

  dorothyb1875:  why?
 dorothyb1875:  you sound crazy lol
 dorothyb1875:  you gave away all your stuff ? and walked to ca?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont you have to be at least a little crazy these days to make a difference?
 dorothyb1875:  yeah dont get in peoples cars when they offer you a ride
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  whats life without a little risk?
 dorothyb1875:  know how many stories ive heard from people in lynn even MEN saying they got a ride from some guy who tried stuff on them?  
 dorothyb1875:  then again... im from Lynn so
 dorothyb1875:  I guess you have a point
 dorothyb1875:  whats a courtesy ride?
 dorothyb1875:  imagine if they had those here?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  a free ride on the bus
 dorothyb1875:  yeah but do they give them to anyone or just you?
 dorothyb1875:  hey did you really do all this stuff?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  yes, nothing but the truth
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  in san francisco, i saw people loading into the bus when the back doors opened...and nobody gave a shit
 dorothyb1875:  what do you mean for free?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  meaning nobody had to pay bus fare..
 dorothyb1875:  really?
 dorothyb1875:  awesome
 dorothyb1875:  I always want to go somewhere by myself on the bus. but I never have the money  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  doesnt hurt to ask..
 dorothyb1875:  yeah but you can only ask for so much
 dorothyb1875:  its like ok 5 bucks only 35 more to go
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if one driver doesnt let you on for free, just get off and ask the next driver..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its all a numbers game..
 dorothyb1875:  which person here looks like a sap?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its human-nature to be generous..and you can almost count on it
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, here in san antonio, since i walk so much..whenever i get hungry ill walk into any restaurant and ask to speak to the manager..
 dorothyb1875:  every time I ask people for something they say what are you gonna give me?
 dorothyb1875:  being peverted lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i tell em, "hi, my name is victor and i'm a long-distance walker.  i dont suppose you would care to donate any gasoline for my stomach so i can keep walking?  if it's a big problem and you can't afford it, don't worry about it.  i'm sure the next place i walk by will be generous and help me out."
 dorothyb1875:  long distance walker?lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  like 99% of places hook me up
 dorothyb1875:  thats a good line
 dorothyb1875:  the word generous is tthe best part
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  it's true..honesty really is the best policy..
 dorothyb1875:  it sounds like if they dont give it to you, then they are being greedy
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  right, i kinda guilt them into giving me good
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  exactly
 dorothyb1875:  know what I did once?
 dorothyb1875:  I never told anyone this  
 dorothyb1875:  when I got evicted from my apt,
 dorothyb1875:  I went into Boston
 dorothyb1875:  into a huge skyscraper
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, i got evicted from my apt too, on purpose though..
 dorothyb1875:  I was all dressed up like I worked there
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  whoa badass
 dorothyb1875:  and I hid on the top floor and spent the whole night in a luxury room overlooking Boston and the whole state of ma.
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  shweet
 dorothyb1875:  It was the best view ever
 dorothyb1875:  I felt like a nut though
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  type up that story and send it to me..
 dorothyb1875:  noone knows I did that
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ill put it on my site
 dorothyb1875:  no way lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  change names if your paranoid
 dorothyb1875:  I dont want everyone knowing I did that
 dorothyb1875:  but in a sick way it was fun
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well, seeing as how every conversation i have will be on my kinda dont have a choice
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  unless, of course, you really really want me to exclude ours..
 dorothyb1875:  dont do that
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but hey, like i said..honesty is the best policy
 dorothyb1875:  yeah but dont be evil about it
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i wouldnt be..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont be ashamed of the truth..
 dorothyb1875:  Im not  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  then why do you care if everyone knows you did that?
 dorothyb1875:  its my business
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  are you ashamed of your business?

 dorothyb1875:  WHy do you think its fun to ride around with no money?
 dorothyb1875:  I have to ask you this
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i dont think, i prove it with my journey..
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i had the time of my life..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  didnt cost me a penny
 dorothyb1875:  what made you decide to do all this?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  go ahead, work, waste your life away
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well, lots of things..
 dorothyb1875:  one night outside is enough for me...
 dorothyb1875:  didnt you worry about where you were gonna take showers and sleep?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the more you know the less you need..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  we make ourselves rich by making our wants few..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, im a big quoter...if you havent noticed..
 dorothyb1875:  so if you were sneaking on the bus in san fransisco. where did it take you for free??
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i didnt sneak on the bus
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i asked the drivers for courtesy rides..and they waved me on
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i said that i had seen people sneaking in the back door..
 dorothyb1875:  oh do you come from a small town?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  nope, san antonio, texas
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well over 1 million people
 dorothyb1875:  I cant picture San Francisco people sneaking on the bus  being that interesting to put it in my book
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  what? you dont think that me pointing out that people were getting free rides on the bus, has any relevance on my story about getting rid of money and making everythign free?
 dorothyb1875:  getting rid of money?
 dorothyb1875:  you just drove around leeching and conning people  
 dorothyb1875:  no wait walking
 dorothyb1875:  with a stick!
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i didnt con anyone..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  when i give people the choice to tell me no, helping me out becomes their decision..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not twisting anyones arm..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i give people the chance to feel good about themselves..
 dorothyb1875:  well then what do you want to call it, hustle, leech ,beg?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and it just proves, for a fact..that we don't need money to live
 dorothyb1875:  how old are you?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not a an asker
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  an acceptor
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the only thing i beg for..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  is to differ..
 dorothyb1875:  well then send me some money, youll feel great
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i just might be in the position to soon..but you would have to deserve it..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and right now, i dont think you do
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 dorothyb1875:  yeah right
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  "An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come."
                        - Victor Hugo
 dorothyb1875:  that is ridiculous
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, you'll see
 dorothyb1875:  so youre making a book about being a bum and doing drugs with hippies?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  with today's technology, one person will make a difference..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and i dont do drugs, i just smoke weed
 dorothyb1875:  I hate those greasy backpack guys at South Station saying they need only FIVE more dollars for thier ticket home
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i don't panhandle..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  panhandling is for bums who need money
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i have made myself as independant from money as possible..
 dorothyb1875:  oh I forgot you just con for food and bus tickets
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i get shit anyway
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, my email campaign has been pretty successful..people are emailing me back telling me that money is on the way..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  my po box should just fill up
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  then, will you listen?  since money talks so much
 dorothyb1875:  you just said you dont need money
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i dont
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and since ill have money i didnt work for...i plan to be very generous with it..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but like i said..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  only to those who i feel deserve it..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  not people like you, who doubt the power im going to harness soon..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im going to bring the truth out of hiding
 dorothyb1875:  power  you are going to harness?lol
 dorothyb1875:  rofl
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  thats right, the internet...its a global-medium and IT'S NOT PART OF THE SYSTEM
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you can't stop bytes, plain and simple
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you know what my model is for this freedom i envision?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the pirated software scene on the internet..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  where everything is free already and has been since the birth of the internet..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you can download new movies still in theaters and watch them at home, the day they come out sometimes
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  for free
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hell, i had windows xp months before it was even released...
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  for free
 dorothyb1875:  GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, my email campaign has been pretty successful..people are emailing me back telling me that money is on the way..  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, its an accepted underworld.  software companies will spend a lot more money tracing and litigating each offender than theyre already making from everyone paying for it legitimately..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its not cost-effective to them, so they just ignore it..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  so, what im gonna do is just tell everyone
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  yes and when my box fills up with cash, that will only serve as the epitome proving my theory on generosity..
 dorothyb1875:  you seem obsessed with the word "Free"
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and ill be sure to document that experience and tell everybody about it..
 dorothyb1875:  its like what can I leech today off people
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, everyone will feel my contribution..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  including you
 dorothyb1875:  of?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  world peace
 dorothyb1875:  yeah ok
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i want you to do me a couple of favors..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i want you to think im crazy, if you dont already.
 dorothyb1875:  yeah ok grow a long beard ,get your walking stick,organize a cult, dont shower, live ina fucking tee pee
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i want you to doubt me too..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  itll make my victory so much sweeter..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  my name isnt victor for nothing..
 dorothyb1875:  I think you have a major personality disorder
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ever notice how the words "sane" and "same" are so similar?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  why does everyone want to be the same when we are all different?
 dorothyb1875:  why dont you just leave everyone alone and stop trying to get little tid bits from everyone around you?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  why dont you mind your own business and not worry about me?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i can go my own way..
 dorothyb1875:  did your mommy and daddy ignore you too much growing up?? too bad, get over it grow up
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  now, its only human to resent that which you cannot become..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  come, get happy
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not special..anyone can do what i do
 dorothyb1875:  lol go do some acid in your tee pee
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  like i said, i dont do drugs..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you simple follower..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  wouldnt you like to think for yourself, for a change?
 dorothyb1875:  that whole thing was about drugs
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  no it wasnt
 dorothyb1875:  I bet you call people man and dude
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  sometimes..why?
 dorothyb1875:  it isnt freeing to wear deodorant and bathe
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  well, i do bathe when i need to..
 dorothyb1875:  maybe you can make free soap from tree bark
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  sometimes i skip a day or two, but only because i dont need to
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  nobody does..
 dorothyb1875:  I love bothering you
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and what did people do before deoderant existed?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  oh dont flatter yourself....
 dorothyb1875:  the smelled
 dorothyb1875:  I guess
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if i didnt want to continue this conversation, i would turn off this IM
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but, this conversation will serve as evidence to how ignorant the world is..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  so keep on incriminating yourself..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the whole world will read this IM
 dorothyb1875:  who gives a shit?  
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  no me, thats for sure..youve made it so easy
 dorothyb1875:  Youre a geek trying to pretend your this cool hippie   
 dorothyb1875:  more people look at my website than yours
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, and youre just jealous because im right and youre wrong..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  things change
 dorothyb1875:  wow amazing
 dorothyb1875:  I am so jealous of your walking stick
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you might be persuaded to get one soon..
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 dorothyb1875:  no way I wouldnt carry a fucking stick
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  youre just a trendy aoler...
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i dont expect you to understand
 dorothyb1875:  youre just trying to hard not to be one
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its too much for your simple mind to handle..
 dorothyb1875:  which makes you see through
 dorothyb1875:  good one.
 dorothyb1875:  im so offended
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, i bet you pay for that account..
 dorothyb1875:  yeah im not a leech
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its only wrong if you get caught..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  see, aol has this knack for making shit realllly easy..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  which attracts a lot of stupid motherfuckers..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  aol IS NOT the internet..
 dorothyb1875:  true
 dorothyb1875:  but, I still think walking around the country with a stick conning people is just what it is
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  how am i conning anyone?  im being completely honest
 dorothyb1875:  walking around witha stick is not THAT GREAT
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  dont knock it till you try it sister
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  youre just mad because you have to work for your nice things..and people just give me stuff out of the kindness of their hearts
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  like i said..go ahead, work, waste your life away..i'm not gonna
 dorothyb1875:  actually youre alot like me, but for some reason youre worse
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if im gonna work hard, its either gonna be for myself..
 dorothyb1875:  theres something about you that annoys me
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  im not going to support one person, or a corporation..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  fuck that
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its simple envy...whether you want to admit it or not..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but hey, to the victor go the spoils right
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  if you know how to do it, more power to ya..
 dorothyb1875:  ENVY
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  yeah, but youll never admit it
 dorothyb1875:  what do I envy?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  youre too proud of your lazy ways to think any different
 dorothyb1875:  about you?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the fact that people just give me stuff
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  that i dont have to worry about a damn thing
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  that i got it ALL figured out..
 dorothyb1875:  how old are you?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  just turned 25 on groundhogs day
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  feb 2
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i was living with the hippies in oregon on my birthday
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  it was great
 dorothyb1875:  when did you leave Texas?
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 dorothyb1875:  rofl
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  the day after christmas..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i spent two months traveling
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and learning
 dorothyb1875:  who were you living with before that?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  san antonio
 dorothyb1875:  do you have family?
 dorothyb1875:  that you like?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  yeah, but they all think im crazy too
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  but i forgive them, they dont know better
 dorothyb1875:  lol
 dorothyb1875:  oh ok
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  speaking of which, im gonna go take a chower..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  have a great day dott
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  drive carefully
 dorothyb1875:  I dont have a car im trying to be like you
 dorothyb1875:  :-P
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  right on sister
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  cars are death-machines, plain and simple..
 dorothyb1875:  lol thats not why I dont have a car I dont have a car cuz the everett cops took it away
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  haha sucker
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  why are you in such a hurry?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  patience is virtue..
 dorothyb1875:  no they are sexually harassing me
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  good things come to those who wait..
 dorothyb1875:  I hate them
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  see, now if you didnt have a car...none of this would be happening
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  fuck the police anyway
 dorothyb1875:  well it was my first car it was a convertible
 dorothyb1875:  it was nice too
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  theyre all killers
 dorothyb1875:  I know  
 dorothyb1875:  literally they are
 dorothyb1875:  they are like anal nosy retards
 dorothyb1875:  they have horrible tempers
 dorothyb1875:  and no common sense
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  do you like punk rock?
 dorothyb1875:  no I dont hate it
 dorothyb1875:  but I dont love it
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  can i send you a song?
 dorothyb1875:  lol ok I dont have to send you a money order for it do I?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  its a really good one, about cops
 dorothyb1875:  look up my page, copkilleroink
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hell, i got it for not gonna charge anyone
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  haha  
 dorothyb1875:  I dont go on that screename much only when they harass me and im mad about it lol
 dorothyb1875:  well thank you for that
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  for what?
 dorothyb1875:  where is the song?
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  oh yeahh
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  my bad
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  i am my own god..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  no one elses..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  ok, so i guess i shouldnt go through the trouble of uploading this song..
 dorothyb1875:  ok ive had enough Im walking to the store yes WALKING
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  and what brought on that outburst?
 dorothyb1875:  I know youll be proud for me and the ozone..
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  you know it
 dorothyb1875:  but I wont be bringing a stick or sneaking on the bus
 dorothyb1875:  bye
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  hehe, i love you too sister
 GO TO HELL PUTO:  walk carefully

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