

 Subject: hi frank

hello frank,
     argh, i had just spent an hour replying to your last email and i lost it all.  i am at a library in oregon and the timer ran out.  youre probably wondering how i got to oregon.  hehe, its a very interesting tale.  ive had my mini-cassette recorder with me the whole time and have logged the whole experience.  i just need to type it up.  
     in short, i was walking west on i10 for 2 days and someone just stopped.  the guy told me he was going to california, where was i going?  so i got a ride from east texas to LA.  caught the greyhound to san francisco, the BART to oakland, the bus to berkeley, some girl gave me a ride to arcata in northern california, then i got a ride to this healing camp in oregon, from there i am now living with some hippies who have been active in the peace movement since the 60's.  their computer resources/skills are rudimentary and i plan to help them.  maybe ill have my headquarters here.  
     the only computer they have(which just shorted out two days ago) is an old 300mhz system not on the internet.  ive called mom and asked her to put my computer in a box and ship it to oregon.  it should get here in like a week.  they have this big multi-room office in a barn behind the trailer we are living in.  it would be a perfect headquarters for my internet ideas.  but, i have to work on some projects out here.  for one, i need to get a satellite internet connection and eventually more computers in the office which i can network.  
     now, dont feel bad for not sending the $500.  i have learned never to count on money.  unfortunately, until i phase money out i recognize that i must still use it.  just as little as possible.  money isnt necessary, it just speeds things up a little.  therefore, if you have any surplus you can spare, feel free to send it this way.  dont go too much out of your way though.  just know that right now, i am the best cause in the world.  once i get a little publicity and get the ball rolling a little faster, success will be mine and i will make a lot of people very happy.  i am going to write a little history.
     whenever i have the time and a dedicated computer, i will type up my stories and let you know exactly what ive been through.  oh yeah, let me tell you what im thinking of doing.  i am kind of homesick already.  i plan to return to san antonio eventually.  i was thinking once i do a little more work here, i will make my way back to san antonio.  i will record my whole voyage back home and then type up my book at moms house and unleash it on the internet(for free).  ill just relax for a couple months and tell my friends about all the fun ive had.  then, i will plan a sequel-trip.  this time ill go east and visit my ex girlfriend chasity and my dog stuart in florida.  i will go without money again and record the journey.  eventually, ill come back to san antonio and type up my story and unleash it again.  im thinking ill go north next or maybe ill go south and aim for panama.  you know i hate planning things at all.  im just brainstorming.

   oh well frank.  you wouldve had a good story if the timer hadnt gone off.  you will have to settle for this abbreviated version, because im lazy, hehe.

i hope you are well, peace pops

- victor




Re: Are you alive?

     of course i am alive.  not only am i alive, but i am also the happiest man in the world.  hehe, when i find the computer time to type up my stories)ive had my cassette recorder with me the whole time), you will be able to see exactly how much fun i am having.  
     now why would you think i would not want to write you?  you have done nothing wrong to me.  not counting the food and shelter ada provided me with, i feel like i have been able to raise myself and have done a pretty decent job.  i have learned only to depend on myself, for i am the only person i can trust fully.  
     please believe me when i say i forgive you.  like ive said before, it would only be hypocritical of me if i were to hold a grudge towards you.  like they say, forgiveness is divine.  you are, without a doubt, my blood-father.  we are too alike, despite the fact that we havent had any contact since i was 3, to be ignorant to our similiarities.  therefore, i see you as a new friend and am open to learning from you as much as possible.  i just hope that you take this opportunity to learn from me as well.  
     just like any other relationship, our new friendship will keep working only as long as we accept each others differences and do not judge the other.  true, we may share a lot of beliefs, but we are not the same.  as long as the other can tolerate the variety in our relationship, we will get along great.  
     well frank, its a cold morning here in oregon.  im going to go smoke my first cigarette of the day.  maybe if my succcess comes before i expect it to, i can fly you over here so you can visit me.  
     there is this medicine woman named fawn journeyhawk in o'brien oregon, who has a 90% success rate of healing people.  maybe she can help you with all your ailments.  this guy nate, who im living with now, used to have clubbed feet.  he went to the healing camp, went through the process(of just laying down and falling asleep when the spirits take over), and now his feet are normal and he is still healing.  if nothing, you two can learn from each other since you are a healer yourself.  

well frank, have a good day and the best of luck to you.

- victor


Subject: still the happiest man in the world :]

wow frank,
     i am delighted to hear about your new-found prosperity.  things are looking better for everyone.  with me, i am having a great time.  this morning, i caught the bus to my old telemarketing job.  i showed up early because being the revolving door it is, the human resources department is always full of people.  i waited an hour and was told i had to return tomorrow for a schedule.  
     well, i was on the bus on the way back home and struck up a conversation with this guy about computers.  derek is his name.  well anyway, he tells me about the badass system he owns.  i mean this machine is next generation stuff.  he said he's put like $8,000 into it.  i asked him if he would let me come over and check it out.  so that's where im writing you from.  i am downloading lots of games and movies for him.  he'll be happy when he wakes up from his nap.  today will be a great chapter in my book.  i forgot my tape recorder at home, so i will have to type it up from memory.
     oh, i just realized i haven't sent you the story i typed up.  when i got home from california, i typed up a summary of my adventure.  not the detailed chapters from my tape recorder, but just the story i was telling people from memory.  i will be sure to email you a copy right after i send this one.  jack keroak, move over.

well pops, the magical gruber brethren shall always prevail, drive carefully.

- victor

p.s.  i wish there was someway i could receive your generous allowance without my mother knowing.  i don't want to explain anything to her, she doesn't understand us at all.  could you estimate the time it should take to arrive?  that way, i can try and be the one to check the mail.    


Subject: Re: victor's true story

hello frank,
     hmm, the fact that generosity came up again and again in my trip proves to me that its human-nature to be generous.  keep in mind, the most of the help i received on my trip came from other people who smoke weed.  maybe my east-coast trip will prove it to everyone, i dunno.  i'm not sure when i will leave again.  whenever i feel the time is right.
     oh yeah, guess where i'm going tuesday morning.  i scored a free ride to mexico.  this guy tobin i met, at this shop in san antonio where they sell marijuana paraphernelia, ended up inviting me to laredo with him after i told him about my trip.  he even has a free motel room waiting for us and his company is paying for everything, including food.  he's 28 and way into survival tactics.  he's working for some geological company.  so, i'll have my cassette recorder with me the whole time.  i'm going to do an experiment.  seeing as how i know spanish, i will try to get free things in mexico as i do in san antonio.  ill record every instance and prove my theory right.  every human in this world has the potential to be good, no matter the bad things they have done in the past.
     now, we wont be there for more than a couple days.  he even told me if i needed to come back to san antonio sooner, that he would pay for the bus ticket home.  to the victor go the spoils again.

well frank, it was good to hear from you again,

- victor

p.s. hmm, i wonder how much bus fare would cost to panama from laredo.  


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