Edit57: i'd rather look at the pictures
Edit57: do you like to read?
HAHA l MADE IT: i was wondering if i could send you my summarized true story about my walk to the west coast from san antonio texas, with no money
HAHA l MADE IT: not really, i prefer to write
HAHA l MADE IT: i feel if i dont read that much, my writing style will stay as original as possible
Edit57: give me a synapsis of the reason why you did this, please
HAHA l MADE IT: with the internet, i plan to eliminate money, make everything free and bring world peace
HAHA l MADE IT: get rid of cars in big cities and save the ozone layer
HAHA l MADE IT: get marijuana legalized and chill everybody out..
HAHA l MADE IT: ive got it all figured out
Edit57: dream On and grow up
Edit57: how old are you?
HAHA l MADE IT: im 25
HAHA l MADE IT: remember, anything is possible...and you gotta start somewhere..
HAHA l MADE IT: let me send you my stuff, so you can see exactly how crazy i really am
Edit57: in 5 or so years you will gain new experiences and this BS you are trying to sprout out will leave you system once and for all. Just like it did me and I am 40 years old.
Edit57: I do not want it thank you!
HAHA l MADE IT: one doesnt learn with age, one learns with experience..
Edit57: that is my point exactly
HAHA l MADE IT: ignorance is bliss, i guess
HAHA l MADE IT: what do you have to lose, its just harmless text?
Edit57: I have 15 years of expericence that you do not have
HAHA l MADE IT: its simple evolution..
HAHA l MADE IT: us kids have learned from our parents mistakes..
HAHA l MADE IT: and we know better, plain and simple
Edit57: I thought the same thing myself and they were right.
Edit57: LIsten to your parents. They are our elders with tons more experiences that we could use oa examples to help us.
HAHA l MADE IT: An army of soldiers can be resisted, but not an idea who's time has come.
- Victor Hugo
HAHA l MADE IT: my mother's generation is the most ignorant around..
HAHA l MADE IT: the laziest and most impatient too
Edit57: ignorant about what?
HAHA l MADE IT: about how we are destroying our own planet..
Edit57: YOu are destroying our planet! I am ashamed of you!
HAHA l MADE IT: no, i am saving our planet
Edit57: So tell me how you are destroying the planet
HAHA l MADE IT: im not
HAHA l MADE IT: not at all
Edit57: SO how are you saving the planet?
HAHA l MADE IT: with the internet..like i said..its simple evolution
HAHA l MADE IT: now, what are some common problems you encounter when one has a new idea and is trying to get it out?
HAHA l MADE IT: for one, if youre telling them orally, you sometimes run into the problem of not remembering the whole story and not being as effective as you wish
Edit57: tell me some of your new ideas
HAHA l MADE IT: because no one is perfect. to err is human
Edit57: with the internet saving the planet
HAHA l MADE IT: secondly, you have IGNORANCE..people are too set in their old-fashioned, lazy ways
HAHA l MADE IT: deathly afraid of change(even if its for the better), and they wont even listen to you
HAHA l MADE IT: well, ive found a way to jump both of those hurdles with the internet
Edit57: IGNORANCE has always been here since time began. IS IGNORANCE a crime?
HAHA l MADE IT: what ill do is run an FTP server from my computer, giving anyone in the world access to my hard drive
HAHA l MADE IT: only the files and directories i want them to access, of course
Edit57: If someone does not agree with you, does that make them ignorant?
HAHA l MADE IT: no, its when people dont let me finish
Edit57: go ahead
HAHA l MADE IT: now, on my hard drive, i will have a directory with all my ideas..just simple text files
HAHA l MADE IT: that anyone can read with any web browser
HAHA l MADE IT: simple web page, just text, no graphics
HAHA l MADE IT: at their discretion, they can finish it when they want to
HAHA l MADE IT: but every single time, the whole story will be told..
HAHA l MADE IT: it just seems to me thats what the internet is for...
Edit57: if it is your's then you will be censoring the way you want it to be.
HAHA l MADE IT: its a global medium and its NOT PART OF THE SYSTEM
HAHA l MADE IT: now, my model for this freedom i envision is the pirated software scene on the internet..
HAHA l MADE IT: where everything is free already..and has been since the birth of the internet
HAHA l MADE IT: you can get new movies still in theatres and watch them at home..hell, i had windows xp months before it was even released
HAHA l MADE IT: for free
Edit57: what about Kazaa? they have something like this already.
Edit57: sharing pirated software.
HAHA l MADE IT: now, its an accepted underworld..software companies will spend way much more money tracing and litigating each offender..than theyre already making off all the people paying for it anyway
HAHA l MADE IT: its not cost-effective, so they just ignore it
HAHA l MADE IT: now imagine if they criminalized it, then everyone would be doing it..
HAHA l MADE IT: you just cant stop bytes
Edit57: how is this saving the planet?
HAHA l MADE IT: because money is the root of all evil
HAHA l MADE IT: it is human nature to be generous..
HAHA l MADE IT: money gives people a false sense of respect..
Edit57: Money is the reason you and I are instant messaging each other.
HAHA l MADE IT: hehe, so you think
HAHA l MADE IT: i have never paid for aol in my life
HAHA l MADE IT: i let other people pay for it..
Edit57: who?
HAHA l MADE IT: ignorant people who have easy to guess passwords like aol123
HAHA l MADE IT: aol doesnt give a damn either..for every member they lose, they have thousands more signing up..
Edit57: what version do you use?
HAHA l MADE IT: aol has this knack for making things really easy..so there arent too many bright people on it
HAHA l MADE IT: its all about money
HAHA l MADE IT: i use 7...i had used 2.5 all the way until it stopped working a year ago
HAHA l MADE IT: 2.5 was the fastest aol ever made..no gay html to slow it down
HAHA l MADE IT: fast, clean program
Edit57: and you are probably a plant from aol yourself trying to set up stupid people to go along with this.,
HAHA l MADE IT: yeah right
Edit57: and get them in trouble
Edit57: prove it to me otherwise
HAHA l MADE IT: one second
HAHA l MADE IT: theres your proof
HAHA l MADE IT: do you need any more proof?
HAHA l MADE IT: because ive got some, if you do
Edit57: that is great but there comes a time when software companies, because they are being pirated, will not create new software because they are not amking money.
HAHA l MADE IT: oh, theyre still making tons of money..
HAHA l MADE IT: look at the urban sprawl these days
HAHA l MADE IT: there are tons of people still paying for it..
Edit57: do you live in an urban area or a suburb or rural?
HAHA l MADE IT: urban
HAHA l MADE IT: im an avid bus rider, cars are death machines
Edit57: I live in Queens New York
HAHA l MADE IT: im in san antonio, tx
Edit57: what does this have to do with urban sprawl?
HAHA l MADE IT: that for every person that doesnt pay for it, there are hundreds that still do
HAHA l MADE IT: can i send you some more of my stuff? im gonna go smoke a cigarette..
Edit57: does that make it right?
Edit57: Smoke pollution
HAHA l MADE IT: the amound of carbon monoxide coming off the end of my cigarette..is nothing compared to whats coming out everyones mufflers..
HAHA l MADE IT: and where does tobacco come from anyway?
HAHA l MADE IT: cars are death machines, plain and simple
Edit57: Vulcanoes are much worse
HAHA l MADE IT: we have two legs for a reason and its not to push the gas and the brake
HAHA l MADE IT: cars have made this world lazy and impatient
Edit57: BUt you still use a bus, why?
HAHA l MADE IT: good things come to those who wait, and adversely bad things come to those who dont..
HAHA l MADE IT: because the buses run on propane and alternative fuels
HAHA l MADE IT: everything in moderation...the world can stand a little damage..
HAHA l MADE IT: but not the abuse we are putting it throug in the name of ignorance
HAHA l MADE IT: people think that just because you can do it faster, you should..
HAHA l MADE IT: why is everyone in such a hurry?
Edit57: you should then never use a bus, train, airplane, jet, trolly car, subway, and if you use a horse, they have methane coming out of their rears polluting the planet.
HAHA l MADE IT: like i said, everything in moderation..
HAHA l MADE IT: buses pollute so much less than personal automobiles
HAHA l MADE IT: and you have to walk
HAHA l MADE IT: my life has never been better than when my car broke down and i had to ride the bus and walk
HAHA l MADE IT: i havent been sick in 3 years
HAHA l MADE IT: if you take care of the body, it takes care of itself
Edit57: walking is great but we live in a society when freedom to do whatever we like.
HAHA l MADE IT: we still can without cars
HAHA l MADE IT: well, i have all these rebuttals in one email, can i send?
Edit57: walk, swim, drive, acess the internet, pirate software, screw the system, take jobs away from people that really deserve them,
HAHA l MADE IT: my "condensed works" i guess you can call it
HAHA l MADE IT: go ahead, work, waste your life away
HAHA l MADE IT: i dont have to
HAHA l MADE IT: if im going to work, it sure as hell isnt going to be for somebody else or a coporation
Edit57: How are you making a living?
HAHA l MADE IT: i will either work for myself, or everybody
HAHA l MADE IT: i have made myself as independant as possible from money
HAHA l MADE IT: im not homeless, im traveling and learning more and more each day
Edit57: What would you have done if there was no internet?
HAHA l MADE IT: im not sure..
HAHA l MADE IT: i cant know that
HAHA l MADE IT: i dont know it all
HAHA l MADE IT: thing is, there is
HAHA l MADE IT: wouldnt you work for free if all your needs and even some of your wants, were already taken care of
Edit57: It took time and money, investments, the millitary, universities, etc.. to create this for you to screw around in.
HAHA l MADE IT: so you wouldnt be bored at home all day, provided you had a job you enjoyed
HAHA l MADE IT: no, what you are doing is destroying my world
HAHA l MADE IT: ill still be here when youre dead
Edit57: THen get off this planet then!
HAHA l MADE IT: this is more our planet than it is yours
HAHA l MADE IT: we are the future
HAHA l MADE IT: you guys are stuck in the past
Edit57: You said "my world".
HAHA l MADE IT: it is my world, just like it belongs to everybody else..
HAHA l MADE IT: we didnt work to get this world, it was a gift
HAHA l MADE IT: and now we are slowly destroying it
Edit57: from who?
HAHA l MADE IT: how thankful is that?
HAHA l MADE IT: i dont know, im not going to worry about who gave it to us
HAHA l MADE IT: just that it is ours
HAHA l MADE IT: with all our natural resources depleting, we should be conserving as much as we can
HAHA l MADE IT: but, conservation doesnt make money
HAHA l MADE IT: companies dont want people to save and reuse
HAHA l MADE IT: they want everybody to throw away and rebuy
Edit57: It does. Cities recycle garbage and sell it to recycle plants.
HAHA l MADE IT: oh yeah, like that such huge billion dollar industry
HAHA l MADE IT: give me a break
Edit57: it is done nere in New York City
HAHA l MADE IT: thats just in new york city though
Edit57: Do your research!
HAHA l MADE IT: i dont need to
HAHA l MADE IT: its already obvious to me
Edit57: No it is done in Canada and around the country.
HAHA l MADE IT: well, i want you to do me a favor..
Edit57: Like I said you have to live a lot more to make such judgements. Wait a few years you will see things differently.
HAHA l MADE IT: i want you to think im crazy
HAHA l MADE IT: i also want you to doubt me..
HAHA l MADE IT: it will only make my victory so much sweeter
Edit57: I do not think you are crazy. Just naive.
HAHA l MADE IT: and i think youre an ignorant old man, the same as the majority of your entire generation..
Edit57: Someone will always have to pay the bill anyway. Look that up and learn.
HAHA l MADE IT: but guess what old man, theres more of us than there are of you guys
HAHA l MADE IT: things will change..
HAHA l MADE IT: and i will have a big part in bringing that change
Edit57: I am a baby boomer. There are tons more of me than your generation. Again you do not know what you are thinking.
HAHA l MADE IT: we shall see
HAHA l MADE IT: next time you have to pay for a movie or get your aol bill, just remember you really didnt have to
HAHA l MADE IT: im gonna go smoke a cigarette
HAHA l MADE IT: have a good day and drive carefully
Edit57: I do not go to movies
Edit57: or rent them much
HAHA l MADE IT: do you ever pay for software?
Edit57: To tell the truth not always but most times I did.
HAHA l MADE IT: sucker
HAHA l MADE IT: brbin10min
Edit57: I have to go. See you later!
HAHA l MADE IT: still there richard?
Auto response from Edit57: I am away from my computer right now.
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