuhBush: yeah. a bit long though
DisarmDubyuhBush: i read the whole thing yesterday
DisarmDubyuhBush: but im not good at reading quote emails...i get bored with those
HAHA l MADE IT: patience is virtue
HAHA l MADE IT: which one did you read yesterday?
HAHA l MADE IT: my story?
DisarmDubyuhBush: the trip
DisarmDubyuhBush: i actually went back into the chat afterwards
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, that wasnt the first time i tried going to cali..the first time i didnt even get out of texas
HAHA l MADE IT: i got a couple other good stories, both true
HAHA l MADE IT: wanna check em out?
DisarmDubyuhBush: cause i was thinking...damn thats the first good email i ever get on this screenname
DisarmDubyuhBush: yeah sure
DisarmDubyuhBush: ill read em
HAHA l MADE IT: cool
HAHA l MADE IT: there you go
HAHA l MADE IT: did you get my instructions for freedom email?
HAHA l MADE IT: there you go, in case you didnt
DisarmDubyuhBush: hmm let me see
DisarmDubyuhBush: yeah i got true story, spill the beans, and 5 more right now
HAHA l MADE IT: ok cool, thats the bulk of my stuff
DisarmDubyuhBush: ever think of putting it as a site?
HAHA l MADE IT: oh yeah, just havent had the time to learn how to do it..
HAHA l MADE IT: but soon
DisarmDubyuhBush: its easy peasy
DisarmDubyuhBush: heh. i can do it if ya want
DisarmDubyuhBush: free
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, i knew the html basics back in the day...but ive been too busy typing up chapters
HAHA l MADE IT: i just need a refresher..
DisarmDubyuhBush: right on.
HAHA l MADE IT: actually, some help would be cool..
DisarmDubyuhBush: sure. i can set it up with tripod or something
HAHA l MADE IT: where in town do you live?
DisarmDubyuhBush: or even banner free with aol
DisarmDubyuhBush: heh
DisarmDubyuhBush: close to 1604 and potranco
HAHA l MADE IT: hell, the more the merrier, both
DisarmDubyuhBush: i guess this is nw
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, i live close to 1604/bandera
HAHA l MADE IT: if you have any spare time, would you wanna get together and plan some shit out
DisarmDubyuhBush: yeah sure. weekends or weeknights
HAHA l MADE IT: cool
DisarmDubyuhBush: im about to drop my accounting class so ill have nights free agian
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah fuck school
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe
DisarmDubyuhBush: actually its a majors switch
HAHA l MADE IT: cool, do you have a car?
DisarmDubyuhBush: hehe barely
DisarmDubyuhBush: my new nickname for it is el caballo verde but its kind of an inside joke i guess
HAHA l MADE IT: what? does it have green bird shit all over it?
DisarmDubyuhBush: i don't suppose white horse means anything in english right?
DisarmDubyuhBush: well here's the short story
HAHA l MADE IT: oh, i misread that i thought you said cabello
DisarmDubyuhBush: my uncle (by law) has this super old white car
DisarmDubyuhBush: i think its like a datsun or something
DisarmDubyuhBush: they call it the white horse
DisarmDubyuhBush: its like it takes a beating and somehow keeps going
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, i had a car like that..delivered pizza in it for years
DisarmDubyuhBush: and if it were up here no way would it be legal
HAHA l MADE IT: what?
DisarmDubyuhBush: but yet he's had this car since like 76 and its still going somehow
DisarmDubyuhBush: all beaten up
HAHA l MADE IT: crazy
HAHA l MADE IT: cars suck
DisarmDubyuhBush: so anyway mine is ending up like that
HAHA l MADE IT: im happy walking and riding the bus
HAHA l MADE IT: so much cheaper
DisarmDubyuhBush: i'm sure once i get out of debt i'll join the walk and ride the bus club.
DisarmDubyuhBush: actually i don't mind walking
HAHA l MADE IT: cool
DisarmDubyuhBush: i just do it less here in sa
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, its the secret to life..
HAHA l MADE IT: why is everyone in such a hurry?
DisarmDubyuhBush: in a hurry to die i guess.
HAHA l MADE IT: i suppose, and theyre gonna take everyone with them too
DisarmDubyuhBush: yeah my plan was to get out of debt and then move out of the country once i do that
DisarmDubyuhBush: but who knows i just might join your crusade
DisarmDubyuhBush: heh
HAHA l MADE IT: shweet
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, i considered staying in cali
DisarmDubyuhBush: of course they'll probably ship me off to cuba for it
HAHA l MADE IT: but, i wanna make everywhere like the west coast
DisarmDubyuhBush: i've never been. but i have traveled quite a bit
DisarmDubyuhBush: i put just a few pics up on my site
DisarmDubyuhBush: if ya want to check it out
DisarmDubyuhBush: www.adkenc.com
HAHA l MADE IT: hold up
DisarmDubyuhBush: ok. as i'm holding i guess ill start reading too
HAHA l MADE IT: ok, im black..
HAHA l MADE IT: err..-l
DisarmDubyuhBush: ?
HAHA l MADE IT: correcting the typo, get it..minus L
HAHA l MADE IT: sorry attempt at a little humor
DisarmDubyuhBush: badabing badaboom. sorry i was kind of in the reading mode and im like huh?
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah, ta tung ching
HAHA l MADE IT: read on if you want
DisarmDubyuhBush: right-o. ill tell you about my one jail experience sometime. but ill be back in a bit
HAHA l MADE IT: dude, when did it snow in sa?
HAHA l MADE IT: i mean, last i remember it was like 84 or 85
DisarmDubyuhBush: that was barely snow but i figured it counts
DisarmDubyuhBush: a few weeks ago
HAHA l MADE IT: no shit
DisarmDubyuhBush: end of january
DisarmDubyuhBush: its like oh shit we're already in march
DisarmDubyuhBush: oh well..still a few weeks ago
HAHA l MADE IT: hey, since its friday, the owner of this account is probably trying to get on it and cant since i made this sub account...so let me give you my aim sn..in case this sn dies
DisarmDubyuhBush: k
HAHA l MADE IT: now, acccept it..its not a porn im
DisarmDubyuhBush: ::blocks porn::
DisarmDubyuhBush: i'm about to head out anywho
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: alright man, drive carefully
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: peace in the middle east
DisarmDubyuhBush: ciao
DisarmDubyuhBush: still alive?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: for now..
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: are they coming for me?
DisarmDubyuhBush: so i guess my jail experience was shorter than yours
DisarmDubyuhBush: but equal in that both for stupid reasons
DisarmDubyuhBush: heh. the feds just may be coming for you
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lol, type up the story dude
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, but im not doing anything wrong
DisarmDubyuhBush: i'm sure they'd come up with some bullshit
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: they wouldve contacted me a long time ago, i hope
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: all they would have to do is let me know theyre onto me
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and i would back off
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, ive been through my bouts with paranoia
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but i take comfort in the fact that if i was assasinated, it would only expedite my mission
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: everyone will wanna know what the guy who died for the world wrote
DisarmDubyuhBush: you know what quote i ran into recently that i liked
DisarmDubyuhBush: i take it you know who che guevara is right?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, from cuba and stuff
DisarmDubyuhBush: ok. well i was watching this video about his life because i had always heard all this stuff bu never really knew anything about him
DisarmDubyuhBush: and one of the quotes i liked was
DisarmDubyuhBush: there is nothing worse than the feeling of having wasted time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: right on
DisarmDubyuhBush: ....i guess thats how its best translated
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i feel like ive known the things i do for years
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just never came out and said em
DisarmDubyuhBush: yeah. i guess thats the trick
DisarmDubyuhBush: writing it down and pointing it out to others
DisarmDubyuhBush: the hard part is making it to where they take it and learn from it instead of memorizing it
DisarmDubyuhBush: and quoting it
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i tell people that the dangers of cars became apparent to me after my head injuries..but ive always thought this stuff
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dont remember going through any pain in my accidents
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: right on
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just like people who think they like a certain band, right after they memorize the lyrics to the songs
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but at first, when they didnt know it by heart, they thought it sucked
DisarmDubyuhBush: or movies, or comedians
DisarmDubyuhBush: or most anything
DisarmDubyuhBush: i guess its a pet peave i just have to deal with most of the time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i dunno, maybe after listening to stuff, it can grow on you
DisarmDubyuhBush: it happens.
DisarmDubyuhBush: wierd thing, i never thought of getting stuff through aol
DisarmDubyuhBush: (topic switch)
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats where it all started for meeh
DisarmDubyuhBush: i've done the irc, the p2p, the ftp, the astalavistas and the crack.nets
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: right on
DisarmDubyuhBush: yet for some reason aol chats is the last place i'd have thought
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah..its just everywhere
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: you cant stop bytes
DisarmDubyuhBush: i guess it makes sense. porn and piracy seem to go together in the digital world
DisarmDubyuhBush: and i get porn ims all the time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: yeah, i started out on phish
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: aka compromised aol accounts
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and aol is never gonna do shit about it
DisarmDubyuhBush: so YOU're the one that was taking over my account that day!
DisarmDubyuhBush: i was cracking up cause my pw used to be password
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: lol, only if you were dumb enough to have a password
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ha yeah thats what i was gonna say
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh yeah, my HAHA I MADE IT sn died earlier
DisarmDubyuhBush: just cause i thought fuck it its the first thing that came to mind i dont have time to deal with this shit hurry up and give me the name already
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: bulk mailing
DisarmDubyuhBush: just a speedbump though, eh?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: not even that
DisarmDubyuhBush: ok ok one of those annoying speedbumps that are not even worse than potholes
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, when i massmail the sa rooms to send my shit out, i collect the names manually since i know my keyboard shortcuts
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so i have this big list of sa sn's
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: that fit perfectly into my password cracker..
DisarmDubyuhBush: hmm...::changes screenname::
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: now, if i have a surplus, i put a few on my buddylist and when they sign on i IM them and warn them to change their password
DisarmDubyuhBush: just kidding
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: just to be nice
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: gotta offset the bad karma ya know..
DisarmDubyuhBush: i honestly don't even remember the pw for this one since the change
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: ill tell you
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hehe, just kidding
DisarmDubyuhBush: damn...i was hoping for a refresher
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hey, have you scored any donations off your page?
DisarmDubyuhBush: nope
DisarmDubyuhBush: i think most people take it as a joke
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how long have you had that up?
DisarmDubyuhBush: but i figure it can't hurt to try
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats right, never hurts to ask
DisarmDubyuhBush: i haven't had adkenc.com too long
DisarmDubyuhBush: but i used to have it on tripod
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: how much did that domain name run ya?
DisarmDubyuhBush: and i had it there for about 2 weeks
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: and why did you pick that?
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: does it have anything to do with that adkens diet thing
DisarmDubyuhBush: heh. no
DisarmDubyuhBush: hi, i'm adken
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh, i see
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i was wondering what your name was
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: damn, victor.com is already taken
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: its some soccer thing
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so is victory.com
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: www.spoilthevictor.com
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: hmm, i want www.stu.com
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: see, back before i got a computer, i used to always play killer instinct with my roommates...when you win it asks you to put your initials...now S, T and U are consecutive letters in the alphabet, so i would just put that
DisarmDubyuhBush: oh um yeah back agian
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: then, when i got on aol and started stealing accounts, i needed a handle
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: so naturally, it just stuck
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i even named my dog stu
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: stuart
DisarmDubyuhBush: heh
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my bitch exgf took him to florida though
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: but hey adkens, i think im gonna crash dude, im tired
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: i have to get motivated to type up my book tomorrow
DisarmDubyuhBush: ok. but no s
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: no what?
DisarmDubyuhBush: :-)
DisarmDubyuhBush: adken
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: oh i get it
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: haha the adkens diet
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: thats why i put the s
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: my bad
DisarmDubyuhBush: sleep well...see you next time
SUCK A DOGS DlCK: peace out dawg
DisarmDubyuhBush: ciao
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