

  ELynnWard:  sure   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool 

 ELynnWard:  that's a really spiffy story   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thank you, care for some more good reading? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  nothing but the truth 

 ELynnWard:  sure :)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i have even me at for them 

 ELynnWard:  ok :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thanks for letting me share :] 

 ELynnWard:  i really enjoy what you've shown me   

 ELynnWard:  anytime u wanna talk, message me :D   

 ELynnWard:  i hav msn, an yahoo too   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  aim? 

 ELynnWard:  this is my aim name   

 ELynnWard:  :D   

 ELynnWard:  it works for aim an aol   

 ELynnWard:  :)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool 

 ELynnWard:  i love quotes... i have like 6 quote boosk   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  kickass 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  now you have mine 


 ELynnWard:  :-P   

 ELynnWard:  im gonna share 'em too   

 ELynnWard:  because that's the best part of a quote   

 ELynnWard:  is how it can make everyone else feel   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you have no idea how much i appreciate it.. 

 ELynnWard:  any time   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i guess you can call me the contemporary johnny appleseed 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  i don't work, and i have a lot of free time   

 ELynnWard:  hehe   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  awesome.. 

 ELynnWard:  and reading is oneof my favourite things   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  go ahead, work, waste your life away 

 ELynnWard:  so it's awesome that i have something worthwhile to read :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  whoa cool 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm going to give you a present 

 ELynnWard:  ok   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ftp://ELynnWard:ELynnWard@ 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there you go, i am an open book 

 ELynnWard:  o wow, thank you so much! :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i have been logging every single day of my life all month.. 

 ELynnWard:  I missed that one, i hit the wrong button :(   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  and when i get my hard drive back from the cops...i will have all of 2002 to add to my server 

 ELynnWard:  what was the first thing u said?   


 I WALK IN PEACE:  when? 

 ELynnWard:  hehe before the last thing u said   

 ELynnWard:  what did you say before you said " I WALK IN PEACE:  and when i get my hard drive back from the cops...i will have all of 2002 to add to my server "   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  here, i'll send you that story.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  lol k   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  theyre all on my site.. 

 ELynnWard:  :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that one is 7a/7b 

 ELynnWard:  k   

 ELynnWard:  im gonna read everything   

 ELynnWard:  im just reading it thoroughly, so it takes longer ;)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thank you 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  maybe i should send the stories in order 

 ELynnWard:  but order is no fun   

 ELynnWard:  if u send it in order it requires no thought   

 ELynnWard:  if I read it out of order   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ok, have it your way, sister 


 ELynnWard:  it requires the thought of placing it in the order of happens   

 ELynnWard:  :D   

 ELynnWard:  I'm a self proclaimed analyst/researcher   

 ELynnWard:  it's my favourite thing to do   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you got it, babe 

 ELynnWard:  so do you still live off the land?   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i sleep at my moms house until im ready to travel again.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  but i live in the whole city 

 ELynnWard:  that's really cool   

 ELynnWard:  i have an apt   

 ELynnWard:  but i dont pay for it   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  wow, need a roommate? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  i love having visitors ;)   

 ELynnWard:  see, im disabled, so the gov't pays most of my bills, and for my food   

 ELynnWard:  i dunno if that works within living off the land   

 ELynnWard:  but im happier than most ppl i know   

 ELynnWard:  :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  right, work sucks 

 ELynnWard:  i did the work thing   

 ELynnWard:  worked from when i was 15 till dec of last year   

 ELynnWard:  can't work no more   

 ELynnWard:  :-P   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm gonna make it so no one has to work 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  they'll WANT to work 

 ELynnWard:  you   

 ELynnWard:  re the most intrigueing person i've ever met... but if I had to sign up to join u, i'd be the first one in line   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that makes me feel great  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thank you :] 

 ELynnWard:  don't thank me for speaking the truth, because then I'd feel like I was telling a lie   

 ELynnWard:  :-P   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm gonna bring the truth out of hiding, finally.. 

 ELynnWard:  you write very well   

 ELynnWard:  like, not only is it something I want to read, it flows well   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thank you 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  before in school, when i tried writing i always had problems.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i couldnt, for the life of me, make anything up 

 ELynnWard:  i write (tho not as well)   

 ELynnWard:  and i've always found that when you have something to say   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  but when i just have to let things happen, it was easy as pie 

 ELynnWard:  it comes out much better   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's a memory exercise.. 

 ELynnWard:  that's why i love doing it   

 ELynnWard:  memory i supposedly one of my worse aspects   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  practice make perfect... 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i log every day now.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  it's all on my site 

 ELynnWard:  i have a livejournal   

 ELynnWard:  that  i write in   

 ELynnWard:  though not as often as i used to   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah, sometimes i get lazy.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i cheat, though.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i write things down 


 ELynnWard:  i have a lot of trouble with my wrists... it's easier to type then write :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  right on, i have a random, minor tremor in my right arm(im right-handed) so my writing was impaired permanently 

 ELynnWard:  ahh   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i mean, i can still write with's all sloppy, though 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i've taught myself how to write with my left, also 

 ELynnWard:  i get really bad pains so i almost pass out if i write to much :P   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's what i have another arm for, i guess 

 ELynnWard:  so i tend to just type   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  whoa that sucks 

 ELynnWard:  yup, that's why we all have 2 arms ;)   

 ELynnWard:  lol   


 ELynnWard:  if I believed in pharmaceuticals i'd prolly take my painkillers more often   

 ELynnWard:  but usually i just deal with it   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah, we'll get used to any type of discomfort after a while.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  drugs just treat symptoms 

 ELynnWard:  exactly   

 ELynnWard:  i take some medications, because if i don't i end up a slobbering idiot   

 ELynnWard:  but i also spend a lot of time researching natural/herbal cures   

 ELynnWard:  because medications aren't muchfun   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's excellent.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  any ailment we have..there's a natural remedy for.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  we just havent found them all 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  because we are not looking for them  

 I WALK IN PEACE:  they don't make money 

 ELynnWard:  exactly   

 ELynnWard:  for example, i've managed to downdose my bipolar meds by 200mg, because I take fishoil, which helps with the chemical you're deficiant in   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there is no such thing as bipolar sydrome.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  einstein was thought to be bipolar.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ernest hemingway, too 

 ELynnWard:  yea?   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  what did "bipolar" people do before there were meds? 

 ELynnWard:  a lot of 'em killed themselves, but bipolar is really a diagnonsense meaning they don't know whats going on   

 ELynnWard:  but they'll make you pay for medications they *think* might help   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ha i like that.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  diagnonsense 

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  i have lots of 'em   

 ELynnWard:  bout 9   

 ELynnWard:  rofl   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hey sister, i'm gonna go smoke a cigarette.. 

 ELynnWard:  k   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  brbin10minorless 

 ELynnWard:  enjoy it :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  willdo 


 I WALK IN PEACE:  ok, im black.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  err..-l 


 ELynnWard:  wb :)   

 ELynnWard:  enjoy it?   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you know it 

 ELynnWard:  mannnn i miss cigarettes   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  why did you stop smoking? 

 ELynnWard:  a) can't afford them b) nobody's nice enough round here   

 ELynnWard:  altho, my friend's awesome for food   

 ELynnWard:  she brought me an entire box   

 ELynnWard:  :D   


 ELynnWard:  my cats suck   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  bad pussies 


 ELynnWard:  lmao   


 ELynnWard:  they kept me up all afternoon   

 ELynnWard:  and now thye're sound asleep :-P   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah they need their rest so they can bother you tomorrow 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  lmao   

 ELynnWard:  so you're in cali, then?   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  no, i'm back in san antonio 

 ELynnWard:  o ok   

 ELynnWard:  where's san antonio?   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  texas 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeehaw 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  you're lucky, to live somewhere so warm   

 ELynnWard:  and with nice people, for that matter   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah, the weathers nice right now 

 ELynnWard:  I'm in NY, the land of cold, and nasty people   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah, people suck when you go east.. 

 ELynnWard:  I'm always amazed at how harsh people are   

 ELynnWard:  I watched a man walk into the bus shelter while it was pelting snow and ask for a seat on the bench, and this lady with a fur coat wouldn't move   

 ELynnWard:  now, I'm barely walking some days, and I let the poor guy sit down   

 ELynnWard:  now here's a question   

 ELynnWard:  (this is purely for research purposes)   

 ELynnWard:  have u ever bought a mcdonalds milkshake   

 ELynnWard:  ?   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  nope 

 ELynnWard:  k   

 ELynnWard:  i found out from about 10 ppl   

 ELynnWard:  the further south and west you go   

 ELynnWard:  the cheaper mcdonald's milkshakes are   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  crazy 

 ELynnWard:  i thought that was odd   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  'tis 

 ELynnWard:  (yes, i research strange things)   

 ELynnWard:  :D   


 I WALK IN PEACE:  somebody has to 

 ELynnWard:  see   

 ELynnWard:  u should come here, and use my apt as yer home base, and then ill just keep researching all my crazy shit   

 ELynnWard:  (of course, you have to realise, i have 2 cats that own the place :D)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's cool.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  think you can get the government to pay for the plane ticket? 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  lmao   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hell, i'll go greyhound 

 ELynnWard:  actually, kno what's cool?   


 I WALK IN PEACE:  what? 

 ELynnWard:  i found out I might be able to get a gov't grant to move to cali, or fla   

 ELynnWard:  because i have fibro, and the sunshine is better for me, lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  fibromyalgia? 

 ELynnWard:  yep   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  another bullshit diagnosis, in my opinion 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  my mom was diagnosed with that 

 ELynnWard:  it's sad really, that our gov't can't figure out how to fight a war, but they can waste money   

 ELynnWard:  i think it's a misdiagnosis, in my opinion   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah 

 ELynnWard:  because my knees are literally wasting themselves away, and fibro's a load of nonsense because they don't even know what the hell it is, it's just a label for ppl who whine   

 ELynnWard:  (sorry, i'm harsh sometimes)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you got that right about the whining 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's all my mom knows how to do 

 ELynnWard:  lmao   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i keep trying to tell her that complaining won't do shit.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  but she never does anything about anything 

 ELynnWard:  exactly   

 ELynnWard:  if it hurts   

 ELynnWard:  fix it   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  she's a walking sympathy-plea 

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  and that doesn't do anything but make u whine more   

 ELynnWard:  kittens are so cute :D   

 ELynnWard:  just thought id share that   

 ELynnWard:  lol   


 ELynnWard:  it's funny 

 ELynnWard:  because i have like my own story   

 ELynnWard:  not as good as yours   

 ELynnWard:  more like, i got beaten/raped by my first wife, when we lived with my parents   

 ELynnWard:  got divorced   

 ELynnWard:  my mum kicked me out   

 ELynnWard:  moved in with my gf at the time, who then subsequently beat me up    

 ELynnWard:  moved back to rochester   

 ELynnWard:  landed in a homeless shelter   

 ELynnWard:  then got this apt   

 ELynnWard:  got my first cat   

 ELynnWard:  got married again (im stupid sometimes)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  whoa, sorry 

 ELynnWard:  let her beat me up for awhile, till i found out she was beating my cat, and then kicked her out   

 ELynnWard:  and she left her cat here, so now i have to of them   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you're male? 

 ELynnWard:  nope   

 ELynnWard:  im female   

 ELynnWard:  :D   

 ELynnWard:  heterosexually challenged at times   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  oh, sorry to said wife.. 

 ELynnWard:  it's ok   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that's cool 

 ELynnWard:  but see, i don't ever want anyone to be sorry   

 ELynnWard:  because i learned something from each relationship   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ok, i wasn't really 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i was lying 


 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  how old are you? 

 ELynnWard:  like, eveyrone always says i was stupid for even dating them   

 ELynnWard:  19   

 ELynnWard:  (I'm young)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  wow, for some reason i thought you were older.. 

 ELynnWard:  but the way I see it, is if it was a stupid mistake, I wouldn't have learned anything   

 ELynnWard:  that's ok, I get that a lot ;)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hey, care to see what i look like? 

 ELynnWard:  sure :)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  the picture is over a year old though 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hold up 

 ELynnWard:  <wink> u show me yours an ill show u mine   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  ok   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  haha you've got yourself a deal, sister 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  there you go 

 ELynnWard:  awww yer a cutie!   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  well gawrsh.. 

 ELynnWard:  so yer's son for that matter ;)   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  = blushing on all 4 cheeks 

 ELynnWard:  aww   

 ELynnWard:  hehe   


 ELynnWard:  im gonna send u two   

 ELynnWard:  cuz one's a good pic of me, lol   

 ELynnWard:  and one gives u a good shot of my eyes, and i just like how it looks   

 ELynnWard:  rofl (Im a picture hound)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i have to get off the computer real quick  

 ELynnWard:  kay, u've got mail   

 ELynnWard:  ok   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  umm, after i see your picture 


 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  wb   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  thank you 

 ELynnWard:  lmao as u see, i take terrible pix   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  beauty is in the eye of the beholder.. 


 ELynnWard:  :-P   

 ELynnWard:  uhoh   

 ELynnWard:  the cats woke up   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i think i already sent you all my stuff, didn't i? 

 ELynnWard:  yup   

 ELynnWard:  :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool, just checking 

 ELynnWard:  and i read every last bit of it, and enjoyed it :D   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  wow, you're a fast reader 

 ELynnWard:  my mum's an english teacher   

 ELynnWard:  we've been reading since we were little :)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  that'll do it 

 ELynnWard:  hmm   

 ELynnWard:  bus schedules are so hard to read   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  just go out and wait for it.. 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  patience is virtue.. 

 ELynnWard:  i usually do   

 ELynnWard:  but i have an appt tomorrow   

 ELynnWard:  i like waiting for the bus, because its right next to the fresh fruit market :)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  score! 

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  im constantly over there   

 ELynnWard:  it's right across the street from my apt too   

 ELynnWard:  im lucky to live where i do   

 ELynnWard:  im a 20 min walk from the beach   

 ELynnWard:  right across the store from a street fresh fruit market   

 ELynnWard:  unfortunately, im also next to an across from a gas station   

 ELynnWard:  but it means i can get chips at 4am   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  haha 

 ELynnWard:  it's kinda scary though, lol the like 900 year old man that works there flirts with me and scares me   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  whoa, that dudes old 

 ELynnWard:  lmao   

 ELynnWard:  we breed 'em old upstate   

 ELynnWard:  it's that chemical fresh water ;)   

 ELynnWard:  lmao   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  haha 

 ELynnWard:  you know what my favourite part of this apartment is?   


 I WALK IN PEACE:  the bay window? 

 ELynnWard:  ahhaha no   

 ELynnWard:  it's only a studio   

 ELynnWard:  but ihave 2 big windows that u can see the main road out of   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  cool 

 ELynnWard:  and i live off a main raod that come out of the city   

 ELynnWard:  so no mtter what time of day it is   

 ELynnWard:  i can car watch, and ppl watch   

 ELynnWard:  and that's two of my favourite past times   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  yeah, i have mastered the art of entertaining myself too 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i've had to..everyone thinks im crazy 

 I WALK IN PEACE:  hehe 

 ELynnWard:  lmao   

 ELynnWard:  be careful, yer a guy... an when guys say entertaining themselves... well girls think of...   

 ELynnWard:  rofl   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'm sure when girls say the same thing, guys think the same thing, too 

 ELynnWard:  probably true   

 ELynnWard:  never considered it :)   

 ELynnWard:  my cat is winking at me   

 ELynnWard:  i'm trying to figure out what she di   

 ELynnWard:  and what im going to find   

 ELynnWard:  lol   


 ELynnWard:  so do you have a texas accent, out of curioustity?   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  nope 

 ELynnWard:  aww   

 ELynnWard:  that's too bad   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i was born in puerto rico, moved to san antonio when i was 3 

 ELynnWard:  o that's really neat   

 ELynnWard:  i've only ever lived in 3 places   

 ELynnWard:  lol   

 ELynnWard:  i liked living in canada   

 ELynnWard:  it's so clean   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  i'll visit canada someday 

 ELynnWard:  i lived there   

 ELynnWard:  for a month   

 ELynnWard:  with my first wife   

 ELynnWard:  i have to get to bed   

 ELynnWard:  now   

 ELynnWard:  but it was really awesome meeting u   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  ok, sweet dreams 

 ELynnWard:  and reading your stuff   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  you too :] 

 ELynnWard:  and i hope to talk to u soon   

 ELynnWard:  :)   

 I WALK IN PEACE:  okie doke :] 

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