

  Elamx:  im not sure what you mean 

 Elamx:  a bio? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  just a really interesting story.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  harmless text 

 Elamx:  hmm 

 Elamx:  no thanks 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  then just delete it and wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ignorance is bliss, i suppose 

 Elamx:  maybe so, but there is no need to insult me for not wanting to read a story 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you choose to be insulted.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  don't let me and you won't be 

 Elamx:  only the ingorant dont know they are insulted 

 Elamx:  you could have just let it be when i declined 

 Elamx:  if you were going to walk all the way to california, then why did you accept a ride from andrea and bob? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  because time is of the essence.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and i didn't ask them 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  they offered... 

 Elamx:  true 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  generosity gave me a 40 mile jump 

 Elamx:  but you had decideed to walk the whole way 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and just because i don't ride in a car..doesn't mean everyone else will stop 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and i was ready to..keep reading 

 Elamx:  and what about the outright theft of the two-cal bars 

 Elamx:  i think a donation would be in order at least 

 Elamx:  oops, wrong order 

 Elamx:  and what about the outright theft of the two-cal bars 

 Elamx:  haha, then the donation chastisement 

 Elamx:  hmm 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there are appropriate occasions when lies, deceit and ignorance should be practiced.  especially when the end-result is good.  choose them wisely. 

 Elamx:  i agree 

 Elamx:  and the nutrition bars may have been one of those instances 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's right.. 

 Elamx:  the bars were healthy, so they werent for a material purpose 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  everything i needed and nothing i didnt.. 

 Elamx:  but a donation to help the hospital buy more for others would be the right thing to do 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  475 calories a pop.. 

 Elamx:  you wanted to prove that people have legs and they werent for pushing gas and brake, and you wanted to prove you could go anywhere without money, but you accepted rides, even if they were offered, and you had money anyways 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  they never noticed.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  when was the last time you walked 45 miles? 

 Elamx:  never, but this was your purposeful quest, not mine 

 Elamx:  your point would have been better made if you stuck to the ideals you represented 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  like i said, me getting to california sooner was in the best interest of humanity.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i believe i made the right choice 

 Elamx:  why?


 Elamx:  how where you benefiting humanity?


 I WALK IN PEACE:  you need to finish reading my story.. 

 Elamx:  hmm, well, while your ideals are noble, and you have a love for humanity, i believe your methods are incomplete and not well thought out, im sorry.  primitive society has evolved itself into what it is, and reseting society, though it will take centuries, will do nothing, since it will just start over again. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  don't you see what the mere existance of pirated software means on the global-scale? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there is a way for anyone to get shit without paying for it, AND get away with it.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's the next step 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you can't stop bytes 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  do you need a clearer sign? 

 Elamx:  again, i dont agree with you in certain aspects, but i hope your book works out and that you can spend more time working your ideas into a legitimate outlook on society.  who know, maybe you will give birth to a new sociological theory, but you first need to refine your theory. 

 Elamx:  i like paying for stuff 

 Elamx:  it sounds wierd 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i thought we abolished slavery 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yet, we are slaves to ink and paper still 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  wouldn't you work for free if all your basic needs were already taken care of and you didn't have bills? 

 Elamx:  no one is keeping you from living in a deserted area and raising a small community of people who live like you. 

 Elamx:  sure 

 Elamx:  its a different kind of communism 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yes, but we all still live in the same world...and when ignorance destroys it...there will be nowhere to hide 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the only label my proposition needs is  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  freedom 

 Elamx:  just be careful 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's the only way i know how to be.. 

 Elamx:  your words carry different meaning to different people 

 Elamx:  some may take them to mean extreme things 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  to any educated person, my logic should make perfect sense 

 Elamx:  others wont care and will dismiss you, but just be careful, and work on your theory a bit 

 Elamx:  a person educated in your reasoning 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i plan to bring the truth out of hiding.. 

 Elamx:  thats fine 

 Elamx:  have a ball doing it 

 Elamx:  like i said, just be careful


 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm already the happiest man in the world.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the medicine woman told me the spirits got my back.. 


 Elamx:  well, dont piss the off 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  dont piss who off? 

 Elamx:  the spirits 

 Elamx:  i too feel a destiny calling me 

 Elamx:  but im not going to press my luck just yet 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there's nothing to it, but to do it.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ftp://Elamx:Elamx@ 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  check out my site, i'm an open book 

 Elamx:  what is this? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i log everything 

 Elamx:  i would have been happy to allow you to "record" our conversation if you had asked 

 Elamx:  even if you would have taken it if i said no, asking is polite 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you have no say in it, either way 

 Elamx:  thats what i mean when i say be careful 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  or else there would be a disclaimer when you signed up for your aol account 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you would never have known unless i told you 

 Elamx:  there is a difference between legality and courtesy 

 Elamx:  true


 Elamx:  but then you would have been hiding the truth from me 

 Elamx:  and being decietful in that sense was not to anyones benefit 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  oh, you will see how big a benefit it is soon.. 

 Elamx:  well, good luck then 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  my ftp site will serve as evidence 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  nothing but the truth.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  everyone gets credit in my game 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and thank you 

 Elamx:  your welcome 

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