

12-26-23 5:00pm  Just finished typing up this 46 minute vid!  IT'S EXACTLY WHAT I NEED ON MY BLOG! 

Christianity is the Most Evil Influence in Human History, with Proof!


     What's up, guys.  Illumignostic and welcome to my annual Christmas stream.  I do this every year and what I'm going to offer this time is a little bit different.  Every year I manage to think about this stuff from a new angle, to some extent.  And I am also going to share the same stuff that I did in previous streams.  

     We are going to look at the bible through the lenses of someone who does know what it is.  Which is an incredibly surprising, umm, you get incredibly surprising results.  We're also going to look at Christianity using Jesus' own metric.  Umm, and the history of it.  And also, looking at some of the things that are mentioned in the bible from the point of view of a Western Mysteries initiate.  Because there are things that are written into it that are not meant to be understood by the profane, and, once you understand what those key things are the whole story takes on a completely different dimension.  

     Of course, I want to make it clear also that I am not saying the this story actually happened.  I don't believe that Jesus was a historical person.  In fact, I know that he was not.  That's a near-certainty based on solid evidence.  Or the absolute and total absence thereof.  I am just saying that the story in the bible very plainly describes a deception on the part of a false prophet.  It's actually written to make that extremely obvious.  

     Part of the reason for that is that the people that engineered the story, they took a sick pleasure in rubbing the nose of the common man in his own blindness and stupidity.  Because it's really, really obvious what's actually happening in the story.  It's difficult to decide where to start because there is just so much to think about.  

     There's another angle of this which is, of course, the Yahweh idea, that this was actually satan, and that has a whole bag of problems associated with it.  People take it was being Anti-Semitic saying the god of the Jews is actually the devil.  And I am going to say that, basically, but that's not the point.  

     I just want to make it clear that my objective is not to instigate hatred towards anyone.  My motivation in doing this is that I saw from a very young age, the damage, the oppression, the ignorance, murder, torture, genocide.  

     I actually suffered an extreme amount of emotional and psychological abuse and alienation growing up in a Southern, conservative, redneck place.  The very first really serious altercation that occurred, I think I was only in third grade.  I don't know how this came up on the playground, but there was a little girl and we were somehow talking about religion and I said, "Well, I don't believe in Jesus."  Then she said, "Well, then you're a devil worshippper.   I told her, "No, if I don't believe in the whole thing then I don't believe in any part of it."  She said, "No, according to my daddy, you are a devil worshipper."  

     So this rumor got around the playground that I was a devil worshipper.  People started having fights with me, bullying me would be the terminology people would use now, although I certainly didn't think of it like that.  And yes, Julius Caesar.  We are going to talk about how the myth was engeineered.  We know where it all came from.  We know what the parts and pieces are.  

     Jesus is a Franken-myth, it is a composite myth based only on older gods and older stories, but also on Lent.  Which is the proof-positive that it was Mystery-adepts that actually engineered the bible, because they very clearly understood that it is the wave that gives rise to The Photon and that that is where our consciousness originates.  

     But we are getting a little ahead in the story a little bit there.

     Also, while I am on the subject I wanted to mention something really interesting that happened I think last week.  It may have been two weeks now.  I have been long of the opinion, as are a lot of other people that, the Mysteries originated either in Babylonia or Syria, and when you say, "The mysteries originated in..." we are not really talking about tradition.  We are not talking about customs.  We are not talking about you know how when you go to Catholic mass and there's an incense-stencher and you drink some blood and eat the body and all that.  It's not that.  

     We are talking about revelation, gnosis, direct experience of the divine reality that lies behind the universe.  The wiring under the board is actually detected, analyzed and described by people.  That's really what The Mysteries are.  It's not traditions, it's not doctrine, it's not dogma, it's actual perception of living truth.  

     They were transmitted by Pythagorus from Egypt to Greece.  That is how they made their way to us.  So, a couple of weeks ago, cuneiform, I don't know if it's cuneiform, but clay tablet with the Pyhtagorum theorem and other things that were associated with Pyhtagorus was unearthed in Babylonia 2000 years before Phytagaorus wrote down the theorem.  This theory that The Mysteries were transmitted from Babylonia to Pythagorus has a much better evidence, suddenly, than it ever has before.  

     That's interesting and we have a lot of other connections between the bible and Babylonia and Syria.  There are much older myths that are identical to this story.

     I guess, let's start in The Garden of Eden, before Jesus.  The serpent is nowhere associated with the devil in Genesis.  The reason that this is important is that it's the first emergence of this mixture of metaphysical or occult science facts, thing that have actually turned out to be true with this sort of mythology.  

     We begin with The Logos, this vibration that creates the universe.  Well, if we think about it in modern terms and we allow for the assumption that this was a simplified version of a process that actually occurred.  This, The Logos, this vibration is the wave, and that wave gave symmetry and order to that chaotic energy in the primordial stew of creation.  And also gave rise to the light.  Logos, vibratory electromagnetic wave, light, consciousness.  I am Ah-hey-ye.  Right?  So that's the real process in which the story is explained. 

     Then we get this entity that's wandering around in the Garden of Eden and we have these two people.  It is telling them, "Do not eat of that ayahuasca." Hehe, I guess in Syria it would've been Syrian Rue, anacacia-confusa, probably.  If you mix that together you have something like ayahuasca.  "Do not consume the planet of knowledge of good and evil or surely thou shalt die!"  

     The first thing we notice is that we have this entity that's supposed to be a good and loving creator that is saying, "Remain in darkness and ignorance or else I will kill you."  Already we have some suspicious behavior on the part of this entity, who, by the way, is usually not referred to as Him.  

     The tetra? it's on which gives us the pronunciation of the word Jehovah, each letter represents an element.  It's just a code to prevent people from actually pronouncing the The Logos again, the actual name of god, because it is said that it would destroy the universe.  That's why we don't use four-letter words, they're cursed, because they could destroy the universe.  That's actually, literally where that comes from.  

     Then the serpent comes and the serpent says, "You should eat of the tree.  Verily thou shalt not die.  Thou shall know as Elohim knows."   Elohim, by the way is the masculine form of a feminine, plural, plurality, so it's more like a group of men and women, or an acrogenous collective, or something, not a man.  I am just making sure that we keep track of all the distortions, perversions, reconfigurations that happened, before we even get to the tenth page of this book it is already completely different from what it actually says.  

     And, so, they eat of this tree and then they know.  So who lied?  The serpent did not lie.

     The really important thing about this point is it shows the malleability of the people in the church of the common man and their ability to be influenced even when the story literally, the one that's written in the book says THE OPPOSITE from what the preacher in the pulpit tells them it says, they still accept his explanation.  

     Maybe even more important and scary is the fact that the demomization of Lucifer, the Light Bearer, the electromagnetic wave, the very source of our consciousness, and these consciousness-expanding plants, this was known to The Mystery initiates, that there would be no slaves if they consumed these psychoactive plants, that these religions would not be accepted.  

     Do you know what's happening to Mormons in Utah right now?  A lot of them are leaving the church and joining a mushroom group, that is searching for god and admitting they don't know the truth. 

     It is the antidote to all of that.  And there are people that have worked for those in power that understood all of this stuff and they engineered these relgions as obstructions.  Which, is of course, the most evil, blasphemous thing you could ever do.  To design a spiritual system whose function is actually to curtail or to circumvent actual spiritual growth in people.  That's how they are used.  

     Where are we at in the story?

     So, Lucifer, being the Light Bearer, the wave.  When we are demonizing Lucifer, not in the book, by the way, show me in the bible where it demomizes Lucifer.  The original bible, by the way.  There is no lucifer in the original bible.  Not once.  It's not a mistranslation either.  It's just not there.  But, what's really happening there is that it is a symbol of consciousness itself.  So, there is a concerted, direct and deliberate effort to demonize consciousness, and certainly the expansion of consciousness.  That's the first agenda in the book of Genesis.  The first thing that it does.

     When lucifer appears in the bible all it says is Bin Halel, which is not Lucifer.  It's not even a mistranslation.  It means Howl, son of morning.  It doesn't even say, "How hast thou fallen from heaven, bright and shining morning star.  It doesn't even say that.  That was added by the guy that wrote Ezeqquiel.  Is it Ezequil or is it Exodus?  One of the two.  Because his political opponent was a guy named Saint Lucifer.  A lot of people say that it was the king of Babylon.  But it was more likely that he had a politica opponent named Lucifer.  It was almost like a joke.  In the original bible there's no such thing, there's no Lucifer.  

     Now, let's move along and get to where Jesus comes in our story.

     We habe John first, who is a teacher.  He warns that Satan may come as an angel of light.  This is like thirty five or forty five pages before Jesus even shows up and says, "God has sent me and I am the light."  

     Now, I don't know about you, but it's pretty god-damned alarming to me that so many people would read this and be aware of the story and not notice that, that they didn't go, "Well, wait a minute?  Weren't we just warned that Satan may come as an angel of light?"  And here is this Jesus character showing up forty pages later, talking about how, "How god has sent me and I am an angel and I am the light."  It's a little bit weird, you know?

     And it's strange because Christians say, "He can lie, he can have great morality, he can trick you, he's a deceiver."  So, he couldn't just tell you to love your neighbor?  Knowing damn well that you are not going to listen in a context of a bunch of stuff that's going to give you an ego-complex because you feel like you are part of an exclusive club of saved people.  And you are going to look down on people who are not part of this club.  And you are going to oppress and suppress normal human expression and even burn people alive, might that happen?

     I mean, isn't that EXACTLY what satan would do?  I am almost having a conniption-fit and convulsions just thinking about how blatantly obvious and insane this is, that people don't notice this.  "I am the light."  WE WERE JUST WARNED ABOUT THAT!

     But, it gets worse.  The First Commandment DOES NOT say "You shall have no gods other than me, until my son comes."  It says YOU SHALL HAVE NO OTHER GODS.  Period.  There is no caveat, there's no clause that says until my son comes.  Just no!  

     So, all of these people who say Jesus is god, every single one of them is breaking The First Commandment.  All of them.  Every one.

     The second commandment which says You Shall Have No Graven Images.  Crosses, pictures of Jesus.  ALL BLASPHEMY.  

     We were also warned about a wolf in sheep's clothing.  Do you mean a lamb?  That wolf?  I mean, that sheep, the lamb.  Is that the one that is wolf's clothing?  Gosh, there's more.  Okay, morning star.  So, even though Lucifer wasn't in the original bible there are only two people who are referred to as morning star in the bible.  King James version, by the way.  There is none in the original Greek and Hebrew, there is no reference to this at all.  It's a later addition.  

     There is no such thing as Lucifer.  It's not real.  But the morning star, Hesperus in Greek. How has thou fallen from heaven, bright and shining morning star, King James version.  Do you know when the next time it comes up is?  Jesus refers to himself as the bright and shining morning star.  Wait, what?  Lucifer?  I thought he was a deceiver and a snake.  That's odd.


     Then we are told that count the number of man and it's six-six-six, then this is the evil antichrist, or whatever.  

     In Gematria, the number nine.  The number nine is a circular number.  It is the number of truth, because self-substantiated proof is always proof.  It doesn't change.  It's eternal.  Once it has established itself, it's eternal, it's truth.  If you multiply the numerical value of anything by nine and you add it all together, it's nine again.  So, if you multiply the numerical value in Aramaic or Hebrew, either language, for Jesus Christ, messiah and serpent, multiply that by nine and it's six-six-six.  Six plus six plus six added together is again, nine.  

     Which is not the sun.  The sun is six.  The moon is nine.  The illusion of light.  The false light.  

     People will argue, "But, Jesus taught good morality."  Isn't the highest possible teaching in the world that you should love your neighbor as you love yourself?  Don't you say yourself, Illumignostic that that would fix all the problems of the world, if everyone would just wake up tomorrow and start doing that?  

     Yes!  It's true.  But my son could probably tell you that without ever having heard it before.  We are told that this evil being would be capable of tremendous deception, that it would lie.  So you think it couldn't go around and offer a little bit of common sense morality to people?  That's really so difficult?  

     And do we really live in such a fucked up world that just because someone is able to say some basic moralistic teachings that that makes them, that's evidence of divinity?  It's like a bad joke.  

     The most damning thing of all is that more people have died behind Christianity in one way or another.  We are talking holy wars, the buring of the gnostics in France, which most people don't even know about.  The Salem witch hunts and everywhere else too.  South America and the fact that it's used to justify a lot of atrocity.  

     When we had slaves, and people always try to twist this and say that I am saying Christianity created slaves, but NO, but it did facilitate slavery because to the Christian minds blacks were heathens, they didn't have rights, they are not human.  It's not just that they were Africans.  They're not Christian.  

     In modern times I have watched this logic apply to murders of people, when I lived in the south.  A guy with a tire iron beat almost beat a guy completely to death, it wasn't quite a murder.  I asked him how he was able to do that it he was Christian.  He told me, "I can do it BECAUSE I am Christian.  Jesus will forgive me for anything."  

     And the logic of the people that burned people alive and do all of this other horrible stuff is that if you are unsaved it is your destiny to be tortured for all of eternity.  You might as well start doing god's work right here and now.  

     I think that people who aren't from fundamentalist Christian areas, that didn't grow up around these lunatics don't really realize the danger.  You don't understand.  You think that it's just people going to church and trying to be nice.  Maybe they are a little bit hypocritical.  

     No, no, no, no, it's way worse than that.  But, if you add up all of that, science being set back 250 years, that's the estimate.  Copernicus was executed.  Galileo was on house-arrest his entire life.  How many people died because of that?  We can only estimate.  It is true that medical science and other types of sciences were delayed and where would we be in human history?  

     Nobody knows.  Because of Jesus.

     It is more death than all of the dictators and natural disastes combined.  According to Jesus' own metric, judge a man not by his intentions, but by the fruits of his labor.  He said that, so it doesn't matter if Jesus meant well even.  

    The fruits of his labor are oppression, suppression, destruction, genocide, entire cultures wiped off the face of the earth.  By his own metric Christianity is the most evil force in the history of planet earth.  

     The only thing that gives us a run for its money right now is maybe Islam.  A little bit scarier.  Probably.  To me.  

     Then there's another aspect of this.  We are going to look through the lenses of a western mystery tradition, or the western occult tradition we have the idea of thought-forms.  So people will say it's not Christanity, it's the followers.  Okay, then why come it was that in 1000 ad there were people burned alive and tortured and oppressed and science was set back.  And in 500ad, in a different country, and then again, in the United States two hundred years ago, and then in South America  250 years ago, again, a different country.  1300s, England.

     It doesn't matter where in time and space Christians are.  THEY ACT THE SAME WAY EVERYWHERE AND ALWAYS.  

     Of course, there are exceptions.  There are nice little old ladies who just follow it and love Jesus and some people the best possible thing away from it, but overall IT IS NOT GOOOD.  

     Please listen to the things I have laid out here.  It doesn't get much more air-tight.

     Throughout history, no matter where it is, no matter when it is, Christianity has alway been oppressive, repressive and even murderous.  So, that kind of defeats the whole it's not the thing, it's the followers.  Wherever the thing goes, the same shit happens.  That's what happens when a thought-form is let loose.  Nothing can do things that is not within its nature.  A thing is not capable of any change or effect that is not inherent in it as some modality of expression.  It can't happen.  It doesn't happen.  It won't happen.  So this idea of the thought-form.

     There's another way of looking at this that's a little bit more forgiving.  

     Umm, if I was wrong too, don't you think I would have a heart attack or be hit by lightning?  That's what the rednecks always used to tell me in Virginia.  They say, "Well, if you say you are Jesus you will be hit by lightning."  I would yell, "I'M JESUS, FUCK YOU GOD!" as loud as I could and they would all just run and dive on the ground!  I did get hit by lightning, eventually, but it was not for that reason.  

     In my opinion too, you have to be either dumb or insane to believe this stuff, literally.  I think that's something we really need to get into our heads.  People tell you to respect people's beliefs.  Do not do that.  If somebody says, "I am converting to Chritsianity," just bitch-slap them.  On the spot.  Snap them out of it.  Do what you gotta do.  Stop them!  Help them somehow!  

     Oh, the other thing I was getting at is that everything has an equal and opposite effect.  You could also say that we just live in a dualistic universe and that every cause has both positive and negative effects, in equal measure.  I have to say that that is absolutely, certainly true.  Then, on another level, one of the most insane and contradictory things about the general Christian perspective is that they feel that there is this satan that is opposed to god.  

     The universe is indeed composed of equal and opposite energies interacting to produce a third thing.  This is the secre of alchemy, this is how sex works, it's how the electromagnetic waves gives rise to light, the interaction of the electric pole and the magnetic pole and then all matter is light in a standing wave, so the interaction of these opposites is what creates everything.  But, equal and opposite.

     As far as satan being opposed to god, let's take a really close look at this through the lens of the new testament.  Satan only show up about twice in the bible.  He is mentioned more than that, but he's not actually doing anything.  In Jobe he is walking to and fro and to and fro upon the earth.  Jehova shows up and he's all like, "What are you doing?"  Satan tells him, "I am walking to and fro and to and fro and to and fro the earth, my liege.  Jehova then says, "Hmm, how about you to torture Jobe and kill all of his kids and give them diseases and see if he's still loyal to me?"  Satan is like, "Damn, dude.  Are you for real?"  Jehova says, "Yeah, I am, so go do it."  Satan's like, "Alright."  He goes and does all that stuff and he comes back and tells Jehova, "Jobe is still totally loyal, my lord."  God's like, "Fuck that, go back and burn his house down.  He's got a kid left.  Give him leprosy or something."  Satan goes back and does it again.  

     Why, if he's the adversary of God does he do exactly what he is told?  What exactly was that and whose idea was all of this shit?  Not Satan.  So, already we have some major dissonance going on there. 

     But wait, it gets worse.  We have this idea that god is totally sovereign.  So satan is the adversary of this totally sovereign being?  I thought everything moved at god's will, except for this one ninja that is not having it, or whatever?  It doesn't make any sense.  

     The obvious reality is that if there is a god, it is the totality of creation.  The laws are its mind.  The matter is its body.  The rules of the universe are as they are because they cannot be constituted under any other lines and still have this creation.  

     The Freemasons say that necessity is one of the three highest laws.  Things are as they are because they must be.  And so the obviois solution to this is if there is some sort of god there is no opposition.  There are just consitituent elements and some of them have opposing roles to play.  

     In some way shape or form I suppose Christianity played a role, it did its duty.  It served its purpose.  But now it's following humanity around like an unwanted groupie at an after-party.  It's time to show this bitch the back door.  Face-first, right into the dumpster.  


     This myth was designed by the Roman consulate in order to pacify, Palestinians, of all people.  It's ironic that there's still this holy war happening there.  The players may have changed a little bit, but did they?   Do you think those Roman families just kind of dissapeaered when Rome fell?  No, no, no.  They just slinked off and set up shop somewhere else.  Their fortunes just vanished and they just lost power?  Went into the woods, whimpering, or something?  

     At any rate though.  The Palestinian tribes had a warrior messiah and the emulated this messiah.  The jesus myth was successful for a number of reasons.  One of them is that spiritual-bypassing is the marketable constituent of a spiritual system.  So, put it on this zombie and then you can do whatever you want and you will still go to heaven and this other guy suffers for it.  

     Then people are all, "I love Jesus!"  If you loved jesus you wouldn't accept this deal, asshole.  What are you talking about?  You think that's love?  That's really what you want to teach your children?  That that's what love is?  And people wonder why the world is so fucked.  

     People think this makes sense because most people are like biological record players.  Whatever goes in, just comes right back out.  They've been taught all of this shit and never stopped and thought, "Wait a minute."  

     Is this like the most fucked up possible scenario and psychological disposition, that you could possibly engender?  Are we inculcating kids with cognitive-dissonance and complete disconnection with reality?  And all of these other psychological configurations that allow them to make completely insane political decisions later on in life.  Anyway, spiritual bypassing.  Super, super-convenient for people.  

     And then, along with that, the idea that it's okay for someone else to suffer for your sins, it is why so many people on the right, for example, are so willing to embrace exploitation economies.  Because it has been inculcated into their psychology since they were a wee little tike, that it makes sense that other people suffer so that you can be in heaven.  

     People don't understand this about the mind.  It's lile holographic.  Neuuroscientists understand this.  They know that if you create a neural net when you are very little that it will replicate into other patterns that are based on these earlier patterns.  So all of this crap creates the lenses people see the world with for the rest of their life.  


     On top of all of that, it was literally created, there's one more thing, actually.

     We are primates.  I don't think random, blind evolutoin is the entire story, but it's definetely part of it.  It defintely happened.  Michael Levin has basically proven that it's not the whole story at this point.  There's a field that has more to do with morphology than genetics.  That's 100% certain at this point.  Just make a note of that.  We are primates and the same reasons that people worship these presidents and put all of their belief and hopes in, and they are obviously complete pieces of shit.  Every single one of them.  All of them.  

     And yet, "My president."  What is that shit, you dumb monkey?  You are like a cockroach to them.  What the fuck is wrong with you?

     The emulation of this saviour figure, you don't want it to be a warrior if you are trying to rule people.  The only reason they did it, there were a couple of reasons.  It was also to get rid of the pagans.  The pagans wouldn't do what they were world either.  

     When you are spiritually aware and you are connected to a sense of purpose and the greater purpose of the universal mind, great spirit, whatever you want to call it, you are not going to tolerate being ruled.  You don't need to be ruled and you will not tolerate it.  You guys know about how the replaced all of the pagan holidays with Christian ones to get all of these pagans and people with a warrior messiah under control.  

     Jesus is not nice because he was the son of god.  Jesus was nice because your rulers want to pacify you.  There's no other fucking reason for it.  None at all whatsoever.  The reason that people believe so deeply in this specific myth is that they structured it with bits of truth througout it.  The photon is eternal.  It is massless, it is non-physical.  Let's see, eternal, non-physical, light, unchanging, doesn't that sound familiar?  Like god?  

     And don't we have this old mystery religion that says light is the source of our consciousness?  Phsyics has told us that all light is matter in a standing wave.  It's almost like some people had actually known all of that, engineered this religion knowing that if people hear the truth, if they can understand it, they will believe it.  It resonates with them in the language of the day.  So they have used these truths to connect with people, but then they put all of this bullshit in there to manipulate them.  That's the whole trap.  And yes, it was deliberately engineered.

     Jesus walking on water.  Do I need to tell you that sunlight reflects on water?  He literally said I am the light.  Three days on the southern cross, the the solstice when the sun stops moving, and then on the 25th it moves one degree and is resurrected.  It's dead for three days and then it's resurrected and starts moving.  

     How much more obvious could this possibly be?  

     THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A POSITIVE, HELPFUL, BENEFICIAL FUCKING LIE!  No such thing.  Stop rationalizing Jesus.  Stop trying to repurpose him too.  I hate that so much.  Stop making shit up!   

     The Roman consulate engineered this.  They even based his ministry on the military campaign of Titus.  If you look where Jesus stops and does his sermons, it follows the exact same trail as Titas.  We know where the myth came from.  We know where the story was structured.  There is no doubt about any of this.  There's no possibibilty.  There are much lesser historical figures that there is evidence of eveywhere.  The Romans kept anal records.  Totally, like every little thing that happened.  They had spies.  Imagine the US now with all these cameras everywhere.  That was Rome, only they were people who were paid to stand around with notebooks and watch everything and write shit down.  

     There is no fucking record anywhere of a Jew or an Aramaic guy being taken there and tried and crucified.  There would be records of the trial.  There would be eywitnesses.  Peoploe had diaries, people had notebooks, people wrote shit down.  There is not one single eyewitness account, not one.  It never happened.  

     What did happen was the oppression, suppression, torture, genocide, the loss of entire cultures.  We talk about African Americans and other displaced people like the native Amerians in the US, being disconnected from their ancestral roots.  What about Europeans?  They don't even think about it anymore.  And we do know, I see every day in the Amazon rain forest what Catholicismm has done to indigenous people for one thing, and Mestizos and evetyone, how it just sucks the color and vibrancy of life and authenticity out of people, and turns them into hollow vapid shells of what they would really be if they had their customs still intact, their original, beautiful, amazing culture, that was replaced by this bland, vapid bullshit.

     But, where there is no ayahuasca. there is alcoholism and abuse and incest.  That's what happens when people are taken from their ancestral roots.  Just like a tree that can no longer drink water.  

     What were white people connected to before Christianity took it all from us?  How much more powerful would we be?  What would white people be like if we had not been disenfranchised from our ancestral roots?  

     Conrast Africans with black people in the United States.  To me it's the same thing.  100% I would prefer the company of actual Africans.  Everyone still has their connection to their ancestral roots when contrasted with the one that don't..

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