


Traveling South???
Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari

Hello Victor, its been raining hard every afternoon here for about two hours and although its Sunday the business with the Tourists has been slow.  So called it a day early and am in the breadstore where there are two computors and have more time to write you.

First of all, let me recognize the fact that you are doing something UNIQUE.  Finding what is unique about oneself is the beginning of developing the genius in all of us.   You did in your environment what I have done in mine, stepped back from the money hungry World and found your peace.   You have been able to make a living without enslaving yourself to some one elses capitalistic will.   With the herbs which are free in health giving mountains, I too liberated my mind and soul from Modern Civilization.  You might say this is almost a programmed genetic thing with us new generation Grubers.   I say this because your two youngest brothers also have wills of steel and are Super Intelligent  and Super  INDEPENDANT.  Quick wit and initiative they demostrate daily.

Marisol, my wife,in her first marriage, had three relatively passive Children, at least in early childhood.  Your brothers in spite of the almost military discipline they force me to apply which I would rather not since I also give them much time and love, almost always do  what they want even if they are only 4 and 6.  Example, yesterday, asked Patrick to go into the house while I spoke to a client on the porch, three times found him under the desk next to me while speaking to my client.  Yesterday while speaking to a client just for kicks  HE TRIED TO RIP MY SHORTS DOWN AND EXPOSE MY BALLS.  LUCKILY CAUGHT MY PANCE IN TIME!   Even if they are driving their mother MAD for me they are a lot of fun.  It took Frank jr. a long time to get out of the habit of hitting me when he was angry and annoyed.  Patrick automatically punches me and his mother about 10 times a second, like Casius Clay when he gets upset.  No point in spanking him then, he does it automatically, blindly, like a natural reflex.  Patrick at age 4 asked me Dad, " why is the moon round?"  Why when you walk the dirt is thrown backwards! " So he investigates Newtons third law of motion at age 4, incredible!  They are both gladiators by nature, Frank jr. begs me to buy him a SWORD. 

Why are they this way???   Well, the TV feeds them Violence in the comic strips, Karate, bombs in the Coyote chasing the roadrunner etc.  If I turn it off they raise hell and have little to do, and where we are at there is no direct tv.  Yet, I saw all that crap myself as a KID and was no where near the hell on wheels these two kids are.  Well not then, I was hell on wheels at age 16.  On a daily basis they outright dictate to me what toys I HAVE TO BUY FOR THEM.

Now, I acknowledge that in old age, I am rather volatile in charactor, but so are you and I have not seen you for eons, what makes us this it the GERMAN IN US.  So we must each seek those environments and circumstances that give us the peace we require to develop best our genius.  You have created something Unique, a life style that works in the Heart of Capitalism without being Capitalistic,  Fantastic, I appreciate it now bettor as I myself become more and more repugnant with a heartless system where OPPORTUNISM  is the main personality ingredient.   I believe in Capitalism with a head, with a purpose that includes HUMANITARIANISM.  I acknowledge the need for money but not so much as an end in itself, it should not become as a GOD for then we lose our direction and our soul. " What does a man gaineth if he gains the whole wolrd and losses his soul" 

OK so this gives you a feel as to my thinking now days, we all are evolving or moving backwards, life is dynamic.

About the possibility of you coming South?  Does, that mean Panama?  Does that mean visit me?   If you do come in Peace and can HOLD IT WHILE YOU ARE HERE, you are welcome!  But if you bring resentments to EXPLODE IN MY FACE  you will be treated EXACTLY THE WAY YOU TREAT  ME THREEFOLD!  It is entirely YOUR DESICION how you want me to treat YOU.   I would prefer to treat you WELL, like the long lost Son who visits or comes back to me.  

Our situation at the house is some times hectic.  Two Dennis the Mennis running arround all day making their mom and me tense.   Currently since my truck broke down and have not been able to bring my furniture from Los Santos province, there is only one bed in the house where we rent.  I am working on resolving this although money has gone mostly into activating the business and projecting it via internet.   My stepson, Ariel, has a room he rents with a modern bathroom for 40 dollars, its a rare deal in an area where the average house for rent is 500 dollars due to the influx of Americans and Europeans retiring here driving prices up while they wait for their homes to be constructed.  That room he has is mostly now not used since he is spending time with us helping his mom and brothers, he dropped out of school, he has so far not demonstrated much gray mattor for all practical reasons but seems to have a natural talent for electronics, he fixes most appliances almost by just looking at them!  The room may be available to you to stay but he has to check with his girl friend who works and pays his rent!   However, she comes to experience him only about every 15 days on weekends.  So I have no problem you staying with us if you do not smoke any pot in the presence of your small brothers and we manage to get along.  That does not mean we have to agree on everthing.  I respect that you have a mind of your own, so long as you are not antagonistic you wont bring out in me my worst instincts.  Like you, I do a lot of walking and climbing and am in vary good physical condition in spite of a few tumors that I have under control and are small, on my arm and vains of my feet.  I got these after drinking contaminated city water coming from a countryside full of agent orange in Los Santos Province.  Here in the mountains, a national reserve of forest surrounds us and the water is pure as it can get from nature.

Even if you do not stay long, I think it would be valuable and beneficial for us to meet.  Once we meet we play it by ear and see where we go from there.  That is if you have plans coming this way.   There is much that I can teach you regarding the art of healing with herbs, if you have interest, but it will not automatically be given you.  Lets see how we get along first before I give you my secrets.   In the least case, the methodology as to how I progressed to the state I have will be shared with you,  the way to achieve formulas for twenty or thirty ailments that you can garantee WORK!

                                    Sincerely,  Franklin

From: victor gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <>Subject: RE: Yahoo Groups.Date: Sat, 13 Oct 2007 11:05:50 -0500Hi Franklin,     Right now I am in a public library in Rochester, Minnesota.  It's cold.  I couldn't find a line as you described on my left hand.  As far as god being sued.  "One of the greatest delusions in the world is the hope that the evils in this world are to be cured by legistlation."  There's no government like no government.  We can govern ourselves.  We can heal ourselves too.  We need to stop acting like humanity is on top of creation and give control and care of our lives back to LOVE.       Have you ever read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn?  It's such a masterpiece.  Diana bought if for me before I left this year on September 18.  It's been my traveling book.  I have read if three times now and cannot wait to read it again.  If you have never read it, I highy recommend it.  The entire world needs to read it.  It's fiction, a novel, but it might as well be non-fiction.  It pinpoints so many things.  It's screams volumes of truth.     Well, I hope everything is going good for you.  After I finish my East Coast trip I just might be going South.  We'll see what happens. Peace and Love, - Victor Antonio

From: botanicofranklingruber@hotmail.comTo: rightprotect@hotmail.comSubject: Yahoo Groups.Date: Sat, 6 Oct 2007 17:03:07 +0000
Hello Victor, glad you are well and trying to do your best to leave the World bettor than how you found it. Everyone has a place in the World and you found yours, hope your messages contributes to making a bettor humanity.  Congratulations!  Franklin     PS Yea, enemies make things more interesting but try to keep them to a minimum.   There is a Christ Spirit influence on us.  Check your hands and see if a line that goes down the middle curves slightly to the right on your left hand.  If its there its a hereditary sign of  NATURAL MEDIUM.  It does not mean that everything that comes to your mind is inspired but straining it out you will find the inspired thoughts that come in bursts especially when the vibration of your soul is at a higher frequency.   In my next lettor to you after I go home will give you the page and German author of the text on Scientific handwriting, a Kier Editorial text.  The lines only indicate tendencies that are projected into the future.  They can change in about 5 years depending on your physical, mental and spiritual health.  The lines vary from person to person and are the reaction to AURIC ENERGY EMANATING.   From that editorial you will find the texts with information filtered in from extraterrestial sources, the series, about 1,500 books is mostly scientific.I wont be on Yahoo for long.  Look for me elsewhere if you want to follow my steps.  Obviously this forum is not interested in natural products  or the ultimate fate of humanity.  They are mostly interested in the details of softlanding in Panama.  If they only new that potentially I can be one of their best allies as my 26 years of experience here goes beyond first impressions onto the real facts of life.   For example, he who obtains now 6 hectarias in Panama will in 5 years be the holder of 1.6 million dollars at 20 dollars a square metor.  But those opportunities are drying up.  I know where to get the good cheap titled land, thousands of hectarias, however in less than two years these opportunities will vanish.  In 5 years land in Panama will probably be as expensive as downtown Manhattan, of course this is an exageration but illustrates the point.  Finally received the assistance from two computor geniuses, one german and the other north american, so as yourself will be all over the web bringing my messages.  The main point is that with global warming germs are mutating at an accellerated rate.  It takes the pharmaceutical industry 10 years to come up with the average product.  By the time they catch up with the mutations we will all be dead.  We need to get back to nature especially medicinal plants that are semi toxic, these in formulas have a shot gun effect on germs that do not allow them to mutate, the dosages need to be carefully calibrated.   There are hundreds of plants that in common sense experience of thousands of years have given the dosage that kills germs but does not kill people.  As a whole these plants have INSECTICIDAL PROPERTIES.  One such humble plant is   MENT, it kills intestinal parasites and is safe with children, another example is garlic, but there are hundreds.  Science as a whole classifies plants into TOXIC  and NON TOXIC for instruction purposes but the gold mine in rapidly making an arsenal for the coming epidemics is in the SEMITOXIC PLANTS.As always Victor, wishing YOU the BEST!   I do not know if in any way our God given missions are complementary yet if I can assist you, " estoy a tus ordenes. "  You obviously are doing already a good job.   Franklin Gruber  PS  What do you think about God Being Sued in US Courts?

From: victor gruber <>To: Botanico Gruber Gruber Chiari <>Subject: RE: Boomarrang effectDate: Sat, 15 Sep 2007 07:19:04 -0500

Franklin,     Life has been great for me lately.  My mission and my website have been evolving beautifully.  My site is spreading like wildfire.  I am taking off soon again.  I'll be going to the ignorant coast this time.  It's going to blow the lid off my story.  I like a challenge.       Tell me more about your "enemies."  They might just be trying to scare you by making you think they would come after me, wanting my address and all.  Failure is completely based on fear.  Plus, my address is fairly easily obtainable through my website, if you know what you're doing.  I'm not scared at all.       This is all happening for a reason, for everything does.   It's all just part of the show.  I am not scared one bit.  I am a walking peace publicity stunt.  Just last month I was walking twenty miles downtown every other day.  Did it like four or five times in a row.  Every car that passed me got the peace sign.  I've been waving at cars for six years now everywhere I go.  In San Antonio EVERYBODY waves back.  On Wednesdays I would walk downtown AND back home too.  Walked forty miles in about ten hours, taking my time.  I was wearing a shirt that said FUCK BUSH.  Relax, I'm a professional.      I have some new armaments as well.  My mission has evolved into digital pictures.  I was blessed with a new digital camera, so there will be tons more pictures soon.  You might be watching me on YouTube soon, if you know what that is.  Everywhere I go I get recognized.  It's all just excellent confirmation that I have NOT been wasting my time these past six years and am being very productive with my volunteer work that is my life.  What more do I need to motivate me?  I'm never going to stop.  Like I said my site is spreading like wildfire.  Have you looked at it lately?  It's evolved much.  Be sure and check out my guestbook and witness the great reaction I am having with your own eyes.       It was weird.  I never check this address anymore.  It had expired and I reactivated it like three months ago when I got back to San Antonio.  I usually use my address.  This morning I luckily remembered the password to this one and I have a message from you from yesterday.  Weird, wacky stuff.Well, let me know what's going on.- Victor Antoniop.s.  "Love your enemies and be kind to them.  Then you will receive a great reward."

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