


Prepare to Enter Your Ultimate Survival Area!
franklin gruber <>
These are last signs and signals to find the ultimate refuge.  When all hell does break lose one must go into complete isolation having stored food, medicine, tools, Tents, etc  and means to protect the survival group.  One should emerge from the shelter 3 to 6 months later or maybe as long as one year.  Isolation, may be inside a rock mountain, due to the panic of those who did not prepare and also due to the powers that be that may wish to reduce surface population with arms, disease, famine, etc.  The best Survival Philosophy is total  flexibility.  Count the possible negative events that could occur in a crumbling world and besides it place the your  "reaction alternatives."  Put plastic on your events and reaction list,  and as the events develop find the event on the chart and ask yourself if the thought out reaction is still pertinent, if not what other improvisation might work.  Write all this down because in tense moments the anxiety can cause memory to fail, while having it written down can give you a better sense of security and stimulate creative survival thought.   Here in Panama I am frequently using plastic boots, they are very strong and durable, the ones the indians use in the mountains.  They are used without socks to stimulate calouses because in a wet dense jungle socks get dirty and stinky fast and soap is to be conserved for the body.  The boots are washed and disinfected with hot water daily.  There are many people out there that say   I WOULD RATHER DIE THAN LOWER MY STANDARD OF LIVING IN AN UPSIDE DOWN WORLD.¨¨  Well, exercise in good times in mountain areas can help your health in the long run in THE SHAPE OF THINGS TO COME.   But who knows, maybe mothing serious will happen, but for peace of mind, its always good to read the signs and be prepared.  This is from Herbalist Frank Gruber who gave the Jungle Survival Talk to the American Community in Boquete, Panama several years ago.   I do email consultation for 50 dollars.  Personal Consultations to try and heal all your ailments, 150 dollars.  I only provide the prescriptions, every one in Panama or elsewhere has to hunt down the herbs, scientific names are given, but they are plentiful growing wild here.  Please share this survival message with as many people as you can.  Once money is no longer in the local economies, I am prepared to give my HERBAL PRESCRIPTIONS FREE to all those who solicit them or trade for other items.  May the FORCE be with YOU ALL in distressful times ahead!   Frank Gruber, Master Herbalist, Panama, email:

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