


RE: How You Doing Victor
franklin gruber <>
Hi Victor, I am glad you are doing well in recessionary times! If money is not worth anything why are you accepting donations in cash???????????????  Can you put it in the ground and grow anything with it?   Yes, the end times are near, that is the end of a mayor cycle.  Money now can buy some equipment than can be useful for when money is worthless.  Shirts regardless of their logo will have utility.  Without money how will gasoline be distributed so the world leaders can meet and smoke your marijuana peace pipe...can you explain...have you solved the energy crises problem also...maybe you can...I have learned not to underestimate you.  Your doing your thing and its keeping you alive and from getting into trouble...that is commendable.  You are making a living thats better than being in the unemployment lines.  Have you heard anything from your sisters, are they ok?  Please forgive me if any of my words annoy or insult you, that is not my intention.  When one person does not like anyother usually anything that person says or does is seen in a negative light.  Lets put the past in the past and see if ever we can do each other some good.  That does not mean that the past is forgotten or that it did not contain some hurt, but dueling on it does not improve the now and here.  Best Wishes, Frank, good hearing from you! 
From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: How You Doing VictorDate: Fri, 6 Mar 2009 18:39:27 -0600Hello Frank,     I am doing great, better than ever.  Every day is a new chapter.  I left San Antonio this time around on November 8.  I went to Kerrville, TX, Ozona, Las Cruces, NM, Truth or Consequences, Anaheim, CA, Santa Ana, San Clemente, San Diego, Venice Beach, Sylmar, Ventura, Santa Barbara, Goleta, Santa Maria, San Luis Obispo, Morro Bay, Cambria, Big Sur, Carmel, Monterey, Berkeley, San Francisco, Santa Cruz, and I am in San Jose right now.       I was able to do my typing and update my site to January 31 in San Luis Obispo at the CAL-Poly college library.  I am busy this minute at the SJSU library getting my typing done.  I am already on February 22, not that far away.  Another day of typing should get me caught up, then I'm going to head back to San Luis Obispo to finalize my update at CAL-Poly again.  The computers at their library give me full access, so I can install the programs needed to finalize my new update.       In San Luis, the very same day my digital camera broke, I received word that this girl had just found a digital camera and after hearing my story gladly let me have it.  It's a total upgrade from my old camera.  It's worth $300.  Touch-screen and everything.       Also, in Monterey this dude, right in the middle of me telling him my story, says, "I want to donate to your cause."  He counted out three hundred dollars in my hand.  Just like that.  With it I bought new boots and other supplies I needed.       When I got to Berkeley I gave Berkeley Screenprinting a hundred dollars to get some WORLD PEACE THROUGH MARIJUANA shirts with my website on the back made.  I have seven with me now.  Everybody wants one.  I am charging a minimum fifty dollar donation for my cause.  The shirts are priceless.  Everybody wants one.  I'm sitting on a gold-mine with the shirts.  Not to mention, I have some fresh ones to wear which is almost more important than having them to sell.  I have an image to maintain.     Last year in Florida this nice lady gave me $250 to get shirts made.  I had twenty of them and was planting the seed in every town I went.  I ended up giving a lot away, but not this time.      Haha, what recession?  I have liberated myself from monetary slavery you impose on yourself.  This "recession" isn't phasing me one bit.  I find it hard to believe that you are still trying to convert your natural cures into evil money.  Wake up, already.  None but ourselves can free our minds.     Don't you know we are living in the end-times, Franklin?  You really think we have a decade or so left?  The clock is ticking and if you don't know how to live completely without money, you will not be ready.  Don't say you were never warned.       Be your distributor in the US?  Ha!  What an insult.  I think it's way too late for you to avoid me saying you haven't taken us into consideration.  Your history speaks for itself, Old Man.  Once again, don't believe the fairy tales of million dollar happiness.  When will you ever learn?  Talk is cheap, Franklin.  People may doubt what you say, but they will always believe what you do.  Actions speak louder.  Good luck waking up, - Victor Antonio "Though it may not be our fault that we participate in this grand illusion, because the programming has been present since our time in the would be our fault, for those of us who are awakening, to carry on with the show just because it's the easiest thing to do." 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: How You Doing VictorDate: Thu, 5 Mar 2009 17:28:33 -0600How are you fairing the recession, affecting you vary much?  Here, thank God, in the face of difficult financial worries for the World, my oil is taking off!  Since the medicinal  plants are found free in the jungles my expenses are vary low relative to the expenses of the international pharmaceutical industry.  Due to global warming causing extreme weather conditions  worldwide, famines and scarcity of medicines are likely to be the normal situation for a decade or so ahead.  So from the ashes of my failures, trials and errors am now able to semi retire as my distributors do their work.  Many Americans and Canadians are retiring in Panama, coming here principally because of the lower cost of living. Their pensions sort of triple just by moving here.  I rent for only 60 dollars a month, that includes a home with modern bathroom facilities and two bedrooms, kitchen, etc.  If you would like to be my distributor for Florida, Canada or California, will gladly consider you.  This is the TIME to make money in herbs!   I know from past conversation that this may not interest you as you have other interests but its only fair to offer.  Do not want you to say, I did not take you into consideration in good times.  Whenever I sell the formula, I will keep you and your sisters in mind.  Best regards to Ada, still have fond memories of her.  I am not one to hold a grudge.   Franklin Gruber, Old Man of the Mountain 
From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: You Love Surprises!Date: Tue, 8 Apr 2008 13:02:51 -0500I note that you do not really want to be understood.  Who you really are and what your aims in life are to remain a mystery, thus I gather from your last letter.  In the first sentence you say you do not want to work or earned money and in the second paragraph you state you do.  You like surprises!  You would probably make a good actor as they love drama! I note that you are hoping and probably praying that I continue to be a failure in my endeavors as you place that statement close to my web page.  If you look at the history of the successful people in life you learn that in the vast mayority of cases it did not come easy, only through much trial and error.  My father did state that I was to be a late bloomer.  I think that of you too.  My children  take a long time to mature but when they do they are capable of much contribution to the World and themselves.  You know you do not need to make a lot of money in life to succeed.  Through my work efforts have been able to live without mouching off anybody else for that last  14 years.  When my mother was alive she subsadized my botanical education.   With what I learned in this field have been able to raise a second family for 8 years.  My rent is paid up and I have food in the house and the love of my knew family.  To me that is more success than when I made 500 dollars a day in Puerto Rico shortly before the devastating effects of Hurricane David back in 1978.I am happier now.  Out of resentment and hate you still would like me to continue failing, thats why you project that out to the World, to try to harm my finantial future so your little brothers would have to go through what you have been through or some similar poverty.   You do not have enough sense to try and heal the wounds of your childhood by making a real peace with your earthly father, or as you might state it, biological donar!   It is good that you endeavor to travel the US and probably in the future the World.  You are still growing and gaining experience.  Unless you manage to make money obselete before you are too old, you may need more of it with time.  But since with you everything goes, get the money from donations or work for it, its the same thing, money that you need to survive on in this modern world.  Do not forget to plow back in at least 10 percent of your profits to charity as you have been receiving your fair share.  The biggest surprise you shall get is my success that I already am.   Perserverence has always paid off in the long hang in there your day will come to!   Franklin

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Camel Mining ProductsDate: Fri, 4 Apr 2008 12:12:24 -0500Frank,     I will tell you I try to use money as little as possible(I don't tend to want what I don't need), and when I do use it, it sure as hell isn't money I labored for.  Go ahead, work for money.  Waste your life away.     I am blessed with money on occasion.  It's just given to me sometimes.  I am in essence getting paid for the good work I am doing.  I accept donations, I just don't expect them.  I love surprises.     I usually don't ask for money though.  Money doesn't help people.  PEOPLE help people.  I don't care about spare change.  I want some real change.       It's funny you mentioned bus-fare.  I score courtesy rides on the bus every single day.  I have been for years, everywhere I go.  People like helping.  It's in everybody's nature.       My "alternative solution" is one that has been talked about since the time of Jesus.  All you have to do is follow the rules.  Ask and thou shall receive.  It sure does work for me.  Since when does it hurt to ask?  The worst that could happen is you are told no.  "You do not have because you do not ask."- James 4:2      If you didn't love money, why would you spend so much energy trying to accumulate it?  Maybe it's because you never learned to be happy without it.  So why don't you?  What's taking you so long?  Is it too much trouble for you?  I want a valid answer, not just another excuse.  It's never too late to become what you might have been.       I've been staying at this ('s retreat in Saint Petersburg(technically Gulfport) for almost two weeks now.  I am getting a ride to Miami soon.  You should take the time to read my recent loggings on the journal on my website.  Click on the third link labeled 'A Life Outside the Box" and navigate to 2008.  I have it updated all the way to March 25.  Pictures and all.  Read about the adventure I had at USF in Tampa.  Interesting stuff.Being happy at the bottom puts you on top,- Victor Antonio

From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Camel Mining ProductsDate: Thu, 3 Apr 2008 20:28:41 -0500No Victor I do not have a LOVE for money.  The current World culture imposes this on us, but we may use it to make a transition away from it.  Do not tell me you no longer use any money, not even for bus fair.  Do you have an alternative solution now, can you explain it to me...  Franklin

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Camel Mining ProductsDate: Tue, 1 Apr 2008 07:55:50 -0500Frank,     Slaving away for money is something I will never have an interest in doing.  I hate money, remember?  I see your gold idea as just another delusional get-rich-quick scheme.  Certainly not the first for you.  It will probably not be your last because none of your plans ever work, but yet you keep dreaming.  Your love for money just supports the illusion that it's more than ink and paper and it really isn't.  You are a slave to it's illusion, exactly how they want you to be.  Don't fall for it.  Oh wait, you already did.   - Victor AntonioRoot of all evil, haven't you heard?

From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Camel Mining ProductsDate: Mon, 31 Mar 2008 17:22:31 -0500By imputing Gold Panning Machines in Google, comes up the web page of Camel Mining Products.  There you access the panning machine that fits on your back, gives the video on its operations.  Gold is now over 1,000 dollars an ounce.  Together we might be able to mine a pound a day near where the Canadians established an open pit mine.  At this time I do not have the money to buy it but maybe in a few weeks.  Only 279 US Dollars.  Money may not interest you now, but its good to have this option for the future should you ever need it.  Franklin

From: rightprotect@hotmail.comTo: botanicogruber@hotmail.comSubject: RE: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>Date: Sun, 30 Mar 2008 21:06:12 -0500Frank,     Interesting video.  I have only seen the first ten minutes, and it's already linked on my website.  There are so many paths, I am just trying to be both the candle and the mirror in the illumination-role I have been cast in.  Thanks for helping me educate the masses.  If you have the patience to sit through these, then you should watch some of the NWO Videos on my website(  Start with this one( Peace and love, - Victor Antonio

From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Very advanced philisophical views and predictions <>Date: Mon, 24 Mar 2008 18:14:07 -0500Victor, received this from Wally Crawford jr. a childhood acquaintance in the area of Ocala, he too is an initiate of Guru Kirpal Singh.  Info in it say that global warming is cosmic not just local, cites whats happening, the recent changes in the rest of the solar system, in about the year 2010, the ascencion this whole area of the Universe will go through, like into another dimension, please check it out and give me your feedback as I respect your opinions and views!  Franklin

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