


FW: Scientific Proof God Exists! INTERESTING.
victor gruber
Mon 5/9/2011 9:56 PM
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Scientific Proof God Exists! INTERESTING.Date: Sun, 8 May 2011 11:06:05 -0500Victor, if you get put on psychiatric drugs you will be on them the rest of your life and when your off of them for 3 or 4 days then you really go haywire.  Meanwhile 100 capsules will cost 100 dollars or more and you will be told you can't live without them.The World and society you live in does not give you happiness or pleasure.  When I was your age and in San Antonio I knew something was wrong with the energy there for various reasons, I knew I could never be happy there.  Nor then could help or make anyone else happy there to.  I feel into a depression and headed for Panama.Here its not like everything is beautiful but the environment challenges you to bring out the best of your survival qualities and in so doing one feels more alive and better with one's self.  But there are other places in the World too.    The Psychiatric medicine becomes an excuse for failing to adapt to a negative environment that by working in it year after year just wears you out...where does it give you love and life?In Panama there is a herb that would have cured your uncle John had he stayed on it but rather he went back punctually to his headshrinker and they put him on lithium and with time it wore out his kidnesy and went on dialysis for 7 years before dying of kidney failure all blotted up with fluid retention.The bottom line Victor, is that  " Life is what you make of it!"  You can give up or you can "fight" for your happiness.  The important thing is that YOU BELIEVE YOUR SANE when everyone else is saying your crazy.    That you believe in yourself when other people don't!    Select something rewarding to do that does not harm you or anyone else and move forward with it.  Some times we just need to travel and in so doing we get Ideas and inspirations.  Some times we just sit still in a nature setting for days and heal inside and outside.  Pray to the LIVE ENERGY IN THE COSMOS and it will ANSWER YOU, ask it for help in your difficult moments and inspiration will follow.  If your in an environmental void of live energy, PRANA, not much wisdom will come to you.All wise men of the history of the World sought moments of meditation and solitude in NATURE...there received their direction in life.  They where not told to be a SLAVE to a modern economic system.  By that I am not saying use it now and then or even for an extended period but it should not be a consuming goal in itself.  What did it bring your mother....comforts at the cost of her health!  Life has its ups and downs and we must learn to accept them as we plan to RISE AGAIN!  With all fatherly love, Franklin....Be patient, get your shit together and the hell out of there!  Together we will look for your medicine in the jungles of Panama, its here!  Located in El Valle de Anton wilderness but hard to find, only found that herb once on my own....but its there and not vary abundant.  Frank    Its a vine that has a nice medicinal smell, corrugated like an old woman's wrinkles.  7 inches of it would be the equivalent, grinded up and capsuled, to 100 lithium pills without after effects and has the virtue of making you feel my brother said, he felt the happiest on this herb than he had been in 20 years!If it gets where you can't take it any more just get on a plane and get your butt here.  I will be your tour guide all over will love our beaches, woman and many natural places to relax.  Won't always be pleasent but there is always some other interesting place near by to go to.  Frank      Do you prefer this with all its survival challenges or a life sterile on Lithium?  Tell your mother that you can always return to her and get hooked on the headshrinkers medicine later, but come and try the natural stuff first for free, there to be grabed up.  Rousseau, a famous philosopher of the last century stated:  Man you are not abandoned, NATURE STILL EXISTS!Back when I was going to college, psychiatrists had THE HIGHEST SUICIDE RATE FOLLOWED BY POLICE MAN.   What can they teach you about LIFE?   The explore instinct is more in the male than in the female.  Domesticate that instinct and boredom is sure to follow....some men where not made to be domesticated.  When I was a child I used to trap bing bings for the pleasure of watching the one in the cage call out to the one in the wild. If the one in the cage song stronger in  the wild one he would have to come to the cage and be trapped also.  But often ran into the king bing bing that would not come to the cage and sing so hard and strong the bird in the cage would have to be released or he would never sing in the cage again.  And if the rare event of catching a king bing bing occurred he usually died of anger and boredom in the cage within a week.  THE WORLD IS BIG, ARE YOU IN A CAGE?  Do you have the daring to get out AND FLY AGAIN....AND BE YOUR OWN KING?  Prepare your wings.  Your mother has two daughters to look after her.  To keep you tied to her can also destroy need to go out into the world and find yourself and purpose interacting with it.  Accept that your sick and you will be sick....climb out of it.  And even if you where, its better to be a FREE SICK MAN than be walking arround all drugged up like a ZOMBIE the rest of your life.   I am talking out of experience Victor, I have been where you are at and managed AS A LATE BLOOMER to heal myself significantly and be useful to others as well.I am sure that just the idea of you coming to visit me makes your mother sick.  But by holding you there and putting you on drugs is she really doing you well?   Forward this letter to her and give hr something to meditate on......she is a victum of a declining system and wants you to be one as well?The stress of Modern Living is NOT WORTH THE BENEFITS!  Franklin
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Scientific Proof God Exists! INTERESTING.Date: Sat, 7 May 2011 13:44:06 -0500Frank,    Ada wants me to talk to a psychologist about my depression and suicidal ideation, my hopelessness.  I am sure they will try to put me on lithium for my bipolarity.  Do you know anything about this drug?  Should I take it?  Is there a natural alternative? 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Scientific Proof God Exists! INTERESTING.Date: Sat, 7 May 2011 05:52:37 -0500Cosmic Fingerprints

“If You Can Read This, I Can Prove God Exists!”

New Discoveries about God, DNA and the Origin of Life

Q: Is it possible to prove God exists?adn_animation

A: To the extent science can prove anything…. yes.

Yeah, I know that might sound crazy. But I’m not asking you to believe anything just yet. Not until you see the evidence for yourself.  All I ask is that you refrain from disbelieving while I show you my proof.It only takes minutes to convey, but it speaks to some of the most important questions of all time:
  • Extreme order in the universe
  • The fine tuning of physical constants
  • The wonders of space, Earth, Mars and the planets
  • The origin of life itself
…All suggest a higher order. But none speaks so plainly to pure genius as the genetic code.Enter your email address and I’ll grant you access to a powerful video that lays all of this out with stunning clarity. 10 minutes in you’ll be captivated. After that you’ll also be privy to a series of interviews, articles and forums that go much deeper into this amazing topic:
"If you can read this, I can prove God exists."
“I have just watched 61 minutes worth of your Evolution presentation and it is the clearest, most convincing demonstration of intelligent design there is going (and believe me, I’ve done some searching).It also shredded my long-held preconceptions that most Americans blindly hold to either Evolution or Creationism, and thus are bigoted, dogmatic and indoctrinated at an early age. Your approach would be pretty much revolutionary in the UK.Please write a book and get it distributed within the UK. There is a market for people longingly searching for credible answers to the meaning of their existence, and the origin of life in general, and you have hit upon an inspiring, insightful way of answering some of mankind’s deepest existential questions.”-Rob Powys-SmithWestlea, Swindon, UK
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