

From: "Victor Antonio" <>
Subject: Re:  Hello Frank
Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 03:10:22 +0800

     In not hearing from you in a while, I assumed you had taken the hint.

    I guess I have to make myself crystal clear to you. I don't give a figgity-fuck about what is happening to you.  Who are you to me but a failure who will never stop failing?  Your ignorant ass is so preoccupied working for Satan(figuritively speaking) that you can't make rational sense out of life.  

    You are stuck old man.  You're arrogant. You're ignorant. You're living a lie and making up bullshit excuses to justify your fucked up reality.  You wasted your money getting a car, but now it's broken
down and useless.  I hate to say I told you so.  Actually, no I don't.  I TOLD YOU SO.  

You fucking idiot, Frank.  When will you ever learn, dumbfuck?

        You are trying to convert natural cures into money.    How blasphemous is that?    You fucking sinner.  It will always be you who has to pay, not the other way around.
        Haha, you're discontinuing your bullshit webpage because your feeble mind can't learn the web.  Sucker.  Computers are only complicated if your reality is complicated(which is your fault, no one
elses).  Computers only emulate real life.  Computers are just another language you don't know.
But, you can learn computer-talk just like I could learn French if I wanted to.  Practice makes perfect.
        But, seeing as how you didn't even try too hard to contact your own children for over 20 years just goes to prove how much of a no-gumption bastard you really are.  You're a fucking lazy ass who is too
preoccupied with what other people think of you.  You are utterly useless Frank.    I remember when you first started emailing me you always calculated those thousands of dollars that you could make.  What happened to them?  

    Well, it's been long enough.  Where is all your wealth?  You are absolutely nothing but talk.  Actions speak louder than words. You won't ever accomplish shit, Frank.  Get used to it, if you aren't already.  Like I've told you before, failure is the story of your life.
    They say forgiveness is divine.  I believe that, as well.  But, you have gone way past the point of no return.  I had already forgiven you for your atrocities.    I gave you the chance without you
even asking for it.

    I accepted you as you were.  But, you sacrificed it in your ignorance. Therefore, you lost your chance, as well as any hopes for a relationship with your "son".  I only forgive once, Frank.
 You still mean nothing to me and NEVER will.

    This is the email address I check most often now. But please, don't ever email me again.  I have more important things to do than to waste my time corresponding with a lazy fool such as yourself. 

I have a world to save, damnit.  You really, truly don't mean shit to me, Frank.    I
seriously couldn't care less if you lived or died.    That's how much you seemed to
care about me and my sisters WHEN YOU WERE NEVER THERE FOR OVER 20

    If I found out you had died, I would simply assume the karma caught up with you and you were punished for being such a bastard all your life.  I might even smile and bask in such justice.

    Now, I will contact you only once after this.

    Soon, I will have my webpage up which will contain EVERYTHING about me.  All the emails, my
journal I've been keeping for over a year and all my reports and dissertations.  I am an open book ashamed of nothing.

    That email containing my webpage will be the last email you receive from me.  

    Then, you can see for yourself how feasible my propositions are.  But, I seriously doubt you will read it.  You're an ignorant fuck, remember? 

    It'll be way too long for your lazy ass to read it. You are an irresponsible, poor excuse for a human being.  

    Pay your fucking dues, pussy.

    Go fuck yourself,

- Victor

p.s.  I'm a person just like you, but I've got better
things to do.

----- Original Message -----

Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 17:47:54 +0000

Subject: Re: Thanks for your email

    Hello Victor,  nice to hear from you again!    I sort am getting used to your foul language.  

    Nevertheless, how do you expect for me to "pay my dues" if your communication is disrespectful?   

    How much time do you spend wishing me the worst?  

    Everything that comes out of us returns so there already is a just law(SO YOU SHALL SOON SEE, FIRSTHAND!),  we all have to live by the law of cause and effect(YOU HAVE CAUSED YOUR OWN DEMISE).  How long is your dissertation on saving the World(TOO LONG FOR BABIES), can I have a preview of it?  I am glad you are thinking along those terms, in some way or another we all should leave this World better than how we found it.

    When you fucked up(HAHAHAHA), using the money I sent you to get into trouble(there you go assuming again, you dumb wannabe man.  I HAVE NEVER BEEN A DRUG DEALER, ASSHOLE!),  I changed my priorities with regards to helping you economically because now as a grown man you should be the first to look after your well being and you did not,  so if you do not care about yourself,( assuming that marijuana is " good for you, " your divine herb!(DAMM SKIPPY!)")    why should I waste scarce resource?


    That does not mean I wrote you off my (IMAGINARY) " help list" but simply that you with your actions placed yourself below other people that are taking care of themselves.    If everyone took care of themselves staying within the laws(MORALITY SHOULD BE OUR GUIDE, NOT LEGALITY!) of their countries  the World would be a better place to live.

    Now, granted, laws are not always just, but there are mechanisms to change laws but until they are changed one should respect them enough to keep from infliciting injury up oneself(YOU SOUND LIKE A BIG WET VAGINA).   I know to you all this may sound like "bulshit" nevertheless the laws against marijuana consumption  are FACTS  that one should not ignore in  taking care of oneself.  You see, once  you  are a repeat offender prone to continue to go down the wrong trail,    the people who pay for your repeat mistakes are dragged down, worn out,  in a sense " punished"  with YOU!  
    And that is a little game I am not willing to play.   You make your mother "  pay" that way for what
 you consider to be her mistakes.   If you where a little "baby" getting yourself in repeat trouble that would be a differrent matter    but you are supposed to be a MAN(NO, YOU ARE!).  I will reward you someday(FAT CHANCE), if i last that long(I CAN TELL YOU EXACTLY WHEN YOU WILL EXPIRE!), for your behaving like an adult MAN.   I have no hate feelings for you in spite of your chronic disrespect for me(I ALSO HAVE NO FEELINGS FOR YOU EITHER).   I would just like to feel someday a person that carries part of my genes, Victor Antonio, overcame  his immaturity(FOREVER YOUNG!) and emotionalism.      

    So I look forward to receiving your email with your  solutions to the World's  problems.   If they are good and often have original ideas, I hope the World gives you the credit and rewards you
have so earned.   Franklin Victor Gruber


From: "Victor Antonio" <>
Subject: Re: Thanks for your email
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 02:14:48 +0800

    Stop emailing me.  I'm tired of your excuses.  Shut the fuck up already.

Subject: Re: Are you fooling yourself?
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2003 06:16:52 +0000

You are about to make an exposition to the World community of a chronology of your life and ideas.
Why are you being sincere to a basically insincere humanity which only cares principally about itself?(People don't see the world as it is, but AS THEY ARE!)  I learned long ago only to intrust my personal life to sincere people which experience taught me are extremely rare.  Its all most like a law  when you open yourself up to insincere people they tell you good things but talk bad about you behind your back(I AM GOING TO SAY THIS SHIT TO YOUR FACE SOON!).


From: "Victor Antonio" <>
Subject: Re:  Are you fooling yourself?
Date: Fri, 15 Aug 2003 00:26:45 +0800

I cannot tell a lie.



Subject: Re: Are you fooling yourself?
Date: Sat, 16 Aug 2003 14:36:41 +0000
Only perfect people do not lie.   What makes you perfect?


Subject: Re: Are you fooling yourself?
Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 13:41:58 +0000
Good morning Victor!  

    The things we have in common:  highly independant, cannot work for others for very long.  We can be  highly emotional, tend to see mostly and accept our own point of view.   Have inspirations for improving humanity in general but lack the resources(ONLY YOU HAVE NOTHING) to put our ideas in practice.  

    Differences:  you want others to donate the resources  you need to achieve your objectives,  I wait patiently for a pharmaceutical company to buy one of my formulas.    

    In a sense, in our financial hopes neither of us are very realistic(ONLY YOU SUCK),    the World listens but pays little attention. 

    Have a good day, Franklin    


 From: "FRANK GRUBER" <>  

              Subject: Re: Lets Work Together, put resentment aside!
              Date: Sun, 17 Aug 2003 00:18:06 +0000
    Victor,  I have had my web page in the internet system for about 60 days, //      I cannot understand that a problem so widespread as arthritis would only gain me 55 visits to my web site in sixty days.  I have it listed under "arthritis " in the geocities directory.    

    It would profit you more to help the old man of the mountain succeed  than to laugh and redicule his failures.    

    A miracle is needed to get this marketing off the ground,  the web page is about to expire and I, not an expert in this field, will simply forget about computers for my marketing.  Not so much that I cannot learn(THAT'S EXACTLY WHY) but that there is no more money available to spend or time on computer marketing(YOU AND YOUR EXCUSES, MORON)

    The local newspaper gets me 50,000 readers over night but it does not get me the U.S. market which can pay 25 dollars a bottle.    Given that market have 50,000 dollars in concentrate of the medication in stock.  If a " truthful" person like you can work a " miracle" in internet for my products  your truth would be most convincing.  I have sent you money before and I can in the future,  only do a little to obtain a lot more than 300 bucks.

    There are some other things to consider.   I am also selling this oil as a sandfly repellent that eliminates in a few minutes the sting and allergic reactions of such bites.   Sand flies are a problem in about 10,000 beaches arround the World.    Anyone walking the beaches( each sea shell is worth an
average of 5 dollars in yahoo auctions) putting out fliers for sandfly repellent can make 100 dollars a day while making the acquaintance of hundreds of gals that could listen to your ideas.   

    Victor, what I have is what I have,  INVENTORY!    We could go 50/50 on this business,  you establish distributors in all the major U.S. beaches.    I supply you with the concentrate,  you buy the ten cent    4 ounce bottles locally and place the label on them.  

    After the product is marketed you place my share in the bank. If all goes well, after a two year period of managing the distributors,  I grant you  50,000 dollars in concentrate as a bonus and inheritance.   

    The technical problem is getting this herbal essense in legally into the United States.    Think it over, take your time about it.   

    Personal problems should have solutions  and making money seems to be your requirement if only to get rid of it later in" a World that would not need it."   

    Eventually you can find some U.S. herbs that will do the same and eventually you will not need me as a partner.     

    Today was the worst day in a while.   MY biorythem was not very high, walked up a stairs and
felt very fatigued,  my heart apparently was weak so went into a restaurant had a bowel of vegetable soap,  gave people there my fliers and walked out 20 minutes later with ten bucks.    Normally with this product one can make in two hours about 20 dollars here equivalent to about 50 in U.S. prices.   Since arthritis is so widespread  I establish my own pace.  

    Some weeks I am up bright and early,  others I get out on the street about one in the evening.   This of course is my personal sales not counting what is made on a national sales route which requires the reinvestment of 10% of sales in publicity.    

    For what ever its worth(ZERO) I have explained to you what I have to offer you(YOU ARE WORTHLESS TO ME),,, a simple job giving out fliers and taking peoples money as they buy,  a commercial vehicle to travel the U.S. and the World.  Establish your own distributors. The problem is how to get 5 galon drums of concentrate into the U.S.    To talk about this possibility is a start,  the way of getting the product there legally should exist.  After all we are not talking about harmful drugs,  maybe you can check out with customs the procedure for importing  " essential oils."  

Hasta luego,

From: "Victor Antonio" <>
Subject: Re:  Lets Work Together, put resentment aside!
Date: Tue, 19 Aug 2003 02:34:43 +0800

      Haha, do you realize how desperate you are making yourself look, you old fool?  You say I beg?  Look at your cheap ass.    

    Time after time I have made my position known, but yet you still continue to BEG for my help, in
hopes I'll stoop to your level.  If you can't help yourself, that's your problem.  Don't expect me to pick up for your slack.  

    Here, let me make it crystal-clear to you once again.  I DON'T GIVE A FUCK ABOUT
MONEY.    I get what I need without money.  Stop trying to bribe me.

    I couldn't care less if you, the stranger you are to me, keeps failing.  Why would I?  

    It's quite entertaining to hear about your failures.  It makes me laugh.  It's all I expect from you.  

    Consider it a curse for being such a deadbeat dad.  I bet you ten bucks that if the Internet was never invented, you would have never contacted us ever again.

    Ever heard of karma?    There's a reason for all your misfortune,

    Frank.  It's so simple.  I can't believe you don't see it.    It's because you abandoned your children, idiot.  

    Payback's a bitch, isn't it?

    The truth hurts.

- Victor

p.s. Write me again so I can tell you off some more, it's fun.

Date: Wed, 20 Aug 2003 02:55:27 +0000

    Hi Victor,  well,  so you enjoy my failures?   So I am good at least to amuse you.  At least your last letter was not so bitter,  that is good for your own soul not to carry so much hate arround.  Quite frankly I opened up and let you know of some of my problems interested in knowing how you would teat me  while in a position of weakness.  I merely asked your cooperation yet its not undespensable.  I will continue to progress without you.
    If internet had not come arround,  your main activity would be smoking pot, staying high with donations,  a wasted life(YOU KNOW NOT WHAT YOU THINK).   So thanks to internet we may all be somewhat better.  

    By your insults you have convinced me that further communication is fruitless.  Try and stay out of trouble, try to give your real hero in your life, your mother, some PEACE.   

    Good luck in your endeavors to contribute to humanity!  Wish you success in finding and doing GOD's WILL, the real challenge in our lives.



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