

Subject: Re: Thanks for your email
Date: Wed, 13 Aug 2003 17:47:54 +0000
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Hello Victor,  nice to hear from you again!   I sort am getting used
to your
foul language.    Nevertheless, how do you expect for me to  "pay
my dues" if
your communication is disrespectful?
How much time do you spend wishing me the worst?   Everything that
comes out
of us returns so there already is a just law,  we all have to live by
law of cause and effect.  How long is your dissertation on saving the
  can I have a preview of it?  I am glad you are thinking along those
in some way or another we all should leave this World better than how
found it.

When you fucked up, using the money I sent you to get into trouble,
changed my priorities with regards to helping you economically
because now
as a grown man you should be the first to look after your well being
and you
did not,  so if you do not care about yourself,( assuming that
marijuana is
" good for you, " your divine herb!")  why should I
waste scarce resource?    
That does not mean I wrote you off my  " help list" but
simply that you with
your actions placed yourself below other people that are taking care
themselves.   If everyone took care of themselves staying within the
laws of
their countries  the World would be a better place to live.  Now,
laws are not always just, but there are mechanisms to change laws but
they are changed one should respect them enough to keep from
injury up oneself.   I know to you all this may sound like
nevertheless the laws against marijuana consumption  are FACTS    that
should not ignore in  taking care of oneself.
You see, once  you  are a repeat offender prone to continue to go
down the
wrong trail,  the people who pay for your repeat mistakes  are
dragged down,
worn out,  in a sense " punished"  with YOU!     And that is
a little game I
am not willing to play.   You make your mother "  pay "
that way for what
you consider to be her mistakes.   If you where a little
"baby" getting
yourself in repeat trouble that would be a differrent matter  but you
supposed to be a MAN.  I will reward you someday, if i last that
long, for
your behaving like an adult MAN.   I have no hate feelings for you in
of your chronic disrespect for me.   I would just like to feel
someday  a
person that carries part of my genes, Victor Antonio,  overcame  his  
immaturity and emotionalism.    So I look forward to receiving your
with your  solutions to the World's  problems.     If they are good and
have original ideas, I hope the World gives you the credit and
rewards you
have so earned.   Franklin Victor Gruber

>From: "Victor Antonio" <>


>Subject: Re:  Hello Frank
>Date: Tue, 12 Aug 2003 03:10:22 +0800
>      In not hearing from you in a while, I assumed you had taken
the hint.
>  I guess I have to make myself crystal clear to you.  I don't
give a
>figgity-fuck about what is happening to you.  Who are you to me
but a
>failure who will never stop failing?  Your ignorant ass is so
>working for Satan(figuritively speaking) that you can't make
rational sense
>out of life.  You are stuck old man.  You're arrogant.  You're
>You're living a lie and making up bullshit excuses to justify
your fucked
>up reality.  You wasted your money getting a car, but now it's
broken down
>and useless.  I hate to say I told you so.    Actually, no I don't.
>YOU SO.  You fucking idiot, Frank.    When will you ever learn,
>      You are trying to convert natural cures into money.  How
>is that?  You fucking sinner.  It will always be you who has to
pay, not
>the other way around.
>      Haha, you're discontinuing your bullshit webpage because
your feeble
>mind can't learn the web.  Sucker.    Computers are only
complicated if your
>reality is complicated(which is your fault, no one elses).
Computers only
>emulate real life.    Computers are just another language you don't
>But, you can learn computer-talk just like I could learn French
if I wanted
>to.  Practice makes perfect.
>      But, seeing as how you didn't even try too hard to contact
your own
>children for over 20 years just goes to prove how much of a
>bastard you really are.  You're a fucking lazy ass who is too
>with what other people think of you.  You are utterly useless
Frank.    I
>remember when you first started emailing me you always calculated
>thousands of dollars that you could make.  What happened to them?
>it's been long enough.  Where is all your wealth?  You are
>nothing but talk.  Actions speak louder than words.  You won't
>accomplish shit, Frank.  Get used to it, if you aren't already.
Like I've
>told you before, failure is the story of your life.
>      They say forgiveness is divine.  I believe that, as well.
But, you
>have gone way past the point of no return.    I had already
forgiven you for
>your atrocities.  I gave you the chance without you even asking
for it.  I
>accepted you as you were.  But, you sacrificed it in your
>Therefore, you lost your chance, as well as any hopes for a
>with your "son".    I only forgive once, Frank.  You
still mean nothing to me
>and NEVER will.
>      This is the email address I check most often now.  But
please, don't
>ever email me again.  I have more important things to do than to
waste my
>time corresponding with a lazy fool such as yourself.  I have a
world to
>save, damnit.  You really, truly don't mean shit to me, Frank.  I
>couldn't care less if you lived or died.  That's how much you
seemed to
>care about me and my sisters WHEN YOU WERE NEVER THERE FOR OVER
>YEARS.  If I found out you had died, I would simply assume the
karma caught
>up with you and you were punished for being such a bastard all
your life.  
>I might even smile and bask in such justice.
>      Now, I will contact you only once after this.  Soon, I will
have my
>webpage up which will contain EVERYTHING about me.    All the
emails, my
>journal I've been keeping for over a year and all my reports and
>dissertations.  I am an open book ashamed of nothing.  That email
>containing my webpage will be the last email you receive from me.
>you can see for yourself how feasible my propositions are.    But,
>seriously doubt you will read it.  You're an ignorant fuck,
>It'll be way too long for your lazy ass to read it.  You are an
>irresponsible, poor excuse for a human being.  Pay your fucking
>Go fuck yourself,
>- Victor
>p.s.  I'm a person just like you, but I've got better things to
>Now with e-mail forwarding for only US$5.95/yr
>Powered by Outblaze


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