


FW: Wisdom Eye..the beginning
franklin gruber <>

From: botanicogruber@hotmail.comTo: RE: Wisdom Eye..the beginningDate: Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:25:53 -0500Martin, approximately the year 2002, the month I do not recall, a mothership landed on or arround Cerro  La  India Dormida.  I do not know if it arrived via the portal or from outer space.  I did not see it but became aware of human sentinals that where mutated as servants to watch the trails leading to the top.  Was told the day it was to land and out of curiosity visited the area, only finding the sentinal.  This was in a period where three mother ships from three confines of the Universe converged on Earth and helped prevent the third World War disarming atomic bombs that Saddam Hussien had placed.   So this area has been of importance for eons.  I would like to know more why I was asked by God to come here at 4 PM one night as I awoke back in 1988.  I know it had to do with my health but since I always keep coming back.  Apparrently the GOOD forces and EVIL forces have a vested interest in Laboratory Earth, the seeding ground.  Thank You again for your wisdom, take care of yourself, with brotherly affection,  Franklin

Date: Mon, 17 Mar 2008 10:49:15 +0000From: Wisdom Eye..the beginningTo:
Hi Frank
I will contact you friend. El Valle and the surrounding mountainous area is a giant portal; a place where the membrane between this and parallel Earth's and dimensions is thinner. For gifted shamans and those aligned with this truth they can connect to other dimensions within themselves more easily by living in that region. Of course the portal can be a conduit for good and bad spirits too from realms below this. There are eight classes of spirits that inhabit the same space, some benign and some malevolent! Ultimately all is mind and through pure perception we can, with training and skillful means, cut-through this reality and communicate with angelic and celestrial realms. Once we no longer have a body this becomes easier.
Opening the Wisdom Eye
Meditate upon this daily and unceasing until every pore of your body embraces its meaning. Breath in the fear, pain and suffering of all sentient beings (including malevolent and troubled spirits) as a dark mass , pause and transmute that suffering into pure joy and happiness as a brilliant white light inside you. Now as you breath out loving heal rays fill the bodies of countless beings through-out creation. All are healied, all are blessed, all are made whole (Holy) with no beginning and no end.
All is God
A child's face
A hungary dog
A tree rustling in the wind
A stream gurgling down a mountain
The shifting clouds in the sky
All is Sacred
Every human being
Every animal
Every insect
Every plant
Every rock
Every planet, moon and star
All are Deserving of My Love
Only oneness
Only oneness
Only oneness
All are Enjoying My Love
Only love
Only love
Only love
Namo Cristo
Namo Cristo
Namo Cristo
Let Thy Will Be Done
Let God's Will Be Done
Let My Will Be Done
Let is be so!
saludos and blessings

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