


Please Share The Testimonials of Gruber´s Jungle Oil
franklin gruber <>
franklin gruber
For the last five years have been selling at the Boquete Farmers Market Gruber´s Jungle Oil, The Wrinkle Cream, Gruber´s Pomade for Fungus & Skin Infections and  THE  VIPER SNAKE ANTIDOTE.   I want to thank all of you for trying my products.  I appreciate that you made it possible for me to support my family!  Please feel Free to include any of the testimonials below in your blogs or web pages.   And any of you are welcome to become distributors for Latin American Markets, Europe, Asia, Canada, Australia, except the US, etc.  If you have any friends unemployed please send them this opportunity and testimonials.  Yours Truly, forever, Frank Gruber, Master Herbalist


Gruber´s Jungle Oil and Colds (Flu?)Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Today, 11:10 AM
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Jungle Oil‏From: Byllee Burgess ( Sent: Thu 9/03/09 3:25 PM To: Frank Gruber ( Hi, Medicine Man,A new and wonderful use for Jungle Oil. Colds without red, raw, painfully over-blown noses!! I've gone thru two rolls of TP with this bug and I've kept Jungle Oil on my nose and it's not even RED!!! What an amazing result.Sniffing and grinning,Byllee

Gruber´s Jungle Oil and Skin Cancer

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Yesterday, 11:24 AM
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Skin Cancer Testimonial from Kara JaradPosted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Aug 31 2009, 11:56 AM Admin/Owner OptionsMake This Entry A Draft Lock Entry Delete Entry Edit Entry From: Kara Jarad ( Sent: Wed 7/29/09 1:54 AM To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari ( Dear Frank:I commend your aspirations to help the people here in Panama come into the knowledge and benefit of holistic healing.I, myself, have used both your full strength Jungle Oil and the regular oil for bites, strings and whatever. I recently had a cancerous spot between the ring finger and third finger on my left hand that was very difficult to heal after the cancer was overcome. I started using the regular oil but found that your full strength oil speeded up the process considerably. It was quite painful as it was healing because there was quite a hole that had to be filled in, which has now happened. Now, after about a month of your full strength oil, my hand and fingers are healing beautifully and soon there will be no sign of what could have been a long lasting reminder of the trauma experienced. Further, I had used your regular oil on my face which has brought out the final remains of the amalgem metals that were removed from my mouth in 1995. I had several remaining sites in my lips and the corner of my right eye which are now gone, at long last!Finally, as you know for the past year and a half, I have been actively removing the Morgellons from all over my body, (the results of the Chemtrails up north) and at you suggestion, have applied your regular oil on my arms a couple of times per day which has healed up almost every site on my arms. Frank, not only are you a shining light in the darkness of our healing methods but humanity always knows that they have a friend and defender of life in you...May you bless many others yet to come in your ligthed journey into better health...Kara Jarad

Gruber´s Jungle Oil and Skin Spots

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Yesterday, 11:17 AM
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Date: Fri, 23 Jan 2009 03:47:13 -0800From: baybi_jo@yahoo.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comHi Frank this is Jodi...I am the lady who came with Sis Smith to El Valle with my husband....from Jamaica? Remember?Anyways i hope that you and your family is ok.How has your reading of the Book of Morman been?The oil has been doing wonders for my face clearing up the spots gradually. Sadly one of the bottle you gave us broke with almost half bottle of oil. We have faith in your oil and we need some more.....A large some by the way to buy because my husband is marketing it and we have got good responses.Just for the purpose of marketing the product here in Jamaice could you tell me the uses of the oil not listed on the bottle.May the Lord continue to bless you,and always keep that sweet Spirit that you have within you. I hope you one day find the truth I have found in this gospel that has changed my life.Give the wife and kids my loveJodi

Gruber´s Jungle Oil & Sunburns

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Yesterday, 10:52 AM
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Grubers Jungle Oil‏From: Paul Barry ( You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk Sent: Fri 10/10/08 8:23 AM To: Dear FrankIt was good seeing you once again at Los Capitanes. We first bought a bottle of your jungle oil about 1 year ago and have had excellent results treating sunburn and various insect bites. It has been especially effective on fire ant bites provided one does not “rub-in” the oil as this only inflames the fire ant bite and makes things worse. A moderate no-rub application of the jungle oil to the bite works best. In addition, I have used it as a sun-screen on my face, neck and arms. The results are a very mild sunburn on the same day of exposure. However, the sunburn is gone on the following day.In summary, I think you have an excellent product that I wish were available in the U.S.Best regards and will see you on our next trip to El VallePaul BarryWest Melbourne, FL

Gruber´s Jungle Oil & Scorpion Stings

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Yesterday, 10:14 AM
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The following is a testimonial taken from Boquete Bonnie´s Blog. To find her complete Blog just google Gruber´s Jungle Oil. My thanks to her for her Blog and testimony, Franklin Gruber ChiariBoquete Bonnie Friday, May 1, 2009Meeting Mr. Gruber I believe I mentioned in my last post having acquired a bottle of Gruber's Jungle Oil, the panacea concocted from Panamanian herbs by Franklin Gruber, an FSU alumnus. It's turned out to be quite a lifesaver. When I remember to apply it, it repels the tiny no see-ums, locally called chitres, that dwell in and around vegetative areas. They don't bother us in the house or on the terrace, but the closer we get to the back of the property toward the river or to the coffee fields next door and across the street, the worse they get. And when I forget to apply the jungle oil beforehand, it does a superb job of putting a stop to the itching that ensues.The label on the bottle reads as follows:GRUBER'S JUNGLE OILMade from Panama's finest medicinal plants and soybean oil. It rapidly neutralizes poisons and allergic reactions to sand flies, chiggers, mosquitoes, tics, wasps, bees, spiders and scorpions, etc. Once on the skin disinfects bites to avoid tropical disease and also REPELS those critters for up to 4 hours per application when walking. While sleeping and thus sweating less works all night. Use this oil also to heal severe sun burns and also as an optimum sun screen. Mr. Gruber, an FSU Science Graduate, used it once to heal a mole that changed color and bleed [sic]. Applied on feet before going on muddy nature trails prevents and treats "jungle rot" fungal and bacterial infections. Use also to heal ACNE, minor and mayor [sic] cuts and bruises, prevent, cure gangrenous skin ulcers. As a massage alleviates tense muscles, lupus and arthritis pain, varicose vain [sic] inflammations. Apply 2 to 4 times daily or more. [Mr. Gruber is not a tribute to the FSU English Department.]I badly burned my little finger on and above the cuticle last week when I removed some brown sugar from the microwave and had some of the resulting syrup dripped from a hole in the bag. After soaking the finger in cold water for a while, I applied jungle oil and, voila, a large blister formed, but I have been pain free for a week. (The blister burst yesterday and, admittedly, it's a little tender now. But I'm still applying the jungle oil, which has kept it supple and infection free.)So it was with great anticipation that I set out for the meeting of the Love To Garden Club yesterday morning at which Franklin Gruber Himself was the scheduled speaker. After retrieving my friend Sandy from high up in Alto Jaramillo, driving back down the mountain, and then about ten miles out of town on the road to David, we finally arrived at the home of the member hosting the meeting, where other club members were huddled together on the small front terrace in folding chairs. Having no folding chairs, Sandy and I huddled together on the hard stone steps where we watched as Mr. Gruber unloaded bag after bag of plant material on a small round table and prepared to lecture. He appeared much less peculiar than I had envisioned, but not entirely without peculiarities, not the least of which was that, among the plant material, was a jar of fireants and a freely stalking scorpion. He assured us that the scorpion would be fine on the table, for us not to worry. I, for one, didn't take my eye off him for a minute, being the person most closely situated to the table.The talk proceeded with a discourse on the extraordinary number of medicinal plants in Panama, how he had become familiar with them, and how they had served to cure innumerable people of even more innumerable ills. The stories were fascinating, the ills running the gamut from flatulence to cancer. While he couldn't be described as a dynamic speaker, Mr. Gruber was interesting and kept everyone's undivided attention until such time as a neighbor's gardener took up weedeating and a wind chime overhead began clanging in the breeze. Everyone was alternately leaning forward trying to hear and keeping a wary eye on the scorpion, which was scampering about the table trying to find a way to descend and make mischief. Finally, after about an hour and a half into his two hour allotted time period, Mr. Gruber grabbed the jar of fire ants and thrust his hand in amongst them. Amid the squeals and twitters of the audience, he left it there until what he considered to be a sufficient number of ants had bitten him, after which he removed his hand and liberally applied some jungle oil. He then demonstrated the resulting bites and reported, bit by bit, his reactions to the diminishing pain as the welts gradually, over a period of about five minutes, disappeared. This was followed by more talking about medicinal plants and their uses--still amid the whirring of the weedeater and the jangling of the wind chimes plus the stomping of the fireants that had been slung from Gruber's hand before application of the magic oil --until such time as he located the scorpion on the underside of the table and coaxed him onto a small limb for demonstration purposes. After briefly advising us of the various types of scorpions and the severity of their stings, he aggravated the scorpion into stinging him, whereupon he swallowed a small vial of jungle oil mixed with rum and spread an equal amount of the oil itself on the site of the sting. He confessed to being a little light-headed, at least partly as a result of having eaten nothing that day, he said, and even apologized for needing to sit for a bit. But in due time, ten minutes or so, evidence of the sting had disappeared and he announced that all was well.Afterwards, I introduced myself, and we reminisced about Tallahassee. We were interrupted, however, by various participants extolling the virtues of jungle oil and narrating their own experiences of having used it. Mr. Gruber briefly took the floor once more to announce that two people present had bottles of jungle oil to sell, as well as his newly concocted salve (more a pomade, actually) for sun spots, age spots, and wrinkles. The latter sold out immediately. I have one at my elbow as I write.

Gruber' s Jungle Oil and Dog Skin Infection

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Sep 1 2009, 03:09 PM
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Gruber's Jungle Oil on my Dog's back‏From: Raquel Frame Allen ( You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk Sent: Sun 8/02/09 3:17 PM To: Hi,The oil seems to be stopping the infection on my Dog's back. I would like to try the concentrat form to see how it works. My cell phone is 6466 9530Thanks-- Raquel FrameApartado Postal 0424-00014Volcan, ChirquiRepublic of PanamaWork e-mail: 202 657 5414 USA World-Wide) +1 225 288 8496 Celular - USA) +507 6466 9530 Celular - Panama)

Gruber' s Jungle Oil and BEE STINGS

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Sep 1 2009, 02:57 PM
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Gruber's jungle oil‏From: Isabelle Baccichet ( You may not know this sender.Mark as safe|Mark as junk Sent: Sun 12/02/07 5:51 PM To: Dear Dr.Gruber,last year my father went to Panama and he bought a bottle of Gruber's jungle oil. Last week my father got stung by several bees. He applicated some Gruber's jungle oil on his sting and the sting disappear. Mr. Gruber you save the life of my father. Thank you very much and please can you send me a other bottle of gruber's jungle oil becausemy family is crazy about it. Please wright me back to know my address.thank's againChris Benjamin From Canada

Gruber' s Jungle Oil and ARTHRITIS

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Sep 1 2009, 02:46 PM
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----- Original Message ----- From: Diane Montgomery To: Sent: Thursday, February 08, 2007 4:22 PMSubject: Gruber's jungle oilHi Frank,I met you at El Capitan in November of 2006 and purchased a bottle of your oil and gave you and the staff a ride home. My massage clients are finding relief from arthritis as a result of using your product. I am interested in buying a case. Please send me the information and price. Thank you so much. Diane & George Montgomery

Gruber' s Jungle Oil and Solar Keratosis

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Sep 1 2009, 02:13 PM
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From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comSubject: The Jungle OilDate: Tue, 15 Apr 2008 13:45:17 -0500You may not remember me but we met a few Sundays ago in front of Don Pepe's and Residencial El Valle. You were selling Jungle Oil and showed me your photo album. I told you that your last name Gruber may have once been a Mennonite or Amish name. I also told you that my mother lives near Tampa and I was most impressed with your mother's connection to Hillborough Community College and the art community.How I wish I'd bought more than one bottle of Gruber's Jungle Oil before I left Panama. I am now back in Guadalajara, Mexico, where I live and have almost used up the bottle I purchased. I am using it to see if will help my actinic keratosis (actinic keratosis (AK), also known as a solar keratosis, is a small, rough spot occurring on skin that has been chronically exposed to the sun. Actinic keratoses generally measure in size between 2 to 6 millimeters in diameter, between the size of a pencil point or an eraser. They are usually reddish in color and often have a white scale on top.).Many best wishes on your life, endeavors, and family in El Valle,regina

Gruber' s Jungle Oil and Sting Ray Attacks

Posted by Gruber´s Jungle Oil, Sep 1 2009, 02:04 PM
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From: rd@remingtondean.comTo: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comDate: Wed, 26 Aug 2009 01:59:50 +0000Subject: need a caseHello Mr Gruber. Thanks so much for such an excellent product. My wife and I have been using it for some time since moving to Bocas del Toro, mostly for sand fly repellent and for skin first-aid. However, recently both my daughter-in-law and I received stingray injuries and applied the Jungle Oil immediately. Happy to report complete healing with very minimum discomfort.Now, however, we are running low. Each of the kids wants some and our supply is low and we can find no more here on the island. If you have a distributor here or in Chiriqui we would like to buy a full case of 12 bottles. If not we would like you to send the case to us directly. I can pay by paypal or ACH transfer to your account. If you can send it to David I will have Lucio bring it to the island.Regards,Remington Dean

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