

 From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Hello Joe Mama  
Date :    
Mon, 01 Jul 2002 11:39:13 -0500  
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Thanks for your reply. I will think about broadband. I love the rain, very soothing and restful. The earth needs it so much. Hope everyone is ok and do not get flooded out of their homes. That part I don't wish on anyone.

Have a good day. Think about getting clean of cigarettes and dope. It will increase your vitality and balance. You could go to a stop smoking support group. There is probably a class somewhere close to your location.  That would be a very important step for you now and it would help you stablize if you could just hang in for a short time until you detox. Oral fixations and relaxations of other sorts are easy to substitute, once a decision is made. IT all hinges on the decision. If you are interested I will get the herbs you need to detox. I reached Greg Burford yesterday. So I can get his help.

Peace be with you,


Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266

The new MSN 8: smart spam protection and 2 months FREE*  
Victor what is this about? When I turned on my computer I got some new prompt messages about updating the antivirus or bit something so I accepted the upgrade. Then I had to turn the computer off an on again. Then the same promt came up again. Can we eliminate this prompt?

How are you today? Resting I hope. I slept so good. That was a great blessing. Figuring out how to get the rent paid?Kind of like a dog barking at the door?  Hope all is well. You shouldn't drink so much! I found some great old notes on healing and our  purpose here. Reminders from my past studies. It has been so much fun

to review these materials. I got one box of stuff into the file. Cheers! My goal is one box a day. That is possible. Soon I will be finished and I can reclaim my office for more efficiency!




Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266
From: nestorh
Subject: A IE 6.0 patch
Date: Sat, 29 Jun 2002 16:23:27 -0500  

From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
What's Happening?  
Date :    
Tue, 02 Jul 2002 11:19:01 -0500  
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Hi Victor: Are you keeping busy, fueled, and dry? How are you?

I am staying put enjoying the quiet and getting boxes unpacked and house cleaned. It is lovely.

Have you found a sound card? I bet it is a bit messy for getting around. If you get one let me know. I will come pick you up and feed you when you install it.  I am going to downtown tommorrow eveing and come by your place on the way home. With all this rain, we will have fertile ground for establishing the new garden out front. It will be fun.



From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Wed, 03 Jul 2002 13:53:26 -0500  
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Your list of online pals came up on my computer today.  Can I remove that? How do I do it? It is awfully muddy out here right now from all the rain. Have you been out here?

What's happening? Did you get the rent money?

I am at my cousins house. Please send me an email.  I can check it there, or leave a message on my home phone, 651-4828. Her phone is 408-6641 but I can't get the messages there so you can only talk to me if I am there or able to get the phone when it rings. Don't leave any messages there ok?

Ok, later alligator!


Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266

From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
On my way  
Date :    
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 14:23:36 -0500  
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Ok Victor I have received your phone calls and am coming over to your apartment. You have made your presence known each day I go online I guess because you are using my aol account, is that correct? I don't like these call names with derogatory sexual terms coming up on my screen. Can you do something to remove them from my view??? Or what is possible. I understand it is amusing to you. I would rather have something a little lighter, it smacks of anger to me, as all the condemnatory language that has been passed down to us out of anger.  I express my anger is a different way, by walking or working out. Now that you are walking so much you are not really angry anymore are you? So why not bring your language into full expression to reflect your state of being? Whether the words have meaning or no meaning to you they have meaning to other people and since we live in relationship to others we need to use language that is acurate to our world.  I am just beginning to understand more about language myself, however, it is critical to focus on acuracy so that we are not so terribly  misunderstood as we try to honestly, lovingly, and powerfully transform everything and everyone around us and heal the planet.
With much love and angst,

Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266


From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Planting Seeds  
Date :    
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 11:03:11 -0500  
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Hi Victor: I am just planting seeds for now. This is an example of a good program which you could do for a few dollars instead of $150 for their program We can get the advice from Greg about which herbs to order from other better sources and you could do this on your own with a group of friends as your support group. He maybe smoking right now. Perhaps he would join you in an online support group. Just read this for now and put into your future to do list when you feel ready.

Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266
To: Member
Subject: S T O P S M O K I N G in a week - I guarantee it! (703478)
Date: Thu, 04 Jul 2002 02:31:09 -0400 (EDT)  

From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: Hi  
Date :    
Thu, 04 Jul 2002 10:38:26 -0500  
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Hi Victor:
Thanks for your message. Can we meet at one of the bus stops at 1:00 pm and expect to get me to downtown E. Houston street by 5:00 pm? Tell me where to meet you.

Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Fri, 5 Jul 2002 16:29:00 EDT  
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I guess you are not on the chat. I don't see the chat box.  I plan to get to the 4:28 bus, but the mechanic is working on the car probably now. So if I can drive I will stop and talk to you if you meet the bus.

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: Hello  
Date :    
Sat, 6 Jul 2002 22:35:24 EDT  
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it's ok, appreciate your efforts, as I said I chased the bus and found you not on it
later I had thought I would come over to your place but I ran out of energy and had to take a nap, then I felt a little bit like it was not safe for me to go around at night alone to your place. I feel pretty safe out where I live, but I minimize risk by not running the city alone at night. anyway, I have a lot to do and to think about. Many responsibilities and chores that need to be done for my own sanity.

peace to you,

From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Date :    
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 21:29:00 -0500  
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Hi Victor: It is 9:30pm. I just came in after digging in the new garden bed you and Sam cleared. I replanted all the stuff that had to be moved. That was fun, I love digging in the earth. Did you sell your computer yet?  What is happening. Keep me posted. Call or chat, ok?!!!Keep in touch. I need to know how it is going.

Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266

From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Fwd: Re: DNA Changes article  
Date :    
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 18:06:26 -0500  
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Victor this is Greg Burford's impressions of the article. Should be fun reading the links he indicates. Enjoy!


Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266
From: Greg Burford
To: "Lucy Greer Burton"
Subject: Re: DNA Changes article
Date: Wed, 10 Jul 2002 15:26:12 -0700
>My friend Monie sent me this article. I would like to know what you
>think about it. Do you agree/disagree or have any experience with
>any of the assumptions?
>Thanks for your reply,
I have been aware of this 'concept' (DNA changes) for many years. Drunvalo Melchizadek (sp?) has done more than anyone to popularize this concept.
Here is a link to what may be the complete version of the article you sent to me:
DNA changes are real, but I have no evidence of 'additional strands'. Most changes noted are due to damage, not evolution. We have 'redundant' DNA for this reason.
The actual real changes of note are not caused by DNA; people like to have a 'reason' for everything, 'everything must have a cause', and it is easy to associate DNA with primary causative factors. The actual changes are really happening, and perhaps, one of the ways that the changes are seen is in DNA.
I do not know enough to be able to say other than I have already, but I am aware that changes are occurring.
Another way of looking at this is to look for the biggest possible picture. In that picture you will find what is really happening, and it is 'evolution' and it is 'on schedule' and it is the growth of What Is. It all happens together because it is all really 'one thing'. Although we speak of parts, such as DNA, the Whole Thing of What Is is what is changing, and those changes are felt everywhere.
I view Dr Fox's efforts as sincere, but more of the nature of cheerleading for surrender to What Is, than anything else. It is always appropriate to surrender to What Is.
Each person is born and grows, and this growth may be usefully seen via this paradigm:
Please read the entire site:
The above site has the most 'direct and advanced' versions of What Is, requiring no translation.

From :  
To :  
Subject :    
Fwd: Responsibility  
Date :    
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 18:58:43 EDT  
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From :    
"The Helaman Group Inc" <>  
To :    
Downline <>  
Subject :    
Date :    
Wed, 10 Jul 2002 14:38:00 -0500  

RESPONSIBILITY - The only responsibility that a man connot evade in their life
is the one he thinks of least. His personal influence.  Man's conscious
influence, when he is on dress parade, when he is posing to impress those around
him, is woefully small.  But his unconscious influence, the silent, subtle
radiation of his personality, the effect of his words and acts, the trifles he
never considers, is tremendous.  Every moment of life he is changing, to a
degree, the life of the whole world.  Every man has an atmosphere which is
affecting every other.  So silent and unconsciously is this influence working,
that man may forget that it exists.
Into the hands of every individual is given a marvelous power for good or for
evil, the silent, unconscious, unseen influence of his life.  This is simply the
constant radiation of what a man really is, not what he pretends to be.  Every
man, by his mere living, is radiating sympathy, or sorrow, or morbidness, or
cynicism, or happiness, or hope, or any of a hundred other qualities.  Life is a
state of constant radiation and absorption; to exist is to radiate; to exist is
to be the recipient of radiations.   -   William George Jordan,  from the
majesty of calmness

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From :    
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :  
Subject :    
Re: Hello  
Date :    
Thu, 11 Jul 2002 13:33:12 -0500  
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Hi Victor:

Thanks for the update. Please stay in touch with me, ok? Whatever happens I want you to staay in touch. I got your phone message. I am at work. I will be home later this afternoon about 4:30 pm or 5:00 pm. My friends from Hawaii, Larry and Nancy King and their two kids Sky and Katy will be arriving about 5:00 pm in their motorhome. They are going to overnight with me on their way from California to North Carolina.  So I will be entertaining them tonight and in the morning. Sorry but I don't have secure/dry storage for your stuff. I wish you could get a roommate today for $500 then you could keep the apartment and plan ahead a little better!!! Look for a roommate, and keep trying to sell your computer.

Get your resume ready. Did you look at mine? Copy it but write up your own career goal, see the world, or whatever your goal is. You need to decide that to take the next step anyway. Then fill in your experience with work, school, or other expertise.  I will still be a reference. You need to list your other friends or people who believe in you as references with active contacts. Mine is on my resume. Ok now stay focused and make every minute productive. Don't chase rainbows. Be practical. You can have fun too, make it creative and fun, while you are doing practical things.  You can call me anytime. I will try to respond.



Lucy Greer Burton
18425 Bracken Drive
San Antonio, Texas 78266

From :  
To :  
CC :  
Subject :    
Hello& Re: Coalition for Walkable Communities  
Date :    
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 08:06:42 EDT  
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Hi Victor:

How are you? Please stay  in touch. I know things feel pretty exciting or perhaps gloomy. I think I can be an anchor perhaps while you ride the roller coaster. So send me messages when you can and I will respond.
I will send you love and energy with every breath and place my hope on your life for the contribution you wish to make and have expressed so confidently.
The door is always open here in my heart and home.  So stay in touch.

I was not happy with your suggestion that you were going to take the Uhaul. I think it is better to work within the law, as when you are hiding, it takes a lot of energy to hide all the time, and it is so tempting to get paranoid, not ever knowing who to trust. Then of course even if you live within the legal code of the country you still have to listen to your inner guidance about who to trust. I think you know that you can trust me.  I was reviewing my reactions to you, and I was frustrated and confused upon your announcement. It is a lesson for me on staying centered and just observing others, not reacting.  I did some reacting and attempted to manipulate you to get you to change your mind about leaving so soon with the Uhaul. I think my fears came up about your safety or my association with someone who might be arrested as a thief.

I trust you, but  feel threatened when you have not thought through your actions and are unaware of the many possible consequences. Your thoughts and logic appears naive, not completely developed, or immature.  I could be wrong, this is not a judgement, just my first impression when you explain your ideas. Therefore, I think you need a guide to go off on bold adventures.  That inner guidance you have is powerful and trustworthy, but your life experience is young and new, and you will no doubt suffer a great deal until you get more experience. I hope people are good to you.
I went to Europe by myself at age 22, and I met several people who were con artists and who took advantage of me, but I was not harmed much. I also met several very nice and interesting people. I think I was lucky and also have a guardian angel or a whole host of them that protect me from harm. That is why I usually experience little fear about being physically harmed by other people.  And I had a wonderful trip. A very nice Lebanese business man took me to the Greek Islands from Athens.  I met a lovely young man in Italy and fell in love.(I met him in the Rome airport while changing airplanes to go to Greece. I overnighted in Naples on my way home as a result. I went back a few months later and spent a week with him.) He was beautiful and to this day I think of him fondly. But I have lost contact.  If you can find him that would be so sweet. His name is Pietro Pagnini and he was a professor of art history at a university in Naples, Italy. A strong athelete, he competed in the water polo team competitions in Italy. His older friend who did a not of translating for us had been an olympic athelete in water polo and married an American woman. Later they divorced, but he knew English well, so Pietro brought him along to help us communicate. We used a lot of hand signals and non verbal communication, but the language barrier was a real barrier in the end.  That was probably about 1972, when I was 24 years old. Interesting huh?  My father was so dissappointed that I became an airline stewardess after he had worked so hard, to pay for my college education. I had earned a teaching certificate and a degree in Home Economics Education, but could not relate to nor did I want to do any of the careers or jobs open to me in my profession. I just wanted to travel and see the world. That is a noble and important part of your education. Good luck. I have not seen the whole world, but I have traveled extensively in the US, Canada, Europe, some in South America and the South Pacific. My mother in later years was a travel agent and guided many trips. So if I can help on your travels let me know.  I have also done a lot of camping and backpacking and know the mountains of Oregon, Washington, and British Columbia pretty well.  I have books and maps of many of these areas.   

I would always want you to be free to experience your life. I want to be free, so wish to set everyone around me free also, free of fears, illusions, delusions, free of abuse and oppression. I know you have been abused and oppressed, we all have.  And I know you want to make the world better for everyone including yourself. Yes, each of us makes a big difference in improving life for the whole planet or adding to the confusion.   

When we stay centered in our being anchored to our mother the earth and our heart open, our minds connected to all that is, we have the greatest opportunity to bring our full being forward and fulfill our life purpose, to make the contribution we came to make.

I learned so much from the few days of hanging out with you and learning about you. I learned that I do wish for a man closer to my age or at least one who has more life experience and yet is still in good health and interested or open to my vision and goals. Your openess to my vision and goals with the garden learning centers and Nikken made you very attractive to me.  It is rare that I meet someone excited about what I am doing. I realize that young people who are not set in the old ways may be more open than my peers or older folks whom I usually associate with here. In Oregon there are many older people open to my goals, here it is more limiting, as the area is 20-50 years behind the west coast in consciousness building. When you get there you will find out, so many new ideas, it is chaotic, but very fascinating.

I hope to see you in Sophia Center gardens and learning centers some day. Better yet, please come back and help me create the first center, there will be many, we will be creating many of them everywhere, especially in beautiful places. So keep an eye out for the most magical beautiful communities and we will place them there first as models for everyone of what is to come. They will be walkable communities!!!!

We need to set up a coalition for walkable communities. There are already some good visionaries working and teaching, planting the seeds for the vision. We can connect with them and work together I am sure.

Love to you Joseph Madre'


From :   
"Lucy Greer Burton" <>  
To :,  
Subject :    
Petition Against War ...Consider Signing  
Date :    
Thu, 14 Nov 2002 05:33:11 -0600  
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Subject: Please consider signing
War is NOT the Answer. Today we are at a point of imbalance in the world and are moving toward what may be the beginning of a THIRD  WORLD WAR.
If you are against this possibility, the UN is gathering signatures in an effort to avoid a tragic world event.
Please COPY (rather than Forward) this e-mail in a new message, sign at the end of the list, and send it  to all the people whom you know. If you receive this list with  more than 500 names signed, please send a
copy of the message to:

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