


Tuesday August 12, 2003


  • I'm in People's Park. I'm talking to Donovan. I walked by and asked him if he had any marijuana he could smoke with me. He said no and asked to read my sign. I let him read it and I just told him my whole California story. He says that he channels spirits, too. So, let's see if anything cool happens.

        Donovan: "I got a bunch of little pieces. I don't know if you want me to explain them, but I'll give you the little pieces I got. One thing I got was an image and that was life is a dance you do, or something like that. I get an image of you spinning things and when they come together and orbit around each other and spin off in another direction. So, it's a dance you do and both come away changed expanding a new sense of value. A new sense of openness, like becoming open to new ideas. The other thing I got was sexual, because you mentioned you would like a girlfriend.
         You have been living very much in the flow. That's great. That's amazing, the level of surrender and detachment and trust that shows a great example. That's an art. Bring in goal-setting as well. There is passive and also the active, so it's like you're being carried by the current and you are choosing the flow that feels good to you. Flowing easily with the current, as you do and being in the right place at the right time, as you are. You're obviously already doing that. And, at the same time you can also pick goals. It can be anything. It can be to have that traveling partner you yearn for, to strengthen an emotion within yourself. Like the Buddhist. They talked about instead of getting rid of anger, you practice loving thoughts and the more you practice loving thoughts, the more you get out of love. There are those kinds of goals, as well. Physical goals, or health goals. And as you set that goal, you are visualizing that positive future and that becomes like a magnet that gives the universe instructions on how to set things up down the road for you to get what you want. So you'll both be flowing with the current and actively acting as well. Which you are already doing."

        Victor: "I still feel like I'm responsible for every decision I make. Everyone else thinks something is guiding me. I'm guiding myself. I might spot a coincidence that could be viewed as a sign, but me being out there not planning anything only improves the odds that these happen. Life is but a simple number's game. I'm playing the odds. I, solely, am deciding to act or not. I've figured this out on my own. I didn't need to read any book to realize these facts. They are self-evident. I do set long-term goals. Like this whole world peace project. I do plan to return to San Antonio, even though I've been considering not because of this email my mom sent me proving to me that she hasn't learned anything from all my trials. She's still ignorant. I've always thought San Antonio is my hometown. That's where it all started. I know it like the back of my hand. Antonio is my middle name. I will always return there. I wrote her back and told her I didn't need to stay at her house. I've got my network of friends around town. I would still love to go back, though. To tell everyone what I've been doing. I'm not going to leave Berkeley until I get my sign to leave. I'm still gonna wait for that."

        Donovan: "I also get that there's more in you like the talents that you have yet to discover. It might be tough. You might even find it challenging to integrate. That with the preface of one forgiver, you might start to get directions to extend your self-image to hold more of those talents."

        Donovan: "Greetings Victor. Greetings from Jaiwa. It is a pleasure to speak with one who is so open to being a channel. To being a creative channel and to doing work that we are so eager to contribute here in terms of new ideas, in terms of a newer way of being, to be an example of that way of being in a new life. In terms of grounding those ideas and the actions in the physical plane, as you are. We would like to recognize you for this work. For these actions. And we would also like to acknowledge you as one who is on the leading edge in many ways. And, to acknowledge your great soul. To acknowledge the leader that you are."

        Victor: "It is completely my pleasure."

        Donovan: "In terms of what is an important message for you at this time, we can share that one area is the honing or is the continuous integrating of and experiencing of one's power and becoming that power, which can be called aggression. Honing that power and that ability to radiate, to be all you can as a continuing process. So, you can say that there is treasure in the belly and in the emotion. As the power in the emotion, as the power and in the belly for projecting one's ideas out, for radiating one's ideas and one's truth out into the world of people. And there's always the process of discovering more of who one's self is, and as one does that, removing identification from who one has decided they are. In terms of personality, it is though there is Victor the Personality and Victor the Soul. As a soul, Victor is an old soul. Victor has a lot of power. A lot of love to share. Then there is the personality form which we look into the past to find. The personality form is always unfolding. It opens more of that light, more of one's greater sense of one's self. The greater self.
         Emotions and emotional healing are key to having the kind of impact you want to have on a large scale. When we say large though, we mean the really large. And, I get music for you. Making all parts of the self equally important. That could mean sexuality as well. Any part of us, any part of you that doesn't get full appreciation for the value it holds whether it be a sexual part of us, or an intellectual part of us or the creative part of us. Any part of us that doesn't have time on the stage of our life, so to speak, can be a part that can sabotage our goals. The full achievement of our goal. Do you have any questions? Did that make sense?"

        Victor: "Perfect."

        Donovan: "Cool, I got something out of that for sure myself. I always ask a few questions. I always ask, "Why did I meet this person? What am I suppose to learn?" When I got into that state, I get more clearly, for sure. Like when my posture is up and the night is quiet and my Giah's energy is present, it's easier for me to become quiet. Then, when I really look at you and me I ask, "What am I here to learn from Victor?" I get, "I will provide your needs as you visit." And I also get your "Willingness to be a part in the crowd and express what you would like to be, who you most want to be." Those are really attractive qualities that is partly responsible for why people are so eager to support you."

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